Pink discharge during early pregnancy


Vaginal discharge from a pregnant woman is a phenomenon that requires examination by the attending gynecologist and, in some cases, undergoing appropriate treatment. They can be of different colors, consistency, with or without smell. This article will focus on pink discharge in early pregnancy.

Introduction to the problem

With the onset of pregnancy, tremendous changes occur in the woman’s body. The future mother herself may not yet know her position. However, all its physiological mechanisms have already begun to restructure under the new regime. Some of the changes associated with the new state, it can be a little alert.

These phenomena include the appearance of unusual pink vaginal discharge. They often occur in pregnant women in the early stages of gestation and in most cases are not threatening. Pink discharge may occur as a result of microcracks formed on the walls of the mucous layer of the vagina as a result of inspection in mirrors, douching. In addition, they are after active sexual intercourse, as well as during intravaginal ultrasound.

Many pregnant women who are confronted with this problem are worried about why vaginal discharge of a similar nature appeared right now, when not so much time has passed since the moment of fertilization, because before the onset of pregnancy, such changes did not occur. The answer is quite simple. A woman’s hormonal balance endures dramatic changes. first weeks intrauterine development of the fetus. Therefore, the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus under the influence of a certain type of hormones become loose structure. In addition, during this period there is a significant increase in the number of capillaries, which can be easily damaged even with the slightest mechanical impact.

Every woman, having learned about her interesting position, should carefully observe what happens to her body. In most cases, pink discharge from the vagina in early pregnancy may be a normal variant. They should not plunge a pregnant woman into a panic.

However, if the expectant mother notices some unusual discharge in her, she should report this to the doctor watching the pregnancy.

Characteristics of discharge during pregnancy

The appearance of a discharge of a different nature in a pregnant woman may indicate some kind of inflammatory process. In this case, the expectant mother notes in her the appearance of discomfort in the urogenital zone, which manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, pulling pain, urination disturbance or the occurrence of negative phenomena after visiting the toilet. The nature of vaginal secretions can tell what infectious pathogen caused the appearance of such phenomena:

  • light yellow discharge with mucus is characteristic to gonorrhea;
  • watery offensive with a greenish tinge appear with trichomoniasis;
  • cheesy characteristic of candidiasis;
  • creamy discharge with a "fishy" smell occurs when Gardnerelle.

Pink discharge on a short gestation period is evidence of successful implantation of the ovum.Many pregnant women notice small pale pink vaginal discharge in those days of the month when they were supposed to start menstruating (if pregnancy did not occur). This does not pose a danger to the future mother and her baby. A similar symptom in this case is an indicator of a shift in endocrine equilibrium.

Manifestations of pregnancy of this nature usually pass quickly and should not frighten a woman, unless, of course, they are not combined with pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In most cases, pink vaginal discharge is an indicator that the ovum has been implanted into the endometrium. This stage of intrauterine development can last 1-2 weeks after conception.

Women who assume pregnancy during this period must abandon hot baths, sexual intercourse, excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress.

However, the expectant mother should notify the doctor who observes the pregnancy, in the presence of such discharge. In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe a series of examinations, the results of which will give a complete picture of the hormonal background of the woman. If a specialist considers that some indicators are not correct, he will prescribe a hormonal medication. Thanks to this, the pregnancy will be saved.

During pregnancy, mucous discharge of pink color may appear. This may indicate the development of candidiasis or thrush. Future mothers often suffer from this disease in the early and late periods of gestation. In this case, antifungal drugs are prescribed to a pregnant woman, taking into account the duration of pregnancy.

Pink brown

In most cases, scanty pale pink vaginal discharge does not pose a great threat to the health of the expectant mother and her baby, unlike the discharge that has brownish blotches. A woman in early pregnancy may notice the appearance of a brown impurity in the pink discharge. This may indicate the development of placental abruption. Such a symptom is a reason to immediately seek qualified medical assistance, as in this situation there is a real threat of spontaneous abortion.

Accompanying pathological signs may be pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, the increase in the intensity of discharge, which gradually acquire a bright red tint.

The delay in providing appropriate assistance for placental abruption can end very badly. Also, pink and brown discharge can be a sign of missed abortion. Other symptoms in this case may not be.

The cause of pink discharge with a brown tint may be an ectopic pregnancy. It is characterized by implantation of the ovum not into the uterus, but into the mucous layer of the fallopian tubes. At the same time, the embryo will develop and grow. The threat of this condition lies in the fact that with an increase in the size of the fetus puts tremendous pressure on the walls of the fallopian tubes, which will inevitably lead to their rupture and the development of bleeding in women, which can threaten her life. This condition is considered terminal, it is dangerous, the woman needs emergency care.

Signs of ectopic pregnancy:

  • spotting red-pink color;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of consciousness.

When should I see a doctor?

It is urgent to notify the attending gynecologist in the presence of such symptoms:

  • pink vaginal discharge appeared as a result of intense physical exertion, a hot bath, or due to severe stress;
  • they gradually acquired a brown tint or even turned red;
  • the intensity of discharge pinkish discharge increases;
  • vaginal discharge has a strong odor;
  • the appearance of discharge is accompanied by an increase in overall body temperature, genital itching and burning, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • frequent urination, while urine discharge, the pregnant woman feels pain.


Pinkish discharge during pregnancy can occur due to a variety of factors. Most of them are related to obstetric and gynecological pathology. Among the reasons for the appearance of such changes are the physiological processes that accompany the pregnancy at its very beginning. Only a doctor can give a qualified assessment of this situation, who, based on the results of a gynecological examination and data from diagnostic studies, will make a final decision on the advisability of prescribing specific therapy. This is the only way to determine the root cause of the appearance of pink vaginal discharge, which can be one of the following conditions:

  • normal physiological changes associated with the onset of pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammatory process of the female reproductive system;
  • endometriosis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • vaginal or cervical polyps.

On the discharge of pink in the early period during pregnancy, see the following video.

Find out what happens to mother and baby every week of pregnancy.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


