Spotting on early pregnancy


The appearance of lung discharge from the vagina can scare almost every expectant mother. Usually they arise suddenly and can even develop against the background of complete well-being. This article will tell in more detail about the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract in women in early pregnancy.

The reasons

At occurrence of the smearing discharges from a vagina to the pregnant woman, first of all, it is necessary to pay the attention to their coloring. Thus, the appearance of a vaginal secretion, which has a pinkish hue, in the very first weeks of pregnancy can be quite a physiological phenomenon. Such secretions may indicate that the fertilized egg begins to actively develop.

The appearance of small, bloody spotting on days 6-8 from the moment of conception may indicate implantation. This event is characterized by the fact that the fertilized egg is fixed to the wall of the uterus.

Very often the appearance of such a reddish "daub" causes a real panic in women. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of women on the Internet. They describe the appearance of bloody bloody discharge from the genital tract, which usually occurs at the end of the first week after unprotected intercourse. As a rule, the appearance of such discharge occurs without pain in the abdomen.

The first weeks of pregnancy are very important. If the fertilized egg for some reason cannot “settle down”, then it will simply die. Violation of implantation to the uterine wall is also dangerous by the termination of the further course of pregnancy.

The emergence of a vaginal discharge at the very beginning of pregnancy may also be associated with certain hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the course of habitual menstrual cycles is disturbed. A yellow body appears in the woman’s body, which synthesizes progesterone. Under its active influence, the development of specific changes begins.

Progesterone also affects the genital tract epithelium. This contributes to the fact that the cells begin to actively exfoliate and mix with the vaginal secretion. Such changes may also contribute to spotting.

It should be noted that in this case all the symptoms that have occurred are temporary. Hormonal background will gradually change, which will lead to the disappearance of the appeared "daub".

In some cases, the appearance of lung secretions from the genital tract is quite unseemly symptom. Spontaneous detachment of a fertilized egg from the uterus wall can also lead to its development. This situation is also called spontaneous miscarriage.

Under the influence of certain causes, the fertilized egg is rejected, which is accompanied by the development of bleeding. Its severity may be different.

If the bleeding is minor, then in this case, the woman may appear only moderate spotting. In this case, she should immediately consult a doctor. Often there are situations when you first appear "daub" from the genital tract, which over a short period of time turns into a massive bleeding.

Mechanical damage may also result in spotting. The epithelium lining the female genital organs is very tender and easily injured. For example, the development of lung vaginal discharge in early pregnancy is often promoted:

  • having sex;
  • gynecological examination;
  • inaccurate administration of vaginal medicinal suppositories (suppositories);
  • performing transvaginal ultrasound examinations;
  • douching in violation of the correct technique of its holding.

What to do when an occurrence?

In the very first weeks, when very little time has passed since the moment of conception, it is quite easy to confuse the “late” monthly and characteristic changes of the first weeks of an already occurring pregnancy. Help to understand the cause of the violations in this situation can be done by conducting a pregnancy test or by visiting a doctor.

A woman who purposefully does not plan a pregnancy may not turn her attention to the appearance of smearing in her. This contributes to the fact that she learns about her pregnancy rather late. Usually such news becomes for her a complete surprise.

With the appearance of spotting, first of all, two points should be remembered:

  • when was the last menstruation, and whether there is a delay of menstruation;
  • whether there was unprotected intercourse.

If there is indeed a delay in menstruation, and there was unprotected sexual intercourse, you should check for pregnancy. In the case, if a woman is confident that the pregnancy is doubtful, a gynecologist should definitely appear. The doctor will be able to dispel any doubts about pregnancy, as well as determine the real cause of the spotting that has appeared.

Women who know exactly what is waiting for the baby, and are faced with the problem of spotting, should definitely be examined by a gynecologist. And hesitate to seek medical help is not worth it.

For bleeding in early pregnancy, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


