Broad-spectrum antibiotics for children
The first, as you know, the earth was colonized by bacteria. There are millions of them, they are everywhere: in the water, in the air, in the soil, inside and around each of us. “Good bacteria” help us, but “bad” ones often cause quite serious diseases. Today, everyone, even far from medicine, a person has very specific ideas about antibiotics, and focuses on at least a few names of drugs. The term "broad-spectrum antibiotics" is also common. Let's see what it is and start from the beginning.
A bit of history
The first antibiotic was obtained in 1928 by the Englishman Alexander Fleming. It was Penicillin, but it turned out to be rapidly deteriorating, and even the expert commission at the medical club did not pass. Only 10 years later, Americans Howard Florey and Ernst Chain identified the antibiotic as a separate, environmental-resistant species, and immediately tested the wounded in the hospitals of the Second World War.
Starting in 1943, penicillin was launched into mass production, and after 2 years, Flory and Chein were awarded the Nobel Prize.
Antibiotics are a group of substances (semi-synthetic, animal or vegetable) that can destroy bacteria, microorganisms, fungi.
Antibiotics are conventionally divided into bactericidal and bacteriostatic. The first ones are guys of a slaughter temper, they immediately destroy the pest without unnecessary lyrics, the second ones are intellectuals, they have a scientific and long-term approach - they block the enemy's ability to reproduce.
Some antibiotics more effectively cope with one type of bacteria, others with another. But there are such "fighters" for our health who are able to destroy completely different microbes. These are the very broad-spectrum antibiotics.
It is not always clear which bacteria, fungi, or conditionally pathogenic flora caused the disease, and there is no time for laboratory tests: the child needs emergency care. In such cases, doctors and prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. For example, when meningitis at karapuz, the question of life and death can be solved in a matter of hours, and laboratory tests will be ready in only 2-3 days. While doctors understand what caused the illness of a baby, antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action immediately go into the fight against unknown pests.
Types of broad spectrum antibiotics
Possess mainly bactericidal action. They destroy the cell walls of bacteria. Effectively and quickly destroy staphylococci, pathogens of gonorrhea, E. coli, salmonella, whooping cough. The most prominent representatives of the series - "Amoxicillin"And"Ampicillin».
These antibiotics from the previous group are more resistant to the enzymes that in their defense produce microbes. Where the penicillin fighter is killed, the cephalosporin will survive and bring the case to the end. The most famous antibiotics of the series, which are used in pediatrics - "Ceftriaxone», «Cefotaxime», «Cephalexin" and etc.
These are relatively new antibiotics. These drugs are used mainly in severe conditions, nosocomial infections. In ordinary life, we rarely find these names. And this is good.But in fairness, I will call carbapanemal antibiotics by the names: “Meropenem”, “Ertapenem”, etc.
These antibiotics do an excellent job with various bacteria, and even some of the simplest organisms. But against mold fungi and acid-resistant bacteria - not warriors. The most famous representatives of this series are "Tetracycline" and "Doxycycline».
These antibiotics have a rather narrow “profile”. They are usually thrown into the fight against gram-negative pests - with skin infections, soft tissues, musculoskeletal system, as well as with sespis. The most famous representative of the group used in pediatrics - "Aztreonam."
These "universal soldiers" are resistant not only to different types of bacteria, but also to other antibiotics. You probably know their names - Streptomycin, Gentamicin.
These are real giants among the relatives. They can destroy not only bacteria, but also spirochetes, and even some dangerous viruses. You, too, most likely met them. It "Levomycetin, "Sintomitsin", "Iruksol".
Broad-spectrum antibiotics (AHSD) on the pharmacy counter have several pharmacological forms:
- drops;
- powders for suspensions;
- pills;
- dry matter for injections - intramuscular and intravenous injections.
But in the form of candles and in the syrup antibiotics do not exist.
Good or bad?
There are undoubted advantages: broad-spectrum antibiotics quickly penetrate the tissues of the body and accumulate where they are most needed - at the site of the dislocation of infection. Compared with other antibiotics (narrow focus), they are safer, less likely to cause allergic reactions. Manufacturers say they do not need to be taken at the same time as drugs to prevent dysbiosis, although this item is questionable. Finally, broad-spectrum antibiotics are quite compatible with other medications.
But any, even low-toxic antibiotic of the last generation, does not possess the intelligence and recognition system of “friend or foe”, and therefore it effectively destroys both harmful and useful microorganisms. Therefore, a rare course of treatment with antibiotics does not end with dysbiosis or thrush (in girls).
And also any antibiotic weakens the human immune system. Think about it yourself, why should immunity try and fight the contagion, if the “flying guys” quickly do everything for it?
Well, another fly in the ointment. Bacteria are not asleep, and do not give up without a fight, and therefore their antibiotic resistance is constantly increasing. The more often a person uses antibiotics, the more resistant to them become pathogens. Recently, the Russians how often and completely uncontrollably ate antibiotics with or without evidence that the scientists and the Ministry of Health sounded the alarm. And now, to be exact From January 1, 2017, all antibiotics in pharmacies in Russia without exception are sold strictly according to prescriptions.. This is a necessary measure that will not allow bacteria, with their significantly increased resistance, to win this war for the life of mankind.
Terms of appointment
Consider situations in which the doctor may prescribe a child with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Contrary to popular belief that flu and ARVI it is easy to win thanks to antibiotics (according to VTsIOM, 46% of Russians think), in the case of diseases caused by viruses, antibiotics are just completely powerless. These diseases should be treated with antiviral drugs.
And “universal” antibiotics will be prescribed to your child in the following cases:
- High temperature body more than 39 degrees (more than 38 degrees - for babies up to a year), caused by a bacterial infection,
- Bronchitis,
- Otitis,
- Sinusitis,
- Angina,
- Tonsillitis and paratonsillite,
- Whooping cough,
- Pneumonia,
- Meningitis,
- Heavy intestinal infection,
- The postoperative period (for prevention).
Once again, with the flu, ARVI, chickenpox, measles and hepatitis, as well as rubella and herpes, antibiotics are not prescribed.The exceptions are cases if a child has a bacterial infection of the virus, which usually becomes clear 4-5 days after the onset of the disease.
If the child, in spite of the prescribed antiviral treatment, does not become easier, you can be suspected that bacteria are to blame. Doctors should confirm this by taking the baby’s blood and smears for analysis.
List of the most common drugs
An antibiotic of the penicillin group, successfully defeating staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli. But some bacteria secrete a special enzyme that destroys the antibiotic. This drug can be prescribed to your child for colds, pharyngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. Sore throat and otitis, cystitis and pyelonephritis will not stand before him. And also this antibiotic is widely used to treat dysentery and salmonellosis. It is contraindicated in children who are allergic to blooms (pollinosis) and liver failure. All forms of this medicine are taken exclusively by mouth. For children from birth to 4 years old - 5 years old - it is preferable to give an antibiotic in suspensions. The dosage and regimen prescribed by the doctor, based on the age and weight of the baby, as well as the severity of the tiny disease. The initial price of drugs in pharmacies - from 70 rubles.
This is the sameAmoxicillin, Only enhanced by clavulanic acid, which protects the antibiotic from the harmful enzymes produced by bacteria. The antibiotic is available in suspension powder and powder for injection. Tablet form is designed for adults. Allowed to apply even to newborns., however, in the dosage determined by the doctor and exclusively for vital indications. For babies from 2 months, the dosage is calculated based on body weight. Children between the ages of 2 and 3 years are given 5-7 ml each (depending on the severity of the disease), from 3 years old to 7 years old - 5-10 ml each, for children aged 7 to 12 years old - a single dose of 10-20 ml (depending on the severity of the diagnosis). The cost of the drug in pharmacies starts from 150 rubles per suspension and 260 rubles per pill.
This one more follower "Amoxicillin, Also enhanced with clavulanic acid. According to parents and doctors, this is a very good antibiotic for children, which the baby drinks easily (in the form of a suspension) and helps quite quickly. Also The drug is approved for use by children under 1 year. The price of the drug is from 360 rubles for tablets, from 400 rubles for soluble tablets and from 150 rubles for powder for dilution of the suspension.
This is a cephalosporin antibiotic, a second-generation drug. It is very effective in infections of the respiratory system (bronchitis, lung abscess, pneumonia), has proven itself as a means to treat otitis, tonsillitis, furunculosis, meningitis, as well as diseases of the joints, including after injuries and surgical operations. Form release - powder for the preparation of injections. Pediatric dosage should be calculated by the doctor, based on the age and weight of the patient. Approved for use for children under 1 year of age on special indications. Price in pharmacies - from 200 rubles per bottle.
Summamed forte
This is an antibiotic - azalide. He copes well with skin diseases - various dermatoses, but his main “horse” - diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Available in tablets - for adults and in powder for self-dilution of the suspension for children. The age limit is for children 6 months and older. Suspensions differ in tasty fruit aromas - banana, raspberry. The cost of a bottle of powder for the preparation of suspensions - an average of 600 rubles.
This is a third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic. The drug successfully copes with Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, but “passes” in front of the pyocyanic rod, the majority of Staphylococcus species. For children, the drug is available in the form of granules for the preparation of suspensions with strawberry flavor. The drug is also recommended for children from 6 months. Packing cost "Supraxa"In pharmacies - from 700 rubles.
Flemoxine Solutab
This is a penicillin antibiotic. It is very popular among pediatricians, the drug is prescribed even for newborns in the case of respiratory infections, diseases of the urogenital system and intestinal infections. For kids, the dose is calculated based on the weight of the toddler. A single dose for children from 3 to 8 years old - from 500 to 750 mg, for children over 13 years old - she will be equal to an adult. The price of the drug in pharmacies - from 254 rubles.
This is not a complete list. There may still be dozens of names of drops with antibiotics (eye, in the ears), hundreds of names of tablets and suspensions.
General rules for taking antibiotics by children:
- Be sure to follow the regimen prescribed by your doctor. Even with a visible improvement, you can not reduce the dose or cancel the drug, because only the weakest representatives of bacteria and fungi will die. The remaining mutations will occur, resistance to the drug will be formed.
- Carefully observe the child on the first day after the start of taking the antibiotic, allergic reactions, if they occur, then it happens in 24-36 hours.
- The course of treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is at least 5 days. In the most severe cases, the doctor may prescribe them for 14 days.
- Try to give your child medication at regular intervals every day at the same time during or immediately after a meal. It is impossible to drink antibiotics on an empty stomach.
- A child who takes antibiotics, it is desirable to establish a diet: to exclude from his diet, fatty and fried foods, sour berries and fruits, so as not to create an additional load on the liver.
- Talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking drugs that improve the intestinal microflora during antibiotic treatment.
- If the baby does not feel better on the third day of taking the antibiotic, inform your doctor. Most likely, you will need to adjust the appointment and pick up another children's antibiotic.

In the next video, the popular children's doctor Komarovsky tells in detail about antibiotics, for what they are needed and in what cases they are used.