Causes and effects of deformation of the ovum


According to the results of ultrasound, many pregnant women at the earliest periods can hear about the deformation of the ovum. For some reason, it is considered that it should be ideally smooth, oval, and the deformation itself is a sign of danger. Should we be afraid of such a diagnosis, what causes deformation, and what the consequences of this deformation may be, we will tell in this material.

What does this mean?

The term "ovum" refers to the fetal membranes and embryo, as well as all embryonic structures. In the early stages of pregnancy, the growth rate of the ovum is important - thanks to them, it is possible to understand whether everything is in order, whether development is proceeding normally.

On ultrasound, the fertilized egg as such becomes visible from 5-6 obstetric weeks (this is a week after the woman began to delay the next menstruation). Diagnostic is important to assess the size of the ovum, because its growth, measured in the form of internal diameter, must meet the standards. In addition, the form is evaluated.

In medical textbooks and professional manuals for doctors it is said that normal is considered to be an oval shape, regular, even. Any changes in the outlines are considered deformation of the ovum, about which the pregnant woman and the doctor informs.

In this case, it is not always necessary to start worrying. You yourself will see this by understanding the reasons for this phenomenon.

Regular egg
Deformed Fertile Egg

The reasons

In no case should a deformed fetal egg be considered a sign of a defect in fetal development. Most often the reason lies in the tone of the uterus. Fetal membranes are very elastic. They can react to any changes in the state of the smooth muscles of the uterus. In other words, the uterine wall is strained - the fertilized egg stretches after it. And since it is attached to the same wall of the uterus, visual deformation is inevitable.

You can conduct an experiment with soap bubbles: the more actively you pull the hand away after blowing a bubble, the more deformed its shape will be. This simple children's fun will help answer one more important question - what to do with the deformation. Nothing. As soon as the physical influence from the outside ceases, the form becomes correct, levels out on its own.

It follows that the cause of the deformation is always the same - the tone and hypertonicity of the uterus. But also sometimes, especially in young doctors ultrasound, the diagnosis of "deformity" comes from an incorrect assessment of what is happening at the time of the study.

The ultrasound transducer, if it is done in a transabdominal manner, may slightly press on the anterior abdominal wall, which causes a slight “response” of the uterine walls and, as a result, visual deformation. As soon as the test ends (as in the case of the bubble), the uterus returns to normal, the fetal bladder returns to a completely normal shape.

Based on the foregoing, one should not look for the causes of the deformation, but the reasons for the increase in tone. Most often, the following are to blame for improving the uterine muscles;

  • stress, emotional distress, post-traumatic psychological syndrome;
  • inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, including genital infections;
  • not enough high levels of progesterone in the blood plasma of women;
  • early toxicosis;
  • the immune response of the female body (for example, when the difference between the Rh factors of blood of the mother and the fetus);
  • inflammatory processes and chronic diseases of the urinary organs, kidneys, bladder;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the accumulation of gas in the intestine, diarrhea or constipation;
  • general deterioration in the health of the future mother, associated with a cold, lack of sleep, fatigue, malnutrition, smoking or drinking alcohol.

For any of these reasons, the muscles of the uterus can be tense. This means that the fetal egg on the monitor of the ultrasound machine will look somewhat deformed.

The degree of deformation can be concluded about the strength of the tone. And only after that the question of how dangerous the problem is and what its consequences may be will be decided.


The uterus tone is not as bad as it is “painted”. And quite often it passes without the intervention of doctors and taking medicines. It is just enough for a woman to change her lifestyle, calm down, stop being nervous and normalize her diet. Most women in the early stages of the tone do not feel at all, and only a doctor through ultrasound scanning is able to determine this condition, including the shape of the ovum.

When the tone becomes noticeable and manifests itself as a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, this may be a more dangerous condition, but even with it, if you consult a doctor promptly, there will be no negative consequences.

This does not mean that one should ignore the doctor's opinion on the deformation of the ovum. Finding the true causes of increased tone is not as easy as it seems, since they are often complex, there are several of them at once. But here it is possible and necessary to take certain measures to reduce the tone, if it stays stable.

Increased tone, which is preserved, can lead to rejection of the ovum, spontaneously miscarriage, partial detachment of the ovum, and the occurrence of retrochorial hematoma. In the early stages, the tone is also dangerous due to the fact that the embryo does not receive nutrients and oxygen from maternal blood. This is due to impaired blood supply to the reproductive female organ, and the baby receives all the necessary things from the blood vessels of the endometrium until the placenta has formed.

Lack of nutrition and oxygen can lead to growth retardation, as well as fading of pregnancy (fetal death).

What to do?

The main thing - do not panic. Unnecessary experiences only aggravate the situation. A woman should definitely change the way of her life - more rest, lie down, avoid heavy physical exertion, weight lifting. You need to fully eat, take vitamins and sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. The psycho-emotional background comes out on top, the pregnant woman must calm down and avoid stress.

Of the medical measures should immediately visit an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will prescribe a blood test for progesterone, if necessary, to preserve the pregnancy, progesterone “Utrogestan” or “Duphaston” will be prescribed in an individual dosage, which depends on the degree of deficiency of this hormone.

And also it is necessary to make tests for genital infections, general and biochemical blood analysis and urinalysis (general and for bacposa). This will allow to identify such a cause as the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. If they show up, the woman will be prescribed treatment — antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs — all this is recommended in the early stages with great care and only when the possible harm to the child from taking the drugs is less than the harm that their absence will cause.

According to the standard scheme for long-term deformation of the ovum, but the viability of the fetus is prescribed treatment, which includes antispasmodics (drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the uterus). These include “No-shpa, Papaverine.The woman is prescribed magnesium and iron supplements, as well as light sedatives to reduce stress levels and improve sleep.

With a serious threat of miscarriage due to the persistent high tonus, a woman is hospitalized and the treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors. It should be noted that in 95% of cases it is possible to cope with a tone successfully without any complications and consequences.


Those interested in the experience of others will find a lot of reviews on the Internet, because a deformed fertilized egg is a problem for many women in the very early stages of pregnancy. Some kind of "sameness" approach to treatment is surprising. According to women, when such a problem is found, doctors without a preliminary study on progesterone immediately prescribe progesterone drugs - “Utrozhestan”, for example. This is not justified and requires re-checking with another specialist.

In most cases, according to women, the tone is approximately 9-10 weeks of pregnancy, some - before. Future mothers say that bed rest and lack of stress helps a lot, and therefore, if the opportunity allows, it is better to go to the hospital, because you rarely manage to observe complete rest at home.

There are not many stories with a negative ending, in which the pregnancy could not be maintained. Basically, it turns out in women who prefer to be treated with folk remedies, without consulting a doctor, to take drugs that are recommended to them by unknown interlocutors on the Internet. In our time, these women, fortunately, a little.

About the uterus tone, as the main reason for the deformation of the ovum, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


