Fetal development by week of pregnancy


The intrauterine development of the baby is an amazing process. In just 9 calendar months, the crumb goes all the way of human evolution, which took mankind hundreds of thousands of years. Expectant mothers, regardless of what pregnancy on the bill came, it is always interesting to know what the baby is doing and how the baby feels in the womb.

Our article offers a detailed description of the development of the fetus by week of pregnancy.

general information

Pregnancy is a magical time, a woman is preparing to become a mother and does not even imagine the whole global scale of the processes that take place inside her body.

From the moment of conception, when two sex cells merge - male and female, a lot has already been predetermined. At this moment, the sex of the baby is determined (the merging of chromosomes by type XX ensures the development of the girl, and XY - the boy). At this moment, it is absolutely certain who he will look like, what eyes and hair he will have, height, talents and abilities, what hereditary diseases may occur in a child. Only a woman does not know all this, it is known to nature.

Pregnancy lasts an average of 40 obstetric weeks. Embryonic weeks - the time that the baby actually exists (since conception), and obstetric consider the time from the first day of the last in the conception cycle of menstruation.

All the calculations that are carried out while waiting for the baby, are indicated exactly in the obstetric weeks. According to them, tables have been drawn up by ultrasound specialists, according to such terms they will be guided by the correctness of the formation of the fetus, evaluate how it grows and develops.

At 40 weeks, no more than 5% of babies are exactly born, the rest of the birth takes place from 38 to 42 weeks. The birth of a child earlier than 37 weeks (inclusive) is considered premature, up to 22 weeks - miscarriage.

Fetal development is divided into periods and stages. When the fertilized egg is still preparing to infiltrate the uterine wall, it is said that the preimplantation period is coming. After implantation, the embryonic period begins, which lasts 8 weeks, the fetal period begins at 10 obstetric weeks.. In the embryonic all organs and systems are laid, in the fetal they only grow and increase in size.

The factors affecting the development of the fetus are multifaceted: this is the woman’s health, the parents' heredity, bad habits (smoking, alcohol), and the state of ecology in the area where the expectant mother lives, and her social status (nutrition, provision of vitamins) help and more.

Please note that weekly crumbs development is presented. in obstetric weeks.

First Trimester Development


Baby yet. Not at all. The woman began menstruating and, perhaps, she is not even planning a pregnancy. The body is in the process of cleansing the uterine cavity from the endometrial menstrual cycle that has expanded in the past. By the end of the week, the menstruations are completed, at the hormonal level, changes begin to occur - follicle-stimulating hormones are produced, the luteal phase begins.

The second

In the ovaries under the action of hormones mature follicles.By the end of the week, one of them will burst and release into a wide part of the fallopian tube on the right or left of the mature and ready for fertilization egg. She lives about a day. It is on this day that she is to meet with the sperm.

During conception, the cells merge, their DNA begin to create a new full-fledged cell. It is unique, the second one in the world was not and is not. It contains all the information about the unborn child.

A fertilized egg, moving the villi inside the fallopian tubes, begins to gradually move down into the uterine cavity. In the body of a woman begins the active production of progesterone. He prepares the inner layer of the reproductive organ, builds it up so that the embryo can attach. The baby is called a zygote. Zygote is constantly crushing.


3-6 days after ovulation, the zygote ceases to be so and becomes a blastocyst. It enters the uterine cavity and still floats freely in it, without being fixed to the uterine wall. The blastocyst has two layers: the inner one will later become the internal organs of the child, and the outer one will have to prove itself now - it is responsible for the implantation process. If the process of attachment does not take place or takes place incorrectly, the development of pregnancy will not occur.

For about 7–9 days, the blastocyst sticks to the wall of the uterus, but there is a later implantation. The most important process takes about 40 hours. After the blastocyst has stuck, its gradual immersion into the endometrium begins. The villi of the outer layer produce a special enzyme that dissolves endometrial cells. The blastocyst is actually “buried” in it.

When the fertilized egg is immersed in the endometrial layer, the villi of the outer layer of the blastocyst are connected to the blood vessels of the woman, the embryo begins to feed - to receive everything it needs for development from the maternal blood.


The woman has not started the delay, and the baby blastocyst has already become an embryo and has acquired the first characteristics: its weight is about 0.5 grams, height is less than 1 millimeter. Three germinal lobes are formed. The outer one will later become the skin of the child, the middle one will form the basis for the gradual formation of the heart and blood vessels, genitals, bones and muscle tissue, while the inner one will be the organs of digestion, respiration and the urinary system.

A spinal cord bud appears. In the same state, the prototypes exist and all other organs. For now, they are groups of cells similar in purpose, but after a few days, internal organs will begin to form from them. The baby himself looks like a ball. At this time, he can be congratulated on his first independent achievement: he learned to extract oxygen from maternal blood using the chorion.


It's time to make mom happy. It's time to do a pregnancy test. Delay started Some women may already feel the first signs of pregnancy, but this is not necessary.

The embryo is doing better nowhere - this week his heart will beat. While it is two-chambered, the process of forming departments is still underway, but by the end of week 5 it will begin to decrease in rhythm. It is at the end of this week that you can see and hear for the first time. baby heartbeat on ultrasoundif it is performed with a vaginal probe.

Cell division and organ insertion continues. The growth of the embryo this week - about 1.5 millimeters, weight - within 1 gram. Sex cells begin to be laid.

This week is considered one of the most important, because now the child is laying the prototype of the nervous system - the tube, which is to become the brain and spinal cord. The stages of this process are very complex.


Many this week go for an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy test data. But, besides the ovum in the uterus, the doctor still sees little, because the embryo is still very small. But compared with the previous week, it has almost doubled. Its height is about 3.5-4 mm, weight is about 1.5 grams.

At this period, the child begins the formation of the immune system - the thymus gland is laid. The heart is already knocking, however, unevenly. The formation of the hands begins, in the place where the eyes will be, dark dots appear, protrusions, and where the ears are supposed to be - small dimples. The baby does not know how to move yet, but in order to master this skill, he will need only about a week.


The kid again doubled its height and now it is about 5-7 millimeters. Weight - 1.5 grams. Now it can be assessed by visual and favorite pregnant method - in comparison with fruits and vegetables. At 7 obstetric week, the baby reaches the size of a grain of white beans.

At the current time nerve fibers are formed, this is a very important process. It depends on him how the body of a tiny little man will work. By the end of the 7th week, the baby acquires the ability to move, but as long as it moves reflexively, as new nerve fibers form. The formation of organs of vision begins, therefore at week 7, it is important for a woman to consume enough vitamin A and folic acid.

The only intestine is divided into sections, they will later become the esophagus, stomach, pharynx. And the newly appeared pancreas begins to produce the first insulin this week. From the respiratory organs until there is only the trachea. The heart becomes a four-chamber and completely takes over the pumping of blood throughout the body of the embryo. Paul is not yet visible: both boys and girls have only identical in appearance genital hillocks where genitals are to develop.

The embryo is not at all like a human, but it doesn’t look like a cluster of cells either, now it looks like an alien creature with widely spaced dark points and eyes and a giant head relative to the body. There are no fingers, there is a semblance of fins on the end of the forelimbs. There is still a tail. The kid learned to bend and unbend.

Appears primary placenta no more than 1 centimeter thick. The formation of uteroplacental blood flow starts.


The week passes under the motto “Everything for the nervous system!”. Its formation now is the most significant and important process. And he goes very quickly. The brain is separated from the spinal cord, the cerebellum begins to appear. The kid gets the opportunity to move the head.

Feelings of the woman have already changed, it is possible that after the appearance of the placenta, she will feel all the "charms" of toxicosis in the early stages. There is no time left to suffer - at the end of the first trimester, the discomfort should decrease, and then disappear altogether.

The growth of the baby exceeds 2.5 cm and this is a real breakthrough. In size, it looks like a small grape. Facial structures continue to form. In the baby, under the action of the mother's hormones, the formation of the external genital organs begins, but for the time being it is impossible to determine the sex.

The ninth

The similarity of an embryo with a human is becoming more and more noticeable - all parts of the body have formed. Organ bookmark is complete, growth begins. After a few days, the baby will no longer be called an embryo and will become a fetus. The head of the baby is pressed to the breast, but the tail has decreased, now it looks more and more like a human tailbone.

The main achievement of the baby now is the ability to open and close his mouth, he has already learned this. The formation of future teeth inside the jaws begins. Along with the cerebellum, the pituitary gland appears in the brain. The cranial and spinal nerves are laid. This gives the baby a new skill - the ability to squeeze and unclench cams.

The liver begins to work, the first own lymphocytes appear, the work of the kidneys and the thyroid gland begins. But the main thing - this week begins to work in full force the placenta. Now she not only “feeds” the baby, but also protects him, serves as a barrier.

The size of the baby resembles a large grape - growing to 5.5 centimeters, and weight - about 5 grams. The diameter of the ovum is about 35 mm.


The embryonic period of development is completed and the fetal period has begun. The baby is called the fetus, and so it will be until the very birth. Outwardly, he already looks like a man - the tail is no more, there are four limbs, tail bone, head.

Baby's weight is about 10 grams, height - from 6 to 7 mm. In size, it resembles a decent-sized bead or a small plum. The development and branching of the nervous system continues.

The brain has two hemispheres. Movement by the brain is not yet controlled, but everything goes to this - the formation of the first neural connections begins. By the end of the week, the baby begins to hold the hands to his mouth, to touch his face. Organogenesis is fully completed, now the bodies will only grow. The kidneys actively produce urine, the baby swallows water and pees, the water is updated every 3.5-4 hours. The head is rounded, but still remains very large in relation to the body. Appeared lips and eyelids, laid the nose and ears. Now the baby has a neck, and he begins to turn his head.

At the current time, the baby can be congratulated with the fact that his first hair is starting to grow., thin skin begins to feel the first tactile sensations.

The arms are longer than the legs, there are small nails on the tips of the fingers, the joints (elbows and knees) work. This week starts the process of mineralization of bones, while they are more like cartilage. Also at this time appears aperture. Baby free in the uterus, he swims and constantly turns over. At the end of 10 weeks, the baby begins to distinguish (so far only very conditionally) the taste - taste buds are formed in the tongue.


The dangerous period is almost over. Internal organs "rehearse" interaction. The growth of the baby with the end of the embryonic period is somewhat slower, but the weight gain with each subsequent week will be more and more significant. A child weighs more than 15 grams, its height is about 8 centimeters. In size, it resembles an average pear. Already, if the baby is ahead of the norms of fetometrii, there is reason to assume a tendency to large fruit.

The anatomy of the fetus is perfect, everything is there, but only very small and functionally immature. At this time, the baby will have to master one of the first reflexes - grasping. Now he was more fun, he can grab the umbilical cord, his own legs.

Head visually decreases slightly. If earlier it was two thirds of the total volume of the body, now it is only half. The eyes have almost completed their way from the side surfaces of the head (as in fish) to the center of the face and at this period occupy almost the right anatomical position. The retina, iris, lens and cornea are actively forming. The bones begin to accumulate calcium, and the diet of the pregnant woman should be tailored to the increased need for it.

Congratulate the little one this week with the acquired ability to push off the legs from the obstacle. If the crumb swims to the wall of the uterus, he is now repelled and swims in the opposite direction. But these pushes are still very light, the woman does not feel them. There is another reason to rejoice for the baby - he learned to yawn.


Your baby is with you exactly 10 weeks (idea for a family dinner party!). Its height reaches 9-10 centimeters, and weight - about 20 grams. These parameters are comparable to medium-sized lemon. The body is still disproportionate - the head is large, and the legs remain shorter than the arms. But glazki fully stood on his placethat immediately gave the child a completely human appearance. The formation of the eyelids has completed, but the baby cannot open its eyes yet.

Auricles grow, and this week there are lobes. The nose starts to grow actively. Now, even in a blurry picture of an ultrasound scan of poor quality, the relief of the face is visible, and owners of large noses already differ in appearance from snub-nosed peers. The spinal cord, which “knew” the nerve impulses, begins to transfer powers to the brain.

Baby mastered sucking reflex.He perfectly distinguishes between flavors - the amniotic fluid after mother eaten chocolate, he already now likes a lot more than after eating garlic.

The intestine, the formation of which is completed, begins to master the first muscle contractions that will become peristalsis. Boys have a penis this week, and girls have labia, but while the organs are still small, it’s not always possible to examine the sex of the baby on ultrasound.. In order not to confuse anything, it is better to ask this question to the doctor later.

Sleep periods are replaced by periods of activity, muscles grow, and therefore the baby is actively moving (even in a dream), he already knows how to suck his finger. Appears mimic shifts - he folds his sponge and wrinkles. From this week, the child begins to empathize with mom: if she is worried, his heartbeat quickens, if she is calm, the baby is calm too. Experts cannot explain this connection, but there is an assumption that stress is caused by stress hormones.


Baby increases weight almost daily. Now in size it resembles a solid onion, its height is about 11 centimeters, weight is about 30 grams. The baby makes a depressing impression - it is very thin, covered with wrinkles, like an old man and all bright red. And all because he does not have subcutaneous fatty tissue, and through the thinnest skin all the blood vessels are visible.

The head is in no hurry to acquire normal proportions and still remains large. Hands are longer than legs, but the legs from this week begin to grow actively, and soon the disproportion will be eliminated. The length of the thigh this week on average is 8.5 mm. The formation of the middle ear has completed, but the process continues in the outer and inner ear, in connection with which the baby starts to hear, but so far only perceives sound as the vibration of waves. So, by the way, they hear all the reptiles. This will continue for about two months until the mature brain structures allow the sounds to be transformed into normal and familiar to our ears.

The brain substance is actively growing in the brain, every day it grows by 250 thousand new cells. The kid learned to shudder, hugging himself by the shoulders. In girls, the ovaries descend into the pelvis, and now there are about two million eggs in them. This is a personal record for each woman, since then the number of oocytes will gradually decrease. Ovarian stock is limited.

The little boys still cannot boast of the prolapse of the gonads in the scrotum, this will happen before the birth, but they have a prostate gland at this time. The mineralization of bones is in full swing: the first harden the skull and spine, and only then the limbs. This week the kid gets ribs. All organs of the respiratory system are formed, and the chest begins to expand. Formed vocal cords.

Second Trimester Development


The growth of the baby now is 12-14 centimeters, and the weight reaches 50 grams. In size, it resembles a small grenade. While all the internal reserves of a small body are thrown on the development of the nervous system, the growth of bones and muscle tissue, the process of weight gain will begin later. On the head, many crumbs have a decent size of hair, but so far all the kids are natural blond - the pigment that dyes the hair, has not yet been developed.

At this stage of the prenatal way, the baby can be congratulated with the fact that he has fingerprints. The pattern on the pads is unique, it is peculiar only to him alone in the whole world. The eyes of the child begin to distinguish between light and darkness, for more it is not yet capable. In bright light, aimed directly at the belly, the movements of the child become more active.

The spinal cord pulls off the power to regulate nerve impulses and develops blood cells. The brain is mature enough to take control of the organs and systems.

The baby's heart pumps up to 25 liters of blood per day. Scarce this week has learned to smile, however, unconsciously, reflexively. In the same way, he will give out a dazzling toothless smile in the neonatal period.


Baby is getting bigger. Its size is comparable to an apple - height is 16 centimeters, and weight - about 100 grams. The skin of the baby is covered with a thick original lubricant that performs protective functions. So that it is not washed off by the amniotic fluid, it is held by lanugo - thin, colorless hairs on the skin.

The first gyrus appears on the brain, and the crumb noticeably "gets smarter." The cerebellum is already better coordinating limb movements. In the intestine dark green original feces, which is called meconium, begin to be deposited; it is they who will empty the baby in the first days after birth.

Boys begin to produce their own testosterone, while girls do not produce their own sex hormones, they are content with maternal ones. Amniotic fluid volume is increasing and this is the norm.


Gradually crumb gains weight, and now weighs up to 130 grams. Baby height - 17 centimetersIn size it resembles a large avocado fruit and could easily fit on the palm of an adult. Completed the formation of the neck, now the fetus was able to keep the head straight, and not pressed to the chest. The muscles responsible for eye movements began to work. Under the eyelids, the baby begins to quickly move the eyeballs in a dream. Eyelashes appeared. Lobik starts to come forward, which makes the baby more and more like a little man.

The formation of the muscular frame is completed, now all the muscles just grow. Mimic muscles are better developed than others - the kid knows several dozen different grimaces. The child begins to distinguish high-frequency vibrations of sounds: the sound of a doorbell from the alarm clock, father's voice from his mother's. This week, the endocrine glands begin to work fully. The length of the umbilical cord reaches half a meter.

Congratulate the baby this week with the fact that he begins to produce his own hemoglobin, and his parents - so that the sex of the baby is now accurately determined by ultrasound. And one more interesting feature of this period - the baby learned to spit and hiccup.


This week is notable for the fact that for the first time babies are larger than the placenta - the baby weighs about 160 grams, and its height reaches 19-20 centimeters. In size it looks like a newborn puppy. This week begins to produce subcutaneous fat, now the baby will gain more intense weight, along with this, thinness will disappear and pretty roundness will appear.

The kid is already like one of the parents, he has all the facial features. The outer ear is formed, but subtle and delicate processes are still continuing in the inner one. The world of sounds for the baby becomes more diverse: the first transformation of sound waves begins, and therefore the baby starts not at the level of high-frequency vibration, but almost like you and I, perceive loud sounds and the sound of mother's heart.

It is believed that this week the baby begins to have dreams. The nervous system is so developed that the baby was able to coordinate simple and combined movements.. This means that he can no longer suck a cam, not because it happened, but because he wants it.

Self-preservation instinct appears - with a loud sound, the crumb is grouped, compressed. Now you can hear the heartbeat without ultrasound, with the help of the most ordinary phonendoscope at home. Now the baby is less asleep. Waking periods are filled with the knowledge of the world - he feels himself and the space around him. This week, experienced moms can already feel the movement of the fetus.


The baby now weighs up to 220 grams, its height is about 22 centimeters. In comparison with vegetables and fruits, a child is comparable to a ripe mango.Head growth slows down this week, while all other parts of the body do not reduce growth rates. This is important so that there is no imbalance.

The cerebral cortex is formed very intensively. The process of mineralization of the bones of the skull and large paired bones is completed. For the first time in the prenatal history, the baby’s legs have exceeded the length of the handle. The child swallows up to 400 ml of amniotic fluid per day. So he trains his digestive system and urinary organs.


Now grow as fast as before, the baby will not. But every day will gain weight. Now his height - about 24 centimeters, and weight - about 300 grams. It resembles a large tomato. The skin begins to smooth out, but while the changes are minimal - not much subcutaneous fat has formed. First of all, it is deposited in the neck, on the shoulder blades and on the lower back. Formed eyebrows and eyelashes. The baby moves a long time ago, but right now he has reached a size at which a woman can begin to feel him. Repeated, in any case, in the current term almost always feel when the crumb begins to push.

This week you can congratulate the baby with the acquisition of a full-fledged hearing.. Now he begins to perceive sound waves, like you and me, but he hears basically what is happening inside the mother - how her heart beats, her bowels work. Only the voice of the mother and the loud sounds outside reach through a solid abdominal wall and a layer of amniotic fluid.

You can begin to read the crumbs of fairy tales and sing songs that after his birth will be perceived by them as already familiar, and therefore - have a calming effect.


This period is the middle of pregnancy, half the way is passed. In the development of the baby has achieved a lot. Now its dimensions are comparable to papaya: height - about 26 centimeters, weight - 350 grams. He is no longer as skinny as a couple of weeks ago, but he is not yet handsome: his cheeks have already begun, but his arms and legs remain thin and thin.

The skin this week becomes four-layered.

This week, the baby begins to make the first attempts to open his eyes. A blinking reflex is formed. From this period, the immune system begins to work at full capacity.

Now it becomes obvious - right-handed child or lefty. Seven out of ten babies suck the right finger, and it is their right side that will be predominant. This week the weak, barely perceptible pushing from the inside begins to feel the vast majority of women who are pregnant for the first time.

Twenty first

Baby prettier. Him weight is already more than 400 grams, and growth can reach 28 centimeters. In size it can be compared with a doll. Baby skin has ceased to be bright red and purple. The first layer of subcutaneous fat, although it is also thin, transforms the appearance of the crumbs. The formation of fat has a huge role for the survival of the child, it helps to maintain internal heat. The loss of heat due to the small amount of subcutaneous fat is one of the main causes of death of premature babies.

The proportion of the head in the proportions of the body is now allocated about a quarter. By birth, the head will be only one fifth of the total body of the baby. Appeared tummy. The baby is more like a newborn.

The nervous system develops without breaks and weekends, every second thousands of new neuron cells appear. Sulcus and gyrus are actively formed in the brain. Reflexes develop and refine. A center develops in the brain, which will then be responsible for recognizing speech and the mother tongue.

Baby this week can be congratulated with the fact that he has an idea about the change of night and day, and there is a semblance of his own regime. He may be different from his mother’s, but gradually their regimes will begin to coincide.

Twenty second

The births that occur this week (it happens sometimes) are no longer considered a miscarriage. They qualify as preterm labor.And the baby has a chance of survival outside the womb. The weight of the child is more than 500 grams, height - 30 centimeters. The dimensions are comparable to the corn cob.

Baby already looks like a newborn. Fatty tissue this week begins to be distributed throughout the body, the formation of the spine is completed. Lung maturation begins. The baby in the world is not limited to what happens in the womb. He becomes more emotional: with calm he reacts to strokes and a quiet mother's voice, worries and worries if he hears too loud sounds on the other side of the abdominal wall.

Twenty third

The growth of the baby remains almost the same; it has slowed down - just over 30 centimeters. Weight is growing - now the fruit weighs on average 560-580 grams. The factors of heredity begin to have an effect on height and weight (small parents are a small child, tall parents are a big baby).

On the skin of the child remains less folds and wrinkles. On the face they are not at all. Least of all subcutaneous fat on the ribs, the arcs of which are well visible through the skin. The grasping reflex becomes local, that is, the baby can intentionally grab something by hand. A respiratory reflex is formed - the lungs perform special reflex movements. Then this reflex is useful when the baby begins to breathe air.

Sweat and sebaceous glands are active. The child already has favorite and unloved sounds.

Twenty fourth

Children begin to kick more actively, and this pushing is no longer a matter of expectant mothers. Growth and weight indicators of babies begin to differ significantly, taking into account the individual characteristics, and it becomes increasingly difficult to compare them with the norm. And the rule is: height - 31 centimeters, weight - about 600 grams.

This week, the baby begins to gradually get rid of lanugo hair on the body. They fall out, and this process must be completed by delivery. If part of the lanugo remains, the hairs will fall out in the first weeks of the life of the newborn without any treatment.. Appear tendon reflexes.

Twenty fifth

A qualitatively new period begins - the baby will have to start learning survival, because the situation outside of her mother's belly is very different from the intrauterine. The growth of the baby - about 33-35 centimeters, weight - about 700-800 grams. The child no longer looks like a shriveled dried fruit, the skin is almost smoothed.

The production of melanin has begun, due to which the skin becomes pinkish. The auricles remain soft, the degree of maturity of the lungs is low. If the baby is born, he will be seriously premature, but he has a chance of survival. In the lungs, a substance begins to be produced - surfactant. It will help the alveoli not stick together with spontaneous breathing.

According to the WHO, the fetus is considered viable. On average, the chances of survival are estimated at 15-17%. The child alternates between fast and slow sleep phases, and fast sleep prevails.

Twenty sixth

This week is the last in the second trimester, and toddlers for the most part occupy the correct position in the uterus - head down. But if the crumb is not right, then there is still time to roll over. Baby weight - from 800 to 850 grams, height - more than 35 centimeters. The auricles of the baby are still soft and bulging slightly, as the cartilage tissue cures, they will assume a normal position.

The amount of cheese lubricant on the body and face of the baby is reduced. There is a formation of receptors that will be responsible for the sense of smell. The fetus sleeps up to 23 hours a day, that is, almost constantly.

The brain establishes a connection with the adrenal cortex, the child has its own hormonal background. The pituitary gland begins to produce growth hormones. In most boys this week, the testicles descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum.. The vitality of children born in this period increases to 30-35%, although the degree of maturity of the lungs is still insufficient.

Third Trimester Development

Twenty seventh

Baby's height reaches 36-37 centimeters, weight varies from 900 to 1100 grams. The baby ceases to fit in the uterus in full growth and begins to take the so-called flexion position. It is now difficult to determine the sex of the child, if this has not been done before - the genitals are covered.

The eyesight is improved, now the kid can distinguish not only light and darkness, but also color defocused spots of different intensity. The accumulation of surfactant in the lung tissue continues. Survival is markedly increased - up to 75% of babies who were born on week 27 survive.

Twenty eighth

Nothing new in the child’s body at this time is formed, everything is formed and only physiological moments are adjusted. From this week begins the perinatal period of pregnancy (perinatal). The height of the baby - 37-38 centimeters, weight varies from 1200 to 1400 grams. There are differences in weight in boys and girls: boys weigh 100-200 grams more.

Cilia become longer, and cheeks - more plump. Gradually appears pop. While all eyes are blue, the iris will change a little later.. Eyebrows have ceased to hang menacingly above the sockets, because the amount of cheese-like lubricant has significantly decreased on them. About 10% of lanugo has already fallen.

The optic nerve starts to work - the kid frowns if the light on the stomach falls too bright. In the lungs, the formation of alveoli is completed, the accumulation of surfactant continues. In the case of birth this week, up to 90% of children survive.

Twenty ninth

The baby is very big - its weight can reach 1.5 kilograms, and height - 37-39 centimeters. The amount of subcutaneous fat "has grown" to 5% of the total body mass. The kid perfectly owns more than a dozen reflexes. The formation of the cerebral cortex ends.

The kidneys produce up to half a liter of urine per day. According to WHO, among those born on 29 weekSurvives up to 97% of children.


A woman goes on maternity leave. Her baby looks almost like a newborn. Nine out of ten babies already occupy the right head position in the uterus, if not, then the chances of a reversal are extremely low - in the womb it has become very crowded. Child's height is more than 41 centimeters, weight is more than 1600 grams. Parameters can be compared with melon.

Children, who are destined to be brunettes, begin to darken the hair on their heads. Significantly improved body proportions. The differentiation of the cerebral cortex ends. Registered if desired electrical potentials of the brain.

Thirty first

Well, the time has come when nothing more in the child’s body will change. He will only rapidly gain body weight, and this is his main task at the current stage. The growth of babies now exceeds 41-42 centimeters, the weight is approaching 1800-1900 grams.

The baby's skin has become pink, the folds have almost smoothed out. The kid no longer resembles a skinny poor fellow. Under the skin of the limbs appeared fatty tissue. The auricles have ceased to stick out to the sides and are adjacent to the head. Projections for viability, if the baby is born right now, it is quite favorable.

Thirty second

The baby occupies almost all free space in the womb. If he didn’t turn over into a headache, the chances that this would happen thaw every day, they are almost gone.

The growth of the baby - more than 43 centimeters, weight - from 1700 to 2000 grams. The baby's body begins to count down: oxytocin is produced in small quantities, which should help the mother to prepare for childbirth, to form the so-called hormonal ancestral dominant.

Thirty third

So, as now, mom will see the child at the time of his birth, in recent weeks he has only gained weight, everything else is formed, and the children's body is working at full capacity. The growth of the baby reaches 44-45 centimeters, weight is more than 2 kilograms. In full growth, you will not admire the baby by ultrasound, you can only look at the baby in parts.

The motor activity of the fetus is reduced.It becomes difficult and closely for him to actively move in the uterus.

On the three-dimensional or four-dimensional ultrasound, right now you can see, record and save for the family archive amazing rich facial expressions of the baby.

Thirty fourth

The kid has grown to 45 centimeters and weighs already from 2,200 to 2,500 grams. Therefore, childbirth, if they happen now, should not scare, children survive well, the risks are minimal.

The placenta has reached the peak of its development, now gradual degenerative processes begin in it - it is aging. But this process is compensated, and it will not cause the deterioration of the baby’s condition.

An aging placenta begins to stimulate the production of prolactin, which prepares the woman for breastfeeding. The baby, except for weight, all without changes.

Thirty fifth

Now almost everything that a woman gains in weight will be due to the weight of the baby - he gains 200-300 grams per week. The growth of the baby this week is 45-47 centimeters, its weight can be both 2400 and 2900, it all depends on the individual characteristics. Externally, the baby looks quite ready for birth, but the last month of pregnancy is very important, because the accumulation of surfactant in the lung tissue continues.

Skin folds and wrinkles smoothed out completely. The original lubricant has almost disappeared, a small amount of it remains only in the folds of the skin. The iris of the baby's eyes becomes what it needs to be due to genetic inheritance, that is, brown-eyed babies become brown-eyed, and not blue-eyed, as they were before.

The proportions of the body have finally become normal and harmonious. - the share of the head accounts for only one fifth of the volume of the body. The process of myelination of nerve endings is completed. The brain has noticeably increased in weight, and the convolutions become deeper. The kid owns 70 reflexes already.

Thirty sixth

The weight of the baby reached 2700-3000 grams, although there are also miniature babies who weigh a little over 2.5 kilograms. Growth of kids on average - from 46 to 49 centimeters. Firstborn children in the majority of kids dropped down, there was a ptosis of the abdomen. The transfer of the center of gravity makes life easier for the woman, it becomes easier to breathe, but the pressure of the head on the inner throat increases. So baby contributes to the gradual preparation of the cervix for childbirth.

The skin has become dense, it reliably protects the body of the baby. Lanugo as superfluous disappeared, only in some babies residual effects persist until the birth. Nails first came out of the phalanges. Mineralized all the bones, only the bones of the skull remain mobile, to facilitate the process of birth. In the brain centers of thinking and logic work. The brain controls the work of all organs and systems.

Amniotic fluid becomes less, because the baby needs to free up at least some space in the uterus.

Births at week 36 are not rare, you should not be afraid of them, although the baby is considered premature, but it has everything you need to survive and develop quite normally.

Thirty seventh

Now the baby picks up about 50 grams per day. Average the weight of the fetus at this time - 3100 grams. Height - 49-52 centimeters. The senses are tuned, the baby is preparing for birth, which will require tremendous effort and adaptive abilities from him.

The lungs have accumulated enough surfactant necessary for proper breathing, and now the production of this substance slows down somewhat, but does not stop at all. In the case of birth, the projections are positiveSince prematurity will be mild, not requiring resuscitation.


This week, according to statistics, every third birth. They can happen at any moment and it should not scare - the baby is ready. The average weight on this period - 3300-3600 grams, height - 50-52 centimeters.

The baby’s skin is pink and smooth, and he has accumulated enough subcutaneous fat. Almost all boys have testicles descended into the scrotum. In 2% of children, they still have time to fall.Because of the maternal estrogen level, the external genitals in children of both sexes are slightly enlarged, swelling is also characteristic of the mammary glands.

The work of all internal organs is coordinated among themselves. Only the lungs do not work yet, their hour will come right after the baby is born. Kids are very emotional, they can experience fear and joy. The amount of perturbations has noticeably decreased, but kicks and pushes have become painful, because the waters have become scarce.

Thirty nine

There are very few. Soon mom will be able to see the baby. The weight of the baby is almost the same as it will be at birth: there are babies who weigh only 2900-3000 grams, and there are heroes for 4 kilograms. Height - more than 53 centimeters.

If the baby is not born this week, then he will add not so much - no more than 100 grams per week, because now the weight is growing more slowly.

Almost completed the process of accumulation of surfactant in the lung tissue. The lungs are ready for spontaneous breathing. Debugging of the nervous system is still ongoing, but this process will continue after birth, during the entire first year of life. The child has his own daily regimen, he sleeps and is awake at certain intervals.

The head of the baby is pressed to the exit from the uterus, the arms are folded on the chest. He is ready for birth. If the crumb in the pelvic or transverse presentation, then this week can hold a planned cesarean section or move the operation a week in advance.


Your baby is beautifully developed and ready to meet this world. The place in the uterus is not enough for him, the movements of the child are difficult. All organs are formed. The cartilage tissue hardened, the bones of the skeleton, too. Only the bones of the skull remain free and mobile., but it is necessary to pass through the birth canal without injury.

Because of the inconvenience that the child is experiencing because of the tightness in the womb, he begins to produce a stress hormone - adrenaline. It also helps the mother's body to prepare for labor. Under its influence, the production of oxytocin is enhanced, and the cervix is ​​opened more quickly. The placenta has the last, third degree of maturity.. The baby may not have enough oxygen.

Deliveries may or may not begin this week: until 42 weeks, pregnancy is not considered post-worn, do not panic and worry. In recent days, it is better to reduce the amount of foods with calcium content in the diet, so as not to cause early hardening of the skull bones, especially if the pregnancy is prolonged to 42 weeks.

With the beginning labor pains cervical dilatation will begin, and when it opens completely, the baby will begin to advance. His every movement and turn in the process of passing the birth canal will be a reflex (for a good reason the nervous system has been preparing so carefully for a long time). The kid seems to know how and what to do at one time or another. This process is called the birth biomechanism.

It is important for a woman throughout pregnancy to remain calm and not be nervous, because muscle clamps, which are caused by stress and fear, are the main cause of birth pain and tears.

Get ready for the appearance of the baby with him and even take an example from him: the dynamics of his development over the course of 9 months shows that he is not afraid, he is confident in himself and his mother.

Find out what happens to the fetus every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


