What is the safest place in the car for a child seat?


All manufacturers of car seats for children attach to their product a detailed instruction, which describes in detail all the items regarding its installation in the car. Of course, during the installation of a child car seat in a vehicle, it is necessary to strictly and strictly follow the recommendations of its manufacturer. However, the safety of the child depends not only on the proper installation of the car seat, but also on its location in the car.

For most parents, choosing a place to install a car seat in a car is a very difficult and even daunting task. It is on the proper installation and location of the car seat that the safety and level of comfort of the child, who is in the car while driving along busy sections of the road, depends.

In case of improper location of the child car seat in the cabin of the vehicle, the parents of the child may face many different problems. For example, if the car seat was installed incorrectly, its attachments may be weakened, which causes a serious threat to the safety of the child in the event of an accident.

Where in the car is best to install a car seat

Child car seats, which are produced specifically for transporting small children, also called cradles or baby carriages, are recommended to be installed against the direction of movement of the car. It is necessary to secure such a car seat using special three-point belts or fasteners.

The safest place in the car for the car seat is the seat of the middle passenger, which is located in the back seat. This is due to the fact that the seat of the average passenger is equally distant from the side doors of the vehicle and is the safest in the event of a side collision of vehicles.

In the event that, for technical reasons, it is impossible to install a child car seat in the area of ​​the middle passenger in the rear part of the car, it is better to place it on the right side of the car. To do this, move the front passenger seat slightly forward.

When installing a car seat in a car, you should try to leave in front of him as much free space as possible. In addition, in no case can it be fixed using the front seats as a support. Otherwise, a child may suffer badly when braking hard or if an accident occurs.

It is also recommended to place the car seat in the rear right part of the passenger compartment, also because with such a location, it is possible to continuously monitor the condition of the child during the ride. However, it should be noted that, according to the established rules of traffic regulations, a child car seat is also allowed to be installed in the front passenger seat of the vehicle under certain conditions.

First of all, when installing a car seat in the front seat of a car, the airbag located in front of it must be disabled or absent altogether. When installing the child car seat in the car, it is also recommended to take into account and follow some other recommendations.

  1. The location of the car seat to be installed must be such that the child constantly looks back, in the opposite direction with respect to the direction of movement of the car.
  2. Install the chair in the center of the seat. Such its location is the most stable and safer in the event of an accident or sudden braking of the vehicle.
  3. After installation, you need to check the strength of attachment of the child seat to the car seat. If, when trying to move it, the chair begins to shift to the side a distance greater than 2.5 cm, then in this case it should be reinstalled.

The choice of a seat in a vehicle for a car seat also depends largely on the technical performance and the size of the car. For example, in a five-seater car, it is best to place the car seat in the rear seats, in the middle passenger seat. In a seven-seater car, it is recommended to install it in the area of ​​the middle passenger row.

By law, in order to carry the child in the cabin, you need to put the car seat. It can stand in the front, driver's side, or rear. Attach it can also be in the middle of the rear seat.

Use of extra seat belts

While securing the car seat in the car and during its further operation, it is necessary to use not only standard seat belts. It is also recommended to actively use special, so-called children's belts during the transportation of children in the chair, with which it is additionally equipped with a factory. Through the use of these belts significantly increases the level of child safety while driving or when emergency situations arise while driving on busy sections of the road (sudden braking, skidding, sudden turns).

Children's belts, depending on the used car seat model, can be fastened in several ways. In addition, you can further adjust their tension force, as well as height.

When the child is fastened with straps to the chair, you must carefully check their tension and tightness to the body. Belts should not pinch the body of the child too much and at the same time they should not be too loose.

Recommendations for selection

A child car seat is a must-have attribute that must be used while traveling in a vehicle with a child. When choosing a car seat you need to consider such important points as the weight and age of the child. Also, it should provide the ability to control the level of the backrest, because, as you know, the child car seat is not recommended to be placed in the car in a straight position.

All car seats are divided into several groups depending on the weight of the child. Chairs for transportation of group 0 are designed for children whose weight does not exceed the mark of 10 kg. They are equipped with special additional protection, which is located in the head area. Child seats of group 1 are intended for transportation in the car confidently sitting child, whose weight is not more than 18 kg. Products that belong to the group 2/3, are intended for transportation in a vehicle of children weighing not more than 36 kg.

How to transport children

For the safe transportation of children in the car, even using a special car seat, it is recommended that you follow certain safety precautions. For example, child restraints (chairs) should always be placed in the safest part of the passenger compartment. According to official statistics, the safest place in the car is the central passenger seat, located in the back seat. During the ride it is imperative to use the standard seat belts with which the car seat is equipped.

Before you start the movement, it is recommended to always check the stability and reliability of fixing the car seat. On the vehicle in which the child is transported, it is strongly recommended to attach a special sign - the child in the car. As a rule, this sign is attached in the rear window of the car.

When driving with children (as when driving without them), you must try not to violate traffic rules, and also to observe the smoothness of acceleration or deceleration. In the cabin of the car, where the car seat is located, all airbags should be disabled. This is due to the fact that if triggered, they can harm the child, injuring him.


Baby car seat is an important attribute that must be used when transporting a child in the car. According to official statistics, the survival rate of children, in the carriage of which car seats were used, in the event of a vehicle accident was about 90%.

Take care of purchasing a car seat is necessary before the birth of the child.

Having chosen the most suitable model for yourself, it is necessary to practice in advance in its proper installation in the car. Thanks to this, it will be possible in the future to avoid most of the problems that are associated with the operation of the car seat and the transportation of children in the car.

About where there is a safe place in the car and where it is better to plant the child, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


