What to do if salt is detected in the urine during pregnancy?


The appearance of various salt crystals in the urinary sediment during pregnancy is quite common. For many future moms, this condition causes a real panic. This article will help mothers understand the peculiarities of the appearance of salts in the urine during pregnancy.

What does this mean?

Normal urine values ​​are very important during pregnancy. Doctors prescribe this study to future moms several times during the time they are carrying babies.

The simplicity of this study allows you to use it to diagnose a variety of pathological conditions that may indicate the presence of a problem in both the mother’s body and her baby’s.

The increased value of salts in a pregnant woman should be a reason for contacting an unscheduled consultation with a gynecologist. Normally, various salt crystals can periodically fall out in the urinary sediment, but they should not accumulate. The constant significant excess of these indicators over the norm indicates that certain violations occur in the body of the future mother. Most often they are associated with disorders in chemical metabolism.


A variety of causal factors can lead to precipitation of salt crystals in the urinary sediment. Quite often, several such reasons affect the future mother's body at once. A prolonged increase in the level of salts in the urinary sediment can even lead to the development of various kidney or urinary tract diseases in a pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, these pathological conditions are very dangerous, as they can affect the correct intrauterine development of the fetus.

The reasons:

  • Diet change - A common reason for which various salts appear in the urinary sediment of a pregnant woman. There is an opinion that the majority of future moms during the carrying of babies have a strong craving for various salty foods. In their composition contains quite a lot of salt or sodium chloride. The increased use of such a substance contributes to the violation of metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman, which can lead to the deposition of various crystals in the urinary sediment.
  • Expectant mothers living in magnesium-deficient regions may also have metabolic disorders. In this case, the magnesium-calcium balance is significantly disturbed. Ultimately, this situation contributes to the appearance of specific salt crystals in the urine.
  • The development of various metabolic disorders also leads to reception of incorrectly selected multivitamin complexes. The use of such drugs contributes to inadequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals. The composition of some multivitamin complexes may not be optimal, especially in cases where a pregnant woman has any concomitant chronic diseases of the internal organs.
  • Presence of family predisposition the formation of various crystals in the urinary sediment can also trigger the development of specific changes in a pregnant woman.In this case, even before pregnancy, she has similar disorders. A similar tendency to the loss of crystals in the urinary sediment, as a rule, is also detected in close relatives of a pregnant woman.
  • In some cases, specific changes in the urine can lead to great use of various fruits and vegetables. The most "dangerous" in this situation, fruits rich in oxalic acid. Excessive use of them and leads to the fact that in the urine of pregnant women appear specific salt crystals.

Types of salts

Salt crystals can be very different.


    Quite often, pregnant women in the urinary sediment appear phosphates. This state is called phosphaturia. When this pH urine becomes alkaline. Normally, urine is slightly acidic.

    Phosphates in urinary sediment can occur in a wide variety of conditions. This is not always the case for kidney disease. In many cases, phosphaturia is symptomatic. In this situation, it occurs when eating disorders and daily diet.

    Excessive consumption of fermented milk products, especially before the delivery of the general analysis of urine, leads to the fact that phosphates appear in it.

    The appearance of such crystals also leads frequent intake of any fruits and vegetables, especially green. A large number of them can lead to persistent alkalization of urine. After some time, this state contributes to the appearance of phosphate crystals in the urinary sediment.

    The accumulation of amorphous phosphates in the urinary sediment causes the urine to become turbid. Usually, this symptom is perfectly manifested and found independently by a pregnant woman. Prolonged persistence in the urine of such characteristic changes may lead to an already more dangerous state — the formation of stones. They are manifested by the appearance of pain in the lower back, as well as the development of other adverse symptoms.

    Not only kidney pathologies can manifest themselves in the appearance of various salts in the urinary sediment. The development of this condition also lead to the consequences of infections, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus.

    In some cases, an increase in salt crystals may be during pronounced toxicosis. In this situation, adverse events occur, as a rule, during the first and second trimesters.


    These are fairly frequent salt crystals that can precipitate. Most often they are present in the urine of women who eat a lot of plant foods.

    Future moms who adhere to a vegetarian style of nutrition are also at risk for developing this condition in them. Prolonged loss of calcium oxalate into the urinary sediment promotes the formation of kidney stones (stones).


    Increased urine salts in the urine occurs, as a rule, with the abuse of coffee. Frequent consumption of mushrooms and meat products can also lead to the development of this condition. The extractive substances contained in such products lead to an imbalance of metabolism, which is manifested by the appearance of urate crystals in the urine.

    What to do when they appear?

    First of all, expectant mothers should understand that the appearance of elevated levels of various salts in the urine is not yet a diagnosis. This condition is in most cases temporary. After the adjustment of nutrition or treatment of concomitant diseases that caused the development of this condition, these changes completely disappear.

    With the appearance of crystals in the urine future mom should immediately see your gynecologist. The doctor will evaluate her well-being and conduct the necessary clinical examination.

      To exclude pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract in some cases, it is necessary to conduct a series of additional tests and ultrasound.

      During the reception, the doctor necessarily evaluates all possible causes that could cause these manifestations. For this, the gynecologist sends a pregnant woman to consult a general practitioner. Future mothers suffering from chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract even before the onset of pregnancy are also surely observed by a urologist.

      Pregnant women should follow the following guidelines:

      • Compliance with drinking regime - An important condition for the normalization of indicators of urine. In each case, the amount of fluid per day is different. A pregnant woman who has a strong tendency to develop edema or toxemia should not drink as much water as an expectant mother with a healthy pregnancy. Usually, the indicators of the drinking regime are determined by the physician during the consultation.
      • Optimum physical activities also necessary to maintain active metabolism. For future mummies, slow walking at least 40-50 minutes a day is great. Walking pregnant women should be daily. Such walks have a beneficial effect both on the organism of the future mother and on her future baby.
      • In some cases, doctors may recommend using special vegetable fees. As a rule, they contain a lingonberry leaf or bearberry. Such diuretic (diuretic) charges are prescribed only by a doctor. These drugs are especially good to use in cases where the expectant mother has pronounced edema.
      • Stress avoidance It is very important to maintain optimal metabolism. Normal operation of the nervous system allows to eliminate the slightest disturbances that occur during pregnancy. For a good work of the internal organs, including the kidneys, the future mom should not be nervous and worry about trifles.
      • Prescription drugs is carried out strictly for medical reasons. Typically, these tools are used when a pregnant woman has any concomitant diseases. Doctors try to limit the use of any drugs, as many of these drugs can have an adverse effect on the fetus.


      Proper nutrition during childbirth plays a very important role in maintaining the optimal functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract. Pregnant women should, if possible, limit the intake of coffee and strong tea. Consume fruits and vegetables should be limited. Do not abuse them.

      In the summer time very carefully should plan your diet. If during pregnancy in the summer a pregnant woman eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, and also consumes multivitamin complexes at the same time, this can provoke the appearance of various urinary disorders in her.

      Excessive intake of vitamins and microelements into the organism of the future mother leads to their development.

      Eat dairy products during pregnancy is necessary. However, you should not actively eat cottage cheese and kefir. Excessive use of such products quite often contributes to a change in urine pH, which ultimately provokes urinary disorders. 1-2 servings of dairy products will help prevent various disorders of calcium metabolism.

      Information on the general analysis of urine during pregnancy, you can learn from the following video.

      Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


