17 week 19 week

18 week of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother?


18 week of pregnancy for most pregnant women is full of discoveries and new sensations. Pregnancy is rapidly approaching its middle, and now the woman is enjoying her position, without experiencing severe fatigue or heaviness. This week, the pregnant woman and her baby are waiting for some interesting changes. Tell about it in more detail.

How many months is it

The beginning of the 18th week is a full 17 weeks. 18 full weeks is the nineteenth week of pregnancy. If a woman is at obstetric week 18, this means that conception took place 16 weeks ago.

The difference is due to the fact that between the embryonic period and the period adopted by obstetricians as the “gold” standard is exactly 2 weeks, which separate the onset of menstruation from subsequent ovulation. Obstetricians always count from the first day of menstruation, preceding the onset of pregnancy.

14 weeks have passed from the delay; this is 98 days. That is how much time a woman knows about her pregnancy and mentally adjusts to the upcoming motherhood. 17-18 obstetric week - one of the most enjoyable and easy periods for all nine months. Everything that is happening now with the baby and mother gradually brings them closer to an important event - the birth of a new family member.

Week 18 is the second trimester, exactly 4.5 obstetric months. Only two weeks are left before the “equator” - mid-pregnancy.

Feelings of the future mother

By the 18th week, the woman had fully adapted to her new position. She got used to the idea that her life would no longer be the same, that the upcoming changes would change all its aspects. In the current term, the future mother attentively “listens” to herself in anticipation of new sensations, sometimes very painfully and suspiciously treats the slightest ailments. Most often this week pregnant characteristic of the following sensations.


The belly grows. Many future mothers are already keeping a photo report, weekly taking pictures of their tummy. Compared to last week, he rose a little and started to bulge forward noticeably. Now it is quite difficult to hide it even behind loose and spacious clothes - during movements, walking, roundness become obvious.

It is even pleasant for women, because now they have a completely different attitude - they give way to transport, they try not to overwork at work, and at home they are more often offered help in usual business matters.

If for some reason a woman does not like such attention to a growing tummy, you should choose bright accessories for clothes - scarves, beads, a hat, these details will focus on yourself, thus the stomach will cease to be the object of close examination of those around you.

Fetal movements

Moving baby in the womb for a very long time, but most of pregnant women start feeling its movements just now. This week, almost all women whose current pregnancy is the second or third in a row, already feel the activity of their crumbs. They have an abdominal wall more stretched after previous pregnancies, the stomach grows somewhat faster and the sensitivity is higher. In addition, experienced moms never confuse the movement of the baby with the fermentation of intestinal gases.

Women who are expecting the appearance of a first-born child can now be greatly alarmed if they do not yet feel the child. There is absolutely nothing to worry about - the movements of the baby primipara usually begin to feel closer to the 20th week of pregnancy. Previously, terms were checked against them - as soon as the firstborn began to move, this means that half of the term has been passed, and there are 20 weeks left until the birth. Today, there are more accurate methods for estimating terms - ultrasound, for example, and perturbations are more a way to assess the condition of a baby.

If the movements have already begun to be felt, they should not be counted yet, because the light and barely noticeable touches of the baby to the inner walls of the uterus are still irregular, the baby is free, he can swim and move for a long time without touching the uterus at all. The location of the placenta also affects the sensation of movement. If it is located on the front wall, the likelihood that the movements will begin to be felt this week is not so great.

The movements themselves are more like the fluttering wings of a butterfly, some women compare them with the movement of the aquarium fish. Perceptible pushes and pinhoks await the future mother a little later, when the free space in the uterus becomes significantly less than it is now.

Pain and discharge

The dynamic growth of the uterus can not affect the well-being of the future mother. In the 18th week of pregnancy, the uterus, which used to be the size of a goose egg, becomes comparable in size to a good melon, the muscle fibers stretch and elongate, the ligamentous apparatus becomes more elastic. The baby grows, the amount of amniotic fluid increases, the placenta develops. All this creates a significant load on the lower back, sacrum, back, legs.

That is why women occasionally pay attention to the fact that the back hurts, the back aches, the legs get very tired and “buzz” in the evening, shooting and tingling are felt in the uterus. These pains are not pronounced, they are physiological and do not need treatment.

However, if the lower back is cramping, the pain becomes stronger, an abnormal discharge appears, this may not be a normal variant: at the current time these symptoms are a sign of a late threat of termination of pregnancy. A woman needs urgent medical attention.

The amount of discharge at week 18 remains at the level of previous weeks, perhaps a slight increase. Still on the daily strip should not be blood, pink or brown discharge.

White, light, moderately yellowish with a weak sourish odor or without it are now considered normal. Green or gray discharge, smelly, accompanied by itching, can now talk about the presence of infection, including sex. And the itching, coupled with white secretions resembling cheese indicates thrush.

Any discharge that is different from the norm is a reason for a visit to the doctor. Inflammation and infection should be cured as soon as possible.

Sleep and appetite

The woman did not have time to rejoice at the fact that sleep began to improve, as problems again arise - at week 18 it is difficult to choose a comfortable posture for rest. It is inconvenient to lie on the back - dizzy due to the fact that the uterus squeezes the inferior vena cava. On the stomach is not technically lie down. There are two options - the right and left sides.

A woman has to roll all night from side to side, which entails frequent waking up, bright and disturbing fragmentary dreams. To solve the problem, at least partially, will help a special pillow for pregnant women, in form resembling a large banana or bagel.It reliably supports a tummy and allows to lay an upper leg above in a prone position. This is the position most comfortable during pregnancy.

But now there are no problems with appetite: it is excellent for a woman. Even those future mothers who during the entire first trimester could not eat normally due to toxicosis and vomiting, now eat with pleasure. It is now important to prevent overeating, because the appetite is very conducive to this. A woman needs to review her diet, diet, monitor weight gain.


Most expectant mothers have no unpleasant manifestations and symptoms now, they feel good and cheerful. Even if toxicosis was observed at the beginning of pregnancy, now its signs have receded, because the hormonal background in the woman’s body is stabilizing. However, it’s too early to relax After all, late toxicosis or preeclampsia, which is manifested in edema, may begin right now.

If in the mornings a woman notices that her lips and nose are swollen, the swelling of the face does not go away, the wedding ring is not removed, the usual worn-out shoes become “small”, and the socks' elastic bands leave characteristic marks on the ankles, you should definitely inform your doctor. These may be the first signs of preeclampsia dangerous for mother and baby.

Much more difficult to recognize edema is internal. They are visually imperceptible, and the doctor can only suspect them by excessive weight gain, a sharp increase in weight compared with the previous week, and also by the presence of protein in the urine. For this reason urine tests are very important now recommended before each visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist. It is necessary to take it, as well as control your weight.

Common complaints

Among the most common complaints in the 18th week of pregnancy are headaches that are no longer associated with violent hormonal processes, as was the case in the first trimester. Now persistent regular headaches can signal that a woman’s blood pressure rises, which indirectly can also indicate the presence of late toxicosis - gestosis.

Headache pills are not the right decision when carrying a baby. It is best to consult a doctor, donate blood and urine, measure blood pressure so that a specialist can find the cause of the pain.

A runny nose at week 18 is not uncommon. If there are no other signs of a possible cold or infectious disease, then a runny nose is considered physiological, associated with pregnancy. It occurs due to the mild swelling of the mucous membranes, including the respiratory tract.

Diarrhea, heartburn and constipation are frequent companions of the 18th week of pregnancy. The organs of the woman's digestive tract are somewhat displaced: the uterus has pressed them, and now they have to work in extreme conditions. Frequent constipation is also associated with a relaxed muscular intestinal wall. Constipation alone can cause another unpleasant complication - hemorrhoids. About half of expectant mothers complain about him in the second trimester.


In the 18th week of pregnancy, a woman is calmer, her behavior is regular, and her movements are slow. The gait was "duck", and facial expression is increasingly diffused and dreamy. The period of sharp mood swings is over, because hormones are no longer “raging”. Now in the body of the future mother dominated by the processes of inhibition. So the body itself is trying to protect a child who already feels her mother's emotional “turns”.

Many women are now experiencing a surge of strength, vitality, optimism. At the same time, their desire to be loved, needed, and protected by a stronger person becomes more acute. These desires are instinctive, and men should understand this. A woman needs a sense of security to continue her race

This week you should refrain from stressful situations, from communicating with unpleasant and unfriendly people, the expectant mother now needs only positive emotions.

Changes in the body

In the mother's body, very intensive processes take place, which every day bring her closer to meeting with the baby. Now pregnancy is obvious to all. The waist has become more by 3-5 centimeters, the chest of many has increased by more than two sizes. Even in obese women, in whom the tummy begins to become noticeable later than in skinny women, the bottom line of the uterus released into the abdominal cavity is now clearly visible.


The height of the bottom of the uterus this week already reaches 17-20 centimeters.

The uterus is located in the abdominal cavity, its upper limit is palpable 2 transverse fingers below the navel. The cozy haven of your baby gradually changes its shape - now it is oval in shape, as if repeating the shape of a fetal bladder.

The neck length is normally in the range of 40-45 mm. A shorter cervix may indicate a cervical insufficiency, which is a greater threat for carrying a baby and requires mandatory medical intervention.

To imagine the speed with which the uterus grows, it is enough to know that in all 9 months it increases 500 times, and the length of the muscle fibers of this organ increases 5 times.

The height of the day of the uterus is now used as a diagnostic "marker" of pregnancy development - it is measured at each consultation in consultation. Normally, the VSMD value should correspond to the time limit: at 20 weeks - 20 centimeters, at 25th - 25 centimeters.

A woman clearly feels the uterus, especially if she comes to tone. To probe the upper limits of the reproductive organ on its own is already quite realistic.

Weight gain

Weekly gain control will help not only in time to pay attention to nutritional errors and review the menu. Sharp weight gains will help in time to suspect the symptoms of possible preeclampsia, which is very important for the further course of pregnancy. A woman is recommended to be weighed once a week on the same day with or without the same clothes in the morning after going to the toilet.

Women with a weight that was normal or slightly insufficient before pregnancy can now be noted that they have already added more than 4.6 kilograms. And it will be a completely normal increase.

Ladies who had extra kilograms at the time of registration, normally gaining about 4 kilograms by the 18th week, and women suffering from varying degrees of obesity should add no more than 2.3 kilograms. If your body weight is growing at a more dynamic pace, you should discuss the reasons with the doctor and get recommendations for weight loss from him.


By the 18th week, the mammary glands of the woman went a long way - they increased in size due to the proliferation of glandular tissue, their sensitivity changed, and the ear-tips mugs could change their color.

Now the chest is less painful than it was in the first trimester, especially at the very beginning. The nipples become harder, small pimples and bumps may appear on them, as well as around the nipples. These are Montgomery's hillocks. They are constant companions of pregnancy and do not need any treatment.

Now a woman can begin to feel that the breast on the sides and the bottom is itching - this is how the overstretching of the skin is manifested. If you do not take preventive measures, ugly stretch marks can be formed, which are almost impossible to eliminate by conservative methods.

Because of the large and lush breasts, the center of gravity changes, the woman's back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and a little lower can hurt. To prevent this, you need to wear a “correct” bra - with wide straps and good supporting cups.

The release of colostrum in the 18th week is not observed in all, most often in multiparous women who already have experience of breastfeeding, especially if not much time has passed between the past and the current pregnancies.

Excessive sweating

Many women this week notice that they have begun to sweat more. This is due to the enhanced work of the sweat glands. And absolutely no connection with the season. Of course, sweating is more pronounced in the summer, but in winter a woman will have to solve this problem. Fat women sweat more.

18 week of pregnancy - a time when you should pay more attention to their hygiene, so that sweating does not become apparent to others.

In order not to aggravate the situation, you should not wear clothes made of synthetic or semi-synthetic fabrics. Only natural fabrics will help the skin to "breathe" without causing prickly heat and other dermatological problems.


Week 18 ends the period when a woman may very well have excessive pigmentation. After this period, the production of melatonin pigment is normalized, and the woman may no longer fear that her face will suddenly bloom with bright freckles, and her arms and back will be covered with pigment spots. The next period of activation of melatonin will occur only at the end of the third trimester.

In the meantime, the likelihood of increased pigmentation exists, and it is not surprising. Such pigmentation spots do not carry dangers; they will disappear on their own during the first months after birth.

Fetal development

In the 15 full embryonic weeks that the baby spent with you, he was able to achieve a lot: from a zygote he turned into an embryo, and then became a fetus. Now the crumb has a height of about 20-22 centimeters and weight - from 160 to 215 grams. The size of the baby is comparable to the size of a ripe mango.


The baby gradually acquires more and more human features. He no longer looks like a little alien as his mother could see on the first ultrasound at the end of the first trimester. Now the fetus looks almost like a newborn. From the born toddler it is distinguished except that the size and thinness.

Being thin remained not for long, in the body of the crumbs the production of subcutaneous fat had already begun. Very soon, he will make the skin opaque, it will cease to be red and wrinkled, smooth out, there will be touching roundness, dimples on the chin, plump cheeks, tummy.

This week continues the process of normalizing the proportions of the child’s body. The head, which was recently more than all the other parts of the body and was about half the entire area, is now growing more slowly than the limbs and the body. Due to this, the proportions begin to come in line. But it’s still far from the ideal ratios.

The entire body of the crumbs is covered with thin and delicate colorless hair - the fluff, which is called "lanugo" in medicine. These hairs appeared a couple of weeks ago as a kind of proof of the work of the first hair follicles of the skin. Lanugo protects the baby from the rather aggressive effect of the aquatic environment in which it is located.

The original lubricant with which the baby is now covered helps in hair coat. Gradually, he will get rid of lanugo, and by the end of pregnancy and from the continuous cover of the original lubricant there will be only a few areas - the most vulnerable areas: in the groin, in the folds at the folds of the joints of the arms and legs.

The face of the baby was formed. In it hereditary features are already distinguishable: the shape of the nose, chin, height of the forehead, the shape of the eyes. There are ears. On the head a rather impressive head of hair can flaunt, and the face is already decorated with eyelashes and eyebrows. Phalanxes, nails are formed on small fingers, there are fingerprints - the pattern on the pads is unique, unique, the second one cannot be found all over the world.

Nervous system

Manage your hands and head the baby turns out better and better.It is from these parts of the body that the central nervous system begins to take control of the body. This week, the baby can already quite purposefully be pulled behind the umbilical cord, send the cams in the mouth, turn the head to the right and left. Now the formation of the gray matter - the cerebral cortex. Already there are the first grooves and gyrus, and the crumb continues to "get smarter" every day.

Neural connections are formed without stopping and pauses, and first of all the reflexes necessary for a person to survive are developed. The kid, despite the fact that he cannot survive outside his mother's womb, is already actively preparing for a future independent life: he already knows how to suck, swallow, has a grasping reflex, and there are some rudiments of the instinct of self-preservation.

Sense organs

Understanding exactly how the baby now perceives the world will help the future mom and dad to establish contact with the baby right now. The senses are responsible for perception. All of them are practically formed in the crumbs, but not all can be called acting. For example, there are already ears, but there is no full-fledged sound perception yet.

Until the 18th week, the baby heard only the vibrations that generate the voice of the mother and other sounds from the outside. From this week he has completed the formation of auditory ossicles, and now the sounds for him are almost the same as for all other people. After another 2 weeks, the crumbs will begin to fully function the inner ear, and the baby will begin to hear.

Now he continues to pick up vibrations, from time to time small ears “catch” new sounds, but hearing is not perfect yet. This does not mean that you do not need to talk with a crumb. Right now, according to the assurances of specialists in the field of perinatal psychology, children are in dire need of communication. They begin to hear the world, if not 100%, but they need to hear their mother’s and father’s voice. Children's songs, kind words, fairy tales together with stroking tummy produce a beneficial effect on the baby.

The retina of the baby's eyes becomes more sensitive by the 18th week. He already distinguishes light and darkness without error, although his eyes remain closed. Thin eyelids pass a certain amount of light waves, and it is easy to check: it is enough to light a flashlight on the mother's tummy, and the baby immediately activates its movements.

On this term tactile sensations are well developed. The crumb explores the surrounding space to the touch, and the smells are still inaccessible to the crumb, because in the usual sense he still does not know how to breathe.

Muscles and Bones

Muscle tissue grows very intensively, the process of hardening of the bones is in full swing. The cranial bones of the baby, as well as the large paired bones, have almost completed this process, the ribs have fully formed, and now they reliably protect the chest organs. Formed joints. Bones of extremities grow most actively. Now the baby's legs are longer than they were before, there is no such pronounced disproportion.

The crumb actively “trains” - he moves a lot and intensively. His face and jaw muscles are well developed. The kid uses it - he knows how to smile, frown, squint, put lips into a pipe, yawn and even make up disgruntled grimaces. Much of this so far is obtained involuntarily due to the “debugging” of nerve impulses.

Internal organs

The process of formation of all the organs of the baby is completed, now there is an intensive growth. The authorities also master their main duties. Organs of the digestive system at 18 weeks take and process the amniotic fluid, their baby swallows in large quantities - up to 400 ml per day.

The intestine "learned" to shrink, it begins the accumulation of the original cala - meconium. The baby will begin emptying the intestines after birth.

The kidneys produce urine, the bladder accumulates it. The baby often writes, the composition of the amniotic fluid is updated, so the medium remains sterile. Baby's heart knocks about two times more often than mom's: This week's heartbeat is in the range of 150-170 beats per minute.

Sex determination

If the sex of the baby for his future parents is still a secret, now is the right time to find out. The baby is no longer so small that it is difficult to consider his genitals, and not yet as big as in the third trimester, when he will have to take more compact poses and often close his genitals. Right now, the accuracy of sex determination is higher than ever in 9 months.

Children of different sexes now have different processes in their bodies. In girls, the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed, the ovaries are already in the pelvis. In some boys, from the 18th week, the testicles begin their long way down - first they will have to sink into the small pelvis from the abdominal cavity, and then into the scrotum. This process normally ends by the end of pregnancy.

Baby on ultrasound

This week, some of the expectant mothers may receive referrals for the second scheduled ultrasound scan. Screening research is conducted from 18 to 21 weeks. This “date” with a baby is very different from the first, which took place at the end of the first trimester. Now the baby has grown up and is ready to please mom with a demonstration of new skills. Now its CTR is not defined - the size, which was fundamental in the first third of the gestation period. But there is a lot of new parameters that are called fetometric indicators.

One of the fundamental dimensions is the BPD, the biparient head size. It is judged on the duration of pregnancy and the correct development of the baby. Its complements the second size - LZR - fronto-occipital.

At week 18, such baby head parameters are considered normal.

BPR, mm

LZR, mm

Head circumference, mm




The length of paired bones is also important for assessing body height. Measure the femur, humerus, leg and forearm bones. Normally, this week has such values:

Thigh length, mm

Shin length, mm

Shoulder length, mm

Forearm length, mm





The bones of the nose can be measured, and can not be measured - this issue is solved individually. If the first screening was questionable or unsatisfactory, and the woman refused an invasive diagnosis, the bones of the nose are measured necessarily. Normally, at week 18, they are within 5.4-6.0 mm.

Mandatory at this time is the study of the state of the placenta and umbilical cord. For the 18th week such indicators are characteristic.

Placenta - norms

Amniotic Fluid Amount

Umbilical cord

The degree of maturity - 0, thickness - 19.4-20.2 mm

127-133 mm

Has 3 vessels

Hazards and risks in the 18th week of pregnancy

The main hazards associated with the risk of miscarriage have been left behind. The threat is now virtually absent. But this does not mean that a woman can stop paying attention to their state of health. It is now important to listen to all changes in the body, so as not to miss the development of possible complications.

This week there is still a risk of fetal death. The causes, which can lead to tragedy, are not completely known to specialists, they may be genetic pathologies, and the adverse effects of external factors, medication.

Sometimes the baby may stop developing and die, if earlier, in the first trimester, the mother had a viral infection. The consequences of a common cold are not so devastating, they usually do not cause the fetal death of a child.

Non-developing pregnancy can only be confirmed by ultrasound. A woman can guess about her if she already felt the movements of the baby, and then they completely disappeared. If the movements have not yet been felt, then it is possible to identify the fact of a fading pregnancy during a scheduled visit to the doctor.

Another common problem of this period is the detection of a sludge suspension in the amniotic fluid.In later periods, it may be physiological, in essence representing the husked epithelium of the baby, lanugo. Now normal water should be clear and clean.

The appearance of suspension can be signs of placental abruption, intrauterine or genital infections. A woman will be prescribed an examination to determine the causative agent and the appropriate treatment with antibiotics. At this time, women can be assigned antibiotics, the use of which is not prohibited in the state of pregnancy - "Flemoxin", "Amoxicillin"And a number of others.

By week 18, a woman has a rather low immunity. From the first days of gestation, the hormone is suppressed by progesterone so that the strength of the immune system does not hinder the development of the embryo. Immunity reduction is a necessary measure, but it is also the reason why a woman is now becoming the most vulnerable to viruses and bacteria.

Now she should be extremely cautious, not visit unnecessarily crowded places, avoid traveling in crowded public transport, it is necessary to comply with hygiene requirements and take vitamins.

If all precautionary measures have not helped, and the expectant mother is sick, she should definitely contact a doctor who will help establish whether it is a cold or a viral ailment, and also prescribe treatment with medications that are approved for pregnant women.

The viral infections themselves at this time are no longer dangerous, because the placenta protects the baby, but high fever can cause problems with the uteroplacental blood flow. This is important to prevent.

Due to the decrease in immunity at 18 weeks, women often experience problems with the urinary system: cystitis, exacerbation of pyelonephritis or nephritis - all this is a very real risk. Frequent urination, accompanied by a sharp, small amount of urine, urine of an unusual color with a strong odor - these are the symptoms that should make the expectant mother go to the doctor without fail to get tested and given an appointment.

It is useful to recall the dangers of self-treatment and treatment of folk remedies during pregnancy. Such experiments can be crowned with success for an ordinary adult, but for a woman who is expecting a child, they can be very sad.

An interesting fact - in the 18th week of pregnancy, almost all women have slightly reduced visual acuity. This phenomenon is temporary, there is no need to worry, but expectant mothers who drive a car work in high-tech industries where precision and good vision are required should be extremely careful.

Analyzes and surveys

This week begins the passage of the second prenatal screening, aimed at determining the risk group for chromosomal abnormalities. Now, in addition to the markers of Down syndrome, Turner, Cornelia da Lange, Edwards, Patau, the screening allows you to assess the possible anomalies in the development of the baby's neural tube.

They can manifest themselves in microcephaly (small volume of the brain), anencephaly (the absence of the brain in general), in the crevices of the spine and a number of other gross defects, many of which are incompatible with life.

If last week a woman has not yet taken a blood test for the so-called "triple test", then this analysis will be prescribed for the current week. The concentration of hCG, free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein is determined in the blood of a pregnant woman. An ultrasound examines the anatomy and fetometry of the fetus, compares the data with the norms and evaluates the compliance of the child’s development with the average standard for the current term.

Also this week, general blood and urine tests are scheduled if a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is scheduled. If the visit is scheduled later, you can pass these tests immediately before going to the doctor.

Recommendations to expectant mothers

At obstetric week 18, it is important to adhere to all the basic recommendations: walk more in the fresh air away from busy urban highways, monitor your weight, lead a healthy lifestyle, take the necessary tests in time and not miss visits to the doctor. In addition, a woman may come in handy and additional recommendations that are relevant at the current time.


The general approach to the organization of proper nutrition during pregnancy is in balance. In the diet of the future mother should be enough protein, fat and slow carbohydrates. You should eat at least 5-6 times a day, but the volume of servings should not be large.

The list of prohibited foods - fatty meats, lard, smoked and salted fish, sausages and sausages, a large number of sweets, canned food and carbonated drinks. These products, in addition to excessive weight gain, can lead to increased problems with digestion.

Colitis, flatulence, constipation and indigestion will occur less frequently or retreat completely if a woman eats fresh and high-quality products that do not have a large number of dyes and other chemical additives. Now, in the period of active growth of the baby, products with high calcium content are definitely needed: milk, cottage cheese, spinach, nuts, sea fish, fresh greens.

Many pregnant women at 18 weeks due to an increase in the amount of circulating blood, hemoglobin decreases. In order to prevent the development of anemia, you should enter into the diet foods rich in iron: apples, dried mushrooms, beef liver, blueberries, strawberries, rabbit, barley and buckwheat.

Raw vegetables and fruits will help to avoid constipation, and homemade fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices will saturate the future mother's body with vitamins.


Despite the fact that the placenta is now quite successfully coping with its barrier function, a woman should not take any medication without a doctor's permission. This is especially true of painkillers, anticonvulsants, antibiotics.

At week 18, pregnant women who have been shown “Utrogestan” to maintain pregnancy usually stop hormone therapy: “Utrozhestan” is no longer needed, hormonal balance has come to balance, the threat of miscarriage is no more.

"Do not touch my belly!"

The rounded tum of the woman is of great interest to others. Some are not satisfied with just looking at the forms of a woman, and they strive to touch the stomach. This is unpleasant for most women.

You should not restrain your emotions, an outsider who decided to touch the tum, you need to delicately and firmly express their disagreement with his actions. Do not allow anyone to touch you if this gives unpleasant emotions. There is nothing out of the ordinary in this, do not be afraid to appear tough.

Preparing for childbirth

No matter how strange it may sound, but now a woman should start preparing for the upcoming labor. Daily gymnastics will help maintain all muscle groups in good shape, it will facilitate the process of carrying a baby in the third trimester when it becomes very large, and also help you recover faster after childbirth. Already, a woman can and should be familiarized with the complex of so-called "Kegel exercises."

These are some fairly simple exercises to train your pelvic muscles. They are squeezed and unclenched. Regular classes will help to strengthen the pelvic floor, which will help to avoid such late “troubles” of the third trimester as physiological urinary incontinence, as well as significantly improve the quality of sex life.

Such exercises are contraindicated for pregnant women with superimposed obstetric pessary, surgical sutures placed on the cervix. All other women before the start of classes it is necessary to check with the doctor if she has any other contraindications.

You can learn how to do gymnastics for pregnant women, as well as learn how to train your pelvic muscles, at special courses for pregnant women.They work in every female consultation and are free. You can visit them both alone and with your spouse, because he, too, is preparing for the new role of the father.


Sexual relations in the 18th week are reaching a new level. Sensitivity increases, sexual appetite appears, a woman may experience more vivid sensations from orgasm. It is not worth fearing that contractions of the uterine muscles during apotheosis can harm a child. Orgasm improves blood supply to muscles and ligaments, and has a positive effect on the emotional state of a woman.

Now, when the threat of miscarriage is left behind, doctors can resolve sexual relations even to women who have previously had a threat and sex was contraindicated.

It is unlikely that the moratorium will be lifted for women with pathologies of the cervix: a pessary or stitches on the cervix is ​​a clear and non-negotiable contraindication for intimate relationships, since any tone of the uterus can cause the eruption of the seams and abortion.

Spouses should be careful. Deep penetration postures are now undesirable. Intimate gel-lubricants can also harm the future mother's health. Not recommended now as anal sex. Properly selected postures in which there will be no mechanical compression of the abdomen are welcome.

Bandage and shoes

Changed gait, the load on the legs and back is no longer combined with the model shoes with high heels. A woman should pay more attention to safety and comfort. Therefore, it is worth switching to shoes with a flat sole or a small platform lift. From this period it is quite possible to start wearing a special orthopedic antenatal bandage.

There are several dozen models of such devices, which one to choose, is up to the woman herself to decide. To understand whether it will be convenient to be pregnant, it is worth trying. Therefore, you should not order a bandage on the Internet, it is better to personally go to any orthopedic salon.

Before buying, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Reasons for calling an ambulance

There are situations in which you can not hesitate. At week 18, you should not wait for a visit to the doctor or feverishly seek advice on the Internet if a woman suddenly has bleeding or has a weaker bleeding. You should also immediately call the "First Aid" in the event that diverted water.

Dangerous hypertonus, which is combined with severe pains in the right and left sides, is dangerous. It is no longer difficult to determine the tone of the uterus for a pregnant woman at week 18.

With severe vomiting, a woman also needs emergency care. The development of seizures, loss of consciousness - this is the reason for calling an "emergency". All other problems may be solved by the future mother with her doctor in a planned or unscheduled manner.


Many women, who described their feelings in the 18th week of pregnancy on the Internet sites for communication of future parents, emphasize that from this period it becomes very interesting to watch the stomach - from it you can already understand what is the location of the baby in the womb. Those who already feel the movements notice that every day the baby’s light touches from the inside become more pronounced.

Many of this week have planned the long-awaited vacation in order to have time before the third trimester and the birth to soak up the sunshine on the seashore. And some future mothers are already beginning to collect a dowry for the baby, because almost everyone already knows what sex a baby will be born soon.

Features of this week also lie in the fact that many do not feel anything unpleasant and painful, and this makes it one of the easiest and simplest for the entire period of gestation.

About what happens to the fetus and the future mother in the 18th week of pregnancy, see the next video.

17 week 19 week
Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


