On which week you can find out the sex of the child by ultrasound?


Every pregnant woman is looking forward to the moment when you can determine the sex of the child. A lot of signs will be connected with this, however, the most reliable method is ultrasound examination (ultrasound). It gives more accurate information: eating sweet or salty does not indicate at all whether a girl will be born or a boy. About on what week you can find out the sex of the child, we will tell in this article.

Gender Formation

Many women try to podgadat time of sexual intercourse for the period before the onset of ovulation, if they want to have a girl. It is believed that conception on the day of ovulation is associated with the birth of a boy. However, it is possible to understand what the sex of the baby depends on, without various beliefs and will. For the sex of the unborn child are responsible not the days of the cycle of the woman, not the diet and the coincidence of the periods of blood renewal in the parents, but the man. And alone: ​​the germ cells (sperm) can be carriers of the female set of chromosomes (XX) or male (XY).

Who is born, is determined immediately at the moment of conception. It depends on what sperm could get to the egg and fertilize it. Carrier XX guarantees the birth of a girl, carrier XY - a boy. From the woman in the matter of planning the floor absolutely nothing. Her chromosome set is always the same - XX.

Immediately after fertilization, at the chromosomal level, the sex of the child, the color of his eyes, hair, approximate height, ability, and health status are determined. All this and other information is contained in the DNA. From the moment of conception, interesting and rapid processes of cell division begin (germ formation). Genital cells are formed on the 5th week of pregnancy, but the sex glands, despite the fact that the sex is already predetermined, begin to form only on the 7th week of pregnancy according to obstetric period (from the first day of the last menstruation).

Two weeks later, the embryo formed ovaries (if it is a girl) or testicles (if the boy was conceived). And those and other sex glands are formed in the abdomen of the baby. There is 8 obstetric week (6 weeks from conception). The formation of gender differences in boys is somewhat accelerated. Already by the middle of the 8th obstetric week, their testicles begin to produce testosterone (the male sex hormone). Under its action, the internal reproductive system begins to be actively laid.

External signs of gender, children acquire only 10-11 week of her mother's pregnancy. It is difficult to distinguish a boy from a girl on this term. Externally, the genitals of those and others are exactly the same. They are a sexual tubercle, which under the influence of steroid hormones in boys turns into the penis, and in girls - into the clitoris. This happens at about the 12th week of pregnancy.

Myths and truth about the conception of boys and girls

Impatience begets a lot of beliefs, many of which are unreliable.

Connection with ovulation

It is believed that spermatozoa with a "gentleman's" set of XY are faster and more agile, and cells with female twentieth are resilient, because the girl needs to be conceived before ovulation, the boy right at the moment of ovulation.In fact, sperm with any set of chromosomes have approximately the same viability, activity and endurance. Sexual intercourse before ovulation cannot guarantee a girl, as a boy cannot guarantee on the day of ovulation. The probability of 50/50 and other options are excluded.

Parents age

The people strongly argued that a man older than a woman has a better chance of conceiving a boy. If the situation is reversed, girls are more likely to be born in their couple. From the point of view of evidence-based medicine, this statement is not based on anything.

Although a few years ago a scientific work on this topic was published by British scientists, who suggested that the age of the parents plays a role in relation to the firstborn. The statistics given by them made it possible to judge the probability of such a dependence at 30-35%. Not so much to be considered an infallible truth.

Season, Rh factor and the nature of parents

Winter, spring or summer do not affect the production of a man of one or another sperm, and therefore the probability of conceiving a boy or girl in a certain season is no more than prejudice.

Rhesus blood is an indicator of the presence or absence of protein present above red blood cells. On the reproductive system is negative or positive rhesus does not affect under any circumstances. The popular opinion that strong and strong-willed women are more likely to give birth to boys may be true in some cases, but there is no scientific and convincing relationship, as well as convincing statistics.


Yes it's true. Artificial selection allows parents to choose a child of either sex, because in the test tube, the floor of the babies is exactly known before the replanting of the mother of the fertilized egg.

Ultrasound on sex determination

Often, many women come to ultrasound after delaying the next menstruation. Modern pregnancy tests, simple at home, usually within a couple of days after a delay (some before), show two bars. However, due to the availability of ultrasound diagnosis, most women and girls prefer ultrasound, rather than conducting a test. The sex of the unborn child, before the genitals are formed, cannot be called a woman by any, even the best diagnostician, working on the most modern equipment.

The first ultrasounds at the very beginning of pregnancy are carried out transvaginally: this allows a better view of the uterus. A woman is asked to fill the bladder while the gestation period is small. Already by the 12th week (especially in thin women) transabdominal ultrasound may be performed (the sensor will be adjacent to the stomach). Difficult examination may be intestinal gases, which in pregnant women often accumulate from early terms of carrying a baby.

Before visiting the ultrasound cabinet for a few hours it is better to drink "Espumizan" or "Smektu"Because the accumulation of gases can compress the abdominal organs and somewhat distort the picture presented to the doctor ultrasound.

An experienced doctor of ultrasound diagnosis can theoretically consider the difference in the angle of the sexual tubercle of girls and boys and up to 12 weeks, but the probability of an error before this date will be big.

Parents can find out the sex of their baby during the first screening (if the ultrasound examination is scheduled for 12-13 weeks of pregnancy). After 13-14 weeks the child's external genitals are clearly distinguishableWith the right position of the fetus and a free review for the diagnostician, you can touch the secret and find out the first suggestions of doctors about the sex of the child.

Ultrasound on this period does not set itself the task of determining the sex of the baby. The study is necessary for other reasons, the diagnostician has to find out:

  • the presence of pregnancy;
  • placenta attachment site;
  • the number of fruits;
  • the vitality of the baby (kids);
  • fetal formation and possible deviations from the norm.

The sex of the child at 13-14 weeks can be seen if the child is not actively moving at the time of the diagnosis, is facing the sensor, does not cover the genitals with pens or umbilical cord. An experienced specialist working with an ultrasound scanner for 15-20 years can see them on the monitor. The method of ultrasound for any period of pregnancy is almost the same. The accuracy of sex determination increases with each month, but in the second half of pregnancy it may decrease.

Ultrasound Accuracy

The accuracy of the first ultrasound scan depends on the doctor’s qualifications, his work experience, and the class of equipment in the ultrasound scan. Results on the definition of gender in the first screening should not be taken as an unconditional truth, although the probability an exact "hit" in an experienced doctor is about 75-80%. Often the doctor at this time refuses to discuss the sex of the child and offers to return to this topic in a month.

Conventionally, the typical period at which the sex of a child can be determined with an accuracy of up to 90% is 15-16 weeks of gestation.

When a woman passes second screeningThe question is fully justified. The answer to it from the diagnostician ultrasound future mother will get confident. By this date, the boy's penis, his scrotum and girls' lips are conveniently visible when conveniently viewing the fetus. At the 20th week, it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the floor, although anything can happen.

Doctors ultrasound diagnose that the most unobstructed view is the floor in babies at 23-25 ​​weeks of pregnancy. At this time, children still have the opportunity to indulge, to straighten themselves in the uterus, to open to the review of the ultrasonic sensor. In the third trimester (after 32 weeks), when the baby becomes crowded in the womb, he can take very uncomfortable poses, it is difficult to see the genitals, especially if the baby turns sideways and closes the genitals with legs or back.

Most children in the third trimester occupy the position of head-down (headache presentation). In this case, the baby’s legs have to be pressed. Between the legs, it is often the umbilical cord that is why it is difficult to see the floor. If the child is in the breech presentation, consider sexual signs even more problematic.

Women who are confident that the ultrasound doctor with 100% accuracy sees the floor of the baby should be remembered once and for all: the accuracy of the ultrasound as a diagnostic method is not 100%. Never, under any circumstances, in any field of medicine. The probability of an accurate result of ultrasound during pregnancy is about 85-90%. Therefore, one of ten future moms may have an error in determining the sex of the baby.

Diagnostic errors

Future mothers should understand that ultrasound is done by a person who, like all people, can be wrong. Most often, diagnosticians confuse sex not because of lack of experience or knowledge, but because of a difficult review.

Here are some common ultrasound errors:

Seen a boy, a girl was born

It is possible that the diagnostician took umbilical cord loops or the labia swollen under the hormonal attack for the penis. During the study, they show the parents of the baby. However, in the later stages of the ultrasound shows another. Sometimes the floor is not visible until the birth. The probability of such an error is approximately 2-3%.

Waited for a girl, a boy was born

This situation is rare. Not to see the penis is more difficult than to accept for it swollen labia or umbilical cord loops. However, in 1-1.5% of cases (statistics are relative), doctors are so “modest” little boys that they can be considered pregnant during pregnancy by girls because of tightly shifted legs that cover the penis and scrotum. Therefore, if the doctors said one thing, but it turned out differently, do not worry: the child is yours.

Waiting for one, it turned out two

This is also possible, but in rare cases (if one baby is located behind the other, it “hides”). Usually to the second ultrasound truth opens. The probability of such an error is less than 0.5%.In addition, modern methods (determination of hCG in the blood) will necessarily push the doctor to think about a possible double, because the level of hormones will be twice as high as normal.

Causes of medical errors

Most often, the causes of errors lie in the coincidence of several factors that lead to an incorrect assessment of the situation. In addition to the lack of qualifications and experience of a doctor, this may be:

  • Outdated equipment. In women's clinics in small settlements, specialists sometimes make mistakes in determining the sex of the child due to insufficient technical equipment (4-5% of cases).
  • Perseverance pregnant. If a woman asks, the doctor simply cannot refuse her to determine her gender: he is obliged to this by such a thing as medical ethics. The expectation of the doctor future mother often perceives as an accurate result.
  • The position of the fetus. An ultrasound scan at 21-22 weeks can show a boy, a study at 30-32 weeks - a girl. In this case, it makes sense to trust the earlier result, since in the middle of pregnancy it is easier to determine the sex than before the birth.

Accurate determination methods

Prospective parents are often interested in the question: are there more accurate methods for diagnosing gender? Yes, there are such methods. First of all, it is a non-invasive DNA test, which allows determining the sex of a baby with an accuracy of 99% from 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. The method is based on the extraction of DNA from fetal erythrocytes, which by this time begin to be determined in the blood of a pregnant woman. Such an analysis is considered a new method, carried out only in paid centers and clinics, its cost is several tens of thousands of rubles.

Sometimes need find out the sex at any cost - not a whim of a pregnant woman and her relatives, but medical necessity. Gender is of paramount importance if there is a carrier of genes that cause genetic pathologies on the basis of sex in the family history. For example, such diseases include hemophilia - the inability of the blood to clot. Only mothers inherit it, although only boys are sick with hemophilia. To exclude the possibility of the birth of a sick child, the doctor may give guidance on invasive methods of diagnosing gender. If it turns out that the woman wears the boy, she will be asked to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons.

Invasive methods are based on penetration with the help of a thin surgical instrument into the uterine cavity (into the egg of an egg), in order to take on the analysis of water, parts of the skin of the fetus, its blood. In the early period they do a biopsy of the chorionic villi. The resulting material gives a complete and accurate (99.9%) idea of ​​what sex a baby is in the womb, or if it has pathology.

All these procedures are carried out solely on weighty medical indicators. They are traumatic, can lead to infection of the fetal membranes, the outpouring of water, premature birth or miscarriage, fetal death.

The curiosity of mom and dad should not put the health of the kid in danger.

Photo with ultrasound

Differences boys from girls are different in shape and size of the genitals. However, in earlier periods (at 13-14 weeks), no one measures the child’s genitals. It is enough that the size of the testicles is normally only a few millimeters. These figures are about the same as the size of girls' ovaries.

Carefully peering into the photo of strange spots and points (a snapshot of the first ultrasound), remember: a specialist made it in the transverse planeso everything looks strange. Sex signs of a girl in early pregnancy in the picture can be a clear parallel stripes. They can be from 2 to 4. Later in this place the doctor and mother will be able to see the large and small labia.


Such differences in the early picture - a great success. More often, the genital area looks like a spot with a small tubercle, which can be both a penis and a clitoris. Immediately they can be confused. More noticeable differences will be seen later. It is better to ask the doctor to take a “photo” at the second screening.. There you can see much more, especially if the ultrasound was held in 3D - format.

Psychologist tips

Particularly difficult for doctors are certain categories of pregnant women for whom the sex of the child is of particular importance. These include women from strict Muslim families, where future fathers, under the fear of divorce, require the wife to give birth to a son, as well as women who already have two or three same-sex children.

Doctors and psychologists of women's consultations try to work with such women especially carefully: it is possible that an ultrasound scan will show the wrong sex that a pregnant woman expects. Sometimes Doctors go to a conscious lie to keep the woman calm, because with her experiences she is capable of harming herself and the fetus. The deception is not aimed at misleading the woman and her family: the doctor may not say the sex of the child in order to save the woman from a big mistake.

The expectations of moms and dads are not always justified, this is a common situation. If you really wanted a girl, and an ultrasound scan showed a boy (or vice versa), psychologists recommend a woman to calm down, try to accept the fact.

It is important to think about what advantages there are in the current situation, how happy and interesting will be the weekdays and holidays, if the two brothers have a third, the daughter will have a sister.

To realize that the sex of the child is contrary to the expectations and aspirations, a woman needs several weeks, in more adequate cases, several days. There are no children of the "wrong sex": In any case, this person who depends entirely on the health and mood of his mother. Scientists say that babies already in the first days after conception, at the cellular level, understand whether they are desirable. If a woman is disappointed, the changes take place at the physical level. The stomach responds to the emotional changes of the mother.

Nobody wants to feel unwanted, unloved. Before you start crying and suffering about the “worn dream”, think about how bad the tiny, helpless little man inside would be. The visual images that mom can paint themselves will help to love the kid (how they decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year together, how it gives her the first crafts on March 8, how she blows her first candles on the birthday cake).

Family psychologists believe that these days a disappointed future mother simply has no one to talk about her feelings and emotions. It is not customary in society to discuss this topic: it is considered somewhat shameful to say that the future child is not the one who was expected.

To quickly accept the situation and get rid of painful feelings, experts recommend the following procedure:

  • You can not suppress your emotions. A future mother should not forbid herself to feel what she feels. It is best to find a girlfriend who can listen to the emotions of a pregnant woman and reassure a woman. If there is no such person in the environment, you can contact a psychologist who accepts free of charge at any antenatal clinic.
  • You can not look at others. If the mother decided to follow the advice of psychologists, the main thing is not to listen to those who are trying to impress that the child is not needed. So a woman will be able to accept and fall in love with a future baby, and it will take only a couple of weeks to “digest” disappointment, not more. Do not let anyone bother you.
  • Start talking to your baby. As soon as the first emotions subside, you should begin to communicate with the child: to find a common language is half the success. A woman will come to the aid of instincts, it is important to start taking care of the crumbs. You can sew for him a blue blouse, if it is a boy, tie pink booties, if there is a girl in the stomach. In a pinch, you can just go to the store and buy the first toy for your baby - a cute bear or a bunny with a ribbon on its neck (pink or blue), and put it in a prominent place in the house. Then mom, meeting her baby’s toy with her eyes, will unwittingly experience warm and positive feelings several times during the day.

It is much more difficult to reconcile with the birth of a child of the “wrong sex”. Often, all experiences are superimposed on postpartum depression, a woman becomes completely unbearable. However, practice shows that a baby born quite quickly can win the love of mom and dad. This problem is solved by itself, dissolves in the daily cares of feeding, washing, walking.

Some women, having heard on the ultrasound that the sex of the child does not coincide with the desired one, require a referral from the doctor for an abortion. Killing a living person at the whim of an adult just because he was not the same as mom and dad imagined was unjustified. The kid is not to blame for the fact that his father threatens to leave the family, if "this is not a boy."

Release, if he is not the same sex, then there is no love and raising a good child, he can not give. It is impossible to weigh the life of a child and the feelings of a man on different scales.

Answers pregnant women to frequently asked questions about ultrasound, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


