Daiichi car seats: characteristics and features of choice


Unfortunately, not all parents care about the safety of their child during transportation in the car, so do not use any restraint devices or use mysterious Chinese chairs, which cause a crack from one fall to the ground. But if the life of a child is still a value, then it is better to choose chairs in the car more expensive, but 100% reliable. One of the leaders is and will be the company Daiichi, which is the very first to enter the market of children's car seats.


The company started producing its first car seats in 2005, and in the same year it began to be called Daiichi, which means “first and best”. Previously, this company under a different name produced components for global automotive brands. Every year a new model of car seat appears in the company's catalog, which differs from the previous ones not only in coloring, but also in child protection technology.

The company's engineers are not afraid of difficulties and work year-round to improve the safety of their products. Most major European and Western manufacturers use the Daiichi experience for the production of child restraints.

Currently, Daiichi is the absolute market leader in Japan and South Korea, and also occupies most of the market in Europe, Asia, Russia and the United States.

All car seats are divided into four subgroups, the main characteristic of which is the weight of the child. The manufacturer strongly recommends that you focus not on the age specified in the technical specifications, but on weight. Each category is developed taking into account the anatomical features of children of different weight categories.

    All company chairs have important basic characteristics.

    • Long testing. Each model passes more than one crash test before getting into mass production. Knowing the pedantry and approach of the Japanese to the case, you can be sure that they will not miss a single flaw in the design.
    • Security. In addition to improved impact protection technology (Side Impact Protection technology in the headrest around its entire perimeter) and vibration reduction, the manufacturer uses five-point seat belts with a special lock. The same lock is used in machines participating in Formula 1. The manufacturer of locks is the popular company Sabelt.
    • The convenience of use. All seats are very easy to install in the car. Some provide an Isofix mount. The back of the chair has a self-adjusting tilt design, so the child will be comfortable in it, regardless of the comfort level of the rear seat of the car.
    • Hypoallergenic. Models are made of organic cotton.


    Group 0 + / 1/2 (0–25 kg)

    This group includes two types of chairs: with and without the Isofix clasp. All models are technologically identical and differ only in colors. The average cost of a Daiichi First 7 chair is 20,000 rubles for a model with a standard mount and 28,000 rubles for a model with a reinforced mount.

    The weight of the models in this group is 8.5 kg, and the dimensions are 52x54x64 cm. Based on the characteristics, the seat is suitable for children from 0 to 7 years old and has several inserts for passengers of different ages.

    Thanks to the built-in insert-cradle in the chair you can carry newborns.

    The head restraint is adjustable in 7 positions, the back is 4 (the maximum angle of inclination is 146 degrees). The presence of side pillow inserts and wide five-point belts allows the baby to sleep comfortably in the car.

    Install these chairs in three ways:

    • For a child weighing from 0 to 13 kg, which approximately corresponds to the age from 0 to 12-15 months, the Baby mode is available (against the movement);
    • a child from 9 months to 4 years old weighing from 9 to 18 kg can be planted in Toddler mode (while moving);
    • the booster seat is placed when the child’s weight has crossed the 15 kg mark (usually it is 4–6 years old).

    Models with Isofix fixation (additional mounting from the bottom of the chair) have the same characteristics, they only allow you to mount the chair in three ways at once: standard belts, Isofix and belt + Isofix.

    Group 0 + / 1 (0-18 kg)

    This group includes two model ranges: Daiichi DualWell, Daiichi DualWell Season 2 (both can be supplied with or without Isofix).

    These chairs are used for children from birth to 5 years and weighing up to 18 kg, height - up to 110 cm. Most of the characteristics coincide with the above models for children up to 7 years. The difference in the dimensions of the product, which is 48x52x65 cm, and in weight is 5.7 kg. Well, the fact that the Japanese believe that children under 5 years old cannot ride in a booster, so the seat is not collapsible.

    You can install this model both along the way and against the motion.

    Group 1/2/3 (9–36 kg)

    This includes the Daiichi D-Guard Toddler model. It is designed for children aged 1 to 10 years. Due to the lack of a liner for newborns, the dimensions of the chair have been significantly reduced, so it takes less space in the back seat. The angle of the backrest is 115 degrees, but the height of the head restraint is adjustable in 9 positions. This is due to uneven jumps in the growth of children at this age.

    This chair can be installed in two modes, and both along the vehicle: using standard belts (the child is fastened to the back seat along with the chair) and internal five-point belts on the chair itself. For children of school age provides a booster.

    Group 2/3 (15–36 kg)

    This includes the two models Daiichi Sporty Junior and Daiichi D-Guard Junior. The difference between them lies in the dimensions. Both models do not have their own seat belts and are attached to the seat with regular car belts.

    For transportation of children there are two modes: booster without a back and booster with a back.

    Crash tests

    The reliability test is performed by several parameters. For one model, several mannequins of children of different ages are acquired, and different types of collisions are simulated. At the same time, all types of accidents are performed at a different position of the child (sleep-wake mode) and a different type of attachment to the car seat. The continuous development of security technology makes the chairs all the more reliable. It is impossible to compare the models of chairs in 2011 and 2018: the security level even for one manufacturer will be different.


    Judging by the reviews, the Daiichi seats have only one drawback - the high cost. The rest of the parents unanimously expressed enthusiasm. Particularly note organic cotton on the seat and a filler with a memory effect. The material does not allow the child to sweat. Parents are very pleased with the damping of vibrations, which is important for newborns (it excludes the syndrome of children's shaking).

    Review the Daiichi car seat in the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes.Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.