Effective exercises for the revolution of the fetus with pelvic presentation


Most babies long before giving birth in the uterus take the correct position of the body - the head. Their head is located to the exit of the uterus. This way of birth is considered the safest and most optimal, invented by nature itself. But often women hear from the doctor that their baby is in pelvic presentation. How to help the child to take the most suitable for childbirth position with the help of exercises for pregnant women, we will tell in this material.

When do we need exercises?

Pelvic presentation is dangerous for the baby and his mother only at the time of delivery, if the crumb, contrary to the laws of nature, decides to be born legs forward. The risk of a severe birth injury, death of a child, and complications of the birth process increases. That is why women whose babies are located in the womb of the ass to exit from the uterus, it is recommended to do a special gymnastics. This will allow the baby to turn his head down.

Immediately it should be noted that the exercises are not always effective. They are considered only auxiliary, but they do not guarantee anything. It often happens that the baby refuses to roll over, no matter how hard the future mother tries. After 35 weeks, pelvic presentation is perceived by doctors as a fait accompli. A decision is made on delivery by performing a cesarean section in a planned manner. Usually it is done at 37-38 or 38-39 weeks of pregnancy.

A woman can start doing a special set of exercises from 30-31 weeks of pregnancy. It is desirable that the classes take place under the supervision of a physician. They must be approved by an obstetrician-gynecologist. You can do at home, but you should first demonstrate the technique of performing the exercises to your doctor.

The specialist should make sure that you understand everything correctly, do not harm yourself and the child.


Corrective gymnastics was developed by obstetrician-gynecologists themselves. The technique is approved by the professional association of doctors. The complex includes several key exercises for reversing the fetus with pelvic or transverse presentation. Consider the technique of performing basic.


This exercise is done lying on a hard surface. You can not engage on the couch or bed. It is better to sit on a rug or floor. Lying on her back, a woman needs to bend her knees and widely spread them apart. The feet should fit snugly over their entire area to the floor. Hands should lie quietly along the body on the floor.

From the initial position, the woman lifts only the pelvis. This is done simultaneously with a deep calm breath. For a few seconds, linger in the new position, then gently lower the pelvis back on the exhale. Take a few smooth breaths and exhale, then repeat the lifting of the pelvis. Do the exercise 7-10 times.


This exercise is based on the famous Kegel gymnastics, it is less intense. The initial position of the body, as in the previous exercise (lying on the floor).Legs need to bend at the knees, feet pressed to the floor.

Inhale, stretch the legs on the floor. Without exhaling, retract the buttocks, tighten the muscles of the perineum, imagine yourself as a slender cypress. At the deep exit, completely relax and return your legs to the starting position (bend at the knees and spread apart widely). This exercise is done 7-10 times.


This is the most famous and popular exercise, it is widely practiced by pregnant women to try to turn the baby in the womb. Make it on the floor, rug. Take the so-called cat posture: kneeling, bend your back and slightly raise the pelvis. The palms should fit snugly over the entire area of ​​the floor surface. The knees should be in the same vertical line with the hips.

On a deep breath, the woman throws her head back, while raising her pelvis. On the exhale, the woman seems to depict a cat curled up. To do this, she rounds her back, lowers her tailbone and head down. This exercise should be done smoothly. Exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

With its proper implementation, there will be no pain in the lower back and back muscles.


This exercise is considered one of the most effective. It helps in turning the fetus in about 15% of cases. No physical effort will require. It is enough to catch the moments of physical activity of the baby and immediately begin to perform gymnastics. Several pillows or rollers should be placed on the floor so that the basin placed on them is 20-30 cm above the floor and the head lying on it. So a woman becomes like a rounded bridge.

Nothing to strain is necessary. It is enough to breathe calmly and deeply measured, being in the starting position for at least 10-15 minutes. This exercise is carried out together with her husband. In this case, the woman throws her legs on the shoulders of a man in such a way that the popliteal hollows are exactly on his shoulders.


This exercise is done standing on the floor. Legs should be placed shoulder-width apart; arms should be extended along the body. On a deep breath, you should raise your hands smoothly so that the palms remain turned down (to the floor). Hands raised to the level of the belt, stand on the socks, trying to round the chest. Then, on the exhale, gently lower the arms and lower to the full foot. Exercise is closely related to the complexes of respiratory gymnastics, and therefore it is especially important to do it in several approaches. For example, at the very beginning, between other exercises in the middle and the end of gymnastics.

Dikan Coup

The essence of this method - in coups, changing the position of the body of a pregnant woman. Every 10 minutes, it should roll over on the other side, lying on a flat and firm surface. Doctors do this exercise on an empty stomach, so as not to cause indigestion or nausea. When you do an exercise, you can watch a movie sitting on the floor.

It is recommended to perform at least four approaches per day.

Method V. Fomicheva

This set of exercises developed by well-known obstetrician V. Fomicheva for pregnant women for a period of 32 to 36 weeks. It includes side bends, standing on the floor. The slopes of the body perform forward and backward with the deflection of the waist. In this case, it is necessary to make turns of the body, as well as raising the pelvis (described in the first exercise), but with one distinctive feature: the woman lifts the support on the back of the head and the feet while lifting. Each of the exercises in the Fomicheva complex is performed at least 5 times.

After gymnastics, calm and measured breathing exercises are recommended.

In the pool

If possible, combine traditional traditional gymnastics exercises with water exercises. The main thing that the water in the pool was not too cold. Leaning your back and elbows on the sides of the pool, make several lifts of the pelvis and legs. Practice free swimming.

In fact, it is not so important what exactly you will do in the pool water.Swimming helps to reduce the tone of the uterine muscles. The baby has a little more room for movement when the walls of the uterus are non-rigid. And the chances that the crumb will turn over into a more natural position increase tenfold.

If you do not have your own pool in your own home, feel free to go to any public. There are special groups for future mothers. An experienced instructor will teach you how to breathe properly in water, do basic aqua aerobics exercises, and relax completely. These skills will be useful not only for the coup baby, they are useful in the process of childbirth.

Useful tips

Today, doctors recommend that pregnant women mentally convince their baby to roll over. Quite often it helps. To do this, a woman should take a comfortable body position for her, relax, turn on pleasant music, stroke her tummy, mentally imagining how the baby turns the head down. Talking with your son or daughter is also helpful.

Of the other methods can be noted exposure to sound and light. Often, future mothers bring headphones with music to the lower abdomen. It is believed that the baby should try to turn around in the direction of the sound head. Exactly for the same reasons, a flashlight is brought to the lower part of the maternal abdomen. The baby after 32 weeks already distinguishes between light and darkness. He may try to turn around to the light.

It may seem to some that these methods are rather despair. If all else fails, what tricks only women don’t go for. Doctors do not interfere with them: all methods are good, so long as the expectant mother did not try to deploy the child manually. Obstetric coup (when the fetus is deployed through the anterior abdominal wall with his hands) is carried out only in a hospital, in recent times it is almost not practiced due to controversial use. Independent attempts to turn the baby head down can lead to injury.


The topic of exercises and ways to turn the fetus from the wrong position to the classic is actively discussed by future moms on the Internet. Many say that the daily active exercises that mother does are not very popular with babies. Almost always, boys and girls in the mother's womb begin to actively push. This fact gives hope for a coup. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the increased activity of the baby during gymnastics.

Opinions differ on the effectiveness of exercise. One pregnant gymnastics and swimming helped, while others did not. But no one disputes the importance of a correct and positive psychological attitude. Sometimes only one belief that everything will be fine, can work wonders.

There is always a chance that the fetus will unfold in the correct position, it can happen a week before delivery, and a day.

On what to do exercises with pelvic presentation of the fetus, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


