Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy: for and against, the opinions of doctors


You always want to be a beautiful and attractive woman, and the period of carrying a child is no exception. But in trying to “create beauty”, many pregnant women come across information about the ban on haircuts while they are waiting for a baby. Like it or not, we will understand in the framework of this article.

Why did the ban on haircut?

We live in the XXI century, and what seemed impossible, fantastic writers of the last century, for us the most ordinary reality. Mobile communication, Internet, space flights, video communication at a distance - all this comes as no surprise. At the same time, superstition and ancient ideas lovingly passed on to people from generation to generation get along in us in an amazing way.

Legends, signs and superstitions are much stronger than all political trends, laws and exchange rates, because they have experienced more than one ruler, a politician, more than one revolution and a change in the system of values.

Long since the person attached great importance to hair. They were considered a symbol of protection, life, communication with higher powers. In ancient times it was believed that a person’s hair, his knowledge, experience, and spirituality were concentrated in a person’s hair.. Hair trimming was part of a rich assortment of torture measures used by the executioners for interrogation with addiction. So, in the Middle Ages, a particularly dangerous witch, before being burned at the stake or drowned, was preferred to first cut short, so that she could not use her magical powers and survive.

In fear of deprivation of vitality and experience, not only women but also the representatives of the stronger sex did not cut their hair. A little later, the men still began to get a haircut, realizing that long curls hinder the hunt, aim accurately, are a vulnerable spot in the hand-to-hand fight. But there was no need for women to do all this, so they kept the scythes, considering it part of the responsibility for preserving the hearth and spirituality in the family.

A little later, representatives of Slavic peoples began to trim their hair tips a little, but only on the growing moon, in order to ensure faster hair growth.

Hair was not customary to show off - women braided them and hid under headdresses. From this tradition was born the idea of ​​possessed and crazy people - they were always portrayed with loose and disheveled hair.

Before the wedding, the girls wove one braid, and after marriage, two. The scythe was considered a female amulet, reliable, almost armored, its protection from the evil eye, from the slander of others, from the sorcery of enemies. The scythe was allowed to unravel only at a funeral rite, when a woman was saying goodbye to someone from her close blood relatives.

The ban on haircuts was particularly strict for women, who were soon to become mothers. They were not allowed any procedure at all.p, even trim the tips on the growing moon. It was believed that at a time when a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the child, the impact on the hair can take away the strength and health of both.

It is necessary to understand that the medicine of that time was far from advanced, and the mortality rate of women in labor and infants was high.

Any complication in childbirth or during pregnancy was often the cause of tragic consequences. That is why women were looking for possible ways to save themselves and the fetus, and one of these ways was the prohibition of haircut.

Which of these signs have reached our time:

  • a girl who cuts her hair during pregnancy shortens the life of her child, and the more she cuts off, the less the child will live;

  • shearing during gestation was considered forbidden because of the possible risk of giving birth to her before the term of the weakened child;

  • it was believed that a woman who cuts her hair, being in an “interesting position”, deprives a child of spiritual connection with higher powers, their help and support, such children can then find it difficult to find themselves in life, fulfill their destiny, be happy, and they are literally doomed for misfortune;

  • it was believed that a woman who shrugs her hair condemns a child to a “short mind”, to live in conditions of innate low intelligence, weak mental abilities, or even to insanity or dementia;

  • on Fridays, pregnant girls were forbidden even to do their hair - combing their hair and interlacing braids. This, according to signs, promised a difficult delivery. So they went braided from Thursday to Saturday.

Today, these statements seem ridiculous and ridiculous, but pregnant women are suspicious of people, and therefore there are many questions that they address to doctors, girlfriends, and older relatives. There is nothing surprising that superstitions that have survived to our days continue to spread, because there will definitely be someone who will answer the pregnant woman that she absolutely cannot get a haircut and will justify it with one of the above-presented “arguments”.

What remains to be done by a woman who is already afraid of everything in the world - possible complications, diseases and malformations in a baby, and birth pain? If she has long hair, then it is easier to come to terms with the prohibitions - she is braided or gathered in a ponytail and a beauty. But how to be girls who are accustomed to maintain their short haircuts in aesthetic and proper form, visiting the hairdresser almost every month? There are two options - either forget about the prohibitions and be beautiful, or listen to the signs and walk up to the birth with a grown-up and sloppy hairstyle.

If they say that pregnant women can not cut their hair, especially it is dangerous in the early stages, be sure to ask why. Perhaps the reason will be called exotic at all, and then you will be able to supplement the above list of “terrible” superstitions of antiquity with a new item, for which the descendants will certainly appreciate you.

"Pros and cons"

Accepting ancient superstitions and following them or not paying attention to signs is a private matter of each particular woman. Therefore, the question of whether to cut or not, expectant mothers need to decide on their own. No evidence that haircut can harm a child or somehow complicate the generic process, science has not found. Therefore, women who are accustomed to have a haircut have nothing to fear..

It is enough to remember that in China, for example, there is an old tradition - a woman, having learned that she is pregnant, cuts her hair shortly so that during pregnancy they do not take away her extra vitamins and minerals, leaving the lion’s share of the fetus under heart development. The tradition to cut hair in a pregnant state had no effect on the population of the country, and last year it amounted to almost half a billion people, once again confirming that China is the most populated country in the world.

If you want to get a haircut, but fears and superstitions are stronger, it is better to postpone the visit to the hairdresser until a more favorable time and make a haircut after the birth of the baby.

Nothing good from experiences for a pregnant woman and her baby just will not work if she now does the haircut, and then the remaining months will not sleep at night, nervous and worried about the condition of the child. Fear of childbirth, which may be difficult because of a haircut in the early stages, can in itself cause difficult childbirthIndeed, in a state of fear, the production of the hormones adrenaline and cortisone promote muscle clamps.

Psychological attitudes towards favorable pregnancy, easy and successful delivery - this is what plays a big role. The length of the hair at the same time does not play any role in the fate of the baby, or in the fate of his mother. Therefore, if it is more comfortable with a short haircut (following the example of Chinese pregnant women), then you can get a haircut as many times as necessary to maintain your own emotional comfort and well-being.

If the future mother feels more protected with the grown hair, then you can live to give birth and with such a hairstyle, the main thing is calm.

Different religions have their own view on cutting female hair, and usually it is not interconnected with the pregnant period of life. Orthodoxy does not encourage haircuts, remembering in the Old Testament about Samson, who lost their strength with his hair, but he does not condemn the desire of a person to be trimmed, and therefore does not advise anything to pregnant women: the length of hair is their own business.

In Buddhism, there is the practice of shaving the head well - this is how a person is cleared of bodily dirt and reveals himself to heavenly wisdom. But there are yogis and sadhus who, on the contrary, do not shave their hair and do not cut their hair to preserve all their spiritual practices. In Buddhism, women who are pregnant and without shaving their heads are very respectful, as if they have touched the highest holiness and have grasped grace, and therefore religion does not regulate the length of their hair either.

In Islam, short haircuts for women are not welcome, but only for the reason that a woman should not be like men either externally or by actions. There is no separate prohibition to cut hair during pregnancy in religion.

In Judaism, the issues of haircuts and shaving are devoted to entire sections of the Torah, since they describe not only the admissibility of haircuts, but also detailed descriptions of the allowed ways to cut hair, but women's haircuts are not described there, alas. In general, this religion does not welcome the cutting off of female hair, but does not strictly prohibit it.

Opinion of doctors and modern look

Since the occurrence will take on the hair of pregnant women was mainly due to the low level of development of medical science in antiquity, then Today, obstetrician-gynecologists and neonatologists are unanimous in the opinion that a haircut in no way can harm a pregnant woman and the development of her child. Therefore, an expert answer to the question whether it is possible or not to make a fashionable short haircut for a pregnant lady is obvious - it is possible.

Another issue is that the condition of the hair, as well as the skin and nails during the gestation period varies. Hair under the action of hormonal background with a predominance of progesterone become stronger and stronger, the ends of the hair split less, respectively, the need for their alignment decreases. But many future mothers pay attention to the fact that the hair begins to grow faster, and this is also true.

If the regrown hair does not like a pregnant woman, there will be nothing terrible in the fact that she will go to a beauty salon and make a haircut, with which she will feel more comfortable.

Doubting, suspicious and experiencing pregnant doctors advise to pay attention to how many women make haircuts every day, unaware that they are pregnant, as well as how many women continue to cut their hair during pregnancy, not knowing anything about the relevant signs. Both those and others successfully finish the term, give birth to healthy babies and become beautiful mothers.

And if there are complications in childbirth or in the child’s health, then the owners of long braids and women with well shaved heads are equally affected, since the length of hair does not affect the course of pregnancy either at the level of physiology or at the biochemical or other level. does not render.

Hair care in the period of childbearing

Regardless of whether the expectant mother is going to cut her hair or not, you should make some adjustments in caring for them, because the state of hair changes during pregnancy.Proper care will help avoid problems such as dandruff, seborrhea, tip section in the postpartum period, massive hair loss after childbirth. For those who are afraid to cut their hair in an “interesting position,” proper care will help maintain hair in a decent way, even if it has grown.

First of all, it should be understood that while the child is waiting, the woman’s hair type may change. If earlier they were dry and brittle, then they can become normal, and normal ones can become fat, especially in the last months before childbirth.

Therefore, it is important to revise hair care products - you may need shampoo or balm for a different hair type than before.

Buying shampoos, balsams should pay attention to the composition. The chemical composition of the product, in contrast to the fact of cutting, can affect the health of the baby and mother, and therefore it is worth avoiding products with a lot of preservatives, perfume fragrances. The last point is very important given the fact that all future mothers are more at risk of developing allergies, even to substances that did not cause negative reactions before the pregnancy.

It is better to use medical cosmetics that are sold in pharmacies. You can use numerous folk remedies for washing hair - egg yolks, oak bark decoction, onion gruel with brittleness and loss, vegetable oils for making hair masks, and also whey.

The tips of the hair, if they split, can be fed separately, buying oil solutions of vitamins A, E, B in ampoules. Such a nutrient mixture applied to them will be very useful. But you can take in vitamins only with the permission of the doctor. Hypervitaminosis can lead to severe fetal malformations.

Every day you need to pay about 10 minutes of free time to massage the scalp.. You can massage it with your fingertips in a circular motion, you can use a comb - it will positively affect the nutrition and blood supply of hair follicles. The main thing is that combing is not traumatic, for this use wooden combs with a wide distance between the teeth.

It is recommended to dye your hair with natural formulations that do not contain ammonia, formaldehyde, parabens, preferably henna, basma. Do not use tinted shampoo, foam or gel. Such staining, of course, can not boast of resistance, but the harm from it will be the least.

If a woman did not dye her hair before pregnancy, it is better not to start such experiments during the period of gestation. Undesirable perm, permanent staining. Particularly attentive to the composition of paints and care products woman must in the first trimesterand also at the end of pregnancy. At the very beginning of gestation period, thin and delicate processes of embryogenesis take place, and at the end of pregnancy the placenta begins to cope worse with its barrier protective function, and therefore it is better not to risk putting the baby’s health at undue risk.

See if the following video is about whether pregnant women can cut their hair.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


