6 week of pregnancy: discharge and pain in the lower abdomen


The first months of pregnancy are very important. During this period, multiple changes begin to occur in the mother’s body. So, pregnancy at 5-6 weeks may have features.

What is the term?

By the period of 6 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the baby has been developing in my mother's womb for a month already. This period also corresponds to 4 weeks from the date of conception. This difference in determining the age of the baby is not accidental. The fact is that doctors use a special counting system. In this case, the term “obstetric month” is used.

The calendar counting system, implemented from the moment of conception, will be somewhat different from obstetric. The term from the moment of conception is less than the used obstetric period.

What does the belly look like?

At this stage of pregnancy, the weight of the future mother does not change significantly. This is due to the fact that the size of the baby is still quite small.

From the side of pregnancy is also not visible. To find out that the expectant mother is waiting for the baby can only be a doctor during a series of studies. Also during this period of time, hormones in the blood also change.

The appearance of the abdomen remains the same. Many women in this period, already knowing that they are pregnant, begin to turn around in front of the mirror more often, trying to see some changes. However, there are no bright external signs of an increase in the abdominal circumference.

Discharge from the genital tract

In this period, a pregnant woman may be disturbed by the appearance of her various discharge from the vagina. The occurrence of this symptom is due to various reasons, and not only pathological. A number of specific hormonal changes that occur at this time in the female body, can also cause the appearance of secretions from the genital tract.

Light discharge or mucus from the vagina may appear. Such discharge is a variant of the norm and does not require any medical correction. As a rule, the occurrence of such discharge the expectant mother notices on her underwear or daily lining when going to the toilet.

The color of such physiological secretions may be different. Most often it is a clear or slightly whitish liquid. Its consistency is different.

An important clinical sign that is assessed is the presence of a foul odor. Normally, it should be absent. The appearance of an unfavorable odor from the secretions from the genital tract is a sign of possible bacterial infection of the reproductive organs.

The appearance of specific discharge from the vagina at this stage of pregnancy is preceded by specific changes occurring in the female reproductive system under the influence of pregnancy hormones. With the accumulation of glycogen in the female lining of the female genital organs, light or beige secretions appear. This substance has a positive effect on the growth of lactic acid bacteria, which normally live in the vagina and provide an optimal pH of the intimate zone.

A normal amount of lactic acid bacteria is necessary to ensure an optimal level of local immunity. It helps to protect the female body from various dangerous infections.

The pH shift of the intimate zone and impaired growth of beneficial bacteria contributes to the fact that the process of natural protection is disrupted. This contributes to the fact that a pregnant woman can manifest various pathologies. An example of such a disease is thrush or candidiasis, which is familiar to many women.

This disease is caused by an overgrowth of yeast-like Candida fungi. Their excessive reproduction and contributes to the fact that a woman begins to experience discomfort symptoms. An important diagnostic sign of genital candidiasis is the appearance of white cheesy discharge and, as a rule, severe itching in the intimate area.

If a pregnant woman has such uncomfortable symptoms, she should immediately contact her doctor. To treat candidiasis on their own during pregnancy, doctors do not recommend, because you can harm the baby.

The doctor in this situation will surely select the correct treatment regimen. The basis of her choice in pregnant women in the initial period of their pregnancy are the means of local therapy.

Such drugs normalize the impaired pH of the vagina, and also have a good antiseptic effect. In the early stages of pregnancy, as a rule, systemic therapies are not prescribed, since they can have an adverse effect on the actively proceeding organogenesis of the fetus.

Some women after having sex at this stage of pregnancy notice some drops of blood or pink discharge on their underwear. Usually this symptom occurs in the first day after sexual intercourse.

He brings many future moms into real shock. The appearance of such bleeding may be associated with trauma to the delicate mucous membranes of the vagina and genital tract.

If such a symptom appears, then the expectant mother should consult with her doctor. For sex during pregnancy, couples should choose a more gentle posture.

The occurrence of bloody discharge is an extremely disturbing symptom. Quite often it happens that it is accompanied by increased pain in the lower abdomen, as well as increasing weakness. The severity of manifestations may be different. For some women, it all starts with the appearance of regular red or brown discharge from the genital tract.

Expectant mothers should remember that the appearance of such a symptom may be a sign of bleeding that has begun. It, in turn, happens with spontaneous miscarriage. Crimson, light brown and dark secretions should also be a warning sign for a woman.

In this situation, timeliness of medical care is very important. If the expectant mother in the early stages of pregnancy appeared alarming bleeding, then hesitate to contact your doctor is not worth it.

In some cases, the woman may appear bright yellow thick discharge. Such discharge can occur with various bacterial infections of the intimate organs. Often it is accompanied by an unpleasant smell.

Auxiliary tests will be required to diagnose the disease that caused the appearance of such secretions. They are assigned to the expectant mother by a gynecologist after conducting a clinical examination of the genitals.

In such a situation, a swab from the vagina is necessarily taken to identify pathogenic microflora. If, after the bacteriological examination, microbes have been identified, the doctor will prescribe appropriate local treatment.

Feelings lower abdomen

In most cases, the well-being of the future mother on this period of carrying a child changes slightly. Some women even note that at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy did not feel any major changes in their body.

The appearance of symptoms that occur in the abdomen of a pregnant woman at this stage of pregnancy arises in connection with an increase in the size of the uterus. This leads to the diverse hormonal changes occurring in the female body.

By 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus acquires the size of a large apple. Gradually, its walls begin to thicken. This is necessary in order to protect the baby's body from the effects of various external factors and influences.

The state of the reproductive organs of the future mother at this time is very important. To assess the basic parameters of women's health, doctors necessarily use several criteria. Among such clinical signs, the uterus tone is distinguished, which shows how functional the uterine walls are.

A healthy myometrium (muscle layer of the uterus) has the ability to contract. This layer is composed of smooth muscle fibers as well as connective tissue. It has a certain feature of the structure: the muscle fibers forming it are located in different directions, which ensures a good contraction of the uterine wall.

An excessive increase in the tone of the uterus contributes to the development of conditions that are dangerous for the fetus, which experts call hypertonus - it can contribute to the risk of miscarriage and abortion.

The hypertonicity of the uterus is a triggering cause of an increase in pressure inside the genital organ. Such violations contribute to the fact that the baby may experience various problems in fetal development.

The optimal is the normal tonus, in which the uterine walls are in a physiological state, and the intrauterine pressure remains within the normal range. Normotonus contributes to optimal growth and development of the baby in the womb.

Some women in this period of pregnancy appear discomfort in the lower abdomen. They may feel like pulling the lower abdomen or whining and stabbing the ovary. Such adverse symptoms can develop on one side or on both sides.

These clinical signs significantly worsen the future mom's well-being. The pain leads to the woman trying to take a more advantageous position in which she does not feel that she has a stomach ache. To do this, she can sit on the sofa or in a chair and deviate to his back. This position helps to reduce the load on the lumbar spine, also contributing to some reduction in pain in the lower abdomen.

Some women noted that at the 6th week of pregnancy, they had "pulling" sensations in the lower abdomen as during menstruation. These disorders can be caused by changes in the level of hormones in the blood.

If the expectant mother has a lower abdomen, then she should definitely warn her obstetrician-gynecologist about this.

Frequent pathology

Even with the physiological course of pregnancy, the expectant mother in the sixth week may experience some changes in her health condition. They contribute to the altered hormones.

Thus, during pregnancy, the functioning of the immune system undergoes a number of specific changes. This contributes to the fact that women's immunity is somewhat reduced. This feature leads to the fact that the expectant mother becomes more vulnerable to various infectious diseases. The risk of a cold also increases significantly.

The degree of severity of emerging catarrhal symptoms may be different. This is largely determined by the initial state of health of the woman. Thus, the presence of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract in most cases significantly worsens the course and prognosis of the developing disease.

To the appearance of adverse symptoms of a cold in most cases, leads to the usual hypothermia. Discomfort, as a rule, begins to disturb a woman within a few hours or by the end of the first day after she has caught a cold.

If the onset of a cold was in the sixth week of pregnancy, then the pregnant woman should definitely seek help from a doctor. It is simply dangerous to treat the disease, especially if it is accompanied by severe fever.

Reducing the work of immunity can also lead to the fact that a pregnant woman can have herpes exacerbation. This disease is found every year in the female population more and more often.

The most common clinical variant of herpes infection is labial herpes. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of watery bubbles on the rim of the lips. As a rule, the process is one-sided. However, bilateral inflammation may also develop.

The genital herpes infection is characterized by the appearance of characteristic lesions in the genital tract. Such bubbles may burst with fluid outflow. In this situation, it is very important to prevent the possibility of secondary infection, when bacteria can penetrate the wound surface.

Various violations of the gastrointestinal tract at this stage of pregnancy worry expectant mothers quite often. The most common of these is nausea. Some women even develop vomiting.

These uncomfortable symptoms are most pronounced in the morning. The development of these adverse symptoms is largely “responsible” by the female sex hormone “progesterone”. In the first trimester of pregnancy, its concentration in the blood greatly increases.

Some women also have a feeling of bloating in the stomach. As a rule, this symptom occurs with various errors in the diet and imbalance of the diet. Also, expectant mothers may experience various irregularities in stool regularity, manifested by the appearance of diarrhea or constipation. The development of these conditions contribute to changes in the motor function of the intestine, as well as hormonal disorders.

On why the stomach hurts in early pregnancy, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


