Can I make Botox for pregnant hair and breastfeeding?


The waiting period of the child or the time of breastfeeding is not a reason to refuse personal feminine attractiveness. And in this regard, future and newly-made mothers have many questions about the possibility and acceptability of applying such a popular method of care as botox for hair.

How does it affect during pregnancy?

Despite the name, the botulinum toxin poison has no relation to the Botox procedure. The name was chosen because of the pronounced rejuvenating effect that the procedure gives - the hair after it looks rejuvenated, stronger, healthy, smooth, shiny, split ends are sealed, the hair shaft becomes more dense.

During pregnancy, problems with hair occur in women infrequently - progesterone in the body of the future mother, which provides bearing and preservation of the fetus, usually has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair shaft and hair follicles, as well as skin. But after childbirth, hair loss and thinning are common and can be found everywhere. Therefore, the Botox procedure may seem a great way out for a woman.

However, you should not deceive yourself - even if the preparations used to process hair during the Botox procedure do not contain neurotoxin (botulinum toxin), quite often in the means there is intra-silane, a substance based on salts of organic acids with a molecule that changes shape and bonds, whose action is similar to the action of botulinum toxin. Actually, due to this, a rejuvenating effect is achieved.

In addition, as part of preparations for the procedure, vitamins, collagen, keratin, amino acids, essential oils, which will not cause harm to either pregnant or lactating.

The procedure of botox hair is done in two ways - cold and hot. The effect of the procedure is quite long, it is not affected by washing the head. And the prospect of looking your best pregnant seems very attractive.

But here lies the catch - There are no such studies that would convincingly prove the safety of Botox procedure for hair during pregnancy. Such studies have not been conducted, and therefore it is rather difficult to say exactly how the chemical components of the compositions for the procedure will affect the fetus growing in the body. And therefore, no doctor will forbid, but will not approve the decision of the future mother to make Botox for hair.

Responsibility for such a decision lies only with the expectant mother. But it will definitely warn that the consequences can be very diverse.

1 term

The first three months of pregnancy is a very important and crucial period when the risks of abortion and the formation of fetal anomalies are high. There is a period of embryogenesis, lay all the organs and systems of the child. These processes are so subtle and delicate that any negative external or internal factor can interfere with their normal flow.

During this period, the use of any aggressive cosmetics is not shown, moreover, it is not recommended to actively use even familiar brands of cosmetics and care products.

If a woman has toxicosis, then procedures like Botox can enhance its manifestations, since the procedure is accompanied by the application of products with pronounced chemical odors.

It is noteworthy that most manufacturers of products for the procedure do not indicate the exact molecular formula of intra-silane, and the assumption that the substance belongs to organic acids is just one of the experts' hypotheses. Given that it is not possible to assess the exact composition, it is not possible to predict how serious the consequences can be during the procedure in the early stages.

2 term

In the second trimester, the risk of miscarriage or the formation of developmental anomalies of the baby is significantly reduced, but the woman has a noticeable lack of vitamins and minerals, since most of them are taken by the baby. In this case Botox procedure may be ineffective and ineffective. - the rejuvenating effect or does not appear, or manifest, but not for long.

Hormonal background in the second trimester does not predispose to the lasting result of any procedures with hair, besides, it is necessary to remember the little-studied effect of intra-silane, in the middle of pregnancy, its negative effect on the placenta is not excluded.

3 term

Experts tend to assume - in the final three months of pregnancy to the child. there will be no great harm from mom's botox for hair, but no one guaranteesthat the chemical composition of the means for the procedure will not cause premature labor.

Therefore, recommendations to refrain from this procedure apply to the entire pregnancy, including its final trimester.

Botox breastfeeding

The effects of Botox hair on the body of a nursing mother have also not been studied by anyone, and therefore procedure not indicated for women with HB. The opinion that harmful substances can penetrate breast milk through hair exists, but it causes skepticism among doctors, since this method of transmission is not considered the main one.

The respiratory route seems to be much more dangerous if inhalation of vapors of harmful substances. Thus, toxic substances can quickly get into the bloodstream of a woman, and from there - into the milk, which the baby will receive during feeding.

During lactation, it is much more difficult to maintain the condition of the hair than when carrying a baby, they split, fall out, but it is quite possible to cope with this problem by other methods safer.

How to save health?

To make Botox hair during pregnancy and after it or wait - it's up to the woman herself. Those who chose such a way to put their hair in order should understand that there are security measures that must be followed. First of all, a woman needs to be very careful when choosing a product that will be used during the procedure. Low-quality or low-quality composition will bring much more harm.

Among the remedies that are recommended for pregnant women and nursing masters of Botox for hair, taking into account the contraindications are the following: Honma Tokyo, Kallos.

The procedure should not be carried out if there is a state of hypovitaminosis, the hair falls out strongly, there are wounds, scratches, damages on the scalp.

Perform the procedure only in the conditions of a beauty salon with a qualified master, in a room that is well ventilated. Be sure to inform the master before the procedure that you are expecting a baby or breastfeeding.. An experienced and responsible master after such information will select the most gentle and high-quality tool, as well as take care of proper and sufficient ventilation of the room during the procedure.

And the main thing that needs to be done before going to the botox hair master, to consult with your doctor - a pediatrician or obstetrician-gynecologist.

The procedure itself is carried out within 1-2 hours depending on the method (cold or hot).When cold, the master applies evenly the composition with intra-silane on clean, dried hair and after 40 minutes applies a fixing “sealing” compound. With the hot method, the curls in the composition are additionally subjected to straightening with special “irons”.

Physician advice

Most doctors have a negative attitude to the Botox hair procedure. This also applies to pediatricians who observe infants, and obstetrician-gynecologists who lead pregnant women. Too little scientific data, in general, there is no clinical data, and therefore any doctor will say that the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding is not the right time to experiment.

The reasons for significantly deteriorating hair condition during pregnancy and breastfeeding are numerous. And not all of them are harmless, and not everyone can do without medical examination and treatment. The Botox hair treatment in any case provides only a temporary cosmetic effect, and will not have a pronounced therapeutic effect. In addition, too frequent carrying out of such procedures can lead to the complete destruction of the hair shaft, and the hair will become very weak and sick, and their massive loss will begin.

    Therefore, while the woman is carrying the baby and breastfeeding him, she uses more gentle hair care methods:

    • the use of a wooden comb with rare teeth;
    • rejection of hairstyles with tight tails, braids - the stronger the hair is tightened, the worse the blood circulation of the hair follicles and the higher the risks of hair loss;
    • use of natural care products, without formaldehydes, ammonia and other hazardous substances;
    • infrequent shampooing - 1-2 times per week depending on the type of hair;
    • Do not use aggressive blow-drying, hair should be dried in an extremely natural way.

    If it is possible to avoid the Botox hair treatment, it is better to do this. When a baby switches to another diet, a woman will get the opportunity to experiment with her hair as she likes. In addition, during this time her body will fill in the lack of vitamins and minerals, which will provide a longer and more confident effect from the procedure.

    What procedures for hair can do pregnant, see the following video.

    Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


