Symptoms and effects of uterine tone in the first trimester of pregnancy


The tone of the uterus in the first trimester of pregnancy - the situation is very alarming, requiring immediate medical attention, since normally the smooth muscles of the reproductive female organ in this period should be in a relaxed state. According to statistics, up to 70% of expectant mothers are faced with an increased tone in the early stages.

Is hypertonus so dangerous and what to do with it, this article will tell.

About pathology

At women’s forums, one can often come across messages that “tone is not scary, it happens to everyone.” Indeed, the uterus is a muscular organ, and certain changes in its tone are a physiological, normal phenomenon. But after conception, everything changes. Myometrium of the uterus should be at rest and relaxed to ensure the preservation of pregnancy and gestation. Tense uterine muscles can not adequately grow and grow in size, it prevents the normal formation of the placenta.

The task of relaxing myometrium after conception by nature is assigned to the hormone progesterone. It is under its action that the muscular layer of the reproductive female organ becomes soft, calm, the endometrial layer grows, which is necessary for successful implantation. The level of progesterone remains high throughout pregnancy, and only shortly before birth a new dominant is formed - estrogens and oxytocin begin to be produced.

Reducing the level of progesterone to the minimum values ​​at the very end of pregnancy leads to an increase in the excitability of receptor sensitivity, the tone accompanies labor contractions.

Consider the increased tone of the uterus in the first trimester norm can not be.

Training contractions that do not lead to the onset of labor, this third of the term of gestation is not typical, they usually appear after 20 weeks.

An increase in uterine contractility in the early period is usually observed. in women who decide to become mothers at a young age - up to 18-19 yearsbecause the uterus in this case is not mature enough and ready for childbirth. Also tonus most often recorded early in pregnancy after 35 years, because at this age, future mothers usually already have a history of inflammatory gynecological diseases, as well as abortions, childbirth.

Hypertension of the uterus in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is very dangerous. It increases the likelihood of miscarriage, hypoxia, pathological formation of the placenta, death of the fetus. A small short-term tone of the uterus, which does not cause fear and does not pose a threat to carrying a pregnancy, may occur in a woman during sneezing, laughing, orgasm.

The reasons

The most common cause of the hypertonus of the uterine muscles in the first trimester of pregnancy, which lasts up to 13 weeks, is considered insufficient progesterone levels in a woman’s body. In this case, the uterus receptors are activated and strengthen the contractile ability of the reproductive organ. If progesterone is not critically deficient, the pregnancy is usually terminated early. But even a slight decrease in the concentration of this hormone leads to hypertonicity of the myometrium.

Disorders of hormones, leading to the development of increased uterine tone, may concern not only progesterone deficiency. Increased levels of testosterone or prolactin in the blood of the expectant mother also leads to tension in the muscles of the uterus and endangers the prospect of carrying.

The tone often rises in women with hormone-dependent illnesses, for example, with uterine fibroids or endometriosis, and hypertonus also occurs in women who have suffered from gynecological diseases before pregnancy.

Here are a few more reasons that can lead to an increased uterine tone in the early period:

  • thyroid disease;
  • recent viral infection, influenza;
  • chronic stress, anxiety;
  • work in the night shift, lack of sleep, violation of night sleep;
  • bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol in the first trimester;
  • work in hazardous environments, vibration effects.

Separately marked psychosomatic causes of the development of tone. Often they are affected by women who are not sure that they are ready to become mothers right now, doubt, worry about the future of the child, as well as women who have conflicted relations with the father of the future child.


There are two types of uterine tone. Grade 1 hypertonus - myometrium stress along the back wall of the reproductive female organ. Grade 2 hypertonus - tension and contractile readiness of the anterior wall of the uterus or the entire body of the uterus.

Grade 1 pathology in the early stages indistinguishable. The woman almost does not feel such a tone and may not even guess about it until the doctor diagnoses the appropriate diagnosis. Only in the late stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother can feel the tone on the back wall of the uterus due to slight aching and breaking pain in the sacrum, lumbar region. Often they are compared with pain before menstruation. In the early stages to feel such a tone is not possible.

In the second degree of pathology, the doctor easily determines the tone in the second and third trimester on the tension of the abdominal wall, on the change in the shape of the abdomen of a pregnant woman. In the first trimester, ultrasound is also the basis for diagnostics, which defines tone as a thickening of the uterine wall. The woman herself, in case of hypertonia of grade 2, feels the pulling pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort in the perineum, and frequent urination.


To ignore the tone in the first trimester is impossible. A woman must receive the necessary treatment to increase the chances of a favorable outcome..

Condition therapy involves bed rest or semi-bed rest. If the tone is 1 degree, and the focus of tension myometrium does not affect the place of attachment of the ovum, then the doctor may allow treatment on an outpatient basis, at home. But in most cases, since the first trimester is considered the most dangerous, a woman is recommended to go to the gynecological hospital to save the pregnancy.

It is important to eliminate all stressful situations, to get enough sleep, to eliminate physical exertion. Symptomatic treatment helps to cope with the pathological tension of the uterine muscles.

The future mother must be placed in stationary conditions when discharge from the genital tract atypical for early pregnancy on the background of hypertonus: smelling brown or scarlet secretions may appear.

Proper treatment includes necessarily establishing the hormonal status of the future mother - blood tests will show whether there is enough progesterone in her body, or whether prolactin and testosterone do not exceed the norm. When progesterone deficiency recommend taking progesterone drugs - for example, "Utrozhestan", "Duphaston" other. These drugs are prescribed in individual dosage depending on the degree of progesterone deficiency. They must be taken strictly according to the scheme, not forgetting about the next pill. Cancel doctor holds. Usually, it is recommended to take such agents with a shortage of the hormone progesterone throughout the first trimester.

Blood biochemistry indicates whether a woman has magnesium deficiency. In this case, prescribe drugs with magnesium or patients, but the necessary injections "Magnesia".

In the early stages, antispasmodics - “No-Shpu”, “Papaverin” are recommended for removal of excessive uterine tone., herbal light sedatives to eliminate the increased sensitivity of the nervous system.

With multivitamins, it's not that simple. In the first third of the term of carrying a baby, the excess content of certain vitamins in the body of the future mother can lead to the formation of fetal malformations. That is why vitamins are prescribed only to those who show their deficiency. Multivitamins are not recommended for most pregnant women in the first trimester.

In some cases, tocolytics (“Ginipral,“ Salgim ”and others) can be used in the hospital. They help to remove the increased tone of the myometrium.

It is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor strictly.. With timely treatment, the probability of successful elimination of the problem exceeds 98%. At the same time the tone of the child and his development, which was available in the early period, will not have any effect. If the treatment is abandoned, then with a high probability everything will end in miscarriage, if the tone progresses.

At the time of treatment, a woman with hypertonus in the first trimester is not recommended sex, air travel, exercise (including gymnastics for expectant mothers, yoga and swimming). You can not smoke, take alcohol, because under the influence of alcohol blood vessels dilate, which can aggravate the situation and lead to the onset of a miscarriage.

Separately, it must be said about the situation when the treatment does not help, and miscarriage does occur. Often the true cause of miscarriage lies in the genetic or chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, which are incompatible not only with life after birth, but also with further intrauterine development.

The fetus develops in the uterus exactly to the stage to which the anomaly allows. Then his death is inevitable. In this case, prevent a miscarriage doctors can not. Despite all the appointments about hypertonus, spontaneous abortion does occur. So conceived by nature.

More information about the increased tone of the uterus - in the video below.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


