Should men take folic acid when planning a pregnancy?


The birth of a baby is the biggest gift for both the expectant mother and father. Future parents should remember that the proper planning of the child is very important. This approach helps to reduce the risk of possible dangerous diseases and pathologies that occur in a baby during the period of pre-natal development.

Why is this necessary?

The health of the male body at the planning stage of the baby is a very important indicator. Often men think that this is completely unimportant. They believe that if the future mom is healthy, then the baby will be born healthy. This is a big misconception.

During conception, the baby "takes" half of the genetic apparatus from the father, and the other from the mother. If during this period the man is sick, then this is not the best way for the baby in the future. Doctors strongly recommend all couples who plan to become parents, carefully monitor your health before conceiving a child. Quite often it happens that the deficiency of various vitamins and microelements contributes to the emergence of various pathologies.

For the full functioning of the male body requires a lot of different substances. One of the very important ones is folic acid.

The most important function of this substance is the renewal of all cells in the body. Folic acid is also called vitamin B9. It is water soluble. This chemical feature allows this substance to be very well distributed throughout the body, penetrating into all its cells.

Scientists have found that folic acid is very important for the stronger sex. Take it at the planning stage of pregnancy should not only his wife, but her husband. This substance helps to normalize spermatogenesis in the male body. During this process, the man appears healthy sperm.

If the future pope has any diseases of the reproductive system or other internal organs, then folic acid supplementation is necessary.

Researchers believe that the lack of this substance in the body increases the risk of developing various gene and chromosomal pathologies. Such diseases are extremely dangerous, since they significantly affect the formation of various anomalies and defects of fetal intrauterine development.

For the prevention of various disorders associated with a deficiency of various biologically active substances and minerals, the expectant mother should use multivitamin complexes. So, a woman preparing to become a mother Vitamin E, folic acid is very well as other various substances.

Future mommy is also very important to take a sufficient amount of folic acid before conceiving a baby. Women's health is a very important indicator at this stage.

In addition to the prophylactic purpose of use, this tool is also taken for medical reasons. In this situation, taking folic acid is required for a fairly long period of time.

One of these diseases is considered macrocytic anemia. This condition is detected after a complete blood count.The danger of this pathology is that it can lead to the appearance of various adverse symptoms in a man, which significantly disrupt his general well-being.

Acceptance of folic acid can not only lead to the normalization of blood parameters, but will also contribute to good spermatogenesis. Also with this use improves the functioning of the nervous system. The man improves memory and attention.

Many future fathers note that after the course of folic acid administration, their mood improved and their ability to exercise increased.

What should I do before conceiving a baby?

Before using folic acid, the future father still needs to consult a doctor. For this it is better to turn to the therapist. The doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests and examinations necessary to clarify the state of health of the man and identify dangerous pathologies.

A prerequisite for the future father - consultation with the urologist. Many men think that if they have no visible problems, then you should not visit this doctor. However, this is a big mistake. Even “healthy” people may have hidden problems or pathologies.

It is especially important and necessary to visit a doctor for a man from a couple who have been trying to conceive a baby for a long time, but they are not working.

Urologist necessarily conduct a clinical examination. During this study, the doctor will be able to determine the signs of possible diseases. If, after conducting a clinical examination, the doctor has determined that there are any abnormalities, then he may recommend the man to undergo additional research.

For this sperm is checked. The importance of this test cannot be overestimated. It helps determine how many viable sperm are in the semen. This study is extremely necessary if the couple have any problems with conceiving a baby.

What should be the power of the future father?

In order for the body to receive the required amount of folic acid, a man should carefully monitor what he eats.

In many products, this vitamin is found in fairly large quantities. Their regular use helps to realize the daily need for it and prevent the development of folic deficiency states. This kind of diet is an excellent prevention of all kinds of problems associated with a deficiency of folic acid in the body.

Future father follows eat meat regularly. Abuse its fat varieties should not be. Beef or veal is an excellent choice. They contain not only a lot of folic acid, but also other vitamins and trace elements necessary for the full-fledged work of the male body.

Doctors guarantee that this food will not only be useful, but will also greatly appeal to men. It includes quite a lot of products that are very loved by strong sex.

Avoid offal also should not be. A lot of this vitamin is contained in the liver. Any liver is suitable for cooking - both pork and beef. Men who absolutely do not like to eat such offal, you can try chicken liver.

An excellent side dish for meat will be vegetables. They will not only help him to better assimilate in the body, but also become a good complement. Vegetables and leafy greens contain quite a lot of various vitamins and trace elements necessary for the optimal functioning of the male body.

This water soluble vitamin is also contained and in beer yeast. It is important to note that beer is not the best choice for compensating for folic acid deficiency. Alcohol contained in it has a negative effect on spermatogenesis.

Acceptance of biologically active agents that contain brewer's yeast, helps to normalize the daily intake of folic acid in the body. Appoints such drugs therapist.

Required dosage of the drug

It is important to understand that daily dosages may be different. If folic acid is taken as a prophylactic man, the dose of the drug is relatively small.

Future fathers who have pronounced problems with spermatogenesis or suffering from infertility will take large dosages. This is necessary to compensate for violations.

If, despite the observance of proper nutrition, the couple still cannot conceive a baby, then the doctor may recommend to use folic acid tablets. Selection of dosage is carried out individually, you should not do it yourself.

Appointed such funds, as a rule, both men and women at the same time. Use the tool only according to the instructions for use should not be. For the selection of the optimal dosage should consult with your doctor. Also, the doctor will give the future dad the necessary recommendations for drawing up the daily menu. The average daily dosage for men planning to become fathers is 200 mcg / day.

In some situations The doctor may increase this dose to 400 micrograms. Typically, these dosages are prescribed on the recommendation of a urologist or fertility specialist. They are recommended for men who have various problems with conception or infertility.

How to use?

Many doctors believe that the expectant mother and father should start taking folic acid 2.5-3 months before conceiving a baby. To implement its functions in the body, it is very important that this vitamin comes in daily.

Given this feature, folic acid should be taken. daily throughout the planning period of the baby. The duration of the course application is determined individually by the attending physician.

Skip tricks of this vitamin can not be. This will lead to the fact that the accumulation of folic acid in the body will be incomplete.

Today on the pharmaceutical market there is a huge amount of various folic acid preparations. Tablets are prescribed for daily use. They are produced, as a rule, 50 and 100 pieces in one package. If you use these drugs should drink plenty of fluids.

It is important to remember that taking other medicines may weaken the absorption of this substance in the body. In order to avoid this, it is imperative that you consult with your doctor before using any additional medicines or dietary supplements.

Experts point out that folic acid intake along with sedatives and anticonvulsants may not be effective. In such a situation, the absorption of water-soluble vitamin is significantly reduced.

Simultaneous use of certain antibiotics may also lead to a weakening effect.

For more information about taking folic acid when planning pregnancy, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


