Features of the use of "Paracetamol" during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester


For future mothers, there are many prohibitions, among which is the use of various drugs. However, many women in the period of gestation of the infant fall ill, and sometimes a high fever or severe pain requires the use of medicines, for example, Paracetamol. This drug is most in demand to reduce the temperature and combat pain in children, but during pregnancy it is recommended to use with caution.

Is it allowed in the middle of the term?

At the beginning of the second trimester (from the 13th to the 17th week) All organ systems of the crumbs are still continuing their development, so at this time it is worthwhile to avoid, as far as possible, the adverse effects that any drugs can have. To take "Paracetamol" on this period is permissible only for serious reasons, for example, if a woman has a high body temperature (more than 38 degrees) or severe pain that is hard to endure.

The period from the 18th to the 27th week called doctors the safest for the little ones. At this time, the fetus's sensitivity to the drugs that the mother takes is reduced, his organs are already formed, and the placenta protects against various harmful effects. That is why the use of "Paracetamol" often does not affect the condition of the baby in the tummy, if you follow the dosages prescribed by the doctor and do not take this medicine too often.

Features of the drug

Paracetamol notes two therapeutic effects that are in demand for colds, flu, injuries and other pathological conditions. One of them is a decrease in body temperature, if it has risen above the normal value. The second effect is anesthetic. Both actions are related to the ability of the active substance of the drug to affect the secretion and activity of substances called prostaglandins.

It is they who activate the inflammatory process in the body, stimulate the rise in temperature in response to an infection and cause pain in injuries and in other situations. Due to the effect on the enzymes that control the synthesis of prostaglandins, Paracetamol is able to bring down the temperature and reduce pain.

The drug is presented in pharmacies in several forms:

  • pills;
  • suspension;
  • powders;
  • candles;
  • effervescent tablets;
  • injections.

For use at home during pregnancy, the most preferred candles and pills. The drug in suppositories does not harm digestion, does not contain harmful chemicals, is rapidly absorbed and helps out with vomiting and toxemia.

In tablet form "Paracetamol" is easy to swallow, but in the form of powder or effervescent tablets, the drug begins to act faster, which is important at very high temperatures. The solution for injections is used only in hospitals, and the suspension is usually chosen for children, but if there is no other type of drug on hand, adults can use the sweet medicine.

How to use?

A single dosage of medication is usually 500 mg, but it is better to check with your doctor, as sometimes it is lower. If a pregnant woman has headache, toothache or other pain, then at first it is recommended to take only 200-250 mg. Probably, even this dosage is enough to eliminate the pain, then you do not need to increase the amount of the active substance.Maximum dose "Paracetamol»For the future mother at one time - this is 1000 mg.

How often to take the drug, also need to ask your doctor. Usually, physicians are advised to use Paracetamol as little as possible and only if necessary, to bring down the fever or to relieve pain. Usage more than 3-4 times a day is not recommended, and the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 4000 mg. The duration of treatment is also limited to 3 days, and prophylactic administration of “Paracetamol” is contraindicated.

Possible harm

Any form of the drug can adversely affect the state of the pregnant if the woman has intolerance to its components or the body lacks an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. "Paracetamol" is also prohibited in case of gastric ulcer and bleeding in the organs of the digestive tract, and with lesions of the liver, hematopoietic organs, kidneys and some other diseases this medicine is given with caution.

The side effects of Paracetamol, judging by the reviews, are rare, but sometimes expectant mothers after taking this drug complain of bloating, nausea, discomfort in the stomach, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms. Occasionally, the medication provokes allergies (for example, in the form of urticaria) and then it should be immediately canceled.

If you do not follow the recommendations on the dosage and duration of administration, then "Paracetamol" can affect the liver, bone marrow, kidneys and other organs.

The harmful effects of a drug can also manifest when it is combined with certain other drugs, so if a pregnant woman is already taking any medication, then their compatibility with Paracetamol should be clarified before using a pill, suppository, or other form.

What to replace?

Instead of "Paracetamol" can be used its analogues, which contain the same active ingredient. For example, a doctor may prescribe Efferalgan or Panadol to a pregnant woman. And since other paracetamol preparations are produced in the same forms, it is not difficult to choose a suitable replacement.

In this case, the future mother should avoid combination drugs in the form of powders in portion bags or effervescent tablets in which paracetamol is combined with other ingredients, for example, with vitamin C and caffeine. Such analogs very effectively bring down the temperature and help to cope with the majority of cold symptoms, but they are not recommended for pregnant women.

Instead of “Paracetamol” in the second trimester, “NurofenOr any other drug based on ibuprofen. It is not prohibited to use drugs in which both paracetamol and ibuprofen are present, for example, Ibuklin or Next tablets. These tools have a fast and long-lasting effect, but the choice of such an analogue is best done with a doctor.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell about how to be treated for a pregnant woman in the next video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate.At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


