Pregnancy by week: from sensation to the development of the crumbs


Pregnancy is a wonderful time in which incredible changes take place with a woman and her baby. Having knowledge of how a pregnancy proceeds, what stages and periods she has, a woman can more intelligently and correctly relate to the expectation of a child, eat right, follow the necessary recommendations with a precise understanding of why she does it.


Pregnancy in women lasts from 266 to 280 calendar days. If we talk about how to determine the exact dates, then you should know that women’s own calculations never coincide with those of physicians, because the latter use the so-called obstetric calendar. Obstetric period is at least two weeks longer than the real.

This causes bewilderment in a woman who only went to the doctor because of a delay of several days, and she was already given 5 weeks of pregnancy. A week of delay is really 5 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, and this is why: conception occurs during the period of ovulation or within 24-36 hours after it. Then conception is impossible because of the death of the egg.

Establishing the exact day of conception is almost impossible. A woman in a month usually has more than one sexual contact, and even stresses, worries, illnesses may well be the reason for shifting the date of ovulation. Therefore in obstetrics it is customary to determine the duration of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. So, by the deadline, at least two weeks are added.

In one obstetric month, exactly 4 weeks, and in the calendar month - several days more. therefore pregnancy in calendar terms lasts 9 months, and in obstetric - 10. For convenience, it is common to divide the entire course of pregnancy into several stages — these are trimesters, each containing three calendar months. In total, the baby will spend 40 obstetric weeks in the womb.

Its early term is considered to be its first trimester, which ends at 13 weeks. Then begins the most quiet and safe second trimester, the last 12 weeks of pregnancy - this is the third trimester.

For the baby, there are still pre-implantation, embryonic and fetal stages of development.

It is easy to check the table of correspondence between the periods of pregnancy and periods, but a more convenient form for the future mother will be the form of a diary with which she could check weekly in order to better understand what is happening with the baby, with her, and what to do in the current term.

Weekly diary of pregnancy in 1 trimester

Weeks in the diary compiled by us are meant obstetric. It is in them that doctors will determine all major milestones, stages, consult with developmental norms and prescribe certain examinations. To avoid confusion, a woman should also start counting her term from the first day of the last menstruation. And then confusion can be avoided.

Week 1

The first day of this week is the first day of menstruation. No special week has, especially if a woman does not plan to conceive.

For woman: menstruation does not have distinctive features, it lasts as long as it usually lasts. When the uterus is self-cleaning, the production of sex hormones begins, which contribute to the maturation of the follicles in the ovaries.

For baby: crumbs yet, he has not conceived. And even though the week is called the first week of pregnancy, a woman is not yet pregnant.

If conception is planned in this cycle, it is important from the first day of menstruation (or better in advance) to abandon the use of coffee, alcohol, to put in order the nervous system, not to take strong painkillers and antibiotics.

2 week

This period is not much different from the first week, because the processes occur only inside the female body, they are quite familiar to her and natural.

For woman: several follicles mature, but one grows faster and better than others. He becomes dominant. The growth of the rest is suspended - your body saves eggs, because the ovarian reserve is limited. The dominant follicle continues to grow. The earliest - on the last day of the second week, he will burst and release a mature egg. Sometimes the number of dominant follicles is more than one, and then it is possible that you will be able to conceive twins.

For baby: the organism is still preparing for conception, conception itself has not yet occurred.

Watch out for secretions and well-being.

With the appearance of transparent, like egg white, clear discharge, with increased sexual desire, a small breast augmentation, we can safely say that ovulation is rapidly approaching. Determining ovulation is possible with the help of a pharmacy test strip, using a temperature method, and a symptothermal method.

3 week

Ovulation occurs and the most important event is the conception of a child.

For woman: The boundaries of the fertile window are not limited to one day of ovulation. Sperm cells are more tenacious than female gametes, and they can wait for the egg to exit in the female genital tract. Therefore, even unprotected sex 3 days before ovulation can lead to conception on the day of ovulation. It is also possible to conceive with sexual intercourse directly on the day the egg is released and during the day after that.

For baby: germ cells mom and dad meet. The sperm discarded tail, and gamete nuclei begin to exchange genetic information. It is noteworthy that after 40 minutes after the sperm and egg met, a zygote is formed - an independent cell, which contains absolutely all information about the crumbs - what it will be, what color it will have eyes and hair, what will be the height, sex, talents and abilities, congenital diseases. The zygote is constantly broken up and slowly begins its way into the uterine cavity. By the end of the week, it should be implanted in the uterine wall, where the baby will continue to grow and develop.

Keep calm, do not try to detect any signs, feel the pregnancy a week after conception. Stress, in which all desperately planning a pregnancy are, is the main cause of unsuccessful attempts.

Signs of implantation are not all. Most often, they include the appearance of spotting bleeding that passes quickly - implant bleeding, as well as weakness and lethargy, mood swings.

4 week

At the end of this week, it will become clear whether conception and implantation were successful, because it closes the first month on the first day of the menstruation, when pregnancy can be detected.

For woman: after successful implantation, the thin villi of the chorion begin to produce the hormone hCG, designed to maintain progesterone levels high and prevent the onset of another menstruation. Changes in hormonal levels can be felt as early signs of pregnancy, if a woman has a high individual sensitivity - the temperature rises in the evenings without signs of illness, headache, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness. The breast slightly increases, the nipples can be quite painful, or generally soft and painless - this is individual. In general, the condition is very similar to the typical premenstrual.

For baby: your baby weighs only half a gram and does not exceed a millimeter in height.The embryo proceeds to the active formation of petals, which will become internal organs, skin, vessels. The formation of the heart began. The baby already receives food and oxygen from the maternal blood, because the chorionic villi are connected to the mother’s blood vessels.

Considering that the baby is now receiving food from the mother’s blood, it is important to eliminate alcohol, nicotine, drugs and aggressive drugs with a teratogenic effect, which can interrupt the development of the baby and lead to vices.

Try to stay away from varnishes, paints, smoky rooms. Do not be nervous, a couple of days before the delay, you can do a blood test for HCG; on the day of the delay, you can do a pharmacy pregnancy test.

5 week

The first week of delay and the third week of fetal development.

For woman: there are no menstruations, and it was this week that those who did not plan a pregnancy begin to guess for the first time. Tests already show an “interesting situation”, blood tests for hCG give an idea not only of whether the woman is pregnant, but also of what the approximate time frame is, and how many fetuses can be in the womb (the hCG rates will be doubled if carried twins). After IVF analyzes are not too informative, better wait a bit and do an ultrasound on day 21 after embryo transfer. The state of health is gradually changing - there may be a feeling of bloating in the abdomen, some suffer from headache attacks, some already start morning sickness. A graph of basal temperature, if a woman measures it, shows a persistent increase in BT.

For baby: at the end of this week in a child the heart starts beating. The body is still two-chamber, the blows are non-rhythmic, inconsistent, but during a transvaginal ultrasound at the end of the fifth week, you can hear a baby heart beating. The crumb reaches a height of one and a half millimeters and weighs 1 gram. The formation of germ cells, neural tube, notochord begins. In the fifth week, the tiny body of the embryo is divided into right and left sides.

This week is one of the most dangerous in the first trimester., it accounts for a large number of frozen pregnancies and miscarriages. Ectopic pregnancy is already determined by ultrasound and there are symptoms - abdominal pain, unusual for this period brown blood discharge.

Avoid contact with poisons, radiation, drugs, paints, make a rule to sleep at night for at least 9 hours. Now, while actively laying the organs of the baby, it is very important. Avoid stressful situations with all your might. If you took Metipred, continue to do this until the doctor cancels the drug.

6 week

Your baby has been developing for a month already, the second week has passed since the start of the delay. It's time to visit the doctor at the end of this week.

For Mom: Many people say that they did not feel anything unusual at this time, but those who are prone to toxicosis have already noticed that they have unpleasant odors, their taste preferences have changed. The uterus begins to grow, but while it is still small, there is no belly. Under the influence of progesterone, frequent urination may begin, sleep is disturbed, headache, constipation or diarrhea, heartburn. The mood changes - the woman becomes more irritable. On ultrasound in the uterus is determined by the ovum, it is already possible to measure its diameter - SVD.

For baby: the embryo reaches a height of 3-4 mm, and its weight is about one and a half grams. The formation of immunity begins and the facial structures are laid - the future eyes are indicated by dark dots, the ears are dimpled. Baby can not move.

You can go to the doctor and get registered. Pregnancy is already being determined, and failure will not follow. This will eliminate the rush to pass tests, as there will be more time for this. In addition, for the early registration (up to 12 weeks), the woman is entitled to a lump sum allowance.

7 week

The fifth embryonic week of the development of the crumbs is underway, the third week has already passed since the beginning of the monthly delay.

For Mom: the future mother, even if she did not plan a pregnancy, already knows about her. Toxicosis in its classical sense can begin right now - with vomiting, nausea, changes in tastes and smells. It is important to ensure that no dehydration occurs. Breast enlargement and can be quite painful in the nipple area. In general, an increase in the mammary glands may be already on the size, but all individually. The belly is not yet, and you can even sleep on the stomach, if a woman is used to it. Heartburn, frequent urination under the action of progesterone is quite normal and almost familiar.

For baby: baby's height reaches 6-7 millimeters, it weighs about 2 grams. The formation of nerve fibers begins - the most important process. This gives the baby the opportunity to start moving, while reflexively. The organs of vision begin to form. There is a division of the intestine into several sections, which will be the stomach, intestines, esophagus and pharynx. The heart becomes a four-chamber, as in adults, it can already be heard on an abdominal ultrasound. A genital tubercle appears between the legs — and in boys and girls, it still looks exactly the same. The thickness of the chorion reaches a centimeter, now it is the primary placenta. Changing the intensity of blood flow.

Hazards: intrauterine development may at any time be disturbed if a woman consumes alcohol, smokes, is nervous, works in an enterprise with high harmfulness, is experiencing the effects of vibration. Herpes, chicken pox, measles, any viral infectious diseases are very dangerous in this period.

Recommendations: You should stay away from crowded places, especially if it is cold outside. This will help avoid infection with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, herpes infection and other diseases that are dangerous to your baby. Avoid being in stuffy crowded areas.

In case of severe toxicosis, be sure to consult a doctor to determine the degree of gestational intoxication - some forms of toxicosis can be life-threatening for a woman. Start taking vitamins after sharing their choice with the doctor.

8 week

The second obstetric month comes to an end, the middle of the second calendar month is coming. A month has passed from the delay. From conception - one and a half.

For Mom: increased amount of blood circulating in the body. A woman may experience a feeling of fullness in the pelvic area, but the tummy is still imperceptible. You can get registered, if previously it was not done. Toxia is increasing in some people this week as the primary placenta begins to work. Weight gain is still insignificant, and women with toxemia may have a weight loss relative to normal.

For baby: the nervous system is formed, and the brain has already separated from the spinal, the differentiation of the neural tube is almost complete. The cerebellum is formed. The child has grown to 2.5 centimeters. The genital tubercle begins to transform from the external genital organs, but this process is still only at the initial stage, the floor is still impossible to determine.

Hazards: A woman’s lack of folic acid can lead to fetal neural tube defects, which is fraught with developmental abnormalities that are incompatible with life.

Eat correctly, fractionally, at least five times a day, try to saturate the diet with vitamin A for the baby’s eyes, with folic acid, but do not overdo it - an excess of retinol can also lead to the development of defects.

Week 9

The second calendar month of pregnancy ends. There is 7 embryonic week of the development of the crumbs.

For Mom: the processes of restructuring the body for pregnancy require a large amount of energy, so women in this period usually feel tired, fatigued, sleepy.Due to an increase in the amount of blood, vaginal discharge begins to increase - normally, they are light or slightly yellowish, homogeneous.

For crumbs: baby is becoming more like a little man. It gets rid of the tail, the organs are laid down, at the end of the week the embryonic period of its development is completed, the baby will be called a fetus. Teeth are forming now, or rather their rudiments. The pituitary gland develops in the brain structure. Laying cranial nerves. The kid learned to open his mouth and clench his hands into fists. The child's liver produces lymphocytes, the kidneys and thyroid begin to work. The baby weighs about 5 grams.

If the discharge is too strong and the feeling of moisture is disturbing, you should resort to sanitary pads and strengthen personal hygiene, but do not use tampons - this is dangerous because of the likelihood of vaginal secretions stagnating and the multiplication of pathogens in it.

10 week

The woman is gradually approaching the end of the first trimester. Your baby has been with you for exactly 8 weeks.

For Mom: The process of hardening the bones of the crumbs begins, and the baby begins to take the calcium from the female body. With its shortage, calf cramps may appear, the condition of hair, nails and teeth worsens. The breast has become large, colostrum may appear in the hemoglobin.

For baby: the baby became the fruit of quite official. The end of the embryonic period means that all the internal organs and systems of the child’s body are formed. Now they will only grow. In its development, the fetus has achieved a lot - it already weighs almost 10 grams. The nervous network develops, and the brain is divided into two hemispheres. The kid swallows water, pisses, new waters are formed every three hours, and therefore they remain clean, sterile, providing the crumbs a comfortable life. Lips, eyelids, nose appeared on the face. Formed neck, the child was able to turn his head. Began to grow hair.

From this week, saturate the diet with foods rich in calcium, but do not forget that without phosphorus, its absorption will be incomplete, and therefore add fish, milk, fresh greens, cottage cheese to the menu.

11 week

There is a 9th embryonic week, only half a month remains until the end of the first trimester, and many are already looking forward to it, because they are tired of toxemia and poor health. The end of the first trimester usually brings relief.

For Mom: begins to slowly grow tummy. The uterus has already grown to the size of a goose egg and has ceased to fit in the small pelvis - it gradually goes beyond its limits into the abdominal cavity, rises higher. Now, at each appointment, the doctor will measure VSDM, the height of the uterus floor. The rate of growth can be indirectly judge the growth rate of the baby.

For the fruit: internal organs begin to learn to interact. Grow up now the baby will be slower than before, but it will begin to gain weight in an accelerated pace. While his height - about 8 centimeters, and your baby weighs 15 grams. The development of reflexes begins - the grasping and the reflex of vertical walking - the baby clings to the umbilical cord and pushes his legs away from the uterine wall, if he swims to it. The eyes moved from the side surfaces of the head to the center of the face, where they should be. Appeared the ability to yawn.

Hazards: It is important for a woman to monitor the condition of the skin, if there is swelling, you should definitely inform the doctor. The risks of miscarriage are significantly reduced, but still do not disappear altogether.

Be sure to get registered in the consultation, if not previously done. From 11 to 13 weeks, the first prenatal screening is conducted, which includes an ultrasound and a biochemical blood test to identify the possible individual risks of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus - Down syndrome, Turner, Edwards and others.

12 week

There is a 10th embryonic week, the third obstetric month ends, and a week remains before the end of the third calendar month.

For Mom: tummy slightly rounded. If a woman is pregnant with twins, then it has already become noticeable. Sleeping on the abdomen can no longer be avoided; postures on the back should also be avoided to prevent the uterus from squeezing the inferior vena cava. Many have weakened symptoms of toxemia, an appetite. Almost all have changed taste preferences and appeared their "fads". Mood becomes more balanced, sleep improves.

For the fruit: baby weighs about 20 grams and has grown to 10 centimeters. He is no longer small, but very skinny and all red. Thin skin does not hide the network of blood vessels. The ear lobes are formed, the nasal bone grows, the face has become relief. The baby is distinguished by the taste of amniotic fluid and begins to swallow them with pleasure if a woman has eaten something sweet before. Formed genitals. You can see the floor on the ultrasound, but the probability of error is still high, because the penis and labia are still very small. Muscles grow. The kid began to grimace.

The last weeks of the first trimester are very disturbing - women undergo the first screening and are very worried.

It is important to calm down and relate to the survey philosophically. It does not make diagnoses, but only denotes probability. If the risk is high, additional examinations will be necessary. Continue to drink vitamins and iodomarin.

13 week

Completes the first trimester. This week is the last. The baby has been with you for 11 weeks, it is fully formed. Now begin a global change in the maternal organism.

For Mom: his tummy is growing up, he no longer retracts, no matter how hard his mother. Women may complain of heartburn and constipation. While this is due to the action of progesterone. The hCG level reaches a peak and gradually begins to subside - progesterone is no longer necessary to maintain, its level is stable, and therefore the threat of miscarriage is markedly reduced. Toxicosis passes.

For baby: crumb has grown a little more and now weighs about 30-35 grams. It is possible to hear, but so far the baby perceives sound as vibration of sound waves, without distinguishing frequencies, because the inner ear continues to form. The brain matter grows. Scarce learned to shudder. The girls 'ovaries occupy their place in the pelvis, the boys' testicles remain in the abdominal cavity while the prostate is formed in boys. A child has ribs and vocal cords.

Risks: A woman needs to learn to be careful in her movements - now you can’t stand up and fall abruptly, squeeze your stomach, lift a heavy one.

Do not sit with your legs crossed - this increases the likelihood of blood circulation disturbance in the pelvis and may lead to fetal hypoxia. Saturate the diet with foods rich in iron, as it is possible the development of anemia in pregnant women. Avoid colds and other illnesses, since immunity has decreased markedly during the first trimester.

2 trimester

14 week

The second trimester has begun - the golden time, the most peaceful and safest for mother and baby. It is not difficult to bear a child, it is not so big, and there are already no fears and poor health in the first trimester. There is the 12th week of embryonic development, the fourth calendar month of pregnancy began.

For Mom: It becomes pleasant and not burdensome to carry the child, toxicosis goes away. Almost 2 times increased the amount of circulating blood. The emotional and psychological state of the future mother has improved. Depression and irritability receded, but distraction and forgetfulness appear - inhibition processes are activated in the brain. Increased appetite. Glandular breast tissue is actively growing. The uterus rises about 3-4 centimeters above the pubic symphysis. Reduced blood pressure levels.

For baby: the baby has reached the size of a pomegranate - it weighs almost 50 grams with a growth of 13 centimeters.The development of subcutaneous fatty tissue begins - the baby begins to gain weight. Your baby, like other children in this period, is blond, because he does not have a coloring pigment yet. The baby has its own unique fingerprints. The ability to distinguish light from darkness appeared. The kid began to smile, however, unconsciously.

Risks: A woman’s high fever may impair blood circulation between the uterus, placenta and fetus. Try to avoid fever, and if you are sick, get a doctor's advice on choosing antipyretic drugs.

It's time to change the wardrobe. Already need a bra with wide supporting straps, and clothing should not hold down movements and put pressure on the tummy. Wear comfortable, steady shoes, avoid high heels.

15 week

There is the 13th week of intrauterine existence of the baby. The fourth month of pregnancy is one of the easiest and most pleasant.

For Mom: hormones are stabilized, the future mother's state of health improves. A burst of energy and vigor is experienced by the vast majority of pregnant women. There may be weak stifling pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back - they are associated with the growth of the uterus and sprains. There may be a physiological rhinitis - a slight swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose due to the action of progesterone. Urination returns to normal, now it is not as frequent as in the first third of pregnancy. Tummy becomes noticeable. The waist gradually fades, the hips look wider. Moles and freckles become brighter.

For baby: The crumb was noticeably heavier - it weighs about 100 grams at the height of 16 centimeters. The skin is covered with cheese-like lubricant, it is supported from leaching of lanugo - thin and colorless hair. The brain acquires the convolutions and grooves. The cerebellum begins to coordinate movement. In the body of boys, testosterone production starts. Normally, the amount of water increases.

The baby has become sensitive to the emotions of the mother, he easily reacts to an increase in the stress hormone. It is important to maintain a positive attitude, watch good movies, listen to your favorite music.

16 week

The woman is gradually approaching the end of the fourth calendar month. The course of pregnancy is still quite easy and it is quite simple to follow the changes for weeks. There is 14 embryonic week.

For Mom: More and more often, the future mother is visited by the thought that she will soon begin to feel the movement of the baby. Indeed, pregnant women can already feel the first tentative touches from the inside by the end of the week, but the absence of stirring is also normal. Appetite begins to grow, but it is important not to overeat. The first sensations of heaviness in the legs may appear - weight increases. A slow "duck" gait appears, women feel the uterus well. The back can start to ache - the center of gravity changes. More abundant discharge.

For baby: Your baby can already fit on the palm of an adult, taking up almost all of its area. The baby has cilia. Lobik comes forward. All muscles are formed. Now they will only grow. The length of the umbilical cord increases to half a meter. The child is free and he willingly and moves a lot, turns over, swims. All blood cells are produced, there is own hemoglobin. Now, the external genitals have grown up - with great precision, you can determine the sex of the baby on ultrasound. The child learned to hiccup.

Do not limit your physical activity. Avoid only jumping and weight lifting. It's time to do yoga for pregnant women, it will prepare the muscles for childbirth.

17 week

Baby in the womb turns 15 weeks, is the fifth month of pregnancy. This week is considered one of the most dangerous in the second trimester, since the weakening of female immunity has reached its peak.

For Mom: The first signs of preeclampsia may appear - carefully watch for any swelling of the face, hands, or for an abnormal sharp increase in weight.The pains are not typical for this period, but there may be slight discomfort in the back and lower back - the ligaments holding the uterus are stretched, and the chest has become heavy. If colostrum is released, it is not worth squeezing it. The ease of movement disappears, it becomes increasingly difficult to choose a comfortable position for sleep. No longer hide the belly - the uterus has risen to half a vertical line from the navel to the pubis. Chest hurts less. Pruritus may cause itching and first striae (stretch marks). Increases sweating.

For a child: for the first time during pregnancy, the size of the baby begins to exceed the size of the placenta. Your baby has grown to nearly 19 centimeters and weighs about 160 grams. Actively produced subcutaneous fat. Scarce began to dream. The kid has learned the instinct of self-preservation - if a loud sound is heard, he shudders and groups.

Risks: high blood pressure is dangerous. It can lead to impaired uteroplacental blood flow and oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Call the antenatal clinic for the second prenatal screening. Like the first, it consists of an ultrasound and a biochemical blood test. Dates - 16-20 weeks.

18 week

There is a 16 week prenatal life of the child.

For Mom: adaptation to the new position was completed at the physiological and psychological levels. Repeated people begin to feel a stir. Pervodkam worth a little wait. The size of the uterus reaches the size of an average melon. They can ache a little back and loin. Often there are complaints of diarrhea and constipation. Visual acuity may be slightly reduced - this is a physiological phenomenon, it does not need treatment.

For baby: if the pregnancy proceeds well, then the average height of children in the womb is now 22 centimeters, and the weight reaches 240 grams. The head in growth slows down, the rest of the body continues to grow rapidly. The bones are sufficiently cured.

Do not refuse the help of households, it is already needed. It becomes difficult to bend down, reach down to high-lying objects.

19 week

Baby in my mother's womb has been developing for 17 weeks. It is exactly the middle of the fifth month.

For Mom: Multiple people clearly feel fetal movements; they should not be counted for the time being. Primiparous for the most part do not yet feel the child. But the stomach is already quite large. You can start wearing a prenatal bandage in consultation with your doctor. There may be tingling in the navel. The navel itself is not yet climbs. The uterus is a centimeter below the navel. Due to weight gain, your legs may ache and get tired.

For baby: heavyweight to 300 grams. At this time he has a full auditory function. Mom can start to read him fairy tales and sing songs.

Risks: the danger lies in the likelihood of preeclampsia. It is important to monitor the weight and the presence of edema.. With the appearance of such and exceeding the weight gain, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

If the sex of the baby is still unknown, it's time to recognize him now, then, when the child becomes large and will be grouped in the uterus, the determination accuracy will again noticeably decrease.

20 week

This week is the equator of pregnancy, its middle. You can start the countdown to delivery. Wait 5 obstetric months, or about 18-20 weeks.

For Mom: do not think that the baby will immediately start pushing. The first movements are usually delicate and cautious, very gentle. Up to 95% of women experience them at this time. The rest should not worry - up to 22 weeks this can happen at any time. Leucorrhoea increases, and this is also a variant of the norm. Your knees may start to hurt because of the strain on your legs. Women with varicose veins can aggravate the disease. The first training contractions may appear - irregular, episodic, short-term uterine stresses. Spontaneous nasal bleeding may occur.

For baby: the crumb gradually becomes more plump, but the ideal image of a newborn baby is still far away. The baby weighs about 360 grams with growth of 26 centimeters. The skin is now becoming a four-layer, the baby is better protected. He begins to try to open his eyes - trains the blinking reflex. He is already right-handed or left-handed and prefers one kind of hand as a worker.

It's time to get a special pillow for pregnant women, which will facilitate the task of falling asleep and allow better rest.

21 weeks

The fifth month of pregnancy ends, the sixth begins. The embryonic period is 19 weeks.

For Mom: The body begins to produce the hormone relaxin, which softens the ligaments and bones. The softening of the pelvic bones begins, which may be accompanied by pain in the pubic area. If the pain is strong enough, you should consult a doctor to eliminate the symphysitis.. The bottom of the uterus is equal to the navel line. The chest is no longer growing as actively as before.

For the fruit: in size, the baby looked like a medium sized doll. He weighs about 400 grams. The nervous system is actively developing. The kid begins to distinguish between day and night and is already living according to his regime.

Revise the diet. Now its caloric content should increase to 300 Kcal, but at the expense of useful cereals and other approved products.

22 week

The baby has a kind of anniversary - exactly 20 weeks, as you have it.

For Mom: movement becomes more pronounced. Due to the softening of the pelvic bones, the gait may change. The woman becomes more sluggish, but still still copes with all her daily duties.

For baby: a child will get chances to survive if she is born this week. Now it will not be a miscarriage, but premature birth. The size of the crumb of all with a corn cob. Completion of the formation of the spine.

Risks: the danger still lies in the preeclampsia and the likelihood of premature birth. If the baby is born now, the likelihood of survival will not be as high, besides, so earlier birth is a high risk of CNS disorders, retinopathy.

Should be more attentive to their feelings. If pain, watery or bleeding occurs, immediately call the Ambulance.

23 week

There is a second half of the second trimester. Fetal period is 21 weeks.

For Mom: there is increased fatigue, thoughts are already coming that I would like to be on the decree as soon as possible. The chest has increased by almost two sizes. The stomach is clearly visible, but it still looks neat. The movements are distinct, they no longer cause doubts, if they are still not there - you need to consult a doctor. Again physiological rhinitis may return. Increases weight gain. The uterus begins to squeeze the abdominal organs.

For the fruit: baby weighs about 550-600 grams. The chest begins to make breathing movements - expands and narrows, so the baby rehearses the respiratory reflex.

Risks: Skin becomes more sensitive and tanning and tanning should be avoided. Changing the shape can be the basis for the development of depression in pregnant women.

A comfortable bra and bandage to support a growing tummy will help ease back and leg pain.

24 week

The sixth obstetric month ends. There is 22 week of embryonic development.

For Mom: increases load on the feet and knees. If there is a predisposition for varicose veins, you should start wearing compression stockings right now.. The period of "nesting" begins - the woman pays more attention to the house and the au pair.

For baby: the child is pushing more and more. A gradual fallout of lanugo begins, as the skin has become more durable and less and less in need of such protection. Appear tendon reflexes. The baby already has its own temperament.

Tips: it's time to start attending courses for pregnant women - gymnastics and breathing exercises will help ease the third trimester and will help in childbirth.

25 week

The sixth calendar month comes to an end, the embryonic period is 23 weeks.

For Mom: movement of the baby intensifies, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant. It becomes increasingly difficult to perform daily duties. The psychological state again becomes vulnerable and unstable. The uterus occupies up to 70% of the area of ​​the abdominal cavity.

For baby: baby learns to adapt to environmental conditions, it will help him after birth. The weight of the crumbs reaches 800 grams. The production of melanin has begun, the skin becomes pink. In the lungs, surfactant begins to be produced - a substance necessary for independent breathing. The chances of survival if you are born this week is about 16%.

Increase the amount of night sleep up to 10 hours, now it will help easier to enter the third trimester.

26 week

This week is the last in the second trimester. The term of embryonic development is 24 weeks.

For Mom: perturbations reach a peak. In the third trimester, it will become more rare. While there is enough space for action for the kid. The uterus rose 6 centimeters above the navel and props the diaphragm. The ribs may start to hurt, to suffer from heartburn and frequent urination.

For the fruit: it becomes cramped and the crumbs begin to assume the head position in the uterus. If the baby is still sitting or lying across, there is time to turn around. With a growth of 34 centimeters, the weight of the baby exceeds 800 grams. The amount of the original lubricant on the body and face of the child decreases. Grow hormones begin to be produced. In male fetuses, the testicles begin to move into the scrotum. Survival in the case of childbirth - 30%.

Recommendations: if it becomes difficult to work, take another vacation, it will be completed just in time for going to maternity leave.

In 3 trimester

27 week

Start the third trimester. The embryonic period is 25 weeks.

For Mom: it became very difficult to bend over, to put on shoes, shortness of breath appears. Most have a fear of childbirth. Slightly intensified training bouts. The level of blood pressure rises from reduced to normal values. Women are becoming more weather sensitive.

For the fruit: Your crumb now weighs about a kilogram and this is a great achievement. If the baby appears now, the survival prognosis is 75%. The baby begins to group - it needs a flexion posture to fit in the uterus and further. From this point on, sex determination by ultrasound will be very difficult. The optic nerve is being improved - the baby begins to distinguish color spots.

If you plan to go on vacation by plane, take a certificate from the gynecologist that you are not contraindicated in the flight. From 27-28 weeks airlines require such a document when landing.

28 week

You can be congratulated - you are at the "finish line". From 10 to 12 weeks until delivery. There is a 26 week prenatal development.

For Mom: Wearing a baby becomes quite difficult, a woman gets tired faster. With twins this week go on maternity leave. From this week, the expectant mother should start counting the movements of the baby - in 12 hours at least 10 episodes should be recruited motor activity. Many people have sore back and back, there are sharp episodic lumbago due to pinching of the nerve endings in the large uterus, which now takes up to 80% of the abdominal cavity. The discharge is somewhat thinned.

For baby: eyelashes grow up and cheeks become plumper. The kid got rid of a tenth of the lanugo. The lung tissue continues to accumulate surfactant. Survival in the case of childbirth in this period is estimated at 90%.

It's time to visit a gynecologist and begin to take an impressive list of tests before going on maternity leave.

29 week

The embryonic period is 27 weeks. The seventh obstetric month is over.

For Mom: movements become more rare and smoother. Space in the uterus is becoming less. The growth rate of the uterus is slowed down.

For the fruit: the kid got up to one and a half kilograms with a height of 38 centimeters.The formation of the cerebral cortex ends. There are all reflexes. Survival rate in the case of birth on this period - 97%.

Grown up belly does not allow a woman to see her legs, you need to be very careful when walking.

30 week

Border period. About two months until delivery. This week, women are on maternity leave.

For Mom: stirring becomes more painful for a woman, but there is more time for rest. Strengthened training bouts. There are many fears - pain in childbirth, being late to the maternity hospital, illness in a baby, etc. It's time to do psychological and physical preparation for childbirth.

For the fruit: baby looks almost like a newborn. If the child is not in headache, the chances of a turn are, but they are very small. The size of the child is comparable to the melon.

Do not lie on the couch. Now leisurely walks in the air, yoga, communication will be very useful. This will help cope with fears and prepare muscles for childbirth.

31 weeks

Your term is 7.5 months. The embryonic period is 29 weeks.

For Mom: the body begins to prepare for childbirth. At the hormonal level changes occur, prolactin begins to be produced, which is important for breastfeeding. Colostrum secretion appears or increases. Starts gradual maturation of the cervix in primiparous.

For the fruit: Your baby's weight is close to two kilograms. The skin has become pink. Auricle harden. If the birth takes place now, forecasts are favorable.

Tips: be sure to visit a doctor and go through CTG - now this examination is available on time.

32 week

This week is considered one of the most important in the third trimester - a large-scale preparation of the body for childbirth starts. 30 weeks have passed since conception.

For Mom: complaints of pain in the back, legs, lower back become permanent. A woman may experience hot flashes and bouts of weakness. Oxytocin begins to be produced in small quantities - it will accumulate and will promote uterine contractions at birth at the right time.

For baby: the baby has taken all the free space in the womb. From now on, his movements are severely limited. If the crumb did not turn over head down, then there is almost no chance of that.

Gradually reduce the amount of meat in the diet and replace it with the breast, fish, increase the amount of vegetable oils and fresh vegetables - this diet will help prepare the cervix for childbirth.

33 week

Ends eighth month of pregnancy. Before birth, 5-7 weeks remains.

For Mom: the stomach seems huge, but continues to grow. It is difficult to breathe, tormented by heartburn, pain in the ribs and pubic. Strengthened training bouts.

For baby: the baby now weighs more than two kilograms and every day he adds about 50 grams.

Try not to be nervous - stress hormones cause tension in your baby, besides, it can provoke premature birth. Take care of the purchase of children's clothes and the arrangement of the children's room.

34 week

The term of embryonic development is 32 weeks. About a month before birth.

For Mom: discomfort peaked. The rest should be easier. In primiparous tummy will soon fall. In the meantime, you just need to be patient.

For the fruit: Many children in this period already weigh 2.5 kilograms. The placenta begins to age.

Start preparing your nipples for breastfeeding — arrange a contrast shower for your breasts, rub them easily with a hard towel, but do not overdo it — excessive stimulation can lead to the release of oxytocin and the onset of preterm labor.

35 week

Begins last ninth month of pregnancy. Before birth, there are about 3-4 weeks.

For Mom: the baby can go down and press its head to the inner throat. The stomach becomes lower located, it becomes easier to breathe, heartburn is not so tormenting.

For the fruit: crumb actively gaining weight.Now he has grown by 300 grams and in most cases the babies in this period weigh from 2400 to 2800 grams. The lungs are not mature enough. The iris of the eye acquires the color that nature has bestowed upon it. Previously, all children were blue-eyed.

Reduce the amount of milk consumed - calcium in excess can lead to excessive ossification of the bones of the skull of the fetus, making it difficult to give birth.

36 week

Impatient waiting time. Before birth - 2-3 weeks.

For Mom: the cervix begins to shorten, flatten, prepare for childbirth. There may be tingling sensations, vaginal discharge increases. The stomach drops in 75% of women.

For baby: the baby weighs almost 3 kilograms with a height of 47-48 centimeters. His skin is thick, lanugo is no more. Marigold first began to speak beyond the phalanges.

Avoid constipation. Hemorrhoids are now useless, because childbirth can begin at any time.

37 week

From this week on, childbirth is not considered premature.

For Mom: mood "suitcase." Check all collected at the hospital on the list, try not to forget anything. Some people have a mucus plug this week. If she has not moved away - this is also the norm.

For the fruit: the senses are tuned - the baby is preparing for birth. Surfactant in the lungs has accumulated enough for spontaneous breathing.

Tips: if the stopper has come off, you should not take a bath and have sex, as the likelihood of intrauterine infection increases.

38 week

Every third birth occurs exactly this week.

For Mom: this week is filled with anticipation. Already, almost everyone has the precursors of a speedy birth - the discharge changes, the training bouts become more frequent.

For the fruit: the child is fully ready to be born, and you should not be afraid of childbirth at this time.

You should not try to prepare the cervix for childbirth independently using folk remedies, you should not try to induce childbirth, even if you are very tired of wearing the baby. Everything has to happen in due time.

39-40 weeks

This period accounts for the majority of births. If a woman in 40 weeks does not give birth, it is also not scary. This pregnancy is not considered post-mortem, it is called prolonged. Up to 42 weeks, the child has time.

The recommendations on these terms are very simple: Be as vigilant as possible, do not go far from home, take a charged phone with you. Watch for sensations - Births and discharge of water is difficult to confuse with something. Signs of the onset of labor is usually by this time all future mothers know by heart.

As for the baby, nothing new will happen in his development, unless he adds a few dozen grams to his weight with each passing day in the womb. It is very important to follow the movements - Mature placenta can no longer provide normal nutrition and sufficient oxygen.

Childbirth will be easy and fast if the woman is able to cope with her fears, will not be clamped and will completely trust herself and the doctors.

Find out what happens to the fetus every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


