Analogues of Miramistin for children


«Miramistin»Can be called one of the most popular antiseptics, which are prescribed to both adults and children. However, it is not always possible to purchase and use such a medicine. Someone is interested in analogues cheaper, and someone is forced to replace such a tool with another - because of an allergic reaction. Many people want to find out more about which drugs work the same way and can replace “Miramistin” for children.

Composition and release form

The drug is produced in the form of a solution that does not have any color, taste or aroma. It is transparent, and if you shake the package, the tool foams.

The medicine is produced by the Russian company Infamed - in several packaging options suitable for different purposes. Children usually buy bottles of 150 ml (with a spray nozzle). Demand and smaller bottles (they contain 50 ml of solution), which have a urological applicator, replaced by a nozzle-sprayer.

The main ingredient of the solution is called Miramistin, it is represented in the drug by the amount of 0.1 g per 1 liter (a concentration of 0.01% is obtained). This compound is supplemented only with purified water, and there are no other chemical additives in Miramistin.

How does it work?

"Miramistin" is able to destroy many types of bacteria, as well as fungi and viruses. The drug effectively affects candida, chlamydia, Escherichia, pneumococcus, Klebsiella, treponema pallus, herpes viruses and many other pathogens. In addition, the solution stimulates local immune responses and accelerates healing, but it does not irritate the mucous membranes and skin.

When is it applied?

"Miramistin" is in demand in the practice of dentists, surgeons, pediatricians, gynecologists, dermatologists and many other specialists.

The drug is prescribed:

  • with stomatitis, inflammation of the gums and other dental pathologies;
  • with a cold, sore throat, adenoiditis, otitis, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract and throat;
  • with burns, wounds, abrasions, cuts and other skin lesions;
  • with conjunctivitis;
  • with fungal skin lesions and purulent skin infections;
  • with thrush, urethritis and other diseases of the urinary organs.

Among the contraindications to the use of such an antiseptic is called only hypersensitivity to its current compound. Side effects (judging by the reviews) "Miramistin" provokes extremely rarely. This may be an allergy to the solution or a short burning sensation.


This tool is a complete analogue in composition and differs only in packaging. It is produced by the same company and packaged the solution in plastic bottles of 10 ml. This medication is intended to treat the eyes. It is prescribed for conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis and other infections of the organ of vision.

Analogs for diseases of upper respiratory tract

"Miramistin" is often prescribed for treating the throat - the drug can be sprayed with a nozzle or used for rinsing. When rhinitis medication drip into each nasal passage.

In the form of a spray or aerosol

Most often, instead of “Miramistin”, ENT doctors recommend analogues that can be sprayed into the throat, for example:

  • «Kameton». The composition of this medicament, represented by both spray and solution, includes eucalyptus oil, menthol, chlorbutanol, and camphor. Such ingredients destroy harmful bacteria, facilitate breathing, reduce inflammation and sore throat.The drug is used from 5 years - as in diseases of the throat, and with a cold.
  • «Hexasprey». Such a biclotymol-based antiseptic aerosol relieves sore throat and speeds up recovery. Children it is allowed from six years.
  • «Tantum Verde». Such a drug based on benzydamine is in demand for angina, stomatitis, laryngitis and other pathologies. In the form of a spray, it is prescribed for children over 3 years old, in pill form from the age of six, and in the form of a solution from only 12 years old. Oralcept can serve as a substitute, because the composition of such a spray contains the same active ingredient. It is also used from 3 years of age.
  • «Maxicold Lor. The action of this spray provides antiseptic hexethydine, effective against many viruses, fungi and bacteria. The drug is assigned to children older than three years and may be replaced by other drugs based on hexatidine. These include Hexoral (allowed from 3 years), Stopangin (appointed from 6 years of age) and Stomatidin (used from 5 years).
  • «Yoks». This medicine contains povidone-iodine and allantoin, it is not just an antiseptic, but also a drug that promotes faster healing and elimination of inflammation. Such a solution is used from 6 years of age, and the spray is prescribed to children over 8 years old.
  • «Lugol». Antiseptic properties of such a popular medicine provides iodine. This spray is used for children over five years old.

In the form of tablets or lozenges

If a child has a sore throat, pharyngitis or tonsillitis, instead of “Miramistin” solid medicines can be used that slowly dissolve in the mouth.

The list of such tools include:

  • «Lizobact». Such tablets include the lysozyme enzyme, which has an anatiseptic as well as antiviral effects. It is supplemented with pyridoxine, able to protect the oral mucosa. The drug is used for children from 3 years of age.
  • «Hexalysis». These lozenges contain biclotymol, lysozyme and enoxolone. Such substances fight infection, anesthetize and stimulate local immunity. The drug is prescribed from 6 years.
  • «Karmolis». These candies with different tastes are a herbal remedy that has anti-inflammatory as well as antiviral effects. They can dissolve children older than 6 years.
  • "Eucalyptus-M". The therapeutic effect of such pastilles, appointed from the age of 8, is provided by eucalyptus oil and menthol.
  • Hexoral Tabs. As part of such a drug, the antiseptic chlorhexidine is supplemented with a substance with an analgesic action (benzocaine). Children are prescribed such pills from the age of 4.
  • «Septolete». The effect of such candies is due to the presence of eucalyptus and peppermint oils in the lozenges, as well as thymol, menthol and benzalkonium chloride. Children can be given from 4 years.
  • "Suprima-ENT". The composition of such tablets includes amylmetacresol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol. The drug is recommended for children from 6 years. Its counterparts are tablets.Strepsils, "Gorpils" and "Ajisept."

What to replace with stomatitis?

In the treatment of lesions of the oral mucosa, rinses with Miramistin are prescribed, for each procedure, 10-15 ml of solution is used. Instead, you can rinse your mouth "Hexoral", "Rotokan"," Chlorophyllipt "," Furacilin "and other antiseptic solutions. Their concentration, frequency of rinsing and duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor.

Use with the defeat of the oral mucosa and tablets "Lysozyme", "Laripront", "Hexalysis, Grammidin, Immudon,Septolete», «Faringosept" other. For processing, sprays and solutions can be prescribed - for example, “Yoks"," Geksoral ","Viniline», «LugolOr "Oralcept." Since they include different active compounds, it is more expedient to select an analogue together with a doctor.

External processing

If Miramistin is prescribed for infection or skin damage, such antiseptics can replace it:

  • «Viniline». Such an agent containing polyvinox is used for children of any age.
  • «Betadine». This solution on the basis of povidone-iodine is prescribed from 1 month.
  • "Chlorhexidine". Such a spray or solution is a popular counterpart. In childhood, it is used only after prescribing by a doctor and with caution.
  • «Iodinol». This solution, acting due to molecular iodine, has been used since 6 years.
  • "Furacilin". Such tablets make a solution that is approved for use for children from birth.
  • Octenisept. Such a solution, including a combination of octenidine and phenoxyethanol, is used at any age.

You will learn more about throat treatment in the following video from Dr. Komarovsky.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


