Why is the uterine womb used for conception and in what form to take it?


Couples who are planning to conceive and happy parenthood may encounter difficulties at the very start stage - it is not as easy to conceive a baby as it seemed. After a couple of unsuccessful, "span" cycles, the woman begins to panic quietly. At this stage, it is too early to contact a doctor with infertility complaints, because it is recommended to be examined not earlier than in a year of unsuccessful planning. But already at this stage, you can try the folk remedies that helped tens of generations of men and women to become parents. One of these tools is boron uterus.

What is it and how to apply it for a successful conception, we will tell in this material.

What it is?

Borovaya uterus is one of the names of the plant, which is listed under the name “ortilia one-sided” in the register of medicinal herbs. This plant has long been known. At the same time, several peoples inhabiting the territory of modern Russia in antiquity, there was a tradition to collect, harvest the plant and give it to the bride and groom at the wedding. Almost all nations considered it highly desirable for a woman to become pregnant during the first months after the conclusion of the marriage union. And in some nations a young wife could be punished and even banished, if within a year she did not become pregnant heir. That is why the gift in the form of dried ortilia was especially desirable and valuable.

Today this plant is officially recognized as medicine. It is actively used in the treatment of many gynecological diseases in women and diseases of the urogenital profile in men. It has a pronounced effect to increase the fertility of partners, and this action is due to its unique composition and stunning natural properties.

As a medicinal raw material, almost all parts of the plant are used - leaves, flowers, as well as stems. To harvest the plant professional herbalists advise in the summer (June - early July) or in the fall. It is during these seasons that the grass is maximally saturated with useful substances, which means that it will help to achieve the desired effect.

If self-procurement is not included in your plans, you can purchase fees at the pharmacy, as well as contact herbalists who post their offers on the Internet.

Composition and properties

Borovaya uterus is considered a real fount of plant hormones. It is rich in phytoestrogens and phytoprogesterone, which by their chemical composition are almost identical to similar hormones in a woman’s body. There are quite a few reasons for infertility, but hormonal imbalance, as well as a deficiency of progesterone or estrogen, is considered to be one of the most common reasons why a couple cannot conceive a baby, despite all efforts.

Phytohormones, which contains orthilia, reduce pressure, normalize the endocrine background of the phases of the menstrual cycle, contribute to the correct progesterone maintenance of the second phase of the cycle, important for implantation and development of the embryo, if the fertilization did take place.

In addition, phytohormones:

  • calming effect on the nervous system;
  • improve sleep;
  • inhibit the growth of tumors and tumors;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • accelerate the processes of regeneration, rejuvenate the female body.

The herb also contains natural antioxidants and anticoagulants, such as coumarins, arbutin, hydroquinone. In addition, the uterine boron is rich in vitamin C, resins that improve the immune system, saponins, organic acids, flavonoids. The presence of trace elements in the plant, such as zinc and selenium, creates favorable conditions for improving male fertility, since it is these substances that improve the process of spermatogenesis (production and maturation of spermatozoa).

Tannic and bitter substances in the composition of ortilia have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which is noticed and actively used in gynecology to solve delicate female problems.

Proper reception of boron uterus for women allows you to achieve these goals:

  • the menstrual cycle is normalized;
  • improves the functioning of the ovaries;
  • normal balance of hormones, which regulate at the biochemical level, the change of phases of the menstrual cycle;
  • menstruation becomes easier, painless;
  • inflammatory foci in the genital tract and oragans of the pelvis are reduced;
  • patency and elasticity of the fallopian tubes are restored;
  • blood composition improves.

Acceptance of the uterus of the uterus for men allows you to improve health and increase sexual desire of the representatives of the stronger sex, and in addition:

  • improves the qualitative and quantitative composition of sperm;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • eliminates many urinary tract infections and inflammation.

It is recommended for both men and women to use the uterus of a womb in cases when you want to conceive a child as soon as possible. However, it is not worth waiting for a quick result - the action of many biochemical components of the plant has a cumulative featuretherefore, you need to tune in to several courses of reception in order to achieve a result and see the cherished two bars on the test.

Indications for use

In gynecological practice, a unique plant has found wide application. Douching with sage and boron uterus is indicated for vulvitis and colpitis. Reception of preparations from a plant is shown at a myoma, polyps, the narrowed gleams of uterine tubes, at the disturbances of a menstrual cycle connected with endocrine disturbances. Erosion of the cervix, adhesions and thrush - all of these unpleasant feminine ailments, which often interfere with getting pregnant, are eliminated with proper use of the boron uterus.

Males oryllia-based herbal remedies are indicated for prostatitis and urethritis, for other inflammatory processes of the urogenital system.

To increase fertility, the plant is especially effective in cases of endocrine disorders that prevent conception of the baby. Polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid problems, diabetes in a woman may require the appointment of treatment regimens in which there is a place for one-sided orthralia.


There is a mistaken opinion among the people that herbal treatment is effective and less harmful for the human body than taking medicines. Ortiliya is a medicinal plant, which is one of the potent, and therefore it is dangerous to use it without first consulting a doctor.

Since the herb contains a large amount of plant hormones, before you start taking it, you need to do a blood test for estrogen concentration. Borovaya uterus slightly reduces their concentration, while increasing the concentration of progesterone. Therefore, for women who have reduced estrogens in the blood plasma relative to the norm, can take grass only in the second half of the menstrual cycle. If estrogens are slightly exceeded or are normal, you can take the boron womb immediately after menstruation.

A woman should be aware that the simultaneous administration of medicines containing progesterone and estrogen during herbal treatment with boron uterus is contraindicated - the plant contains enough phytohormones to not get the result,without causing hormonal failure due to an excess of sex hormones.

If a woman who wants to conceive a baby, you first need to treat inflammatory diseases of the organs of the reproductive system, then take drops, tinctures need throughout the month - from 5-6 days of the cycle before the onset of regular menstruation. They do not take ortilia during menstruation, because it dilutes the blood and may cause prolonged bleeding or cycle failure. To increase the chances of conception, it is recommended to take a boron womb after ovulation. It occurs in the middle of the cycle.

To stop taking should also be the day the next menstruation. Well-established vegetable "tandems" - in the first half of the cycle, a woman takes a red brush (this plant is rich in estrogen), and in the second half - a pine womb (as a source of progesterone). Often reception of an ortilia for conceiving a child is combined with sage; this is also a very successful combined use.

The course of treatment of boron uterus is quite long. The minimum period of admission is three months, but the doctor may set other terms, it all depends on the specific cause of infertility, on concomitant diseases and the age of the woman.

Preparing the infusion is quite simple:

  • 10 g of vegetable raw materials, pour a glass of boiled water, wait about 5 minutes after boiling, so that the water temperature is about 90 degrees;
  • insist under the lid should be 15-20 minutes;
  • the resulting infusion is filtered and put in the fridge.

Take it on a tablespoon three times a day, preferably before meals.

If a woman becomes pregnant during treatment, she should stop taking the drug, but only if she has not been diagnosed with infertility. If such a diagnosis was made earlier, you should continue to take an infusion for a month to prevent a miscarriage at an early period. Be sure to consult about this with an obstetrician-gynecologist!

A male uterus is recommended as a prophylactic agent - a tablespoon of homemade infusion per day or 1 pharmaceutical tablet. After 3 months, you should take a break for three months, and then you can resume preventive reception. If there are problems with spermogram or there are inflammatory processes in the male urinogenital system, the drug is taken in dosages half the size of women.

A man needs more time to improve the quality of sperm. The whole process of spermatogenesis lasts about 90 days. That is how much time it will take under the most successful set of circumstances for the composition of the ejaculate to be updated. Most often it takes about 3-6 months.

Forms of drugs

On the shelves of pharmacies can be found not only dried herbal collection ortilla. The preparations that are produced on its basis are numerous, as are the forms of their release. So, you can find a pine womb in:

  • phyto tea bags;
  • tablets;
  • syrup;
  • extract;
  • dragee;
  • vaginal suppositories.

At home, women do with her douching and introduce tampons dipped in the infusion, in the genital tract. The regimen in each case may differ, as well as the dosage.

Be sure to read the instructions that are attached to the package with vegetable raw materials or other forms of release of ortilla.

At home, you can also cook some forms. For example, vaginal suppositories can be made from vaseline, baby cream and herbal raw materials (not dry!). For 120 grams of fatty substance, which may well be any interior fat, you will need two tablespoons of ortilla. During the week, the mass is infused, then from it you need to blind the candles and put them in the refrigerator.

It is most convenient, according to gynecologists, to take boron uterus tablets.They do not need to prepare, enough to buy the drug at the pharmacy. On the day, a woman takes two pills before meals, drinking them down with plenty of water.


As already mentioned, the uterus of the uterus will not help everyone, because the causes of infertility can be different. In some cases, it is dangerous. In particular, in women with complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The admission of ortilia in this case may contribute to the onset of pregnancy, but with the implantation of the ovum, problems may arise and ectopic pregnancy will occur.

Women and men with gastritis should not take drugs of ortillia, as this can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal disturbances - vomiting, diarrhea, changes in acidity.

Women with impaired hemostasis (blood clotting is reduced), the use of this plant and drugs from it is prohibited.

Side effects

It should be noted that any changes in the state of health of partners who have begun to take up a pine-forest uterus should normally pass within the first few days.

If the discomfort persists, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, possibly, cancel a course of treatment.

In the female body, the pine-forest uterus launches a host of invisible processes. Changing the concentration of hormones can cause a shift in the menstrual cycle for several days in one direction or another. The first periods after the start of the course of treatment with ortilia may be different from normal ones. Some women note changes in subsequent cycles - most often the menstrual flow becomes more abundant, sometimes scarce.

Under the action of phytohormones, a woman may become aggravated with chronic diseases, if they are in history. In the most difficult cases, the chemical composition of the plant begins to have a toxic effect on the liver and kidneys. In this case, the woman notes a sharp deterioration in health, vomiting, diarrhea, "wax" skin.


Women are actively discussing this amazing plant on thematic forums on the Internet. Unfortunately, many girls and women still continue to take drugs such as ortilia, not on the advice of a doctor, but on the advice of a friend or grandmother who has heard about the properties of the plant. Therefore, the positive feedback from women, whom the pine womb helped to become mothers, side by side with the reviews of those to whom it not only did not help, but also hurt (the cycle was lost, uterine bleeding appeared).

According to reviews, most of the women whose treatment was successful and ended with pregnancy and childbirth, ortilia, helped only 2 months after the start of treatment. To some, the plant has brought double happiness - a multiple pregnancy has begun. For conception of twins, you need either two eggs, or one, but strong and with a genetic tendency to divide after fertilization. No plants are able to affect genetics, therefore the appearance of twins should not be attributed to the miraculous action of a boron uterus.

However, to provoke a double ovulation, when not one but two eggs come out of the follicles, ortilia may well, because it activates the work of the ovaries and contributes to ovulatory ability. There is, of course, no direct pattern, but the probability of multiple pregnancy increases, especially if a woman is over 35 years old, if she has had several cycles previously, was abnormal, ovulation was absent, or there were no menstruations.

Also, this probability will be increased only if the reception of the uterus of the uterus began after menstruation, and not in the second half of the cycle. Then phytohormones can act on the process of maturation of follicles.

Women who note a lack of effect for three or more months of receiving a boron uterus, indicate the need for additional testing. And this is absolutely correct - if the grass has not helped for six months, it is not worth wasting precious time.The doctor will help determine the cause of infertility and with it the spouses will choose the appropriate way to overcome it - medication, surgical or reproductive-auxiliary.

On how to use boron uterus, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


