"Miramistin" during pregnancy


During pregnancy, the body's defenses weaken, which makes the expectant mother more susceptible to various infectious diseases.

In order to prevent dangerous diseases or speed up recovery, if the woman is still infected, antiseptic agents can be used. Among them, the Russian drug called "Miramistin" is in special demand. It has a wide scope of application and a lot of positive feedback, and the possibility of using women in the position even in the early stages makes such a tool indispensable in a home medicine chest.

Features of the drug

"Miramistin" is a clear liquid that has no odor and no taste. When shaking, you can see that it foams.

The solution is sold in different packages, different in volume and nozzles. For example, a bottle of 50 ml of the drug may have a gynecological nozzle to irrigate the genitals with an antiseptic, while a bottle of 150 ml of solution has a spray nozzle that is convenient to use for treating the throat.

The main ingredient of the drug is also called miramistin. Its concentration per liter of solution is 0.1 grams, that is, the medicine is 0.01%.

The auxiliary component of the drug is purified water. There are no other inactive ingredients in Miramistin.

You can buy any of the packages of medicines without a prescription, and the medicine should be stored at home at room temperature. Its shelf life is 3 years, and the average price of 50 ml is 200-240 rubles.

Dilution of the drug with water before the application is not required, since the drug is already necessary for the treatment of mucous membranes and skin concentration. If a spray nozzle is attached to the bottle, it is released from the packaging, then the cap is removed from the bottle and the nozzle is installed in its place. Before using the nebulizer in the mouth or in another place, you need to press the nozzle 2 times so that it evenly sprays the solution on the mucous membrane.

How does it work?

"Miramistin" has a bactericidal effect against many species of bacteria, among which are both aerobic and anaerobic. The active substance of the solution destroys the walls of microbial cells, which leads to the death of the pathogen. The drug is able to destroy even resistant to antibiotics strains, which are called hospital. After treatment with the solution, most pneumococci, chlamydia, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Streptococcus, Trichomonas, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and gonococci die.

Miramistin also has antiviral effects and affects some pathogenic fungi.

Is pregnant allowed?

According to the instructions for the use of "Miramistin", such a solution can be used while the child is waiting, and its active substance does not harm the fetus either in the first weeks of pregnancy or in the later periods.

This antiseptic can only be harmful if it is hypersensitive to its active ingredient.

It does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore does not affect the composition of the blood and does not penetrate into the uterus. In addition, studies have shown that the main component of the solution has no teratogenic and embryotoxic properties.

The advantages of the drug, because of which it is often prescribed to pregnant women, include the following features of Miramistin:

  • the drug has a fairly extensive spectrum of action;
  • it can protect against many pathogens, including not only pathogenic bacteria, but also fungi, as well as various viruses;
  • Miramistin treatment of the skin effectively prevents its suppuration;
  • the drug reduces the resistance of microbes to antibacterial agents;
  • medication stimulates local immunity;
  • the solution has a rather pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • the drug does not damage the skin cells, and also does not interfere with wound healing (on the contrary, stimulates epithelization);
  • after treatment with Miramistin there is no local irritation;
  • the tool is available in different volumes and with different nozzles, which allows you to choose the most convenient to use packaging (for example, in the case of angina buy spray).

But despite the large number of advantages, the use of the solution in 1 trimester requires caution.

    At this time, all the important organs of the baby are laid and any external interventions are undesirable. That is why most of the drugs in the first 12-14 weeks are either contraindicated or used under the supervision of a physician. And although "Miramistin" refers to harmless to the fetus means to treat any diseases with such a solution in the first trimester should be only after the appointment of a doctor.

    Specialist consultation is recommended at later periods, although the baby in the 2nd and 3rd trimester is more protected from any external factors. A woman may have contraindications to the use of such a drug, and sometimes a whole complex of medications is required, in which “Miramistin” will be only one of the medicines. For these reasons, for any infections, injuries or inflammations during pregnancy, you first need to be examined by a doctor, and then you can treat the sore area with an antiseptic and take other medicines.

    When and how is it applied?

    One of the most frequent reasons to prescribe "Miramistin" are various skin lesions. The drug is used to treat burns, cuts, pressure sores, abrasions and scratches. It is highly in demand for suppuration of wounds, as well as to prevent such complications. In addition, "Miramistin" is used for dermatitis caused by bacteria or fungal flora. Apply the drug to the surface of the skin usually need 2-3 times a day. The inflamed or damaged area is washed for 3-5 days or longer if necessary.

    The drug is often prescribed by ENT doctors, as it can help in the treatment of pharyngitis, antritis, otitis, adenoiditis, rhinitis and other diseases. All these pathologies can be dangerous for the development of the child and provoke various complications of pregnancy, therefore the use of “Miramistin” with them fully justifies itself.

    If the future mother has a sore throat or another throat disease, the doctor will recommend rinsing with 10-15 ml of the solution or applying the drug with a spray nozzle, pressing it 3-4 times. Such treatment is usually carried out 3-4 times a day for 5-10 days.

    If you need to gargle more often, then the treatment with “Miramistin” is supplemented with the use of herbal decoctions and other means, for example, alternate with rinsing with chamomile or a solution of baking soda.

    In case of a cold, medication drops 2 drops into each of the nasal passages up to eight times during the day, and otitis media is given 2-3 drops to the ear moves up to four times a day. Ophthalmologists also dispense Miramistin to patients with conjunctivitis. If a pregnant woman has such an unpleasant disease, the solution is used in each eye 1-2 drops 3-6 times a day.

    For oral infections or damage to the oral mucosa, the solution is used to rinse. It is used for periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis, including candidal lesions.For one procedure, take 10-15 ml of medicine, hold it in the mouth for some time, and then spit it out.

    If a cold in a pregnant woman has passed into bronchitis, then, in combination with another treatment, she may be given inhalations with Miramistin. Such procedures are done in a nebulizer. 4 milliliters of antiseptic are poured into his cell (sometimes, on the advice of a doctor, it must be diluted with saline) and breathe the drug 3-4 times a day.

    The expectant mother can also be prescribed Miramistin douche for thrush, urethritis, or vaginitis if these diseases occur while the baby is waiting.

    The drug has been shown to be effective in herpes, chlamydia, candidiasis, trichomoniasis and other infectious diseases affecting the urinary organs.

    This medicine is often used before childbirth to reduce the risk of infection. It is administered vaginally for several days before delivery (usually 5-7 days), and during cervical dilatation, the vagina is irrigated after each examination. If a woman has a caesarean section, then "Miramistin" can be used during this operation - the vagina and uterine cavity, as well as all incisions, are treated with a solution.

    Can it hurt?

    In most cases, Miramistin does not have any side effects. Sometimes after treatment with a solution, there is a burning sensation. It is usually unexpressed and passes very quickly, so it does not require cessation of treatment.

    If, after irrigation or rinsing, changes such as itching, rash or redness occur, this indicates an allergic reaction.. In such a situation, it is impossible to drip, splash, or use "Miramistin" in other ways. In case of severe allergy, the expectant mother should consult a doctor.


    Most women who have had to deal with Miramistin during the period of gestation leave positive reviews about this medicine. The undoubted advantages of medication include the convenience of its use, safety for the child, a large list of indications, the minimum number of contraindications and good tolerability.

    In the small negative reviews usually complain about the lack of effect of the drug or the fact that it was too weak and had to use counterparts. Some women reported an allergic reaction to the solution.

    What to replace?

    If for some reason it is impossible to use “Miramistin”, a woman in the position should consult with her doctor in order to find the equivalent during pregnancy. For example, if a future mother has pharyngitis or tonsillitis, she can use an antiseptic "Hexasprey"containing biclotymol. Such an aerosol destroys streptococci and other microbes in the throat, as well as reduces pain and inflammation. It is permitted during childbearing, as it acts mainly in the place of spraying.

    Another option antiseptic instead of "Miramistin" can be called "Chlorhexidine". Such a solution can be used in pregnant women in the treatment of thrush, chlamydia, urethritis, stomatitis, dermatitis and other problems for which “Miramistin” is prescribed, including for the prevention of infections during childbirth. The active substance of this drug affects only the treated area, therefore it is harmless to the fetus, but self-medication while waiting for the child, as in the situation with any other drug, is not recommended.

    For the replacement of "Miramistin" for skin infections, superficial burns or wounds "Furacilin". This antimicrobial drug is also used for rinsing with tonsillitis and stomatitis, drips into the eyes during conjunctivitis and into the ears during otitis.

    In the first months of pregnancy it is allowed to use and "Betadine". Such a medicine in the form of a solution, ointment and suppository acts through active iodine. WITH the third month gestation is not prescribed.

    "Miramistin" - as an effective antiseptic that helps with infections of the skin, throat, bronchus, nose, vagina and other areas. This medicine does not enter the bloodstream and does not adversely affect the course of pregnancy or the development of the fetus. It is allowed to use it in the waiting period of the child, but after the appointment of a doctor.

    The specialist must confirm the need for such treatment, select the appropriate form and method of administration, prescribe an effective dosage and monitor the condition of the future mother in order to cancel the drug in time or prescribe an analogue instead.

    Instructions for use "Miramistina" during pregnancy is presented in the following video.

    Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


