26 week 28 week

27 week of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother?


The second trimester can be considered complete. Week 27 of gestation is a feature, “abroad,” separating the second trimester from the third. Now time for a woman will go subjectively more slowly, because there is no past ease, the pregnancy itself now gives the expectant mother not only positive emotions. Let's take a closer look at what is happening at this time.

How many months is it

Week 27 causes heated debates, to which trimester it should be attributed - to the second or third. Some doctors say that it is completing the second trimester, others say that the third one is starting. For the future mother is not so important. It is enough to understand that it is at the “junction” of two important stages.

The second trimester lasted 15 weeks. The 27th week of gestation in the obstetric months is 6 months and three weeks. By the usual universal calendar standards, pregnancy lasts just over 6 months. Half a year is a significant period for which a woman has fully adapted to her “interesting” position.

From conception went 25 week. The day when the next menstruation did not come was almost 23 weeks ago. There is less than three months to 13 days before the expected date of birth. However, it is not necessary to assume that the baby will certainly “aspire” to our world on the very day indicated in the card of the future mother. According to statistics, the DA only accounts for about 5% of all births. All other kids choose a different time - before or after the estimated date.

On the 26-27 obstetric week a lot of interesting things happen to the baby and the mother. About this in more detail.

Feelings of a woman

A woman begins to feel tired. And this feeling sometimes appears right in the morning, as soon as the alarm goes off, and continues throughout the day. Before going on maternity leave, there are still about 3 weeks, and if a woman is pregnant with twins, she will get sick leave in a week.

At work, there is almost no production benefit from a pregnant woman, so many are trying right now to go on a regular vacation, laid down by everyone who works, and then from it go smoothly on maternity leave.

More difficult for girls-students, they are not entitled to another vacation. But study does not require such physical activity as work, and in extreme cases no one deducts work. Therefore, a pregnant student can now study at home, visiting the university only for exams and tests.

Fatigue at week 27 is a common complaint that falls into the category of problems that can only be solved after giving birth, and without any outside intervention. Other sensations at this time may be.


Breast for most women has increased by almost 2 sizes, and for some - and more. It looks beautiful, but “wearing” the mammary glands is not as easy as it seems. The back hurts, from time to time they break and prick her nipples.Now, a woman can pay attention to the fact that she has "hot flashes" - after a couple of cups of warm tea her breasts can "fill up", become more intense, colostrum is extracted from the nipples of many future mothers.

The blue venous mesh is clearly visible on the chest, the mugs around the nipples are darkened. The mammary glands are actively preparing for breastfeeding, the ducts inside are dilated. Colostrum often appears in previously breastfed, because their nipples are more weakened, and the ducts do not need to expand again, it is enough to "remember" past experience.

Primiparous women may not have colostrum, and this does not mean that after birth, there may be any problems with lactation, as some people think.

At week 27, itching often appears on the sides of the mammary glands. This is due to overstretching of the skin. Primiparous can begin to prepare the nipples for feeding the baby - for this they are easily massaged with your fingers.

Care must be taken: excessive nipple stimulation activates the production of oxytocin, which causes contractions of the uterine muscles.


The movements of the fetus at week 27 become a kind of “language” in which the expectant mother communicates with her baby. So, now most babies are beginning to respond to the touch of her mother's hand to the stomach.

In response to stroking the baby can "portray" something - push the mother into the palm, turn, increase motor activity. And fathers, who also want to experience these incredible emotions, often remain “overboard” - the kids are in no hurry to respond in response to dad's touch on the stomach with joyful jolts.

Stirring is still very active, it will continue until about 32 weeks. Then the baby will become cramped, his physical activity will begin to decline. In the meantime, the size of the uterus allows you to "turn around in a big way." Expectant mothers feel this swing perfectly, getting tangible and often even painful shocks and kicks to the most different parts of their bodies.

The child moves on this period regularly. He has a certain daily routine, alternating sleep and activity. And the woman already knows when and what the baby does. On the question of whether it is necessary to count the movements now, the answer is no need.

The method of counting perturbations is very informative for the pregnant woman and her attending physician, but later. Usually obstetricians advise to do this from 28 full weeks of pregnancy, that is, from 28 to 29 weeks. In the meantime, enough and the fact that a pregnant woman notices the fact of the presence of perturbations.

To worry about the child on every occasion is not worth it. The risk of sudden fading, fetal death in utero at this time is as low as ever. Sluggish or active movements may well be a manifestation of the character of the baby. Some crumbs are more mobile and curious, while others prefer to sleep.

Disturbing symptoms are considered to be lack of movement during the day or too active, sharp and painful movements during the same period of time.

Kids become weather-sensitive, and now, if it rains outside the window, there can be less perturbations, since the crumb will simply sleep sweetly. And in sunny weather it will be much more active. If a woman is very nervous and worried (no one is immune from this), then the stress hormones will be transmitted to the baby, he will move more slowly. However, the hormones of happiness, which are produced in my mother's body, if she experiences positive emotions, will add mood and he will begin to move more fun.

The child is big enough, and many pregnant women already manage to not only understand how the baby is located in the womb, but also to determine exactly which part of the body he is pushing: the booty, legs or arms.

At night, perturbations may be somewhat activated, which often becomes the cause of sleep disturbance in a woman.Insomnia in its pure form occurs infrequently, but “ragged” sleep, staccato and restless - every second expectant mother on this period.

Pain and discharge

The changes that the female organism undergoes and the substantial load that it is now experiencing quite naturally cause certain discomfort. As such, pain is difficult to call them, because they are physiological. So, under the action of relaxin - a hormone that has already begun to be synthesized, pelvic bones soften. This leads to the fact that the pubic bone hurts. These feelings are worth suffering, because they are almost inevitable and are not subject to correction.

It is important to be able to distinguish between natural and pathological pains. If the pubic bone hurts badly, this pain does not allow a woman to stand, walk upstairs, increases at night, then you should consult a doctor to rule out symphysitis, a complication associated with the pathological divergence of the pubic symphysis.

A growing and strongly protruding belly changes the center of gravity, displaces it, because of this, the woman has a backache, aching the sacrum. The growing uterus “complicates” the task of the ligamentous apparatus, which holds it in a fixed position. The ligaments are stretched, and it is felt by the woman as tingling and nagging pains in the right and left side on the sides of the uterus, with a weakness in the lower back.

Due to the fact that the woman has significantly gained weight, her legs get tired and sore, especially her knees and ankles. Maybe again, like the first trimester, start to get a headache. Some migraine torments up to the birth.

Discharges at the 27th obstetric week are not very different from the discharges a week or two earlier. The only change that can occur is an increase in the number of vaginal secretions. There are more excretions, and so it is “conceived” by nature - a certain microflora should be maintained in the genital tract closer to the genera. If a woman is healthy, then discharge this week remain light, yellowish, homogeneous, without impurities of mucus, blood, odorless or with a slight smell of yogurt.

If a woman sees blood on a daily lining, an “Ambulance” should be called, this can be a dangerous symptom of placental abruption, beginning with premature birth. For blood also include discharge pink, orange, brown, the difference between them - only in the number of red blood cells in vaginal secretions.

Green or gray discharge with an unpleasant odor - a sign of infection of the genital tract, and white discharge, which is accompanied by itching and burning, a pronounced smell of yeast, is a frequent mate of pregnancy - thrush.

If watery discharges appear, an “emergency room” should be called, it may be the discharge of amniotic fluid or leakage of it.

In time to pay attention to the change in the nature of the discharge, the woman should wear and regularly change thin sanitary pads. Tampons cannot be used, since the very process of their introduction increases the likelihood of infection. In the vaginal secretion, which is a nutrient medium, pathogenic bacteria multiply well. You need to know that with an increase in secretions should be more reverent attitude to the rules of intimate hygiene, they need to adhere to.

Mood and psychological background

The mood becomes changeable again. The woman is sad, then laughs. At week 27, she has mixed feelings. A quick maternity leave makes you happy and worried at the same time, because the expectant mother needs guarantees that her workplace will remain.

To dismiss an employee who is in the decree, according to the law is impossible. Therefore, do not worry and worry, it’s best to think about something pleasant, because the very day that a woman is coming for half a year, the baby’s birthday, will soon come. The first place in the psychological discomfort that most pregnant women are experiencing now comes fear of the upcoming birth.

It should not be kept in itself, it is necessary to talk about it with relatives, a doctor, a psychologist. Psychologists work on a free basis in every antenatal clinic.

You should not read "scary stories" about childbirth, stories about unsuccessful childbirth and tragedies. Your experience is only yours, it is not similar to the experience of others, and therefore you should not “try on” the negative in order to keep calm. Read a good book or watch a kind and positive movie.

Women in the 27th week become more dependent on others. They need help even in those actions that they have recently done on their own: to fasten shoes, pick up a fallen thing, move something, etc. Awareness of the limitations of their actions, as well as depending on the people around them, is not the most pleasant feeling.

In order to prevent the development of depression in pregnant women, neurosis, experts recommend to communicate more, get positive emotions from movies and from listening to music, and also eat less carbohydrates - their excess directly affects the emotional state.

Changes in the body

In the body of a pregnant begin important processes that should prepare him for childbirth. In addition to softening the bones of the pelvis, all muscles become more relaxed. The body is “stored” for the future with fat (it is a source of energy) and fluid, which can cause swelling. The main changes occur in the abdomen of the future mother.


At the 27th week of pregnancy, most women find it hard to breathe. Deep breaths are given with great difficulty due to the fact that the uterus tightly supports the diaphragm. For the same reason, the woman appears palpable dyspnea.

The diaphragm is not the only “victim” of constrained circumstances. The uterus fills the abdominal cavity, pushing all the internal organs.

Thus, the pressure of the uterus on the lower part of the stomach leads to the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus, which causes heartburn, which is in no way connected with what and how much the woman ate at dinner. The pressure of the uterus on the intestines leads to constipation, and the bladder, also pressed down, declares itself to be frequent urination. In this state, the woman will have to bring the entire third trimester, and the discomfort associated with the growth of the uterus will increase.

At the 27th obstetric week, the height of standing of the uterus floor is 25-28 centimeters. The uterus rose above the line of the navel by 7 centimeters.

The length of the cervix at this period is normally equal to 40-41 mm. Moreover, in women who have previously given birth, the neck may be shorter. The tone of the uterus, if it rises, is now obvious not only for the woman herself, but also for those around her. Stomach kaineet begins to "hang around."

To reduce the tone, if the doctor considers it necessary, prescribe "No-Shpu" or "Papaverine". There are other drugs, but the need for treatment does not always occur. Short-term episodic tone is also one of the stages of preparing the body for childbirth, it is not necessary to fight it if the woman is healthy and there are no pathologies that can lead to premature birth.

To facilitate the "wearing" of the abdomen, which has already become large and heavy, a woman is recommended to wear a prenatal orthopedic bandage. You can choose it in any orthopedic salon after fitting.

Fitting is very important, because anatomically, not all models are equally well suited to a particular woman. For this reason, do not buy a bandage without fitting.

Weight gain

Expectant mothers at week 27 may already experience many inconveniences due to the increased weight. And the understanding that this process continues, and the mass will increase for about 3 more months, can instill real horror in a woman. However, not everything that a woman sees on the scales is her own weight, now there are a lot of factors in the mass. So, the amniotic fluid is almost a liter, 350 grams on average is the weight of the placenta, the baby weighs about a kilogram and half a kilo is the womb.

The body has more circulating blood, because in addition to its own circulation, the woman has an additional uteroplacental circle.

    Weight gain will not cause the doctor questions if at the 27th week the expectant mother adds no more than 400-500 grams compared to the previous week. The total increase by this time may vary significantly for different pregnant women.

    • slender girls can add to 27 weeks no more than 9.7 kilograms plus their weight before pregnancy.
    • women with a normal body mass index should recover by no more than 8.5 kilograms;
    • future mothers who had problems with obesity or even obesity before pregnancy - no more than 5.5-6 kilograms.

    With a significant "underweight", the doctor may suspect pathologies of placental development, lack of water, intrauterine growth retardation.

    But underweight is not as dangerous as excess kilos. At this time, they can say not only that the woman has improperly organized her diet, but also to be symptoms of preeclampsia - this is how internal edemas manifest themselves, which cannot be visually determined.

    Training bouts

    There are women who only read or heard about false contractions, having experienced nothing like this before the 27th week of pregnancy. And there are a little more of them than those who have already encountered such a phenomenon as Braxton-Hicks contractions.

    At week 27, according to statistics, training battles from time to time are observed in about 40% of pregnant women. Most often, on these dates, those who are going to give birth for the first time face a mysterious physiological phenomenon.

    For multiparous training fights usually begin much later - closer to childbirth: either a few days, or even just a few hours before the start of real fights.

    You do not need to be afraid of training bouts, they do not affect the mother and baby, do not accelerate the onset of labor, do not lead to the opening of the cervix. Why do they even exist, medicine is still not entirely clear. Theoretically, it can be assumed that this way the musculature of the uterus prepares for childbirth But women who did not have a single training bout during the entire pregnancy give birth without significant differences from those who regularly complained about false contractions after 20 weeks.

    Finding false contractions is easy enough. The uterus stiffens, becomes stiff for a few seconds or minutes, after which the muscles return to their original relaxed state. Such contractions are repeated irregularly, in some - every few days, in others - once a week or less.

    Often, women are tormented by the question of whether it will be possible to distinguish training fights from real ones. It is also very easy to do. If a woman lay down, rested, the fight receded and never returned, these are training fights. If the pain increases, the uterus comes to tone with a certain frequency - once in half an hour, once in 20 minutes, once in 10 minutes, and neither a warm shower, nor a state of rest bring relief, it is about the onset of labor.

    Skin and stretch marks

    The skin of a woman this week becomes the most vulnerable. The skin is now drier, very often at week 27, women who are prone to allergies show dermatological problems. That is why in the fight against the so-called "stretch marks" you should not go too far and rub all the cosmetics that will fall on the shelves of pharmacies.

    Contact allergies can also occur in women who have never suffered from it before. The reason - in immune processes. Immunity of the pregnant woman is greatly weakened, and therefore the reaction to the allergen, which has not previously caused problems, is now not excluded.

    A woman may notice itchy skin in the hips, abdomen. Such sensations cause skin tension. Can help baby cream or warm sunflower or almond oil. It is applied after water treatments and easily rubbed.

    Other changes

    A woman’s blood pressure is finally starting to level off. If in the first trimester it was slightly elevated, while in the second it decreased due to the increased amount of blood in the body, now it rises again and comes to values ​​that were characteristic of a woman before pregnancy. Dizziness due to this becomes more rare.

    From week 27, a woman's weather sensitivity increases, and now she is more sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure and air humidity. In rainy days and severe frosts, the overall health of the pregnant woman can worsen.

    If persistent daily headaches appear now, you should consult your doctor, as this may be a sign of hypertension.

    Most pregnant women increase their cholesterol levels. This phenomenon is considered perfectly normal. Cholesterol is an important building material for the placenta, with its help the “baby seat” is able to synthesize the hormones necessary for prolonging pregnancy and keeping uterine muscles in a relaxed state.

    At night, cramps may occur. They are associated with calcium deficiency in the body. Most of this mineral is “taken away” by a child, who continues active bone growth.

    A slight decrease in visual acuity can also be quite normal at this time, since the intraocular vessels are also exposed to arterial pressure drops.

    A woman at week 27, regardless of the season in the yard, may begin to experience hot flashes. At this time, the work of the sweat glands is increasing, sweating is growing.

    Dreams during this period are colorful and memorable. Somnologists claim that this is due to the fact that women’s sleep is now more superficial, because the baby is pushing, and it becomes more difficult to choose the posture for a comfortable rest.

    Baby development

    Baby prettier every day. He now looks like a newborn, only a little thinner and smaller than full-term babies. The height of the crumbs - about 36 centimeters, and its weight can vary from 900 to 1100 grams.

    Toddlers this week are usually already in headache presentation, and with a high degree of probability they will remain in it until the birth, because soon it will be physically impossible to turn in the uterus - closely.

    If now the crumb sits on the priest in a pelvic presentation or is located across the uterus, then he still has enough time to take a more suitable position for the birth process, turning the head down.


    At the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to take a flexion pose. He grew up, and now nature "compels" the little one to start saving space inside the mother's womb. From this week it becomes more difficult to determine the sex of the fetus on ultrasound, because some babies are bent so that the umbilical cord and legs completely close the visual "access" to the review of the external genital organs.

    The formation of subcutaneous fat is in full swing. The little one “grows fat”, and it adorns him indescribably. Cute little cheeks have already appeared, the tummy is rounded, butt, the arms and legs are not so thin and thin. The folds on the skin begin to smooth out.

    The face is fully formed. Only the ears are slightly bulged. Auricles consist of cartilage tissue, and it is still quite soft at this time. As the fetus ripens, the auricles become harder. According to the degree of hardening of the ears, doctors judge the degree of maturity of the baby in the case of premature birth.

    The formation of primordia of the molar teeth continues. They are hidden in the depths of the jaw tissues and will remain there until the moment when the child's baby teeth begin to change to permanent ones.

    The body and the face of the crumbs are covered with cheese-like lubricant that protects the skin. The lubricant is retained on the skin due to the hairline, which is called "lanugo".These thin hairs all over the body are the result of the work of hair follicles, and gradually the baby has already begun to get rid of them.

    Body proportions are leveled. The legs have grown and have become longer than the arms, and the head has ceased to occupy half the area of ​​the whole body, as it was in the early stages, now only a quarter of the entire area is allocated to the head.

    Nervous system and sense organs

    The development of the baby’s brain continues. At week 27, the formation of the work of special centers in the left hemisphere begins. They will be responsible for consciousness, thinking and analytical skills.

    The brain is quite economically takes control of the functions of the body of the baby, he coordinates the heartbeat, movement, digestion. The nervous system develops rapidly, and every day hundreds of thousands of new neurons form in the temporal and frontal lobes.

    This allows the baby every day to learn something new and learn. He already owns the main reflexes: sucking, swallowing, grasping, there are tendon and muscle tonic reflexes, cervical reflex. The formation of the respiratory reflex comes to an end.

    The brain was able to establish interaction with the adrenal cortex, from this period the baby has its hormones, and growth hormones are one of the first to begin to be synthesized. It's hard to imagine, but the baby in my mother's womb is already left-handed or right-handed. He already unknowingly chooses right or left handles as a “worker”.

    The development of the senses continues to open the baby a new world. The ear is fully formed, and the heel hears what it can. These are internal sounds: the maternal voice, her heartbeat, breathing, the flow of blood through her vessels, the work of the intestines, and also some sounds from the outside. Hear all in full prevents the dense abdominal wall of the mother and the aquatic environment in which the baby swims.

    But from the 27th week sight improves. Now established is the connection of the brain and optic nerve. From now on, in response to a bright light directed at mother’s belly, the baby will start, close his eyes and turn away. He sees so far only a congestion of colored spots, the sharpness and visual acuity will be formed gradually, in many ways this process will continue after the baby is born.

    Formed receptors responsible for smell. The kid begins to feel the "prototypes" of smells, but he distinguishes tastes very well, because his taste buds have been formed quite a long time ago. Touching in the womb helps the baby not to be bored. He feels for himself with interest, the umbilical cord, the placenta, the walls of the fetal bladder.

    Sleep crumbs in total is about 22 hours a day. Almost 60% is allocated to the phase of REM sleep. It is in it that people are able to see dreams. During sleep, crumbs of eyes under closed eyelids quickly move left and right. This gives scientists a reason to believe that the baby is already dreaming. Nobody knows what they are, what images appear in the brain of the crumbs, but the fact of the presence of dreams does not cause doubts among doctors.

    Internal organs

    Light crumbs continue to prepare for independent breathing, the alveoli mature, a surfactant is produced and accumulated. This substance is of great importance for the life of the baby. It does not allow alveoli to stick together.

    The first breath of the baby will fill them with air, and the required amount of surfactant will provide an exhalation and a full second breath. Acute respiratory failure, which often causes the death of very premature babies, is due to the fact that the surfactant has developed little and the baby cannot breathe on its own.

    Maturation of lung tissue is a responsible and serious process. If adverse factors interfere with it now, serious pathologies can arise. A woman at week 27 needs to avoid infection with severe viral infections, sexually transmitted infections.

    The baby's intestines began to accumulate the original cal meconium.It consists of bile and particles of the epithelium and lanugo, which fall into the water, and from there - into the stomach of the crumbs, because your baby is actively drinking amniotic fluid. Small buds work as big, with the only difference that they produce much less urine.

    The heart of the child has increased in size. His anatomical formation is completed, the functional "abilities" allow him to pump up to 25 liters of blood per day. The heart rate of the baby - 140-170 beats per minute. It provides blood to all the internal organs of the baby.

    In male fetuses at week 27, the testicles descend into the scrotum. This statement is true for at least 70% of babies. The rest of this delicate process is completed a little later, and only in units - after the birth.


    If childbirth happens at week 27, they will be considered premature. But the predictions about the survival rate of the baby at this time are quite favorable. Of those born on week 27, more than 75% of children survive. Naturally, not without the help of doctors.

    Babies who are born now fit in the two palms of the obstetrician: the baby’s head fits completely into one palm and the little body and legs into the other. But despite the plaintive look, such children are very “stubborn” and really want to live. Neonatologists note that they survive, sometimes contrary to the forecasts of doctors, even better than children, who are a month older, eight-month-old children.

    The baby does not have enough subcutaneous fat, he can not keep the internal heat, and this is the first danger for the newborn, which is considered to be deeply premature. The lungs did not have time to ripen to the desired stage, the baby can not breathe on its own - this is the second danger to his life.

    Such crumbs are placed in a special reanimation incubator, in which the baby “ripens” until the moment when its body weight begins to exceed 1.7 kilograms, after that it can be transferred to a heated bed.

    With forecasts about the health of such a child, doctors are very careful. Considering that the baby was born before the development of the central nervous system was completed, various disorders, mental and physical retardation, deafness or blindness are not excluded. If a child faces disability, this will be known only after the doctors have finished fighting for his life.

    The birth of a baby in the 27th week of pregnancy is a serious test for the whole family. Indeed, a lot depends on how strong and able parents are to be able to believe that their baby will cope, be able to survive and grow as a healthy baby.

    Your baby on ultrasound

    In the study of ultrasound at week 27 is usually not sent. Until the third screening is still long, and the first two have long been left behind. The only exceptions are emergency cases where the doctor needs to make sure that the baby and mother are fine. But at her own expense a woman has the right to visit an ultrasound at a private clinic for any period.

    At week 27 there may be many reasons for this. This and abnormal movements of the fetus, and their absence, as well as a woman may want to find out the sex of the child or clarify it.

    Pregnant women really want to know whether her baby meets the developmental standards for this period. At week 26-27, the norms for fetometry are:

    • BPR - 64-76 mm;
    • LZR - 80-96 mm;
    • DBK - 47-56 mm;
    • DKG (shin or length of the tibia) - 43-51 mm;
    • DKP (length of the bones of the forearm) - 43-51 mm;
    • Head circumference - 235-273 mm;
    • Abdominal circumference - 205-253 mm.

    The slightest non-compliance is often perceived by women as a tragedy. Experts caution against such experiences. All children now look individually, and therefore there are high and low, more or less plump kids.

    Only a downward deviation of 2 weeks or more is considered alarming. It can talk about intrauterine growth retardation. In the case of advancing the upper limit of the norm, we can assume that the mother bears a large baby who is born with a weight of more than 4 kilograms.

    There are special tables on which doctors compare the growth rate of a particular child with the average indicators. However, an experienced doctor will always make an amendment to genetics, take into account all the factors and characteristics of the current pregnancy and make the right conclusion.

    Hazards and Risks

    Despite the fact that the most dangerous period in terms of the probability of miscarriage or missed abortion is over, some of the dangers can still lie in wait for a woman. On the 27th obstetric week you should pay attention to such risks.

    Preterm labor

    The reason for the early onset of labor during this period may be excessive exercise, severe stress, and gynecological problems that a woman had before conception, for example, inflammation of the appendages or short cervix. The cause can be injuries and infections, diseases of a systemic nature. Significantly increase the likelihood of such a development of events overweight women and preeclampsia.

    Reducing the likelihood of premature birth will help compliance with the daily routine, work and rest, as well as the strict implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor. They need to be taken seriously.

    If the doctor asks to reduce weight, go on a diet for pregnant women, these requirements cannot be ignored, because the main goal of the doctor, like the expectant mother herself, is to inform the child before the time when his birth will not pose any danger to him.

    The probability of premature birth, according to the observations of gynecologists, is reduced if a woman at this time eats a sufficient amount of products with zinc content. These are liver, turkey, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal.

    SARS, flu and cold

    Immunity is reduced, and therefore at week 27 there is a high risk of infection with influenza or ARVI. And the simplest common cold is also a very real risk for the future mother. Immediately it should be noted that infectious and non-infectious diseases at this time are not a significant danger to the child - it is already reliably protected by maternal innate immunity. But unpleasant symptoms can complicate the condition of the future mother herself.

    If all the precautions taken by the woman did not help, and the disease still began, there is no point in treating a runny nose, cough, fever and conjunctivitis with home remedies. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will tell you which of the drugs are allowed for the pregnant woman and can help her.

    Exacerbation of chronic diseases

    In connection with the increased load on all organs and systems at week 27, women should pay special attention to their state of health. If before pregnancy she had certain chronic diseases, now there is a high probability of their recurrence. You may need to visit a specialist cardiologist or nephrologist to get the necessary recommendations.

    Intrauterine growth retardation

    Such a diagnosis according to the results of ultrasound at this time is not as rare as it may seem. If the doctor says that the baby has a developmental delay, there is no need to worry and be nervous. Modern medicine allows you to quickly find out the true cause of what is happening and in most cases completely eliminate it.

    Most often, placental insufficiency, Rhesus-conflict, malnutrition, placenta previa, a woman who suffered an infectious disease in the early stages lead to a delay.

    The kid in most cases can help with the help of vitamin therapy and drugs that improve the uteroplacental blood flow.

    Analyzes and surveys

    At week 27, women are usually given referral for general urine and blood tests. The blood must be donated to make sure that the woman does not have anemia, and the composition of the urine will show how the kidneys cope with the increased load.

    Rh-negative women in this period donate blood for antibody titers. Women with hormonal disorders are advised to donate blood for hormones.

    Women who are pregnant with twins or triplets receive referrals for a large list of tests that must be taken before going on maternity leave. It is approximately the same as when registering.

    Recommendations to expectant mothers

    Pregnancy will be easier if the woman adheres to all recommendations of the attending physician. The most common questions on this period need special comments.


    Many people worry whether it is possible to have sex now, whether it will harm the baby. If a woman is healthy, she has no complications and the threat of premature birth, then you can and should engage in sex.

    Positive emotions that affinity with a loved one gives are difficult to replace. True, the partners now need to take into account the big tummy, poses should be chosen such that there is no mechanical pressure on the uterus and deep penetrations.

    Calculation of maternity payments

    Week 27 - it's time to calculate what amount of maternity pay a woman is entitled to. It depends on the length of service, the size of the woman’s salary, as well as the number of days she spent on the sick leave or other maternity leave over the past two years. There are many subtleties regarding the calculation of a one-time payment upon leaving on maternity leave. Quickly calculate the amount due will help the calculator.


    It is possible to go on trips on this period, if the treating doctor has no other opinion on this matter, and the woman should be careful with the flights. According to the requirements of most air carriers, a certificate from a doctor about the absence of contraindications to an air flight is required at landing from week 28.

    If you fly to rest more than a week, then you need to take this certificate anyway, because on the way back they will be asked to show it.

    Airlines may set other rules. Therefore, before buying plane tickets, be sure to ask the operator what documents you need to take with you if you have a 27 week gestation.

    Massage for pregnant women

    The 27th week of pregnancy is the right time for the husband or one of the household members to master the massage techniques to relax and relieve pain in the pregnant woman. This massage has a lot of features and requires a masseur care.

    You can massage the lumbosacral region, it is easy to stroke the lower abdomen, massage the spinal column. It is necessary to do massage in a sitting position or in the knee-elbow position.

    Before starting, it is advisable to visit a professional masseuse with my husband, who will show tricks and movements and give individual recommendations.


    From the 27th week of pregnancy, a woman needs naps. At night, she should rest for at least 9 hours, and during the day there will be enough rest for 1-1.5 hours. Such a “quiet hour” will help to restore strength spent in the first half of the day, and ease the afternoon, when there are pains in the legs and lower back.

    Pregnant Reviews

    At week 27, many women complain of the appearance of edema. That is why it is now important to reduce the amount of salt in the diet to a minimum and observe the proper drinking regimen. Before bedtime, it is advisable to eat and drink for 2-3 hours, later meals and drunk liquid will contribute to the appearance of morning swelling of the face, hands and feet.

    At this time, many future mothers are already beginning to make out a nursery, are shopping for a baby, choose him or her a name.

    Housekeeping is becoming more difficult, and therefore, future mothers are especially in need of help and support from relatives.

    About what happens to the fetus and the future mother at the 27th week of pregnancy, see the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.