Week 1 3 week

2 weeks of pregnancy: embryo development, sensation and discharge from the expectant mother


Two weeks of pregnancy - a period in which pregnancy may not yet be. Paradoxically, the fact remains. It all depends on from what point the two weeks are calculated. What do two weeks of pregnancy mean, and also how the embryo develops during this period, we will describe in more detail.

How many months are we counting the dates

When doctors say about the term “2 weeks of pregnancy”, they mean the very middle of the menstrual cycle - about 14 days. If a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days, it is on that day that ovulation occurs. Pregnancy, in fact, has not yet come, but the egg is ready to exit the follicle and fertilization. Obstetric 2-3 weeks - this is the period of fertilization and further advance of the zygote, and then the blastocyst to the uterus, where in 3 obstetric weeks occurs implantation.

Women understand this term a little differently. Most often it is implied that 2 weeks have passed from conception. According to gynecologists, these are already 4 obstetric weeks. It is the fact that obstetric terms are ahead of the actual, and causes misunderstanding between the doctor and the patient in the very early stages of pregnancy. Then women get used to it and start measuring their life with obstetric standards - it is more convenient.

In addition, all tests, ultrasound and other examinations are conducted in accordance with the obstetric period. Consider both terms in more detail.

What does a woman feel?

If a woman has 2 obstetric weeks, the sensations are not much different from the usual menstrual cycle. The moment of ovulation is characterized by pain on the right or left lower abdomen, approximately where the ovary with a torn follicle is located. If 2 weeks have passed from conception, then the woman comes the first day of the delay of menstruation, and during this period the first sensations may already appear, which can indicate the presence of pregnancy.

So, 2 weeks after conceiving a week, a woman may feel that her breasts became more sensitive than before, slightly increased in size, pain appeared when pressed. In principle, in the second half of the cycle, a slight soreness in the mammary glands is normal and normal without pregnancy, but this time, if the conception took place, the breast will not stop hurting for a day or two before the next menstruation, but will continue to swell and disturb.

Many women point out that they have increased drooling, appetite, they become more irritable, drowsy, get tired more quickly. All this - the action of the hormone progesterone. In the non-pregnant cycle, it is produced significantly less, and before the menstrual periods it drops to a low level, which allows the menses to begin. If conception took place, the level of this hormone is constantly growing, to provide the best conditions for the developing embryo.

The hormone prevents the onset of menstruation, prepares the inner lining of the uterus for implantation, takes care of food and energy supply for the baby, and also suppresses the mother's immunity, because he can mistakenly perceive the embryo as an alien object, because it is only 50% genetically related, the latter 50% of genes are paternal genetic material.

High levels of the hormone also manifest as intestinal problems. - A woman may begin constipation or diarrhea even before the delay, the temperature rises unmotivated, especially in the second half of the day and in the evening, the basal temperature does not fall at the end of the second week, but stays at high elevations. The main and only objective symptom in 2 weeks after conception is the absence of menstruation.

About the effect of the hormone progesterone on the female body during pregnancy is described in detail in the following video.


Pains at 2 weeks of pregnancy are quite symbolic in nature and are more of a kind of emotional pain. If you do not pay attention to them, then you can not notice. At 2 obstetric weeks, ovulation may be accompanied by small pains for several hours. 2 weeks after conception, sometimes women note that slightly lower abdomen hurts on the day when the next menstruation should begin.

Some attribute such pains to precursors of menstruation, but the waist and abdomen pulls, and menstruation does not begin. This is the reason to do a pregnancy test. If there is no menstruation after 2 weeks after ovulation, and the pain in the back is not appeased, this may indicate that the embryo has not settled down at the very initial stage of its development and is rejected, an early threat of abortion has arisen.


In the middle of the female cycle, which falls on a period equal to two obstetric weeks, the nature of the discharge varies. Many women determine the time when they have a favorable period for conceiving a child precisely by vaginal secretion. Allocations become more abundant, viscous, transparent, similar to raw egg white. Normally, light, transparent or colorless discharge should remain two weeks after conception.

Under the action of progesterone, their number may slightly increase.

A change in the amount, color and odor of secretions may indicate that a woman has infections, an inflammatory process, or a threatened abortion.

Quite rarely, a strange symptom is observed, which is scientifically difficult to explain clearly from the scientific point of view - on the day of the menstruation, a slight bloody daub or pink discharge appears on the woman’s day. They pass without a trace in a few hours.

Sometimes this phenomenon during pregnancy is repeated every month, and then they say that "the fetus is washed." There is no danger of such discharge for either the mother or her child.

Their other species should be alerted: greenish, gray, brown, frothy, foul-smelling, bloody. Any discharge with blood at the beginning of pregnancy is a reason to consult a doctor to find out their cause of origin. White thick secretions with a yeast odor accompanied by itching in the region of the external genital organs should also be alerted at this time. Such a discharge may indicate that a woman develops thrush - a disease that is a frequent companion of the very early stages of pregnancy.

Embryo development

One can speak about the development of a child only in relation to 2 embryonic weeks, since the embryo does not yet exist on a similar obstetric period. 2 weeks after conception, the fetus is not yet called an embryo, but in the coming week it will become one, as the full embryonic period of its development begins.

The weight of the crumbs, which still looks like a ball-blastocyst with bubbles on the surface, by the end of 2 weeks after conception will be about half a gram, height - about a millimeter. Now the baby will have an important period - it will begin to form germinal lobes.

There are only 3 of them: the outer one will soon become the skin and mucous membranes of the baby, the middle lobe is destined to become a structural material for the heart and blood vessels, genitals, bones and muscles of the baby, the inner layer will become the basis for laying the organs of digestion, respiration, urinary system.

In two weeks of intrauterine life, the baby acquires a spinal cord bud, at the cellular level, the prototypes of all internal organs are determined, which will begin to form quickly as soon as next week. Already, while mom is considering which test to buy at the pharmacy to determine pregnancy, the baby begins to produce oxygen for himself, and he does this with the help of a chorion from maternal blood.

All embryonic structures, which include the chorion, amnion and yolk sac, are working to ensure that the crumbs have the hormones and nutrients necessary for development.

Pregnancy diagnosis

In 2 weeks after conception discover The fact of an ordinary miracle is already quite simple. Immediately after the blastocyst is implanted in the uterus, the production of a specific hormone begins - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Its concentration increases gradually, increasing every two days. And by the first day of delay, at exactly 2 weeks of actual pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone becomes visible not only in the blood, but also in the urine. Existing rapid tests that can be purchased at pharmacies are based on this.

If you do the test in strict accordance with the instructions, do not break the rules, you can get a fairly reliable result. A more accurate method is considered a blood test for hCG. In the blood of a woman to determine the presence of "pregnant" hormone can be even before the delay of menstruation. This method allows not only to find out whether a new life originated in a woman, but also to find out how she is developing.

With a healthy pregnancy, hCG grows evenly every two days. If the level of the hormone is insufficient, the woman may be threatened with a miscarriage in the early period. If he significantly exceeds the norm, then one can suspect a “double happiness” - twins or triplets.

On ultrasound in 2 weeks of pregnancy after ovulation to go there is no point. The child, even if he succeeds in gaining a foothold in the uterine cavity, is still so small that there is no practical possibility to examine it with the help of an ultrasound scan. Early 5 or 6 obstetric weeks ultrasound will not show the presence of pregnancy.

However, the device can still catch some indirect signs of an “interesting position” - this is the looseness and swelling of the inner layer of the uterus, its increase in thickness. But not only pregnancy is manifested in this way, but also inflammatory processes, some tumors, hormonal dysfunctions, so the doctor will not talk about this symptom as a symptom of pregnancy.

Recommendations to expectant mothers

At obstetric week 2, women are advised not to drink alcohol and drugs, do not abuse drugs.

The chances of conception are significantly increased if parents prepared for this period in advance — they took vitamins, folic acid, underwent tests for reproductive health, and tests.

After sex during ovulation or during the day before or after a woman, it costs about half an hour to lie down quietly with her legs elevated. Before sex and after the act you should not douche, use hygienic cosmetics with an alkaline basis.

At 2 weeks after conception, a woman is recommended to remain calm. Ahead of the long months of carrying a baby, stress is not needed now, neither by the little one, nor by his mother. Also, after receiving a positive test, do not delay with contacting the antenatal clinic.

Early registration at the dispensary account will allow to identify possible pathologies of pregnancy and its complications at the earliest stages.

A positive pregnancy test is a good reason to give up bad habits, review food priorities, start eating properly and lead a moderately active lifestyle.

About what happens on the 2nd week of pregnancy, see the next video.

Week 1 3 week
Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


