Why do you need vitamin E when planning a pregnancy, and how to take it?


The intrauterine development of the baby is a rather difficult process. In order for the baby to fully develop, the health of the future mom should be good. To this end, a woman planning to conceive a child should regularly receive all the necessary biologically active substances. One of these important elements is vitamin E.

What is it necessary to take?

Vitamins and trace elements are necessary for the female body for its full functioning. During pregnancy planning, the importance of their regular admission increases several times.

During this period, it is very important that the expectant mother receives all the necessary substances.

Reviews of women who have already become moms suggest that during preparation for pregnancy, doctors prescribed them folic acid, multivitamin complexes, as well as various products containing iodine.

One of the most important vitamins is vitamin E (tocopherol). This substance is necessary for the normal course of many biological reactions in the female body. It is very important to take tocopherol before conceiving a baby. During pregnancy, the need for it increases dramatically.

If the expectant mother in the first weeks of intrauterine development of the baby in the body has a significant deficit of tocopherol, this can lead to the appearance of various dangerous pathologies. One of the most dangerous of them is the threat of spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, unfortunately, an urgent termination of pregnancy is required.

This vitamin performs in the female body a lot of various important functions. One of them is that he prepares the reproductive organs for further bearing the baby.

Tocopherol affects the energy metabolism in the body, which leads to the proper distribution of energy, which is required for the work of all internal organs.

The absence of tocopherol deficiency in the female body will excellent prevention of anemia for future mothers. This vital vitamin has an important effect on blood formation. During pregnancy, full blood flow is very important. It is thanks to him that the baby in the maternal tummy can grow and develop as needed.

It is no coincidence that tocopherol is called female vitamin. Regular flow of it ensures the strength of the nails and shine of the hair. However, it should be remembered that there are certain daily allowances for admission, which cannot be exceeded. Regular entry into the female body of this vitamin will also contribute to a good and clean skin.

Scientists have established an interesting fact. It turns out that adequate intake of vitamin E into the female body is an excellent defense against the onset of various tumor processes. Ovarian tumors or uterine fibroids can often aggravate pregnancy. In order that these pathologies in the woman’s body simply do not form, and tocopherol is necessary.

This vitamin is extremely necessary for the disposal (disposal) of the body from various free radicals, which are formed during any inflammatory processes.

Tocopherol helps to actively deal with them, which leads to an improvement in the overall health of the woman who plans to become a mother.

This vitamin is also very positive effect on blood clotting. Thanks to him, she retains all of its properties. The blood becomes quite fluid and has the necessary viscosity. Also with the help of this vitamin in the female body reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

Strong blood clots can be extremely dangerous for both the expectant mother and her baby. The danger of a blood clot is that it can block the lumen of a blood vessel. This situation will inevitably lead to the fact that the provision of the baby with the necessary substances for nutrition through the general system of uteroplacental blood flow is disrupted.

This condition is fraught with the development of a hypoxic state in the fetus. If hypoxia is expressed in late pregnancy, it may even require premature delivery.

In what cases is appointed?

The vitamins of this group are necessary for every woman so that her menstrual cycle does not undergo failures. Biologically active components have a positive effect on the work of the ovaries. This contributes to the fact that the eggs are formed regularly, and the duration and phases of the menstrual cycle are not violated.

This vitamin has a beneficial effect on the body, not only women but also men. Usually it is prescribed in the event that the couple has problems conceiving a baby.

Under the influence of this vitamin in men, the indicators of spermatogenesis are somewhat improved, during which male germ cells, spermatozoa, necessary for conception are formed. Tocopherol also improves their mobility and ability to fertilize eggs.

Infertility is a clinical indication in order to take multivitamin complexes. Often in such situations it happens that vitamin E is combined with the appointment of folic acid. The dosage of the latter may be different - from 200 to 400 mg. Selection of the course dose is determined by the attending physician, knowing the presence of existing associated pathologies of internal organs.

Causes of deficiency

The need for vitamin E in different periods of life is different. Unhealthy diet often leads to the fact that its income in the diet significantly reduced. If such a situation develops over a fairly long time, a deficit state may develop.

Also, to reduce the concentration of this vitamin can lead and too heavy and intense exercise.

Some women who are involved in sports and do not follow the balance of vitamins and trace elements, may also have a deficiency of tocopherol.

The recovery period after infectious diseases is often accompanied by a decrease in the blood level of this vitamin. Lack of appetite during a cold or a viral infection leads to the fact that the diet is significantly limited. This also contributes to the development of an imbalance in the intake of various vitamins and microelements, including tocopherol.

Scientists note that even living in large cities can lead to the development of a deficient state in the intake of vitamin E. Adverse environmental factors significantly affect the work of the immune system.

To implement all the functions of the immune system requires a lot of tocopherol. If this situation occurs over a long period of time, then ultimately it can lead to a decrease in the content of vitamin E in the blood.

It is important to note that when processed with high temperature, this substance is simply destroyed. Quite often it happens that a woman consumes a lot of plant foods containing tocopherol, but is deficient in this vitamin.

This most often occurs due to the fact that it consumes already processed food that has undergone heat treatment. Such food is not only unhealthy, but does not provide the body with enough vitamin E.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are also the cause of the development of a deficiency of tocopherol in the body. Chronic diseases with a tendency to seasonal exacerbations most often lead to this condition. Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and intestinal pathology can lead to a decrease in the flow of tocopherol into the bloodstream.

There are more rare, but recorded causes leading to a deficient state in the body of vitamin E. These include some genetic diseases and syndromes that occur with changes in the work of the liver. In this case, metabolic processes in the liver tissue are disturbed, which contributes to the development of vitamin deficiency.

How can you suspect a shortage for the body?

There are no specific changes in the deficient state of tocopherol content. There is a whole range of various emerging disorders that can be a reason to think about the presence of this condition.

If a woman preparing to become a mother, the doctors revealed an anemic condition, then in such a situation, you should definitely think about whether there is a deficiency of vitamins in her body.

Various neurological disorders and diseases of the nervous system can also lead to the fact that a woman will have a slightly reduced level of tocopherol in the blood.

These pathologies manifest in different ways. Quite often in women with neurological diseases, there are "goosebumps" or a feeling of "numbness" in the area of ​​the extremities. Severe chilliness even in warm weather may be one of the additional clinical signs.

A pronounced decrease in vitamin E in the body can also be suspected by the appearance of various visual impairment. In most cases, they are manifested by the appearance of white "flies" before the eyes or visual impairment at twilight time of the day. As a rule, such disorders may be due to malnutrition and blood supply to the retina.

Failures of the menstrual cycle can also be caused by various pathologies of internal organs. In the overwhelming majority of cases, they are accompanied by a decrease in the level of tocopherol in the body. Daily intake of this vitamin allows you to quickly normalize the general condition of the woman, as well as reduce the severity of all adverse symptoms.

Frequent change of mood without a reason and without a clear connection with the phase of the menstrual cycle can also become one of the signs of the existing tocopherol deficiency in the female body. Such women tend to become more aggressive, quick-tempered by trifles. It becomes more difficult for them to endure psycho-emotional stress. Some women have tearfulness and a tendency to develop depression.

Admission rates

Dosages of regular intake of vitamin E may be different. It is very important to understand that in each specific situation the dose selection is carried out individually. This is influenced by a whole range of different factors.

So, before prescribing drugs, the doctor necessarily assesses whether a woman preparing to become a mother has any diseases of the reproductive organs. If she suffers from infertility, then the daily dose of this vitamin can be increased.

A woman, not having any serious pathologies, can get enough vitamin E from food. For this she just needs to normalize and optimize her diet.. In many foods, the amount of tocopherol is enough to fill its daily need.

Before selecting the dosage, the doctor will definitely advise the woman preparing to become a mother to use a sufficient amount of products containing tocopherol.

Only for additional enrichment with vitamin E or in the case of medical indications, the doctor may recommend additional use of drugs.

Usually the average daily dosage of this vitamin is 10-20 mg. In some situations, an increase is required. In any case, the attending physician selects the prophylactic or treatment regimen. It is important to remember that the maximum allowable daily dose is 100 mg.

How to take?

Currently, doctors prescribe various multivitamin complexes to their patients. They contain a set of vitamins and minerals that are necessary to prepare for pregnancy, including tocopherol. They are appointed, as a rule, 1-2 times a day. They should be washed down with plenty of water.

There are also medicines containing vitamin E. As a rule, they are produced in capsules and less often in tablets. Each of them must be applied instructions for use, which spelled out what side effects and symptoms of overdose can be against the background of the use of this drug.

It is important to note that vitamin E is so well absorbed by the body that to achieve its supersaturation is almost impossible. However, you should always remember about the measure. The dosage of taking vitamin E should be discussed with your doctor.

The most popular and frequently used remedy is "Aevit". It contains two vitamins - tocopherol and retinol. Many girls use it only for cosmetic purposes.

It sometimes happens that they carry out the selection of dosages independently, which leads to the fact that an excess of retinol gets into the body. This vitamin has a high ability to accumulate. Overdose of retinol is accompanied by the development of many adverse symptoms.

In order to enrich your diet with this vitamin, you should add various vegetable oils to it. The best of them on the content of this vitamin - from wheat germ, soybean, cotton, corn.

It is important to remember that for women who are overweight, it is very important to monitor the amount of oil eaten. These foods are very high in calories. Salads from fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil, will be an excellent source of many vitamins and trace elements required at the stage of preparation for pregnancy.

What vitamins should be taken during pregnancy, and which ones are better to take from food? Find answers to these questions in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


