How to calculate daily diuresis during pregnancy and what is its norm?


Work of the urinary system during childbirth should be in uninterrupted mode. This is necessary so that all toxic metabolic products of the mother and the baby stand out freely. In some cases, the work of the kidneys and urinary tract can be assessed only by counting daily diuresis.

What does this mean?

Expectant mothers are prescribed many different laboratory tests. One of the most common of these is urinalysis. With this simple study, doctors get quite a lot of information they need about both the health status of a pregnant woman and her child.

However, not all cases of the usual analysis of the urinary sediment is sufficient. If the future mother has any diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract, then she will need the appointment of more accurate auxiliary tests. One of these tests is the determination of diarrhea diurnal.

Many women are frightened by the name of this analysis. The word "counting" is often perceived as something complicated and confusing. Worry and worry about this is not worth it. This test is extremely simple. It can hold absolutely any woman.

Doctors call Diuresis urine separation. During the test, it is estimated its allocation for the day. Daily diuresis can be measured everywhere. Experts can assign the definition of this indicator to future moms and at home.

For the formation of urine in our body are the kidneys. Daily diuresis is, in fact, reflection of the filtration and tubular function of these organs. Pronounced deviations from the norm necessarily become the reasons for a more advanced set of various diagnostic measures.

Glomerular filtration - This is a process that occurs in the kidneys, during which the primary synthesis (formation) of urine takes place. Its importance is great. During it, the body is released and cleared of various toxins and decomposition products of substances. Many of them with long-term accumulation can lead to the formation of fairly dangerous pathologies for both the expectant mother and her baby.

The next stage of urination is tubular reabsorption. During this process, the residual essential nutrients are returned to the bloodstream. They are also necessary for the baby - for his active full development in his mother's tummy.

Drinking regimen largely affects urine formation. If the expectant mother consumes a lot of fluid during the day, it contributes to its large release.

Exceptions occur only if the woman has any diseases that make it impossible to separate excess fluid from the body. In this case, all the excess water accumulates inside the body. Ultimately, this contributes to the appearance on the body of various edemas.

In case of pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract, puffiness most often appears on the face. Edema usually occurs in such a situation below the lower eyelids. They are found, as a rule, in the morning after waking up and when you first visit the bathroom.

Daily diuresis is a very important indicator.Quite often, this clinical indicator is determined in future moms who are hospitalized in the hospital for various pathologies of pregnancy. This simple test provides doctors with a lot of information that they need in order to establish the correct diagnosis.

What is the control for?

Measurement of daily diuresis during pregnancy is very important. It helps doctors faster to establish the cause of the resulting functional disorders, and also simplifies the diagnosis. In this case, they can make a treatment plan much faster, which normalizes the general condition of the pregnant woman.

Low value

In the summer, urine separation may be slightly reduced. This is quite a physiological reaction that occurs in all people. To the development of such a symptom in this situation leads intense excretion of fluid through the skin in the process of sweating.

Also, daily diuresis may be lower in women who are actively involved in sports or frequently attend a fitness center.

To reduce this indicator can lead a variety of pathologies. Many of them are not even associated with the kidneys or urinary tract. Severe vomiting or diarrhea leads to a decrease in urine output (oliguria).

Usually, these symptoms develop in women during various food toxicoinfections. These disorders are also accompanied by fever and abdominal pain. In this situation, daily diuresis may drop to 0.4-0.6 liters or even less.

In this case, the sick woman must be hospitalized in order to carry out the necessary complex of intensive treatment. With the introduction of various drugs, which are administered intravenously, it is possible to improve the well-being of the expectant mother and to normalize the daily urine output.

Increased value

If daily diuresis exceeds three liters, doctors talk about the presence of polyuria. The development of this situation can lead to significant fluid intake during the day.

The causes of this condition may both physiological and pathological. In the hot season, the abuse of salty and sweet food increases thirst. This contributes to the intensive use of fluid.

If the kidneys cope with the increased load on them, then this only leads to an increase in urinary excretion. In this situation, it is weakly concentrated. The liquid component in such excreted fluid significantly predominates over the urinary sediment.

The development of polyuria often leads and diabetes. During pregnancy, this pathology may occur for the first time. In such a situation, doctors talk about the presence of a gestational form of diabetes in a pregnant woman.

The disease manifests itself as a strong thirst, and increased urinary excretion. Ultimately, this contributes to a change in the indices of daily diuresis.

The performance of this clinical sign can also be affected by many drugs. The most common ones are diuretic (diuretic) means. They are usually appointed for a long reception. Regular use of these funds leads to more frequent visits to the toilet, which contributes to a change in the indices of daily diuresis in pregnant women.


In a healthy person, normal diuresis, as a rule, is up to 1.5 to 2 liters of urine discharge per day. Changes in this indicator do not indicate any pathology. For diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account many different indicators, even the time of year.

Doctors believe that the future mother's healthy body should release about 65-80% of the liquid she drank. With this ratio for the work of the kidneys and urinary tract should not worry. If the fluid is released much less, it will lead to the appearance of internal or external edema.

If the external swelling is easy to determine, then excessive accumulation of fluid inside the body is determined differently. For this, doctors measure the body mass of a pregnant woman. If the “increase” during regular visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist significantly exceeds the norm, then the doctors consider this a manifestation of hidden edema.

Often, the first pronounced disturbances in diurnal diuresis in pregnant women begin to manifest themselves at 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the uterus with the baby developing in it exerts a strong pressure on the organs that are nearby. Such a "gross" impact on the kidneys and leads to disruptions in their functioning.

If the indices of daily diuresis change significantly in the earlier terms of childbearing, then, as a rule, this is a manifestation of various pathologies. In this case, a mandatory immediate intervention of specialists is required.

How to collect urine?

There is no significant difference in which container the biomaterial will collect. For this fit any container or jar. The main thing that it was attended by the division or other dimensional marks.

After each act of urination it is necessary to fix the volume of fluid released. All obtained values ​​are recorded in a notebook or notebook. In a day, the urine indicators obtained are simply added together.

Quite often it happens that at the same time as determining the daily diuresis, the doctor may recommend the expectant mother to take urine analysis according to nechyporenko. In this case, the sampling of biomaterial for this analysis is best done in the morning. Before collecting in this case, it is necessary to wash well and collect only the average portion of urine.

Both studies in this situation will provide the doctor with a much larger range of information he needs.

Sample calculation

To calculate the daily diuresis at home, you can use a special table. The amount of the used and allocated liquid is brought in it.

Units of measurement can be any. Typically, the amount of fluid for calculating daily diuresis is measured in milliliters.

An example of such a table is presented below:

The amount of fluid you drink, mlThe number of selected fluid ml
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When filling in information about the fluid you drink, it is very important to remember that the obtained data should be recorded on absolutely all products that contain water. The abundance of natural moisture is found in vegetables, fruits and berries.

For the calculation of the liquid contained in the fruit, special tables are used. They will allow the future to correctly calculate how much water they consumed per day.

It is better to record the performance of the fluid you drink after each use. It often happens that a woman conducting this study simply forgets to enter the information in the table. In this case, the distortion of the result will be provided. Fill the table should be very carefully and responsibly.

The balance between how much is drunk and excreted is an important indicator of kidney function. If this ratio is significantly lower than 65-70%, then in this case you should definitely consult with your doctor.

You should also see the doctor and if violations of the daily diuresis expressed slightly, but the expectant mother appeared adverse symptoms. These include: severe thirst, dry mouth, increased urge to urinate at night (nocturia), pruritus, dry skin, excessive fatigue and discomfort in the lumbar region. These clinical signs may also indicate the development of various pathologies.

For information on taking a urine test during pregnancy, see the next video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


