"Nurofen for children" during pregnancy


The use of most drugs in the period of carrying a child can be dangerous to the fetus. Fearing negative consequences, future mothers take medicines only in serious situations, for example, with fever or severe pain syndrome.

In children with such symptoms, “Nurofen for children” is often prescribed, allowed from 3 months. Such a drug is safe for babies, but during pregnancy there are some limitations for its administration.

Features of the drug

“Nurofen for children”, which differs from analogs for adults in the yellow-orange color of the box, is presented in three options.

  • Rectal CandlesPacked in 10 pieces in one pack. They have a white color, smooth surface and elongated shape.
  • Suspensionwhich many moms mistakenly call syrup. It has a sweet taste and an orange or strawberry scent. The drug is sold in plastic bottles of 100-200 ml with a dosing syringe.
  • Pillspackaged in blisters of 8 pieces. They have a white dense shell, small size and round shape.

Each of these types of drug contains ibuprofen, which is the main ingredient of "Nurofen for children." Its dosage in each candle is 60 mg, in five milliliters of liquid sweet medicine — 100 mg, and in one tablet — 200 mg.

This substance has three properties due to which Nurofen is in demand for colds, acute respiratory infections and pains:

  • reduction of pain;
  • decrease in body temperature if the patient has a fever;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

This effect of ibuprofen is associated with its ability to block cyclooxygenase. These are enzymes that regulate the production of prostaglandins - substances formed in the body during a temperature and inflammatory reaction, as well as pain.

Do they take during pregnancy?

The recommendations of the doctors and the manufacturer regarding the intake of “Nurofen for children” during the period of gestation of the baby differ depending on the duration of the pregnancy.

  • In 1 trimester such a medicine can be used for fever or severe pain if the risk of adverse effects of Nurofen on the fetus is less than the impact of fever and other symptoms of the future mother’s illness. For example, if the thermometer showed 38.5 degrees or higher, this is a danger to crumbs in the tummy, so drinking a pill or suspension would be better. However, with a slight rise in temperature or tolerable pain from taking Nurofen in the first trimester, it is better to refuse. Although rare, such medicine can cause malformations in an infant, therefore, it is necessary to take it in the first 12 weeks only if absolutely necessary and after consulting a doctor.
  • Reception of "Nurofen for children" in the 2nd trimester It is considered safe, since during this period the fetus is more resistant to any external influences, and the placenta protects it from many harmful substances in the mother’s blood. However, even at this time, it is not recommended to drink the drug without medical supervision, as there may be some restrictions for it.For example, if the development of some organs of a baby is impaired, Nurofen can adversely affect a child and worsen his condition.
  • Third trimester specified in contraindications to the reception of any form of "Nurofen". If the gestation period is more than 28 weeks, then it is prohibited to use such a drug even with very high temperature or unbearable pain.

Ibuprofen is able to inhibit the contractile activity of the uterus, which leads to prolonged and prolonged labor, and also increases the risk of bleeding. In addition, in the 3rd trimester, this substance can badly affect the kidneys and the heart of the fetus.

Benefits of child medicine

Many future mothers prefer “Nurofen for children” instead of analogs for adults, considering children's dosages of medication safe. If we talk about the suspension, then this drug does have some advantages.. One of them is the ability to change the dosage depending on the patient's body weight and the effect of the drug. Since the tablet “Nurofen” has a dense coating and it is impossible to divide the tablet into parts, the suspension is more profitable because it allows using the minimum dose.

As for candles, their main plus is a minimum of components, because only ibuprofen and a fatty basis are present in this dosage form. In addition, they help out with nausea or vomiting.

The dose of the active substance in the suppository for children is too small for a pregnant woman, so this form of "Nurofen" is impractical to use.

But the tablets for children are no different from the drug for adults, since the dosage of ibuprofen in one adult tablet is also 200 mg.


The most frequent reason to take "Nurofen for children" during pregnancy is a very high body temperature. Such a symptom may be an infection or inflammatory process, such as acute otitis media or flu. No less often, future mothers drink “Nurofen” to get rid of headache and toothache, as well as painful sensations in the joints and muscles, which often disturb pregnant women.

Application features

If the expectant mother accepts the suspension, then before each use of such "Nurofen" you need to shake. The solution is taken with a syringe and drunk at the end of a meal or after a meal. The dosage of this medication is desirable to clarify with the doctor. Tableted drug is swallowed with water. It should also be taken after meals, and a single dose of 1-2 tablets.

If the medication needs to be taken repeatedly, it is permissible to do it not earlier than six hours after the previous dose.. It is recommended to use “Nurofen” only occasionally, when the pain worries strongly or the temperature is very high. If the pain has passed, and the thermometer shows a normal temperature, you can not take the drug for prevention. The recommended duration of treatment is up to 3 days.

In the absence of effect, after three days of taking Nurofen, a second consultation with a doctor is needed.

Contraindications and side effects

Any Nurofen is contraindicated in women with hypersensitivity to ibuprofen. In addition, such drugs should not be taken by future mothers with liver disease, since the load on this organ will increase, as well as with erosions, inflammation or ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of the child "Nurofen" must be abandoned in case of severe pathologies of the kidneys, and when the coagulogram changes.

The instructions for tablets, suppositories and suspensions indicate quite a lot of pathological conditions in which such agents are used only under the supervision of a physician. Therefore, the use of "Nurofen" without the appointment of a specialist during pregnancy is not recommended.

As for the negative effect on the future mother's body, Nurofen can provoke nausea, skin itching, diarrhea, headache, weakness, tachycardia and other side effects. When they occur, you must abandon the further intake of such a drug.


Women who have resorted to the help of “Nurofen for children” during pregnancy with heat and pain, speak of this medicine mostly positively. Its advantages are called effective action and good tolerability. Tablets are praised for their small size, suspension - for a pleasant taste and lack of sugar. Among the shortcomings sometimes mention the high price and side effects.


If there was no child “Nurofen” in the pharmacy, it can be replaced with another drug with the same active substance - “Ibufen”, “Ibuprofen”, “Mig 200” and so on. In addition, with high temperature or severe pain, you can use drugs paracetamol. Unlike Nurofen, such drugs can be used at any gestational age.

On taking medication during pregnancy and lactation, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


