Zlatek car seats: designs


There are a large number of car seat manufacturers today. All of them are divided into several subgroups depending on the age and weight of the child. For newborns, they get cradles for carrying, for those children who already feel more or less confident in a sitting position - a chair with a regulating back is bought. For preschoolers and younger schoolchildren seats are provided without backs.

Special features

The very first samples of children's car seats Zlatek were designed and created in the small Czech town of Octave. Products immediately began to be popular and the question arose about the expansion of production capacity. Placing production in the European Union turned out to be expensive, so after some searches, it was decided to cooperate with the Czech company Zlatek with the Russian brand Siger. Today, Siger is the exclusive representative of Zlatek in Russia.

Zlatek car seats are manufactured in Russia, and more specifically in Ryazan. All car seats are assembled with European developments and using a special injection molding technology. Innovative production methods can reduce costs, while not reducing the quality of products. Thus, the output is a high-quality product made under European licenses and meets generally accepted quality standards. At the same time, the price of car seats is significantly lower than other European countries.

One of the special features of Zlatek car seats is that models with backs easily transform from a baby seat to a booster for a teenager, they serve their owners from the first days of life until adolescence.

As the child grows older, the chair is upgraded - the height of the head restraint changes, the side covers are removed, the back is removed, turning the chair into a booster. The chair has an orthopedic backrest shape, its base is solid, made of highly durable HDPE plastic.

All seats have five-point restraint belts, which provide additional protection and safety for the child in the event of an accident or severe braking. All mechanisms must pass a crash test and are checked for rupture.

Upholstery uses a pleasant to the touch and breathable material. Covers on all models are removable and because of this they are easy to keep clean. They, like the upholstery, are sewn of non-allergenic fabric, do not irritate or rub the delicate skin of the baby. All covers - basic and removable - have a variety of colors. The main color options are brown, red, blue and gray. The most commonly used combination of two colors: dark and lighter.


There are many advantages of this brand. The price is significantly lower than that of many European manufacturers, while the quality is incomparably higher than that of Asian counterparts. This is partly due to the fact that the main production is located in Russia, where energy costs and human resources are cheaper than in other places.

Modern models of car seats have a special Isofix fastening system, which allows you to fasten the seat to the back seat of the car. The mechanism consists of two small brackets located at the base of the chair, which provide its coupling with the seat.

All models can be divided into several groups.

Category 0+

This group is intended for transportation of newborns weighing up to 13 kg. Zlatek brand in this category represents two models: Colibri and Colibri Lux.The sizes of both models are 45x65x54 cm. The bottom has a curved shape, which adds comfort to the baby and makes it possible to use the chair as a rocking chair. For protection from the sun has a special visor. Both models have a carrying handle, as well as removable covers and a hood.

Modification of the model Zlatek Collibri Lux is characterized by the presence of additional liners that ensure the horizontal position of the small passenger. Car carrier is very light, because it weighs only 2.5 kg and is designed to carry babies up to 1 year.

Zlatek colibri
Zlatek Colibri Lux

Category 1

This category is designed for the transportation of children up to 18 kg. Zlatek brand offers model Galleon. Its dimensions are 46x68x63 cm, and weight - 5.6 kg. The product has a removable cover and anatomical airbags that allow you to carry newborn babies from the first days of life.

Zlatek galleon

Category 2

Provides for the transportation of children from 13 to 25 kg. Zlatek offers the following models in the described group: Flagman and Flagman Lux. The weight of these models is 5.7 kg. External three-point belts allow you to mount the seat as in the direction of the car, and against it. The angle of the back can be adjusted and fixed in three positions. As in the previous case, the Flagman Lux model differs from the Flagman in the presence of an anatomical pillow.

Zlatek Flagman
Zlatek Flagman Lux

Category 3

Includes chairs and boosters for transportation of children from 22 to 36 kg from 9 months of age and up to 12 years. The group of chairs includes the following models:

  • Atlantic and Atlantic Lux, distinguished by the presence of additional soft inserts for greater convenience;
Zlatek atlantic
Zlatek Atlantic Lux
  • Fregat isfix, equipped with a special fastening system, ensuring reliable fixation of the chair in the car, having delicate inserts;
  • Fregat lux has soft side inserts that protect against possible impacts, as well as a removable back and easily turn into a booster when the child is older.

And also in the range there are boosters designed for children of preschool and school age. They have no back and are designed for a weight category from 15 to 36 kg. Their dimensions are 45x39x20 cm. The total weight of the product is 1.5 kg, which allows taking it with you if necessary. All Zlatek boosters have removable covers. The following models represent this category of seats: Brig, Corvet, Gals, Raft.

Zlatek brig
Zlatek Corvet
Zlatek gals
Zlatek raft

User's manual

It's no secret that a properly fixed car seat is one of the safeguards for the safety of a child in a car. Therefore, before proceeding with its installation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the attached instructions. There is a paper version of the instructions, as well as drawn on the seat itself behind the back or on the back of the seat on the booster.

The manual provides detailed guidance on how to build and install a car seat step by step.

This instruction is not much different from the assembly of other models. The algorithm for installing the Zlatek chair is as follows:

  • If the car is installed in the front seat, make sure that there are no airbags with which modern cars can be equipped. If they are, they should be disabled. In the event of a road accident, their presence may lead to injury or even death;
  • seat cover should be connected with the straps on the side, as well as in those places where they fasten;
  • You need to put on the cover on the base and check or all the details coincided with their grooves. After that, you should fasten all the existing locks and buttons;
  • Pull the shoulder straps into the holes for the bottom latch, then put on the friction-softening pads. Long straps are necessary for fixing the back of the chair, and short - for his seat. After all the straps are fixed, they must be fastened in one place;
  • straps with lining should be threaded into special slots and attached to the back of the seat, after which you need to fasten a lock on the shoulder straps;
  • After the seat is fixed, you must adjust the length of the shoulder straps. They should be fixed in such a way that the palm is held between the straps and the child. Then they will not put too much pressure on the baby and at the same time securely hold him in the chair. The latch for the retaining belts should be below the level of the waist in the pelvic region;
  • the seat must fit snugly against the seat of the machine. When driving a car, it should not swing in different directions. The same applies to the booster - it must also be firmly fixed.

The same applies to the booster - it must also be firmly fixed.


About this brand, user reviews are mostly positive. Judging by the numerous reviews that can be found on various websites, buyers are attracted by the very affordable price of the chairs. And the possibility of transforming the chair adds points in his favor. Buying once a chair for a newborn baby, you can no longer change it until the age of 12, when the need for this subject will disappear altogether.

As the baby grows up, the inner liner is removed first, then the height of the backrest is adjusted, which eventually clears up altogether. Products made under license are subject to a crash test. Their quality meets all international standards, so you can not be afraid for the safety of your child.

Users also note and detailed instructions written in Russian, supplemented by illustrations. It describes not only the process of installing the chair, but also the rules for further care of it, as well as how to properly adjust the headrest and armrests. It tells in detail about every detail - what it is for and how to adjust it, about how to properly fasten the belt.

The manual also contains information on possible errors that occur when installing the chair. Can not but please the six-month warranty on its operation, which begins to operate not from the moment of production of the product, but from the moment of its purchase by the buyer.

Some users saw a lack of Zlatek seats in the fact that older car models may not have enough seat belts to install the seat. However, in more modern models this problem is not worth it. The vast majority of users of Zlatek chairs are noted for their convenience and comfort, as well as an elaborate design.

An important detail is the ability to remove covers to bring them in order. And fixed parts are easily cleaned with a brush. In such an armchair, children feel comfortable and easily tolerate trips, even over long distances.

For more information about the car seat company Zlatek, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.