Blood cholesterol norm during pregnancy and what to do if the indicator is elevated?


Blood lipids are a very important indicator that is evaluated in pregnant women. One of these chemicals is cholesterol. Changing its normal concentration in the blood can lead to the development of very dangerous pathologies.

What it is?

Doctors call cholesterol special lipid structures. They are present in the blood of each person, regardless of his age. The norms of this indicator are different. Normal values ​​of cholesterol in the blood depend on gender and age.

During pregnancy in the female body hormones change significantly. This feature is associated with the emergence of new specific hormones after conception of the baby. It is these biologically active substances that lead to a change in the ratio of lipids in the blood.

Increasing total blood cholesterol during pregnancy may be from 6.1 to 10.4 mmol / l. These numbers are slightly higher than in the general population. If at the time of the study, the doctor revealed signs of hypercholesterolemia, then he would send the future mom for additional diagnostics. Her goal is to identify all diseases that could cause the development of hyperglycemia in a particular woman. The therapist is engaged in such diagnostics.

If necessary, he can refer the future mom to a urologist, cardiologist or neurologist to rule out comorbidities.

Reasons for raising

Cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman rises as a result of various causative factors. The basis of the violations are pathologies in lipid metabolism. The development of such deviations can lead a variety of diseases of internal organs.

Main reasons:

  • Future moms having persistent hyperglycemia or even diabetes mellitus, are at high risk for the development of their elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood (hypercholesterolemia). The violation of carbohydrate metabolism in most cases also contributes to pathologies in the fat balance. Quite often, this situation occurs in late pregnancy.
  • Hypercholesterolemia may be a hereditary pathology. In this case, similar violations are present in the close relatives of the woman. If someone from a family member has suffered a myocardial infarction or stroke, then this is a significant reason for regularly monitoring your cholesterol level. It is important to note that it is better to conduct such monitoring not only during pregnancy, but also in later life.
  • Hypertonic disease or severe hypertension - these are also pathologies that contribute to blood cholesterol rises. Quite often, an increase in the level of a given substance occurs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Accompanied by this pathology persistent increase in blood pressure, the values ​​of which exceed 140/90 mm Hg. Art.
  • Kidney and urinary tract diseases accompanied by various metabolic disorders. A healthy kidney tissue is necessary for filtering all substances beneficial to the body and excreting unnecessary. Diseases occurring in the kidneys or ureters, can lead to the accumulation of toxic metabolic products, which ultimately contributes to the development of hypercholesterolemia.
  • If the expectant mother consumes too much animal food, the risk that she will have high cholesterol increases many times. Many years ago, scientists found that people who are vegetarians have a low level of this substance in the blood. Frequent consumption of red meat during pregnancy can lead to persistent hypercholesterolemia.

When is the analysis assigned?

For the entire period of carrying the baby, the doctor will recommend to the future mom at least three times to pass an analysis to determine cholesterol in her blood. This laboratory test is used to determine how much lipid metabolism is changed in a pregnant woman, and whether the fetus has a high need for lipids. Such studies are carried out at different stages of pregnancy.

If the future mommy has any cardiovascular diseases, then she may need to pass a biochemical analysis to determine the level of cholesterol more often. In medical practice, there are situations when a woman visits the laboratory for delivery of such a blood test every 1-1.5 months.

Any deviation from the norm requires mandatory unscheduled visits to the therapist, in some cases, and a cardiologist.

Implications for mother and baby

Excessive cholesterol in the blood is very dangerous for both mother and her baby. Hypercholesterolemia leads to the fact that fatty deposits appear first on the walls of blood vessels, and over time, cholesterol plaques. They grow and block the lumen of the arteries. Such situation contributes to the violation of the full blood flow, which can lead to hypoxia of vital organs.

If the lumen of a blood vessel is completely closed, a person may have a heart attack or stroke. These pathologies invalidate and significantly aggravate the quality of his life. Reduced blood flow in the general system of blood vessels during pregnancy can lead to the fact that the fetus will not fully develop. Such a situation may trigger the development of certain abnormalities or intrauterine developmental defects.

How to reduce?

Normalize cholesterol by using special food, as well as the use of special drugs. It is important to note that doctors are trying to limit the future mom from taking medication during pregnancy as much as possible. Many of these funds can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the baby.

Starting therapy for hypercholesterolemia - the appointment of the future mother of a special lipid-lowering diet. Its effectiveness is estimated, as a rule, two months after the start of use. To do this, the doctor prescribes his patient to repeat a blood test for cholesterol.

The decrease in this indicator is a sign indicating a positive trend. In this case, the lipid-lowering diet remains the choice of therapy until the end of the pregnancy.

With the ineffectiveness of this type of treatment, doctors may prescribe lipid-lowering drugs. They should be consumed daily. Dosage and frequency of use are selected individually.

Typically, such drugs are prescribed from the second half of pregnancy, when the baby has completed all the main organogenesis reactions. Drugs are prescribed only with significant hyperglycemia, when the level of cholesterol exceeds the norm by more than two times.

To activate carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the expectant mother should move sufficiently. Strong physical exertion during pregnancy is completely excluded.

An alternative to visiting the gym can be regular regular walks in the fresh air. You should walk for at least 45 minutes. The pace of walking should be moderate.

Attending yoga classes or special exercises in breathing exercises for pregnant women - also a great alternative to heavy physical exertion.It should be noted that future mothers with uncomplicated pregnancy should attend such classes. If a woman has signs of cervical insufficiency or a threat of spontaneous miscarriage, then such training is contraindicated to her.

Lipid-lowering diet

Such therapeutic nutrition plays the most important role in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. In order to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, doctors will recommend the expectant mother to limit a number of products in her daily menu. So, diet:

  • All industrial sweets and chocolate are banned.. Gingerbreads, cookies, buns and other “snacks” should also not be included in the menu of a woman who has hypercholesterolemia.
  • Many women love chocolate glazed curd cheese. It is important to note that this product is highly undesirable for use. In addition to high content of sugar and animal fats, which cause high cholesterol in the blood, cheese curds may contain dyes and preservatives. This combination will cause great harm to the pancreas and liver.
  • Fruits, dried fruits, berries and nuts are suitable for the future mother as useful sweets.. To improve the mood, you can use honey. It should be noted that the calorie content of dried fruit is very high, so they should not be abused. Every day a pregnant woman should eat 1-2 fruits.
  • Doctors strongly recommend future moms to eat more fruits and vegetables.. They contain a lot of coarse fiber, which effectively promotes the removal of excess cholesterol from the body. Eat fruits and vegetables should still the season.

Fruits brought from overseas countries can cause food allergies and cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

  • Expectant mothers should significantly limit their dietary products of animal origin.. Completely abandon them not worth it. However, the emphasis in fats should be made on products of plant origin. Filling a vegetable salad or cereal garnish with olive or any other oil is an excellent addition of healthy lipids to your daily diet.
  • Scientists have found that taking foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, protects the body against hypercholesterolemia and many dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of sardines, herring, mackerel, trout, salmon and other fatty sea fish will help expectant mothers to effectively cope with increasing their cholesterol in the blood.

These foods contain a lot of beneficial fatty acid called Omega-3. It is necessary not only for the woman’s body, but also for the baby that develops in her tummy. Omega-3 is needed for proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as for effective work of the immune system.

  • Doctors always recommend reducing the consumption of red meat. In such a situation, it is better to give your preference to chicken and game. These foods contain more white meat. Abuse them also should not be. Two servings per day - the optimal dose to obtain all the necessary amino acids.
  • In order to improve the metabolic processes in the body, doctors recommend future mothers to use more green, fragile tea and various herbal infusions. Strong coffee should still be excluded. It is especially dangerous to use this drink for pregnant women with heart rhythm disturbances and arrhythmia. Drinks and compotes boiled from berries and dried fruits are excellent as healthy drinks.
  • Fractional nutrition is a key factor in maintaining optimal body weight.. Women suffering from hypercholesterolemia are often susceptible to obesity. In order to keep the weight throughout the pregnancy within the normal range, the expectant mother should eat food in moderate portions 4-5 times a day. Eat "for two" should not be.

How to reduce cholesterol, see the next video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


