Do men need to drink vitamins when planning pregnancy, and which of them is better to choose?


If a man and a woman mutually decided to become parents, then it would be proper to responsibly approach to planning a pregnancy, because the health of both spouses determines how healthy the baby is and how smoothly the period of gestation for a woman will flow.

In this material, we will tell whether future dads need to take any drugs, including vitamins, before conceiving.

Why do men need vitamins?

At the stage of conceiving a baby, two people participate in the process - a man and a woman. The success of the venture depends on the health of both. It is clear that a woman needs a larger supply of vitamins, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron and other substances to provide the child with everything necessary, because she will be carrying a baby for nine months.

but father's role in this cannot be minimized. The quality of sperm depends not only on how quickly it will be possible to conceive a child, but also on how healthy the heir will be. That is why fertility experts recommend seriously considering the preparation for the upcoming conception.

Male sperm is regularly adversely affected. Its composition and properties are affected by nicotine, alcohol, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, medications, ecology. Patients and weak sperm can theoretically fertilize an egg, but the result can be deplorable - a big child, genetic pathologies, chromosomal abnormalities.

To improve their germ cells, the representatives of the stronger sex need about 3 months. 90 days - this is the period of complete renewal of sperm stock.

It is three months before the alleged conception and it is recommended to begin preparation. A man is best to refuse to take alcohol, to minimize the number of cigarettes smoked, if he can not give up the bad habit at all.

Meals for both spouses should be done balanced, rich in proteins, vitamins. Useful moderate physical activity, sports, jogging with his wife, skiing, visits to the rink, cycling.

When asked whether men need vitamins, the answer is unequivocal - they are needed. Properly selected multivitamin complexes will help to improve the quality of sperm, sperm motility, increase their ability to fertilize.

Taking medications for the stronger sex is also worth starting. about six months before conception. The minimum period is 3 months. Vitamins for women and men during pregnancy planning are necessary, but taking the same medication is not recommended to both husband and wife. They need different complexes.

The wife should accumulate a supply of vitamins for carrying the baby, create the most favorable conditions for the next nine months.

Her husband needs to achieve a different goal - to provide healthy germ cells at the conception stage. After that, he can relax and not take any vitamins, if it is in him.

Healthy sperm, which formed on the background of taking vitamins for men, will carry the normal genetic material, devoid of mutations. The motility of the germ cells will allow the spouses to become pregnant in the shortest possible time - in the first or second cycle after the start of attempts.

Vitamins will have a beneficial effect on the entire state of men's health - the future father will feel more vigorous and healthy, vitamins help regulate the production of sex hormones that provide normal libido and cannot but be reflected in the best way on the quality of sperm.

Vitamins for future dads

The condition, the composition of sperm and the level of sex hormones men positively affect the following vitamins and substances.


Vitamin E (tocopherol) protects the integrity of cells, including male germ cells. They become more durable. Spermatozoa under the action of tocopherol acquire incredible vitality, they retain the ability to fertilize longer in anticipation of the exit of the egg that is ready to coitus.

Sex cells become more mobile. At the same time, the strength of cell membranes makes them less susceptible to any negative influences from the outside. The daily requirement for tocopherol is 100-400 IU per day.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is needed not only during the illness of the flu or ARVI, it is necessary for testosterone - the male sex hormone - to be synthesized in the body of a man in normal amounts.

If it is not enough, the level of testosterone remains unoptimized. The stability of testosterone production is important for the formation of new germ cells. The daily need for ascorbic acid for men is 60 to 80 mg per day.

Vitamin D

This vitamin in sufficient quantities provides a process during which more calcium is absorbed from food by the body. Mineral is important for active men, engaged in sports, hard physical labor. It affects not only the locomotor system, but also on the amount of male sex hormone testosterone.

If vitamin D is not enough, calcium will be less, testosterone production may be significantly reduced. This will affect both sexual desire, which will begin to decrease, and the quality of spermatozoa, which will become "lazy" and inactive.

With a lack of vitamin D, the mechanisms that hold onto the male body, the female hormone estrogen, will begin to weaken, and as a result, the man will begin to recover, his sexual functions will start to suffer. The daily requirement for vitamin D for men is 400 IU per day.


This substance is actively involved in the regulation of hormonal levels in the male body. The quantity of sex hormones and the quality and quantity of sperm cells capable of healthy conception directly depend on the degree of sufficiency of zinc in the body.


This substance is necessary for a man to have sexual desire. This is especially true for men after 40 years.

If the age of the future fathers has passed for a mark of 36, it is worthwhile to ensure that selenium is always included in the composition of vitamins for the reception when planning pregnancy.

Folic acid

The value of this vitamin B for future mothers is beyond doubt - it helps in the proper laying of the organs and systems of the embryo. For future popes, folic acid is just as important because it contributes to the formation of the correct form of sperm with a healthy genetic content.

Vitamin also affects the motility of male germ cells. The daily need of a man in folic acid is 400 micrograms.

It is desirable that all these substances are part of the vitamins for men at the planning stage of pregnancy. But if there is no such possibility for a number of reasons, care should be taken that the man must have the opportunity to drink folic acid, since it is this vitamin B group that is entrusted with the main function in maintaining the reproductive system of the male and female organisms.

List of drugs for future fathers

We have compiled a list of the best multivitamins for future popes. In order not to die out the right amount of individual vitamins every day, a man can simply purchase and start taking one of the following medications.

"Duovit for men"

The drug is available in the form of red and blue tablets. Red pills contain the basic vitamins necessary for the male body, and blue - the main minerals, macronutrients and chemical elements (calcium, zinc, etc.). In total, there are 11 vitamins and 7 elements.

In the morning, after breakfast, a man can take a red pill, and in the evening, after dinner - a blue one. The course lasts 21 days, after which you need to take a week break and repeat the course.

"The Alphabet for Men"

The composition of this drug 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, in addition, it includes Siberian ginseng, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of the stronger sex. The daily dose is three tablets of different colors.

One contains only vitamins, the other contains minerals and vitamin D, and the third includes vegetable auxiliary components and additives. This improves the digestibility of each group of substances. The dosage of the components corresponds to the daily requirement for each substance.

"Viardot" or "Viardo Forte"

These drugs are not considered vitamin complexes, they are classified as dietary supplements (dietary supplements). Both products are available in capsules, but “Viardo Forte” is more convenient to take, because one capsule of the drug replaces the three capsules of the usual “Viardot”.

The drug with the prefix "Forte" in the title is taken during a meal, 1 capsule up to four times a day. The usual drug "Viardot" is taken in 3 capsules with the same frequency. The course is 3-4 weeks, after a short break, the reception can be resumed.


The complex contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. In each pill - the daily volume of all the necessary representatives of the stronger sex substances. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins only once a day, after a meal, drinking them down with a small amount of water.


It is a dietary supplement to stimulate fertility for both men and women. The tool was originally created and developed. to improve the quality of sperm of the stronger sex. The male version of the drug contains all the necessary substances, including folic acid, selenium and zinc.

Per day is recommended to take 2 capsules after meals. The course is three months (until the end of the spermatogenesis period). If necessary, the course can be extended until pregnancy, the capsule will not cause any harm to the man.

Selzink Plus

This drug is an antioxidant. Each tablet contains zinc, vitamins C and E, selenium and beta carotene.

Per day is allowed to take 1 tablet, 10-15 minutes after meals. If desired, a man can supplement the intake of other vitamins, however, it is necessary to calculate the amount of vitamin C, in the amount of two drugs, it should not exceed the above daily allowance.


These tablets are a dietary supplement from the famous German pharmaceutical company Quiiserr Pharma-Doppelgerz. In addition to improving the quality of sperm, the tool helps to establish the regularity of sexual contacts, because increases libido. An increase in sperm count is also noted.

The drug is recommended for men of any age, but the most pronounced result from its reception can be obtained by men who decided to become dads after 40 years.


The composition of this dietary supplement contains all the necessary substances for the future father - zinc, selenium, manganese and vitamins E, C, B5, B6. Capsules should be taken simultaneously with food intake twice a day.

Reception should not exceed 20 days, after which a week-long break is taken, and the reception of Spermastrong can be repeated.

General recommendations

Men who have decided to become papa should be attentive to their diet. Beer with fish is better to put aside until better times. On the table, men must have products that are sources of substances necessary for their reproductive health.

Thus, folic acid is found in large quantities in spinach, cereals and green vegetables. Vitamin B12 is in meat and fish, in milk and dairy products.

Products with a high content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will help to diversify the poor male diet. These are oranges and tangerines, black currant in its pure form, sea buckthorn, lemons and wild rose.

Vegetable oil, nuts, cod liver will help compensate for vitamin E deficiency. Zinc can be found in mushrooms, seafood, liver and cocoa.

Selenium is rich in eggs and pistachios, as well as oysters and other marine mollusks. Seafood and cod liver will also give a man a certain amount of iodine, important for the thyroid gland and the normalization of hormonal levels.


Most reviews about male vitamins when planning pregnancy on the Internet are not left by the men themselves, but by their wives and girlfriends. Therefore, it is difficult to understand exactly how representatives of the stronger sex have undergone a course of preventive treatment, but most women claim that their husbands still had to be forced to take drugs. Without a reminder, future dads simply forgot to drink the capsule or did not consider it necessary to do so.

In some cases, when both spouses were treated for infertility, in the framework of which spermogram was made, a positive effect of such dietary supplements as “Spermactivus” is noted. The spermogram was improved already 2-2.5 months after the start of treatment, the viscosity of the sperm decreased, and its amount increased. Doctors evaluated the motility of sperm as positive.

In rare cases, women and men indicate the onset of negative side effects - manifestations of an allergic reaction to multivitamins and dietary supplements.

Such an opportunity is always there, therefore It is important to closely monitor your state of health and any changes. It is best if the fertility doctor prescribes a vitamin preparation.

When symptoms of hypervitaminosis (overdose) appear, a man should always consult a doctor. If you believe the reviews, more than 90% of men are not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​visiting a fertility specialist, if the family already has a child, and it is about planning a second or third, and also if a man has children from previous marriages.

Track the effectiveness of taking vitamins for men can only semen, made before and after treatment.

In more detail about how to prepare a man for conceiving a child, the urologist-andrologist will tell in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


