All about sex in the first trimester


Sexual life is very important for spouses, and to give it up for the entire nine months of the term of carrying a baby is not the best solution. Many women are deeply mistaken, believing that with the onset of pregnancy, sex is dangerous. Not far from them, and many men who also think so.

As a result, completely unreasonable couple refuses sex. As a result, relationships deteriorate, intimacy is lost, an unsatisfied man can go looking for sex on the side, and the woman will simply suffer in silence, increasing the likelihood of depression.

Special features

First trimester of pregnancy It is considered the most dangerous, because in the period up to 13 weeks of pregnancy, including the laying of organs and systems of the child’s body. Risks of spontaneous abortion, missed abortion are increased. Most likely, this is precisely the reason why many men and women fear the intimate relations at an early period.

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then these fears are completely unreasonable.. The baby is reliably protected by the walls of the uterus, fetal membranes, amniotic fluid. The mucus plug closes the entrance to the uterus, which reliably clogs the cervical canal. That is why neither sperm nor anything else can get into the uterus during pregnancy. A man cannot mechanically damage a fetus during sex, sex does not increase the probability of miscarriage.

Therefore, love can and should be done. This improves the mood of the woman, allows her to receive sexual relaxation, in which she needs an “interesting position” no less than before pregnancy. A normal sex life allows spouses to feel more intimate, happier.

But there are special situations in which the couple is recommended sexual peace in the early stages, they will be discussed below. As for the distinctive features, In the first trimester, women may experience the following:

  • increased libido (for women who do not know what is toxicosis, who are no longer afraid of getting pregnant due to a fait accompli, in this state maximum emancipation is achieved);
  • decrease in sexual desire (usually seen in women suffering from strong toxicosis);
  • increased orgasmic sensations (blood supply to the uterus and vagina increases, mucous membranes become looser under the action of progesterone, sensitivity increases).

Many women indicate that for the first time they experienced a full orgasm during pregnancy, and in its early stages.


The question of the possibility of living a normal sex life does not need to hesitate to ask at the reception in the antenatal clinic where the woman will turn on the fact of the delay of menstruation. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist, who observes the expectant mother and knows the peculiarities of her health, can give an exact answer to the question whether you can have sex or it is better to wait.

Sexual rest is usually recommended in cases when the gestation of the fetus is under a big question and the risks of abortion are too high:

  • after conception through in vitro fertilization;
  • with hypertonia of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage;
  • in the presence of genital infections in one or both partners (at the time of treatment);
  • with a low location or previa chorion;
  • with retrohorial hematoma.

Sometimes to give up sex temporarily is recommended for women who have previously suffered several miscarriages or had a missed abortion in history in the early period. Even if the current pregnancy does not cause the doctors fear, in this case, it is recommended temporary sexual rest before the dangerous period is over.

Useful tips

If sex is not prohibited for a woman, it does not mean that the couple should ignore certain security requirements. Here they are:

  • desire must be mutual (if one of the partners does not want sex, there is no need to persist), if the man’s arguments in favor of the intima are not convincing and he is afraid to live sexually with his pregnant wife, you should take the husband to your doctor - let him hear from a specialist firsthand;
  • you should not make long sexual "marathons" - prolonged intercourse increases the risk of injury to the mucous membranes of the genital tract;
  • it is necessary to abandon the sudden and intense movements, from poses with deep penetration, in order not to injure the cervix, not to hurt the woman;
  • pregnancy at any time is not the best time to experiment with sex toys.It is also better to refrain from using lubricants;
  • anal sex can be dangerous while waiting for a child, it increases the likelihood of hemorrhoids in the expectant mother.

The possibility of sex from the point of view of religion

The number of the trimester of pregnancy when looking at this issue through the prism of religion does not matter. Sex is either prohibited or not prohibited in principle.

  • Orthodoxy does not condemn the intimate relationship between the spouses while the child is waiting, but does not support sex in this important period, since it is believed that sexual intercourse is necessary for the sole purpose of conceiving a baby, procreation.
  • Islam He considers sexual relations during pregnancy to be sinful, but it is easier for Muslim men: they often have not one, but two, three or four spouses, and while one bears a child, the husband can get sexual satisfaction with other lawful wives.
  • Judaism implies a mandatory intimate relationship between a husband and wife, but only on Fridays.
  • Buddhism He considers the pregnant woman to be sacred, and sex with her calls him the analogue of the man’s prayer, his communion with the purity and divine mystery of the universe.

It all depends on what religion the spouses profess and how zealously they observe the canons of their faith.

We make a decision

So, after weighing all the pros and cons, a woman can make the only right decision for her based on the words of her doctor, her own attitude towards sex during pregnancy and taking into account the opinion of her sexual partner.

It so happens that there are no contraindications to sexual intercourse, but the woman herself feels discomfort during sex. In this case, do not be shy, you need to tell your partner about them, together the couple will have a chance to find poses in which the discomfort will be minimal or absent altogether.

Sex through force, undesirable, for example, only in order not to offend the husband with refusal, to keep the family, does not contribute to the normalization of the emotional and psychological state of the future mother and can cause chronic and prolonged stress. And stress is much more dangerous for a pregnant woman than intimacy.

Possible negative consequences

Despite precautions, the physiological characteristics of a woman in the first trimester can be cause for anxiety after sexual intercourse.

Here are some situations that worry women most often.

  • There were abundant discharge after intercourse. If they remain light, transparent, then this is normal. Sperm liquefies, flows, mixing with the vaginal secretions, which, after excitation and orgasm, also becomes noticeably larger. A doctor should be consulted if heavy discharges have a heterogeneous consistency, blood impurities become greenish, brown, gray, accompanied by itching and unpleasant odor.
  • There were scant spotting. If they pass within a few hours and are not accompanied by pain in the lower back, back, or lower abdomen, then we are talking about a mechanical injury of the vaginal mucous membranes. When injuring the cervix, the woman feels unpleasant pulling sensations, discharge is more abundant - you need to see a doctor.
  • Missing orgasm. If the frigidity was not peculiar to the woman, then the reason for the lack of orgasm during pregnancy may be a banal concern for the condition of the baby. In this case, the woman can not relax and tune in to receive pleasant sensations.

Even more recommendations on sexual behavior during pregnancy can be found in the video below.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


