What week of pregnancy is maternity leave and what does it depend on?


Many women are looking forward to maternity leave, because it will give an opportunity to relax more and calmly, without being distracted by anything, prepare for the birth of a baby. But with the release of the decree is connected with many questions.


The procedure for issuing a decree is described in detail in the Labor Code. Under the law of the Russian Federation, a woman has the full and unquestioning right to go on maternity leave at 30 weeks. pregnancy, if she bears one baby. If two or three babies grow and develop in the womb, then leave is granted earlier: women go on maternity leave at week 28 of pregnancy. If the woman is working, then usually the entire procedure for taking leave is due to an employee of the personnel department or accounting department who gives the pregnant woman detailed instructions.

What we call “maternity leave” is essentially two vacations, one after the other. The first is leave provided on the occasion of pregnancy and in connection with childbirth, and the second is vacation, which is designed to care for a newborn baby until the age of one and a half years.

If desired, a woman has every right to stay with the baby for another year and a half, writing a statement that she wants to extend the leave to care for the crumbs up to 3 years.

The decree, so desired by future mothers, begins when the gynecologist issues a sick-list into the hands of the expectant mother, which confirms that from now on she is considered disabled (and this happens at 30 and 28 weeks depending on the number of fruits).

The term of pre-natal leave is limited - 140 days if the birth was without complications and one baby was born, or 194 days if twins were born. If a woman had a caesarean section for some planned or emergency reasons, then postpartum leave is also supplemented. The hospital is prolonged at the maternity hospital (prescribing one more sheet of incapacity for work), and the total decree for such a puerperal lasts 156 days. If a woman lives in the area of ​​radioactive contamination, then her rest will be 160 days.

There is a statutory right to a decree not only for pregnant women, but also adoptive parents. They are given 70 days as postpartum care for the baby. If twins were adopted, then more time is given for rest - 110 days.

The specified number of days for each case is law, and no one has the right to violate it, that is, maternity leave cannot be reduced or increased in any situation.

But a woman can increase it in a completely legal way, first having gone off her regular vacation, and then taking maternity. It is important to know that a woman can arrange such leave for each place of work if she has, in addition to the main place, a part-time job. Only a pregnant woman can receive prenatal leave (she cannot give birth to herself, no one can replace her in this!). But childbirth, grandmother, grandfather, and guardian.

Where to begin?

Puzzling questions of registration of maternity is a week to 28 (if a woman is waiting for twins) or 30 weeks (if the fruit is one). An obstetrician-gynecologist, with whom the woman is registered, should give her directions for tests and examinations, which, with the release, are in fact not interconnected, but according to current practice and recommendations of the Ministry of Health, they are exactly on schedule for going on maternity leave.

A woman is sent for an ultrasound scan, blood and urine tests are taken, a coagulogram is taken, and smears are taken for examination. If she refuses to undergo this examination, the sick-list will be given out anyway, but why risk her health and the baby’s health by refusing to take the planned examination?

Disability certificate, which was given in consultation, should be referred to the place of work or submitted to the social security authorities at the place of registration. In the second case, you must attach to the document a certificate of income of her husband (it is given to him at work).

If a woman is at the labor exchange and receives unemployment benefits, you need to take an extract from the exchange about the amount of this payment.. A decree is issued on the written application of the woman herself; no one can take the collected documents for her.

Having done all this, you can safely go to rest and wait for the payment of sick leave.

Decree Allowances

Issues of payments that are laid to women who take such a leave are one of the most common. It should be noted that the size of payments in the period covered by the hospital (before and after childbirth) depends on the woman’s income over the past two years. Incomes are summed up and divided by the number of days actually worked (sick days and holidays are subtracted!). So it turns out the average daily income. Then it is multiplied by the number of days in the hospital - it turns out the amount of the payment.

If a woman does not work or works less than half a year, the allowance is also necessary for her, but only in the minimum amount. (based on the value of the minimum wage).

In several places of work receive benefits for each of them. The whole amount of a woman receives a lump sum. To it can add the allowance, which is laid for early registration in the consultation, if the woman did not bring such a certificate earlier.

After delivery, the payments will be as follows:

  • lump sum on the occasion of the birth of the baby;
  • monthly allowance for the care of the baby until the moment he is one and a half years old (40% of the average earnings of the mother in the last two years).

There are also state benefits - for the first child, the third and subsequent. Their sizes are individual for each region, they are charged by social bodies.

From 2019, all of the above types of benefits will be increased due to the increase in the minimum wage. It is not clear yet only when the childcare benefits from one and a half to three years will be increased. The payment was made back in the 90s and has never been raised until now - it is only 50 rubles per month. But the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation promised to reconsider this issue in the very near future and to increase the allowance at least to the level of 1 MROT.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


