How to remove swelling of the nose in a child?


The reasons

Cells of the mucous membranes are necessary to protect the internal environment from the penetration of various substances that have a pathogenic effect. They are the first line of defense against the penetration of various bacterial infections into the children's organism.

Violation of nasal breathing develops in children at any age. Virtually every mother often faces this situation.

To the appearance of edema of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages in babies lead to any allergies. They occur with the ingestion of various allergens. Such situations are usually seasonal manifestation.

The peak of their development occurs in spring and summer. At this time, begin to bloom various flowers, herbs and shrubs. Pollen precipitates and causes the development of a child's allergic rhinitis (rhinitis).

Feature of the structure of the nasopharynx in infants and newborns contributes to the fact that their runny nose can have very physiological character. This is especially common in babies who have been in very dry rooms for a long time. Reduced humidity in the nursery provokes the appearance of signs of impaired nasal breathing in the baby.

Nasopharyngeal growth different polyps leads to the fact that the baby breathes worse nose. Exposure to the nose can be caused by a variety of causes. Most often, these pathologies occur in school-age children. To identify this manifestation is quite easy - by the appearance of the child. The baby begins to constantly breathe through his mouth, since breathing through his nose is significantly impaired.

Bacteria or viruses, getting on the mucous membranes, also contribute to the fact that the baby appear manifestations of a strong runny nose. The disease can occur in different ways. The severity of adverse symptoms depends largely on the age at which the child developed such an infection.

Many aggressively acting staphylococci cause the baby to have the strongest edema of the mucous membranes, which is accompanied by a prolonged and severe runny nose.


Swelling of the nasopharynx is quite common when adenoids. This pathology is manifested by the development in the child of an overgrowth of adenoid tissue, which covers the lumen of the nasopharynx for air. This condition develops predominantly in school-age children.

The disease can flow in different ways. The initial stages of this disease, as a rule, do not manifest themselves. Only with quite active growth of the adenoids in the baby do specific manifestations of this pathological condition appear.

Traumatic injuries of the nose also lead to the fact that the baby appears severe swelling in the nasopharynx. Boys who often get involved in fights are subject to this condition much more often. The danger of nasal injuries is that they can cause damage to the nasal septum, which will only contribute to the progression of adverse symptoms in a child in the future.


Swollen mucous membranes can cause a child to develop some adverse symptoms. Ill baby looks like usual. The appearance of the child almost does not changeespecially during the initial stages of the disease. Only when the current is running, the baby begins to actively breathe through his mouth, since breathing through his nose is very difficult for him.

Such breathing contributes to the child’s lips dry out a lot. The mucous membranes of the throat are also beginning to dry out.This is not only manifested by pronounced dry lips, but can also lead to the development of pharyngitis in the child or other diseases. To this, as a rule, leads to contact with the mucous membranes of too cold air.

All symptoms begin to appear in the baby consistently and gradually increase. First, the baby develops congestion. The next symptom is a runny nose. Discharge from the nose is mucous, usually with a yellowish tinge. In bacterial infections, a runny nose is abundant with green discharge.

Severe swelling contributes to the baby can snore while sleeping. This symptom is especially pronounced when there are various adenoid growths or polyps in the child’s nasopharynx, which prevent normal breathing. Severe forms of the disease are also accompanied voice change. Ill child starts nasal or hoarse.


After determining the cause of the swelling of the nasopharynx in the baby, doctors prescribe the appropriate treatment regimen. Children's otolaryngologists are engaged in the treatment of various diseases of the nose. To establish the correct diagnosis, they conduct research with the help of special medical instruments. In the course of such an examination, they can reveal the most diverse pathological changes that exist on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages.

It is possible to remove swelling of the nose by using various medications. The selection of such drugs by the attending physician., since many of these tools have a number of limitations to use.

Parents should remember that these funds should be applied for a certain time, since they can cause the appearance and development of unwanted side effects in the child.

In order to remove the swelling of the nasopharynx, doctors usually prescribe various antihistamines. They do well in eliminating inflammation, and also have a regenerating effect on the damaged mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. The duration of taking such drugs is usually 5-10 days and depends on the severity of the child’s pathological condition.

Modern antihistamines practically do not cause side effects in babies. The most unfavorable of them - pronounced drowsiness. However, in order to further reduce the likelihood of the development of such an undesirable manifestation of the drug in the baby, doctors recommend taking these medications mainly in the afternoon before going to bed.

This condition should be observed by schoolchildren in order not to impair their academic performance during classes at school.

The form of release of antihistamines can be very different. For the treatment of edema of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, the most common drugs produced in the form of sprays. They perfectly irrigate the nasal passages and have no systemic effect on the baby’s body.. "Kromosol" and "Kromoglin" will help reduce swelling in the nasopharynx and will contribute to better breathing in a sick child.

In some cases, local treatment is not enough. In such situations, doctors have resorted to the use of medicines, produced in the form of tablets. These agents have a more pronounced therapeutic effect. They are appointed, as a rule, 1-2 times a day. It is necessary to wash down these means with enough liquid.

As such drugs in children's practice have been successfully used. "Suprastin", "Zyrtec", "Loratadine», «Tsetrin» and many others. It should be noted that these tools can be used not only as a treatment, but also to prevent the appearance of nasal edema. And especially to prevent the development of exacerbation of certain types of allergic diseases.

In some cases, doctors also prescribe homeopathic remedies. They help not only to cope with swelling of the nose, but also improve the overall health of the child. "Rengalin" helps to eliminate inflammation and also has an antitussive effect, which makes it possible to use this remedy for the treatment of concomitant diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

You can also eliminate the adverse symptoms of nasal mucous edema with the help of various vasoconstrictor nasal drops. It is important to remember that you should not abuse the use of such drugs. Long-term and uncontrolled reception of these funds largely contributes to the development of symptoms in a sick child. atrophy of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages.

This condition is very unfavorable, as it is difficult to treat, but is accompanied by the persistence of dangerous symptoms of impaired breathing.

As such nasal drops are used "Nazivin", "Xylen"," For "," Galazolin» and many others. These funds are usually used for 3-5 days. Longer use is undesirable and must be discussed with your doctor. Apply these drugs can be 2-3 times a day according to the instructions on the package. Before carrying out the instillation of the spout of the child is better to wash.

Doctors recommend washing with salt solutions. By its chemical composition, these funds are almost completely equivalent to sea water. These drugs are sold in every pharmacy. It is possible to use such means for a long time, as they cause some dangerous states in the child and contribute to the improvement of his nasal breathing.

Rinse the nose should be every time before instillation into it of various medicinal drops or spray treatment. Children should do such procedures with the obligatory control of adults. Teenagers can wash their nose on their own. If a child has any difficulties with this procedure, then it is necessary to help him.

It is very important when carrying out the washing of the nasal passages to prevent the ingress of fluid into the cavity of the middle ear.

Some forms of nose swelling cannot be eliminated without using local hormonal drugs. They are not drugs that are prescribed to all babies, without exception. For any purpose hormones there are certain strict indications, so they are appointed only by otolaryngologists.

"Benorin" and "Nazarel" are used in rather difficult clinical situations, when more intensive therapy is required to eliminate the adverse symptoms that have arisen in a baby due to pronounced nasopharyngeal edema.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell all about the causes of nasal congestion in the next release of the program.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.