What is low previa during pregnancy and is it dangerous?


The location of the fetus in the uterus is always individual - it may be that the baby is too low in the womb. This article will tell you what a low fetal presentation is and whether it is dangerous during pregnancy.

Pathology features

Low presentation of the fetus is quite common in obstetric practice. Usually this clinical condition is detected in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is already large enough.

There are several ways to determine how low a baby is located in the womb. The first one is manual. They are used by doctors for many centuries, since antiquity. Conducting such a study, an obstetrician-gynecologist.

During this diagnostic procedure, the doctor assesses where the baby’s head is located. If it is located too low, it is concluded that there is a low baby presentation in the uterus. An experienced doctor also determines the position of the placenta, as well as to which uterine wall it is mainly attached. The placenta can be attached to the front, back or side walls of the uterus.

It is also possible to determine the low prevalence of the fetus by performing an ultrasound examination. In this case, the ultrasound specialist determines not only the localization of the main large parts of the baby’s body, but also measures their size. If the baby is too low in the uterus, it is necessarily evaluated and entered into a medical report.

The low location of the fetus in the uterus may be due to the initially low implantation of the chorion. In this case, the fertilized egg is not attached to the bottom of the uterus, but begins to descend below. Anatomical defects in the structure of the uterus in a pregnant woman or the chronic diseases of the reproductive organs that are present in the uterus can also contribute to this location of the fetus.


The course of pregnancy with low prevalence of the fetus may be different. One woman will experience multiple uncomfortable symptoms, while the other suffers a child-bearing period quite calmly. The development of pregnancy depends on numerous factors.

In some cases, the future mother may appear sore in the abdomen. Usually it develops after lifting some heavy objects or after a quick walk. As a rule, at rest, this symptom develops much less frequently.

If the pain in the abdomen is accompanied by the appearance of bleeding from the genital tract, it can be very dangerous. In such a situation, a pregnant woman should not hesitate to seek medical help. If you experience severe cramping abdominal pain, you should not make any active movements. It is better at this time to lie down on the sofa and try to breathe deeper.

Pregnancy occurring with a low prevalence of the fetus, may be complicated by the occurrence of periodic minor bleeding from the genital tract. In this case, the woman usually notices the appearance of dark red or brown discharge in her underwear.

If this situation is repeated again and again, the expectant mother must inform her obstetrician-gynecologist about this.

Repeated, even small bleeding can lead to an anemic condition. Anemia is an extremely unfavorable pathology for both the most pregnant woman and her baby. In such a situation, the supply of oxygen to the vital organs of the child is reduced, which further negatively affects its development.

Possible consequences

With a low previa of the fetus, it is very important to monitor the course and development of pregnancy. The future mother, whose doctors determine such a feature, will necessarily form an extended set of recommendations. Observe their pregnant woman to give birth.

Pregnancy occurring with low prevalence of the fetus, can proceed quite normally. Its course largely depends on the lifestyle that the future mother leads, as well as her initial state. If the female body was weakened before the onset of pregnancy, then the likelihood of complications during childbirth increases.

When pregnancy occurs with the development of low prevalence of the fetus, it is very important to reduce the risk of premature birth. Many women diagnosed with low fetal presentation can face the threat of abortion. If doctors have identified such a condition, the expectant mother can be hospitalized in the hospital. The main goal of therapy is to preserve pregnancy as long as possible.

In order for the baby to be born viable, it needs a certain time for intrauterine development. During this time, the lungs finally form in the fetus and even the small heart begins to function. If the baby’s vital organs during a spontaneous early onset of labor are still incompletely formed, there is a real threat to his life in the new habitat. Such an underdevelopment of organs also threatens the formation of serious developmental defects in a child.

With a low previa of the fetus infection is dangerous. It is important to understand that the closer the baby is to the external genitals, the higher the risk of possible infection in the uterine cavity. Expectant mothers who have had a low fetal presentation during pregnancy, it is very important to monitor compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

If the threat of premature birth is too high, and the gestation period is still small, a special retention ring can be installed to a pregnant woman - it is inserted into the genitals and provides additional fixation of the child in the uterus.

This method allows you to bring the pregnancy to the moment when the child can be born is already viable.

What should be done?

Hemorrhoids or constipation is a very common nuisance encountered by many pregnant women with low prevalence. The more the baby becomes, the stronger the uterus squeezes the rectum. Such mechanical squeezing contributes to the fact that trips to the toilet become irregular. Some women even note that they develop pain when they have a bowel movement.

In order to cope with these adverse symptoms, the expectant mother should carefully monitor their diet and drinking regime. Normalize the movement of food through the intestines will help fiber, which is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits. Vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, can be an excellent addition to the main meal. Regular intake of fiber will help improve stools.

In some cases, doctors may recommend wearing a special bandage - it will additionally fix the anterior abdominal wall.

Usually wearing a bandage is prescribed to women who are in an area of ​​increased risk of developing hypertonicity of the uterus.

Many women complain to their doctors about the development of their frequent urination. Frequent trips to the toilet can be explained by the fact that the growing head of the baby puts a lot of pressure on the bladder.To reduce the frequency of urination, the expectant mother should control the amount of fluid consumed. It is better to drink water and other drinks in the first half of the day, while in the evening, and especially closer to bedtime, their amount should be reduced.

With a low breech presentation, doctors usually limit sex and active sex life. Many women are worried about whether they can fly on an airplane, having such a feature in the course of pregnancy. The doctors do not have any strict recommendations on this issue, however, it is still worth taking precautions when traveling.

About the danger of low previa of the fetus, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.