What to do with a cold, runny nose or cough in the first trimester of pregnancy?


First trimester of pregnancy it is no coincidence that it is considered the most dangerous - in the first 10 weeks the organs and systems of the child are actively laid, and up to 13 weeks the young placenta does not fully perform its barrier functions, therefore the crumb is very vulnerable.

Any negative factors can lead to his death, to the formation of severe malformations. With the onset of pregnancy, the immunity of the woman is reduced, and she herself becomes more susceptible to viral diseases, the common cold. Not only viruses that have entered the mother’s bloodstream can harm the baby in the first trimester, but also incorrect treatment of ARVI, flu and other diseases.

What can not be done?

If this happened and the pregnant woman is still sick, it is important to first of all know what to do absolutely not.

And there are a lot of bans:

  • It is forbidden to soar your feet in hot water - a rush of blood to the lower extremities and organs of the small pelvis can cause miscarriage;
  • forbidden to rub on badger fat, lard - the difficulty of thermoregulation can lead to vascular disorders;
  • can not tolerate high the temperature - it is detrimental to the uteroplacental blood flow and the provision of oxygen to the fetus;
  • You can not take any drugs without the knowledge of the doctor.

We need to dwell on medicines in more detail, because it is with them that we are used to treating a runny nose, cough, viral infections.

Almost all antibacterial drugs are contraindicated in women in the first trimester.. In case of influenza and ARVI, antibiotics are not recommended at all, because their effect on viruses does not apply, they are only active against bacteria. If a woman suffers from a bacterial rhinitis or she has a sore throat, the causative agent of which is most often caused by bacteria, the correct antibacterial treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

The decision to this specialist is not easy: you need to weigh all the risks that can lead to infection and the possible risks from the use of antibiotics. If the infection is more dangerous, in the interests of the mother and the fetus, antibiotic therapy is still prescribed.

Antibiotics increase the likelihood of fetal mutations, drugs of the quinolone group, as well as ototoxic gentamicin and neomycin, are especially dangerous. The use of sulfonamide drugs is not welcome. If there is an urgent need for antibiotics in the opinion of the doctor, drugs of the penicillin group or macrolide group can be prescribed.

Aspirin-based antipyretic drugs cannot be used in the first trimester woman., which thins blood, and also not recommended vasoconstrictor nasal drops with a cold.

Antivirals can be recommended, but only if they are homeopathic ("Anaferon", "Oscillococcinum" etc.). To accept them or not, it's up to the woman herself. There is no harm from homeopathic pills, as well as special benefits - clinically, the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies has not been identified.

Most antiviral drugs also have no effect on viruses, there is only a small a group of anti-influenza drugs that have an effect on common strains of influenza, but they are injected in the hospital. Such funds in the first trimester are strictly prohibited..

It so happened that the myth of the need to take a shock dose of vitamin C for colds or ARVI is alive and well. Clinical trials have not revealed the effect of this vitamin on viruses, but it has been proven to cause enormous harm that may cause an excess of this. vitamin in the first trimester pregnant: hypervitaminosis C is a provocateur of missed abortion and miscarriage in the early period.

It is not necessary for a woman to lean on taking multivitamins during the illness. In the first trimester, excess vitamin A (can cause multiple fetal malformations), vitamin E (in large doses can cause abnormal development of the skeleton and organs of the fetus), vitamin K (can lead to heart defects, blood vessels, abnormal development of the central nervous system). Vitamin preparations are good in the second trimester, when the need for nutrients in the mother and fetus increases significantly.

Up to 13 weeks of pregnancy, inclusive, vitamins are recommended strictly according to individual indications.

How to be treated?

From all the above, one may get the impression that a woman cannot be treated at all in the case of illness in the first trimester. This is not true. It is possible and necessary to treat it, but it should be done correctly and adequately.

If you have a sore throat, a cough has appeared, the temperature has risen, there is shivering and headache, there is muscle pain, photosensitivity, then the first thing a pregnant woman should do is call the therapist at home. In no case do not need to go to the clinic at the reception. The specialist will assess the condition and find out what kind of disease has happened and who is to blame for it - a virus or a bacterium. Next, go to the correct treatment.


It is recommended to treat colds and acute respiratory viral infections in the first trimester with bed rest - no trips to work or school, no active household chores and physical exertion. At rest, recovery will be faster, and the likelihood of complications will be lower.

It should be understood that a viral infection usually goes away within 3-5 days with or without treatment, in the case of pregnant women, the disease can be delayed up to 7 days, because the future mothers' immunity is noticeably reduced and it will take more time to give an adequate immune response to the pathogen.

The room in which the sick person is located should be often ventilated (at any time of the year), there should not be any heaters that dry the air. Only inhalation of humidified air can accelerate recovery and reduce the likelihood of respiratory complications - bronchitis, pneumonia, since the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract will not dry out.

To humidify the air, it is important to entrust households with wet cleaning in the room; you can turn on a humidifier, if such a useful device in the family is available. If it is not available, it is possible to hang wet towels over the heating radiators, which, when dried, will evaporate moisture into the air. As they dry, they must be moistened with water again.

Pregnant women with a cold or viral illness in the first trimester, it is important to drink a lot - drinking plenty of room temperature will help get rid of toxins faster, restore water balance at elevated temperatures. You should not drink black tea, which contains caffeine - another substance prohibited in the first trimester.

It is better to drink green tea, homemade juice from fresh berries, compote of dried fruit with minimal sugar. Refuse hot drinks - with many inflammatory processes in the larynx, hot drinking will only aggravate puffiness.

Rinses, inhalations

Such methods are not prohibited, but they must be coordinated with the doctor, who can prescribe certain means to add to the inhaler. Boiled potatoes - a good grandmother's method, but it is better to use the inhaler. If there is no inflammation in the throat and nasopharynx, hot water vapors can be inhaled, this will be an additional moistening of the respiratory mucous membranes.If there is no allergy to essential oils, you can add a drop of eucalyptus oil to the inhaler.

Attempts to breathe over a hot potato or a basin of boiling water can end very badly: burns of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, eyes.

If you have a sore throat, you can gargle with a weak soda solution, furatsilina solution. In the nose, you can bury the most common saline solution, prepared from boiled water and salt (avoid adding iodized salt).

Inhalation is not carried out at a high temperature, with bacterial rhinitis and sore throat, caused by bacteria.

When coughing

Most expectorant drugs for pregnant women are contraindicated. If the future mother does not have an individual intolerance to honey and beekeeping, she can drink milk with honey, add a spoonful of honey to warm tea - It helps to cope with coughing. But we must remember that honey is among the products of increased allergenicity, and therefore too much of this product can lead to the formation of an allergic reaction in the fetus, and this allergy will manifest itself after birth.

If it is impossible or unwilling to use honey for treatment You can drink a decoction of rose hips, a decoction of viburnum berries.

With a cold

Rhinitis in women in the "position" is not always associated with the disease. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose can be caused by the action of the hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. And if there are no other symptoms besides a cold, then it is not necessary to treat such rhinitis at all - it will pass gradually. Usually relief comes to the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

If the full complex of symptoms associated with the disease is “attached” to the common cold, then it is possible, besides saline rinsing of the nose, to bury aloe juice, diluted with water in a 50/50 ratio.

In heat

A woman is recommended to closely monitor the temperature level during the illness. If the thermometer rises above the level of 38.5 degrees, one should take paracetamol-based antipyretic drugs (aspirin, as we remember, is prohibited!). Clothes on a woman should be at a minimum, do not wrap up in a warm blanket - at high temperatures, the rapid release of heat is important.

Despite the insistent advice of older relatives and some "experts" from the Internet, you should not use ice and alcohol wiping. This can cause a spasm of the blood vessels.

Nutrition during illness

Pregnant food should be light and easy for the digestive system. If the body now spends too much energy on digesting meat steak, recovery may slow down.

Eat light foods that are quickly absorbed, such as cereals, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables. With a sore throat, it is better to eat porridge and mashed potatoes, so that hard food does not damage the larynx in addition. Try not to overeat and not starve.

Permitted Medications

It is useful to repeat that the use of any medication during the first third of the term of carrying the baby must be agreed with the doctor.

100% approved drugs in the first trimester do not exist in nature. There are means that can be recommended if necessary, but again, if there is a reason, and only by a doctor.

Coughing can be prescribed:

  • «Mukaltin» - 3-4 tablets up to three times a day;
  • "Stodal" - up to 4-5 times a day, 5-10 ml (homeopathic medicine).

For pain in the throat of a pregnant woman can prescribe:

  • "Kameton";
  • Ingalipt;
  • Hexoral.

From a cold, only drugs are used, which are salt solutions and herbal products without a vasoconstrictor effect:

  • Aquamaris;
  • "Pinosol".

From the temperature a woman can apply any paracetamol-based products:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Panadol".

You should not drink sweet syrups with antipyretic effect or use powders that are diluted in water, they have sugar and dyes.It is better to take a conventional paracetamol tablet or use the form of rectal suppositories.

How to avoid the disease?

Given that the immunity of a woman from the first days after implantation is suppressed by the action of progesterone, it is important to know how to protect yourself and protect yourself from diseases.

  • Try hard stay away from crowded places, especially if the yard - the cold season, and the room is closed. It is in such conditions that viral infections spread the fastest.
  • Before traveling by public transport, visiting a consultation or clinic, store or pharmacy Lubricate the nostrils with “Oxolinic ointment”.
  • Try hard walk more in the fresh air.
  • Eat well, do not neglect meat, fish, dairy products - vegetable protein can not fully support the immunity of women in such a crucial period for her.
  • Get a flu shot - The purified vaccine is administered to pregnant women. Vaccination cannot give one hundred percent guarantee that there will be no illness, but it guarantees that the flu will flow more gently and easily if infected, and the likelihood of dangerous complications is reduced.

If the disease still began, treat correctly and be sure to take measures to prevent re-infection. You are unlikely to become infected with the same virus, because after recovery a temporary immunity is formed, but respiratory viruses that can be dangerous, there are more than three hundred, and you are not protected from any other pathogen.

On the features of the treatment of SARS in early pregnancy will learn in the next video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


