What to do if TSH is elevated during pregnancy?


The optimal functioning of the thyroid gland during pregnancy is very important. Hormones that are produced by this body are necessary for the full development and growth of the baby. If the TSH becomes elevated, then the mother and her child may experience various pathologies.

What does this mean?

The thyroid gland is an organ synthesizing a huge variety of different hormonal substances. In order for the balance of their formation to be strictly observed, another important component is needed - thyroid-stimulating hormone. It is produced in one of the structures of the brain called the pituitary gland.

Thyroid-stimulating hormones produced by the thyroid gland, doctors believe T3 and T4. They have a whole range of different actions on many internal organs of the body. Thyroid-stimulating hormones can affect the work of the cardiovascular, nervous systems and many others.

In order for them to form, the body must give a special signal, which is the release of thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH into the blood.

The balance of thyroid hormones in pregnant women is very important. Any changes in their concentration in the blood will cause the future mom to have very adverse symptoms. In a fetus, such conditions may contribute development and formation of anomalies and some intrauterine malformations.

Maintaining an optimal balance of hormones when planning pregnancy is very important. Doctors are trying to create in the female body such a state that the concentrations of T3, T4 and TSH remain within the normal range. In this case, for a healthy pregnancy during the state of the thyroid gland, you should not worry.

However, there are quite a lot of different situations when the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood becomes high. To their development lead a variety of factors and causes. In this case timely diagnosis and selection of the optimal tactics to correct the violationsin order to prevent the development of pathologies that are dangerous for the future mom and her baby.


The concentration of thyroid hormone in the blood varies somewhat during the baby's birth. This condition is largely due to altered hormones. During pregnancy, the concentration of prolactin, hCG and other hormones that affect the concentration of TSH in the female body increases.

In different trimesters of pregnancy, the norms of thyroid hormone in the blood are different. This feature is due to the active growth and development of the baby in the maternal tummy.

In the early stages of carrying a baby, the level of TSH in the blood is usually minimal. Then it starts to increase gradually.

In the very first months of pregnancy, the concentration of thyroid hormone in the blood should be 3 mIU / ml. The average level of TSH during the remaining periods is 0.2 to 4 mIU / ml. The increase in this indicator requires the mandatory conduct of additional diagnostics and establishing the cause, which affected the development of this pathology


Quite often, it is very difficult to suspect a change in the concentration of TSH in the blood without special laboratory tests. Only when there are already pronounced disorders, do specific clinical signs appear in a woman.

She usually increases her body weight. This change is not due to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. The development of this condition contributes to a pronounced swelling, which manifests itself with an increase in the blood TSH. The whole body is literally swelling.

As a sedative, herbs that have a calming effect on the nervous system are excellent. Drinking tea with chamomile or melissa will help the future mom calm down and improve her mood.

Prevention of various disorders in the thyroid gland is very important. For this, doctors can recommend various preparations containing iodine in their composition. "Yodomarin" is one such tool.

Quite often, puffiness appears on the face and legs. The skin becomes loose, lose their elasticity. Changing the appearance of women. She looks constantly tired, even in the morning after waking up.

A very specific feature of this condition is mood disturbance. A woman becomes very apathetic. Even her favorite activities do not cause the usual delight.

With the growth of this state, she begins to weep and increased nervousness. Many women may unconsciously avoid social contacts and try to communicate less with friends and close people.

It often happens that the change in behavior is noticed by the spouse of a pregnant woman.

The critical stage of mood disorder is the development of depression. Usually a woman feels constant anxiety and depression. This may encourage her to start using medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect. Usually such treatment does not bring any positive effect to the expectant mother, thereby further enhancing the depressed mood and apathy.

Disruption of mental activity - Another characteristic sign of increased blood TSH and a decrease in thyroid hormone levels. It becomes rather difficult for a pregnant woman to concentrate even on simple things. She has increased forgetfulness.

Attention becomes distracted. Many women with such violations can often check if they have closed the front door, or suffer in doubt whether the iron is turned off.

This pathological condition contributes to sleep disturbance. This is manifested, as a rule, by the development of persistent insomnia. Future mother becomes difficult to sleep. She may wake up several times during the night or see nightmares. In the daytime, on the contrary, a woman experiences severe exhausting drowsiness.

TSH and thyroid hormones have a very strong effect on the gastrointestinal tract. An increase in thyroid hormone in the blood contributes to the fact that future mothers begin to form persistent constipation. It is important to note that even though taking laxatives, it is extremely difficult to achieve a lasting effect from their use.

Another symptom that begins to torment the future mom during pregnancy is severe persistent nausea. Some women may change their appetite. Reviews of many moms suffering from this pathology during pregnancy, indicate that they are experiencing a change in their taste habits.

The future mommy begins to complain to her doctor that her hair began to fall out strongly and became dry to the touch. The skin becomes pale. Hands and feet may be cold. The woman begins to feel constant chilliness.

Implications for the child

High blood levels of TSH are dangerous for the baby. This situation can lead to disruption of fetal development. Ultimately, this contributes to the development of physical and mental disorders in the baby later on after childbirth.

Increasing TSH at a normal T4 level is a more favorable situation. In this case The risk of negative signs in the baby is minimal. In such a situation, it is only necessary to monitor this state and determine the concentration of thyroid hormones several times during pregnancy.

How to reduce?

An increase in TSH in the blood while reducing thyroid hormones T3 and T4 is an indication for compulsory access to an endocrinologist. This specialist may prescribe additional diagnostics, which are required to identify the cause that led to the development of this pathology. In some cases, additional thyroid ultrasound is prescribed for this.

Severe hypothyroidism is an indication for prescribing medication. Many of the drugs are prescribed for long-term use. Usually they are accepted before delivery. After that, additional diagnostics are carried out. If a woman continues to have this pathology, then in this case medication continues.

For the correction of violations, special agents are usually assigned that can reduce the concentration of TSH and increase T4 and T3. Such drugs, most often used during pregnancy, are Eutirox and Thyroxin.

This therapy should be prescribed by an endocrinologist, not an obstetrician-gynecologist. This specialist has the best qualifications and sufficient experience in working with these pathologies.

If, against the background of an arising pathology, irregularities in the work of the cardiovascular system, manifested by cardiac rhythm disturbances, the appointment of additional medications is required. They are usually appointed after consultation with a cardiologist.

For the correction of the resulting disorders of the cardiovascular system are usually used beta blockers. They help to normalize the heart and eliminate the arrhythmias that occur. Appointed such funds only to eliminate adverse symptoms. Constant reception of these drugs is possible only after the permission of the cardiologist.

To eliminate disturbances in the nervous system and normalize mood, the endocrinologist will prescribe sedatives for the future mom. During pregnancy, it is better not to use highly active drugs that may have an adverse effect on the fetus.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to use such means by yourself. Only a therapist or an endocrinologist should prescribe iodine-containing agents.

For information on how the hormone TSH acts during pregnancy, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


