Can pregnant women go to the sauna and what to consider?


Sauna for many women - an integral part of life. But with the onset of pregnancy, much in the way of life has to be changed. The question of the admissibility of visiting a sauna while waiting for a child naturally arises.

How does it work?

Sauna is a Finnish analogue of a classic Russian bath, but the steam in it is not wet, but dry, because it is not accepted to put a tank or tub with water in the steam room. In general, the effects of baths and saunas on the body are similar.

During pregnancy significantly increases the load on all organs and systems of the female body, therefore, it is considered more favorable in the absence of contraindications to breathe in moist air Russian bath.

The Finnish sauna, as drier and hotter, is generally not recommended for expectant mothers. Nevertheless, in some cases, it is not prohibited to visit it, and here it is important to understand who, when and how correctly you can go to the sauna during pregnancy.

About the benefits

It has long been known that going to a sauna or a bath is akin to relaxation, it helps cleanse toxins and toxins, improve well-being, mood, put in order the nervous system, relieve stress. A visit to the maternity bath is also useful because the inhalation of hot humid air helps to clear and expand the bronchi and improve blood circulation.

A healthy woman during pregnancy sauna will only benefitit improves the skin condition, hardens the body, trains the immune system, which usually weakens significantly with the onset of pregnancy.

But you need to understand that before you decide to go to the sauna, A woman must know what her doctor thinks about this. If the future mother's state of health is far from ideal, the conditions of the sauna can act as provocateurs for miscarriage, premature birth, placental abruption.

In Finland, the homeland of the sauna, it is believed that a visit to a steam room by pregnant women contributes to easier childbirth, and therefore is encouraged in every way, but again in the absence of obvious and hidden contraindications.

With all the benefits of the sauna, doctors in Russia are in no hurry to give good to pregnant women to visit it. The fact is that today there are very few women with good health, and every second pregnancy proceeds with certain abnormalities, pathologies, complications.

Who is strictly prohibited?

Pregnant women are not advised to go to the sauna, if they have any chronic diseases, even if they have not manifested in any way in recent years. The load that our body is experiencing in the conditions of the steam room may be the starting mechanism for exacerbating an old disease.

Also, you should refrain from visiting the Finnish bath with the following factors:

  • epilepsy;
  • oncological diseases and any tumors;
  • hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute hemorrhoids;
  • threatened miscarriage or premature delivery;
  • placenta previa, chorionic;
  • twin or triple pregnancies;
  • in early terms and in recent weeks.

You can not visit the bath at the beginning of the 1st trimester, even there are no complications, and the woman feels great.

During this period, the process of embryogenesis takes place, all the internal organs and systems of the baby are laid. Any process, including thermal, can disrupt this process.In the 2nd trimester in the absence of other contraindications to go to the sauna is not prohibited. The end of the 3rd trimester is not the best time to steam.because the load on the body in the later periods is already high.

Besides, A visit to the sauna should be abandoned if there is any inflammatory process in the future mother’s body, with severe toxemia, preeclampsia, and unusual discharge from the genital tract, with an increase in temperature, as well as with diarrhea or constipation.

Rules and recommendations

If the attending physician has nothing against a woman with excellent health visiting the sauna during pregnancy, It is necessary to adhere to some recommendations that will reduce the possible risks to a minimum.

  • It is better to bathe in short visits of 1-2 minutes. The total duration of stay in the steam room should not exceed 5 minutes for the entire bath session.
  • Any discomfort, dizziness, the occurrence of any pain - a reason to get out of the sauna. It is necessary to enlist in advance the support of someone from loved ones who will monitor your well-being and will assist you in time if necessary.
  • From the steam room you can not immediately plunge into the cold pool - this is fraught with spasm of blood vessels. It is better to cool under a warm shower, gradually lowering the temperature of the water.
  • Often ask water to water the stones in the steam room, so that the air in it is sufficiently humid - dry hot air is harmful to expectant mothers.
  • Cover your head with a felt bath hat, and your shoulders, if necessary, with a damp sheet, this will help avoid system overheating. Do not sit on the hot benches, do not pre towels or sheets on them.
  • Provide plenty of drink, take a bottle of non-carbonated water, fruit drink or homemade sugar-free compote, well quench your thirst with broth hips. Drink every time after visiting the steam room.
  • Do not lie on your back in the steam room, it can cause compression of the inferior vena cava and cause collapse.
  • Be sure to take rubber slippers with a grooved sole so that they do not slip - this will help avoid falling and injury. Go leisurely.
  • If there are concerns about hygiene (sauna someone else, perhaps poorly processed after previous visitors), take with them "Miramistin". This available antiseptic will help in time to process hands, external genitals before the beginning of the bath session, and also after it. The packaging of wet wipes with antibacterial impregnation to wipe the benches, table, handrails in the pool will not interfere.

Even if the doctor did not ban the sauna, you should not visit it more than twice a month. If before the pregnancy the woman was not a big lover of the sauna and did not visit her regularly, it’s definitely not worth starting this during the waiting period.

Any organism needs time for a qualitative adaptation, and pregnancy is not the best period to test health for strength.

Infrared sauna

About the benefits of the infrared sauna, created by the Japanese, today only lazy people have not heard. In fact, it is a small wooden room in which there are sources of infrared radiation. That it provides rapid warming of the body. Under the action of infrared radiation, some pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, and the production of immune cells is activated, the task of which is to fight any pathogens that enter the human body.

Despite the obvious benefits of visiting the infrared sauna, pregnant women are not recommended for any period of such a procedure. It can lead to very sad consequences.

The rapid activation of immunity is dangerous for the child because in the body of the future mother, the hormone progesterone does the opposite - lowers the immune system in order to protect the baby from quick reprisal from active immune complexes. Is it necessary to negate the efforts of progesterone? Most likely no. therefore enjoy infrared sauna will have after childbirth.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.