17-OH progesterone during pregnancy and its planning, norms and causes of deviations


The balance of the female genital organs is very important both at the stage of preparing for the conception of the baby, and already during pregnancy. One of the important hormonal substances is 17-OH progesterone. This article will help women understand why an assessment of this clinical indicator is being conducted, and what are the reasons for its deviations.

About hormone

This hormonal substance in its chemical structure refers to steroids. It is an intermediate step in the metabolism of various progesterone metabolites. This substance appears at the stage of conversion of hydroxypregnenolone and progesterone.

In the female body there are several internal structures responsible for the appearance of this hormone in the blood. One of them is the adrenal cortex. This organ is involved in the formation of many steroid hormones, including 17-OH progesterone. This substance is formed with the participation of the reticular zone together with other biologically important androgenic components.

During pregnancy, another organ appears that can synthesize (form) this substance. It is the placenta. Through her, the developing baby receives all the nutritional components necessary for his growth and development.

The placenta produces these hormones in the necessary amount for the growth and development of the baby. It should be noted that this leads to a gradual increase in the blood concentration of 17-OH progesterone during pregnancy.

Only a few weeks before birth, his performance begins to decline. This physiological reaction of the female body is a specific preparation for the upcoming birth of the baby.

The most brief organ that affects the appearance of this hormone in the blood is the corpus luteum. His work is largely determined by the phases of the woman's menstrual cycle.

The corpus luteum is actively functioning after ovulation and before the onset of menstruation. In the future, there is a change in the phase of the menstrual cycle, leading to a change in the concentration in the blood of female hormones.

Why is it evaluated?

A significant deviation of the concentration in the blood of 17-OH from normal values ​​requires mandatory treatment to the doctor. In such a situation, it is required to identify the cause that led to the development of this violation.

To do this, the doctor will appoint the expectant mother to pass additional tests and undergo instrumental studies. Their list depends on the initial state of the woman, as well as the possible reason that led to the development of these disorders.

This progesterone metabolite has a significant effect on the female body. It is important to separate arising violations by the time of their appearance. In non-pregnant women, one reason can cause a change in the blood concentration of 17-OH progesterone, while in pregnant women, it can be completely different. However, in fact, and in another case, it is impossible to do without consulting a doctor.

At the stage of pregnancy, doctors must take into account exactly in which period the woman had these violations. Thus, a significant drop in the level of this hormone in the blood of the expectant mother in the first half of the prenatal development of the baby can even lead to detachment of the placenta.The risk of embryo death in this situation is also quite high.

In which cases are required tests?

The definition of 17-OH progesterone in the blood is not all women. There are certain medical indications for conducting such a study. The need for the appointment of this test is determined by the attending physician, during the clinical examination and anamnesis.

Quite often, the level of this hormone in the blood of women suffering from infertility is determined. If the patient has any secondary signs of hormonal disorders, then this study is mandatory for her. One of these clinical signs may be the appearance of excess hair growth on the body of a male type.

The doctor prescribes an analysis to determine the level of 17-OH progesterone also for women with any diseases of the adrenal glands. Endocrinologists are engaged in the treatment and diagnosis of such pathologies. Monitoring the concentration of 17-OH progesterone in the blood is also necessary in the case of already prescribed therapy with glucocorticosteroid drugs. In such a situation, control of the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy is determined.

Hormonal malfunction accompanied absence or delayed menstruation, is one of the indications for analysis to determine the level of this hormone in the blood. Appointed such a study by a gynecologist. To determine the pathology may also require the definition of other female hormones.

Any neoplasms and ovarian cysts are another clinical indication for conducting an analysis to determine the level of this hormone in the blood. In this case, a mandatory transvaginal ultrasound scan will also be required to establish the correct diagnosis.

Normal performance

Female hormones are never permanent. Fluctuations in the level of hormones occur in the body almost every second. Undergoes a change and the level of 17-OH progesterone. Scientists have found that a change in its concentration can be even within a day.

The concentration of this hormone is affected not only by gender, but also by age. The phase of the menstrual cycle also has a strong effect on its blood level. After ovulation, as well as in pregnant women, the performance of this hormone is significantly higher.

The rate of this indicator depends on the period of a woman’s life. In the second period of the menstrual cycle, the concentration in the blood of this hormone is 0.3-3 ng.

Normal rates during pregnancy depend on the period:

  • In 1 trimester, the rate of this hormone in the blood is 1.3-3 ng.
  • By the second level rises to 2-5 ng.
  • In trimester 3, the normal values ​​of this hormone in the blood are 5-8.4 ng.

Hand over the analysis should be on an empty stomach. Before going to the lab, a woman can drink some water. For the study will require venous blood. In the evening on the eve of the trip to the laboratory one should not eat too fatty and fried foods. This may lead to less reliable biochemical test results.

Why do violations occur?

The work of the adrenal cortex - the main organ that is responsible for the production of many steroid hormones, is largely dependent on external influences. Scientists have found that even severe stress, a lasting sense of danger, persistent anxiety, and also very pronounced fear can lead to changes in the concentration of various steroids.

The level of these hormones in the blood is significantly higher in people who are actively and professionally involved in sports.

If a woman is constantly and daily experiencing severe stress, then it can also affect the fact that the level of 17-OH progesterone in her blood will be elevated.

Participation in conflict situations can also contribute to the increase in the blood of this hormone. Short in time, but very intense psycho-traumatic factor has a strong effect on the adrenal cortex.This contributes to the fact that the level of many steroid hormones increases.

A significant increase in the concentration of 17-OH in the bloodstream can cause the appearance of various adverse clinical manifestations. One of these disorders is a persistent decrease in immunity.

In this case, susceptibility to various infections increases significantly. Women who have catarrhal and respiratory diseases several times during the year should always consult with their doctor about the need to check their level of female sex hormones in their blood.

A decrease in memory and attention is another characteristic symptom that can develop in a given pathological condition. These manifestations occur as a result of the negative impact of a high concentration of this hormone on specific areas of the brain.

Scientists have found that a high level of 17-OH progesterone can even lead to a change in taste preferences. Increasing the concentration of this hormone in the blood leads to a malfunction of receptors located in the oral cavity. This symptom may be manifested by the tendency of a woman to frequent consumption of too spicy, spicy or acidic foods.

A decrease in the concentration of this hormone in the blood can be caused by various causal factors. One of them are various heart rhythm disorders.

In women suffering from severe arrhythmias, a decrease in the blood of this hormone is possible. The development of this situation leads to pronounced disorders of the systemic blood flow, developing in this pathology.

Other diseases of the cardiovascular system can also lower this hormone in the blood. Thus, a persistent increase in blood pressure over a long period of time can also cause some decrease in the level of 17-OH progesterone in the blood.

In the next video, the obstetrician-gynecologist talks about the role of progesterone in the development of pregnancy in a woman.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


