What should be hemoglobin in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester?


The last period of carrying a baby is very important. At this time, the expectant mother must carefully monitor their state of health and change in the analysis. One of the most important indicators is hemoglobin.

What is determined?

Before birth, the baby gets all the soluble substances necessary for it to fully develop, through blood. A peculiar carrier of them is hemoglobin.

Its structure is based on protein molecules and heme iron. It is this combination that allows you to transfer all the necessary substances into the body of a baby.

By the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the child has grown up enough and takes up a lot of space in my mother's tummy. All its organ systems continue to evolve and differentiate. This leads to the fact that the need for nutrients increases significantly.

A decrease in this protein in the blood is not at all a consequence of any pathology. After the baby is born, the hemoglobin level gradually normalizes.

Top 3 trimester occurs physiological blood thinning. It is invented by nature to make nutrients easier to penetrate to the developing baby.

All pregnant doctors in the final period of pregnancy prescribe a complete blood count. With this test, you can determine the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. A decrease in these indicators is a sign of an anemic condition. This pathology is unfavorable for both mom and her baby.


In a population, the normal values ​​of this substance in the blood range from 120 to 140 g / liter. During pregnancy, they change significantly. This feature is largely due to the fact that the mother’s bloodstream all 9 months provides not only its needs, but also the baby’s body with all the necessary substances for it.

In different weeks of pregnancy, the reference values ​​of hemoglobin in the blood are slightly different. In order to easily identify the signs of various disorders, doctors use a special table. It is presented below:

Baby Week





Minimum permissible hemoglobin normal values ​​(g / liter)





Analyzing the above values, you can see that a reduction of less than 110 g / liter is already undesirable. It is important to note that not all future mothers change hemoglobin. For some women, it may increase in the third trimester. In such a situation, it is imperative to make sure that its values ​​do not exceed the maximum permissible values.

What do the changes indicate?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the change in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood occurs quite often. Various reasons lead to a decrease or increase in its level.

Increased blood concentration

By the third trimester of pregnancy, the level of hemoglobin in the blood should not exceed 140 g / liter. If this indicator changes, it can be evidence that the future mother has any pathologies of internal organs.

Quite often, various gastrointestinal diseases, deficient states of B vitamins, as well as in some serious diseases of the cardiovascular system lead to this situation.

Excess of this indicator above the norm is an extremely unfavorable sign. It can lead to increased blood clots. The appearance of small blood clots in the uteroplacental blood flow is extremely dangerous.

They can block the lumen of a blood vessel, leading to nutritional disorders of the fetus. If this pathology takes a long time, this will contribute to the development of the hypoxic state of the baby.

Before birth, this condition can be extremely unfavorable. The risk of preterm birth increases several times. In some cases, doctors even resort to the appointment of a cesarean section.

Decreased blood concentration

The longer the gestation period, the lower, as a rule, the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Only by the last weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus, this figure gradually increases.

If the future mom bears several babies at the same time, the concentration in the blood of this substance is significantly reduced. Also, pronounced reduction in hemoglobin may result in carrying a too large baby.

Women who practice vegetarianism are at high risk. on the development of their deficiency of the substance in the blood. The impoverishment of the diet with heme iron leads to the fact that the anemic condition gradually develops.

In the first months of carrying a baby, it may not be expressed significantly. By the 3rd trimester, violations begin to intensify.

If the hemoglobin level is already 105-109 g / liter, mandatory monitoring of this clinical indicator is required immediately before delivery.

In this case, doctors will definitely recommend the expectant mother to carefully control their diet. In order to normalize a given indicator, it is often just necessary to include additional foods containing iron in your diet.

In some cases, in women who are carrying several babies at the same time, hemoglobin levels can drop to 99-100 g / liter. In such a situation, careful monitoring of the state of the pregnancy course is required, as well as compliance with the recommendations made by the doctor to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The future mommy may not feel anemia at all. Usually, women “write off” all the adverse symptoms they have for fatigue and long gestation.

If the expectant mother began to get tired very quickly even without performing physical exertion or constantly wants to sleep during the daytime, this can be a sign of a mild anemic condition. In some cases, these adverse symptoms appear in women already with a decrease in the rate to 100-104 g / liter.

The anemic state can be suspected, but to verify it mandatory analysis is required. You can donate blood in any medical institution, both in a regular clinic and in a private laboratory. The result of the analysis is ready, as a rule, after a couple of hours. After the laboratory test, be sure to consult with your doctor.

With a more pronounced anemic condition in the future mother may begin severe bouts of dizziness. In some cases, she may even lose consciousness. In order to avoid this, the doctor will offer the woman to be hospitalized. During the hospital stay, the expectant mother will receive intensive treatment that will help to normalize the level of hemoglobin in her body.

What activities are carried out when changing the indicator?

From the very first weeks of carrying a baby, the expectant mother should definitely monitor the indicators of the general blood test.Such careful monitoring will prevent the development of dangerous states that can cause severe harm to both her and her child. 3 trimester of pregnancy with no exception.

In order for blood flow indicators to remain normal in the final period of carrying a baby, expectant mother needs to carefully monitor their diet. She should regularly consume iron-containing foods. It is very important that their amount in the daily diet should not be less than 1-2 servings per day.

The choice of treatment tactics to eliminate hemoglobin deficiency is influenced by a lot of different factors. For this, the initial state of the woman is estimated, how many babies she bears during pregnancy, and the presence of concomitant diseases of the internal organs.

In the anemic state of mild severity, the doctor will prescribe the future mom only diet therapy. It is important to note that a woman must comply with this recommendation until the very birth.

A lot of time is needed to normalize hemoglobin in the bloodstream. A couple of days of compensation is not achieved.

To raise this substance in the blood, the expectant mother should eat lean meat. The best choice - veal or beef, game, chicken. Supplement reception should be vegetables. They contain a lot of ascorbic acid. This substance improves the absorption of heme iron.

Sufficient ascorbic acid is also found in various fruits. The use of fruit and berry juices will be an excellent complement to the daily menu of a woman who has problems with hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy.

If the deficiency of this protein substance in the body is expressed significantly, the doctor will prescribe various iron supplements to the expectant mother. They are used for a long time and regularly.

During the use of these funds must be controlled level of hemoglobin. With effective therapy, it will gradually increase. The most popular drugs prescribed for this condition are "Ferrum-Lek", "Totem", "Sorbifer" and many others.

If a woman has diseases of the stomach or intestines that prevent the normal absorption of the ferrum into the blood, then in this situation iron-containing drugs will be given to her as injections.

When introduced into the body, various local side effects may occur. Usually they occur in places where the medicine is injected, and are called infiltrates. In order to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, it is necessary to follow the injection technique very correctly.

After the child is born, the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is also determined by the woman. If a woman gives birth to a baby alone, then The risk of developing her anemic condition in the first week after birth is rather high.

This leads to blood loss at birth. Already after several months, the hemoglobin level in a healthy woman should return to normal completely. If such compensation has not come, then Mom should go to the therapist for a consultation.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about the danger of lowering hemoglobin in a pregnant woman for a child in the next video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


