Diet for pregnant women with diabetes


Meals for future mothers with diabetes should be clearly planned. In order for the blood glucose level to be within normally acceptable values, it is very important to follow a special diet.

Features of diet in pregnant women

Diabetes mellitus is often a registered pathology at the present time. It often happens that for the first time this disease is registered during pregnancy. Doctors even distinguish a particular clinical variant of this disease in this case. It is called gestational.

Blood glucose should be within the normal range. Its steady increase leads to a special condition - hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby.

In gestational diabetes, the function of many internal organs is affected. It is also very high risk of damage to the blood vessels. The higher the blood sugar level, the more unfavorable is the prognosis for the development of pathology.

To control the level of glucose in the bloodstream, you can use a diet. During pregnancy, this method of treatment is leading. Doctors are trying to bring the level of sugar to the norm only through diet therapy. They resort to prescribing medication only in situations where it is impossible to cope with just one diet.

In treating gestational diabetes, it is very important to remember that diet therapy does play a leading role.

The future mother should follow the prescribed therapeutic nutrition throughout the entire period of pregnancy. If after childbirth her blood glucose levels remain high, her diet therapy is prescribed for a long time, and sometimes even for life.

The therapeutic diet prescribed for gestational diabetes is largely reminiscent of the principles of basic healthy nutrition, which exclude all products leading to a persistent rise in blood sugar levels. Also In such a diet must be present proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the female body during gestation of the baby, as well as for the full development of the fetus.

Recommendations of therapeutic nutrition are selected individually. Compiles them, as a rule, endocrinologist. Before this, a woman must undergo a complex of diagnostics. This is necessary so that the specialist can identify the degree of functional disorders arising in her.

During dieting it is very important to control blood sugar levels. For this, doctors advise to use special portable devices - blood glucose meters. They can now be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

All obtained measurements should be recorded in a special diary or notebook. The measurement rate is determined by the attending physician.

Experts also recommend keeping a diary. In it, the future mother must enter all the foods and dishes she ate in one day.

Maintaining such a diary is necessary primarily for the woman herself. So she can track what foods lead to sugar jumps in her body, as well as see the permissible errors in the diet.

Keeping a food diary should be honest. For example, if the future mother still allowed herself to enjoy chocolate, it should be noted in his notes.Many endocrinologists say that keeping such food diaries against the backdrop of dieting gives the best therapeutic results.

How to make the right diet?

It is very important that the menu was varied. Monotonous food will not bring any benefit to the body.

The more varied foods a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes consumes, the better her diet will be.

Only through a varied diet can you get all the necessary substances, amino acids, fats, as well as vitamins and trace elements.

Hunger is a serious test for the body suffering from diabetes. It is important to remember that diabetics can never starve! This can lead to a critical decrease in blood sugar levels - hypoglycemia. If the glucose in the bloodstream decreases significantly, then it can even lead to hypoglycemic coma.

In order to avoid this, the future mother suffering from diabetes, you need to eat at regular intervals. In no case should you allow a long fasting! If a woman plans to walk or visit the clinic and does not know when she will eat the next time, she needs to take the right snack with her.

Portion sizes are very important. Overeat should not be. It is important that the main meals are equal in volume.

Expectant mothers who suffer from diabetes, in any case should not skip breakfast.

After a night's sleep, the blood sugar level decreases. To bring it back to normal, you must immediately have breakfast - the level of glucose in the blood should rise to normal levels.

Quality nutrition is very important. It is important that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are present in the daily menu. Abuse carbohydrate-containing food while not worth it. It is especially important to limit the "fast" carbohydrates. They lead to a rapid jump in blood sugar levels.

What products to include in the menu?

The main basic elements that should be included in the menu of the future mother are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Each of them performs certain functions in the body.

Protein food

These substances are real builders. They are necessary not only for the normal functioning of the maternal organism, but also to ensure proper organogenesis (the formation of systems of internal organs) in the fetus.

Women with diabetes, you can use chicken, game, beef, pork. It is very important that the products alternate with each other.

Meat products are better to boil, simmer or bake. Eat fried foods should not be. It contains too much cholesterol, which has a negative effect on blood vessels.

Fermented milk products are also a good source of proteins. Their importance in the diet of the future mother can not be overemphasized. In addition to proteins, they also contain calcium. This chemical element is necessary for the strength of the bones of the future mother and her baby.

When using dairy products is very important to remember about their quantity. They contain lactose - milk sugar, an excessive amount of which in diabetes is undesirable.

If the future mother has intolerance to fermented milk products, then she should exclude them.

Carbohydrate food

Many future mothers with diabetes think that they will have to completely eliminate carbohydrates from their menu. This is not entirely true.

It is important to remember that "Slow" carbohydrates with diabetes can be consumed. However, you should always remember their number. These types of carbohydrates are mainly found in various cereals and cereals.

Fat Food

Enriching your diet with foods that contain fats is important. However, be sure to remember that they must be correct.

Adding vegetable oils and fish to your diet is essential for the normal supply of the mother and child’s body with all the necessary fatty acids. Also in the composition of some species of fish contains an important component for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems - Omega 3.

Expectant mothers should remember that such food contains quite a lot of calories. In order not to gain extra pounds, a pregnant woman should definitely monitor the amount of fats consumed.

What should not eat?

In order for the blood sugar level to be maintained within the normal range, it is very important to ensure that there are no jumps in the bloodstream. To do this, it is necessary to exclude all products that may lead to an excessively rapid increase in glucose and the development of hyperglycemia.

Sweet carbonated drinks

It should limit the intake of sugary carbonated beverages. They contain a lot of sugar, which is very quickly absorbed into the blood.

There are no benefits from the use of such drinks for the future mother. The dyes and preservatives contained in them not only harm the pancreas, but can also harm the liver and gall bladder.

It is better to quench your thirst with ordinary water. As drinks, fruit and berry fruit drinks prepared at home are also suitable. Strongly sweeten them should not be.

Industrial Sweets

These foods contain too many “fast” carbohydrates, which lead to blood sugar jumps. It is important to note that the glucose contained in such sweets begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream from the oral cavity. This is facilitated by the enzymes of saliva.

Limiting sweets, especially during pregnancy, is perhaps one of the most difficult to implement recommendations for many expectant mothers. However, not following this rule to compensate for diabetes.

Fast food and convenience foods

The composition of these products contains, as a rule, a lot of salt and sugar. They are added to dishes to improve their organoleptic properties. Scientists note that the correct ratio of sugar and salt in foods contributes to a repeated increase in appetite.

This effect is greatly enhanced by various flavors and food additives. Eating such foods will not bring any health benefits to either the mother or her baby.

Canned foods

In the manufacture of canned food, as a rule, a lot of sugar is added. This is necessary so that the product does not spoil for a long time. Especially a lot of glucose is contained in canned fruit.

Manufacturing technology of canned products often leads to the loss of vitamins and trace elements in processed foods. Their use not only does not benefit the body of the future mother, but can also cause her hyperglycemia.

Manufactured sauces

Mayonnaise is one of the most important "banned" foods. It should definitely be excluded from its menu to all expectant mothers with gestational diabetes. In industrially prepared mayonnaise sauce contains a lot of salt and sugar.

Manufacturers add them not by chance: this again helps to strengthen the appetite, which leads to the fact that the amount of consumed product increases several times.

Also, a lot of sugar is contained in various ketchup. It is added to increase the shelf life of the food product, as well as to reduce the acidity of the sauce due to the tomatoes it contains.

Adding such ketchup and mayonnaise to your daily diet will help increase blood sugar levels.In order to avoid this, these foods should not be used during pregnancy by women with diabetes.

For more information on how to eat pregnant with diabetes, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


