How to choose a car seat for a child from 1 year?
Modern children from infancy learn what transport is, because more than 50% of Russian families have their own car. This ubiquitous motorization sets a number of questions for parents, for example, how to choose a car seat for a child from 1 year old.
Need chair
Accidents involving personal vehicles are everywhere. Looking at similar statistics, since 2007, a change has been made to the rules of the road about the need to install children's car seats. These devices are vital to the baby, and this is clearly illustrated by the example of foreign countries. For example, in Germany, out of 10,000 children involved in an accident, 32 children suffered. In percentage terms, this indicator is small and is the result of the use of a restraint in each transport.
It is proved that the standard belts in the car are not able to protect a person with a height of less than 150 cm. While the child car seat can prevent injuries such as:
- fractures of the hip joints and ribs during a side impact;
- shoulder fractures;
- brain concussion with a side impact;
- neck fractures.
Infinitely you can enumerate the injuries that a baby can get in a frontal collision, falling out the window or being crushed by one of the parents who held him in his arms while driving. Safety is the main purpose of car seats. It must be provided by every parent who takes responsibility for the little person. In addition to the key task - to preserve the life and health of the baby, the child restraint is capable of performing the following functions:
- make the child's stay in the car during wakefulness more comfortable;
- ensure healthy sleep when traveling;
- fix the baby, protecting the driver from unnecessary unrest.
We understand the types
Types of car seats are diverse and can be classified not only by age groups, but also by the number of components. Today on the market of goods are such types as:
- three-part - these models, in addition to the seat bowl, have a table and footrest.
It should be said that the protective table makes the design much more expensive and less safer. Japanese scientists have found that reducing the load on the cervical vertebrae, the table increases it 5 times in case of an accident at the baby’s abdominal cavity;
- two-part the models are devoid of such a dangerous part and are only provided with additional support for the legs in the form of a soft or plastic stand. It helps to take a comfortable position, even for an older baby, which is especially important on long trips;
- one-part the chairs have only a bowl seat, however, they are also great for a small passenger.
Despite the different number of parts, chairs can be such as:
- with sleeping position;
- without the possibility of tilting.
As a rule, all models with a monolithic bowl have 2–3 positions, which depend on the chosen groove on the frame.
Tasks of different chair positions are as follows:
- 1 - provides a straight posture of the child in a sitting position;
- 2 - sets the bowl with a slight slope, which allows the child to relax and unload the cervical vertebrae during sleep;
- 3 - creates the most horizontal position of the child, but can only be used when installing a chair against the movement.
Transformer models with a removable back do not have a sleeping position; therefore, they should not be considered suitable for one-year-old children. The exception here may be short and rare trips.
We are determined with the group
Developed car seat groups are designed to help parents around the world with the choice of the desired restraint model. The European division system is also supported by the Russian GOST. There are such groups as:
- 0 - for babies from birth to 6 months;
- 0+ - for babies from birth to 1 year;
- 1 - for children from 9 months to 4 years;
- 2 - for children from three to 7 years;
- 3 - for children from 6 to 12 years.
Group models 0 and 0+ should not be used by children from the year. Their maximum weight load is up to 10 kg in category 0 and up to 13 kg in category 0+. Group 1 is the only one that parents can choose. Children from 9 to 18 kg can comfortably sit on such devices. The seat of the first group should be installed in the back seat in the direction of traffic. However, there are options with the installation against the move in the third supine state. As the attachment here, there are five-point belts or a holding table.
Models 2 and 3 of the group can not be used by children from the year, because the car seat belts act as an attachment.
And also today on sale it is possible to see models of chairs with the combined groups and marking, namely:
- 0/0 + / 1 - for children from birth to four years;
- 0 + / 1 - for children from birth to four years;
- 0 + / 1/2 - for children from birth to seven years;
- 1/2 - for children from a year to seven years;
- 1/2/3 - for children from a year to 12 years.
Such models cost the family budget much more democratic constructions of individual ages, while having its own drawbacks. For example, models that combine 0 and 1 groups in themselves are not capable of ensuring the proper anatomically correct position of a newborn baby.
Criterias of choice
To choose the right child car seat model, you should take into account several important characteristics required for children of different ages.
Each seat has its own weight. As practice shows, heavy models are made of more durable plastic, having a thick layer, or metal. Lightweight models have a frame with the smallest thickness of protection. You can notice a significant difference in quality only in the case of an accident, when the lightweight car seats are destroyed by the impact force under the child.
Today you can see models with weights from 5 to 12 kg. It must be said that some parents intentionally choose lighter devices with a further possibility of their simple rearrangement from one car to another. Such an idea is quite acceptable under the condition of short trips over short distances.
Mounting options
Currently, in the Russian market you can see such child seats with fastening, such as:
- Using standard seat belts is quite common. This mount is a method of installation by pulling a standard belt into the special grooves of the car seat, located under the cover;
- The Isofix system allows you to fix the car seat for the baby using special brackets at the bottom of the device. The anchoring brackets are the seat of the clutch. The system has successfully established itself abroad, having passed all tests with dignity.
Additionally, models can be equipped with a retractable thrust mechanism or anchor belts. According to experts, such innovations provide high level protection.
For the safe stay of the child in the car, not only the main attachment of the restraint is important, but also its car seat mounts, which may be as follows:
- single point;
- three-point;
- five-point;
- in the form of a holding table.
The number of attachment points directly affects the quality of protection and the load that may fall on the baby in case of an emergency. So, rather rare single-point models fix the child in the chair only along the tummy line, providing the most incorrect position on impact. Three-point attachments run along the shoulders and between the legs of the child, the five-point attachments protect the hip joints. The holding table, as mentioned earlier, unloads the shoulders of the passenger, negatively affecting the abdominal cavity.
Specialists unanimously recommend a five-point car seat mount.
In addition, wanting to protect themselves from substandard goods, you should pay attention to the labeling. It includes such obligatory and informative notes as:
- compliance code;
- car seat type;
- allowable weight of the child;
- the country in which the chair is manufactured;
- certificate;
- batch number;
- brand
Such a sign may look different, however, the above information should be borne. Markings that you can meet often - ECE R 44/04. It is a guarantee of the safety of the device and the testing of its crash tests.
The quality of the selected products can be judged by the following:
- all necessary documentation;
- certificates of conformity;
- full coincidence of labeling with existing documents.
And also should pay attention to the brand. As a rule, well-known brands value their reputation, therefore they exercise strict control of products at all stages of production.
The variety of restraints presented can be admired. You can pick them up taking into account any color preferences, tactile sensations and harmony in the car. The main thing is still to be safe. The frame can be made of plastic or aluminum. The second option is considered the safest and strongest. Its cost is several times higher than the plastic version. High-impact low-cost plastic also proved to be a good idea during operation, therefore many well-known brands successfully produce frames from similar raw materials.
The chair cover can be removable and non-removable. Of course, the possibility of cleaning the surface from the effects of snacking and just dusty shoes is important for a child of the year. The materials for the cover are the following:
- breathable synthetics;
- synthetics using natural fibers;
- eco leather;
- natural materials.
It should be selected on the basis of the frequency and duration of travel. So, it is much more pleasant for a small passenger to sleep and be awake surrounded by natural fabrics or innovative synthetic fibers, rather than eco-leather. At the same time, artificial leather is perfect for rare use and is especially convenient for wiping the seat from dust.
The modern rhythm of life requires mobility from parents and their children, so there are frequent cases of long-term children’s being in car seats. The main task of moms and dads is to create the most comfortable environment. The following items provide comfort in the chair:
- head restraints;
- additional leg supports;
- possibility of tilting;
- anatomichnost of a back;
- softness of the seat.
Head restraints in the chair are also responsible for safety in the event of an accident, so they should be as soft and voluminous as possible, and also be able to be adjusted in height. In addition, a good head restraint should protect not only the occipital region, but also the child's temporal zones.
New or used?
Experts in one voice say about buying only a new chair. A car seat for a child from one year to 12 years old or a “separately aged” device taken “by hand” could be involved in an accident, and therefore get damaged and become dangerous for future use.
How to understand that the product fits in the car?
With the question of the possibility of using the seat in a particular car labeling successfully copes. The type of device indicated in it may be such as:
- universal - fits all cars, so it can be purchased even considering the need for frequent relocation of the seat;
- semi-universal the type is supplied with additional protective parts, therefore it can be correctly installed only on specific cars indicated in the instructions for the restraint device;
- special models equipped with special functionality and installed in the car, included in a limited list.
Top rated models
The rating of the best restraints directly depends on the availability of checks and crash tests, as well as consumer reviews. The best models for children from the year are as follows:
- Maxi-Cosi 2wayPearl;
- Cybex Juno 2-Fix;
- Cybex Pallas 2-Fix;
- Liko Baby Barty LB 718;
- Chicco Seat-up 012.
Each of the presented models is made by a foreign manufacturer who is responsible for the quality, conducting independent frequent checks of their products. In addition, Russian reviews of these car seats are encouraging optimism, despite the average price category (20,000 rubles). Parents who choose such models appreciate the quality and high level of safety of products recommended in Russia and abroad.
It is worth noting that a huge number of models also have decent features and a lot of positive opinions. Thus, the Russian brand "Food-Food" was able to stand in the same rating with foreign models.
For information on how to choose a baby car seat, see the following video.