Starting from what week of pregnancy you cannot sleep on your stomach and what does it depend on?


Many women love to sleep on their stomachs. This position is very convenient, it is good to rest in it, but during pregnancy it is understandably forbidden. The ban, however, does not start from the first weeks, and therefore it is important to know when it is possible to sleep on your stomach, and when it is dangerous.

Time limits

Abandoning the pose on the stomach is especially difficult for women, who almost from childhood used to sleep that way. But while the uterus is small and is in the pelvis, it will not suffer, and the child will not be harmed if the woman continues to sleep as much as possible. The uterus begins to grow from the first days of pregnancy and increases gradually. Its bottom (the widest upper part) rises above and once leaves the pelvic limits, moving to a temporary place in the abdominal cavity.

This happens, as a rule, in the period from 10 to 12 weeks (if you count from the first day of the last menstrual period) or a little later. It depends on the physical condition of the specific future mother: on how she is folded, how wide her hips are, on the location of the placenta and other factors.

Up to 10 weeks, thus, a woman can not worry and continue to sleep in the position that she likes more than others. But gradually you need to accustom yourself to the idea that with 3 months of pregnancy everything will change: you will not be able to sleep on your stomach, because the anterior abdominal wall will not be able to alleviate the pressure of body weight on the uterus inside the cavity. Sleeping on the back is also not recommended, but for a different reason: the growing uterus gradually begins to put pressure on the vena cava, which can lead to impaired blood circulation in the mother and fetus, fainting, convulsions.

The only possible and accessible posture from 3 months until the birth becomes posture on the side. Despite the fact that sleep on your stomach at first and second month of pregnancy it is possible, many women themselves refuse from this position during sleep, intuitively feeling the danger that comes from such a position of the body. Moreover, it does not always become comfortable to rest on the stomach, even in the early stages: after all, the breast may swell and ache, and already in the early terms, many women are accompanied by a feeling of fullness, tearing in the lower abdomen.

The conclusion is very simple: as long as the uterus is protected by the pubic joint, sleeping on the stomach is not prohibited. Once tummy begins to grow, sleep on your stomach is impossible.

Do I need to fear a random coup?

Often, women in a position complain of insomnia and explain it not with anxiety and bad mood, but with the inconvenience of posture. In such a phenomenon there is a strong psychological factor: a woman on a conscious level is very afraid of turning over on her stomach inadvertently in a dream, and therefore she sleeps half-eyed - fear does not allow her to relax and have a good rest. Fear of a coup d'etat is not worth it.

As soon as the uterus begins to leave the pelvic limits, the woman's body itself knows what is best and safer for her. Even if a woman is fast asleep, her brain continues to work, and the central nervous system keeps a vigilant eye on all the processes in the body. When a threat appears, the brain will immediately give the command - and the woman will take a comfortable position without even realizing it.

On the back

Sleeping on the back is considered one of the most useful, in this position a person achieves maximum relaxation. But during pregnancy, this position should also be treated wisely and carefully. It is forbidden to sleep on your back from 3.5-4 months and before birth.

Individual factors

In some women, the belly grows faster, and they will have to give up sleep on the stomach and back earlier than the average period, in others the belly grows slowly, and they can longer afford to enjoy sleep in a comfortable position. Growth rates depend on several factors.

  • The width of the pelvis. In the fair sex with wide hips, the abdomen is evenly distributed, the small pelvis is more capacious, and therefore the uterus later leaves it. In women with a narrow pelvis, the stomach sometimes appears before 12 weeks.
  • Pregnant weight and complexion. Women who are full longer may hide a pregnancy, because the stomach is not visible. This, however, does not mean that the uterus is still in the pelvis. And therefore you need to be more attentive to your well-being: when a feeling of fullness appears in the lower abdomen, it’s time to change your posture and sleep on your side.
  • Location of the placenta. The placenta on the anterior wall of the uterus leads to a slow growth of the abdomen, as the fetus grows inward towards the intestine. The stomach appears later, but sleeping on the stomach is still undesirable after 11–12 weeks.

How to make sleep more sound?

A full night's sleep is very important in all periods of pregnancy, but because a woman needs to adjust her nightly rest as best she can. In a dream, there are numerous hormonal processes, there are vital hormones that are produced exclusively in a dream, and therefore it is dangerous to not sleep enough for the mother and her unborn baby. A woman should sleep at least 8–10 hours. And because the work in the night shift should be changed to the daily schedule. Employers can not refuse this woman who will submit a certificate from the consultation that she is pregnant.

It is better to start in advance to teach yourself to sleep on your side. Preferably - the left side. It does not squeeze the internal organs, especially the liver.

    Useful tips and advice will help you get used to the new pose.

    • From early periods, place a small cushion under your feet, at later periods a few cushions will go in favor, which are located between the legs, under the abdomen and under the waist.
    • You can do it yourself or buy a special pillow for pregnant women. It has a shape in the form of Latin letters C or U. It is convenient to sleep on it, it is not necessary to turn around half the night in search of a comfortable posture.
    • Ventilate the room well even in winter, in cold weather. The expectant mother should fall asleep and rest in a room that is fresh and a little cool.
    • It should be quiet and dark at night. If you live in an apartment with a view to the central street with neon signs, or under the window there is a busy highway that does not sleep even at night, buy earplugs and blackout curtains. This will help you to fully relax and feel better during the day.

    Read more about the dream on the belly during pregnancy says a specialist in the next video.

    Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


