Overview of unconventional treatments for infertility


Couples who have tried many different methods in planning pregnancy, but have not been able to achieve the desired result, should not despair, because there are also non-traditional methods of infertility treatment. That they represent and what their efficiency, we will tell in this article.

The choice of method

In traditional medicine, infertility treatment is based on determining the true cause of infertility of a couple. Most often it lies in hormonal disorders, in the pathologies of the reproductive system organs, of both innate and acquired properties, as well as in inflammatory processes in one or both spouses. Treatment is always based on the removal of the cause.

Cases of idiopathic infertility, in which the cause does not objectively exist, are not entirely clear to the medical profession, but still failing to conceive the baby.

100% guarantees of treatment for infertility does not give any traditional or folk method. Each method of struggle for the right to become parents has only a certain approximate percentage of efficiency. Thus, an operation to restore the tubal patency in women subsequently leads to the onset of pregnancy only in 40% of cases, and only 60-70% of childless women help in stimulating ovulation with hormones. In cases of psychological infertility without proper treatment, the probability of self-conception is no more than 5%.

What to do to the rest, who did not "hit" among the lucky ones? You can, of course, accept the fate and stop wanting a child. You can try to make IVF, you can adopt a child from an orphanage or a shelter. And quite often, such methods really make the spouses happy, return them a healthy self-esteem and joy of life. But you can try non-traditional methods. Make it worth it at least in order not to regret the missed opportunities.

In our review, we collected several techniques that have the most positive patient feedback. We will consider their pros and cons, and the choice to do only you.


This area of ​​alternative medicine is not widely spread in Russia, but osteopaths are already emerging, and the couple may well try to ask them for help. However, it should be borne in mind that a woman needs not any osteopath, but a gynecologist-osteopath, and a urologist-osteopath.

Osteopathy is based on the theory of the interaction of all organs and systems in the human body. If something is wrong with the reproductive system, the osteopath will try to find a relationship between the pathology and the work of other organs and systems. It’s not so easy to understand the man in the street, and therefore the level of trust in osteopaths in Russia is extremely low - people tend to believe what they can imagine.

The treatment looks like a special massage, during which the specialist acts on certain points. So, to normalize the hormonal background massage the neck and shoulders, to eliminate obstruction of pipes and reduce adhesions in women massaged the abdomen.

Osteopaths themselves and fans of this alternative medicine claim that the effectiveness of infertility treatment by hand imposition is about 20%. In practice, it is difficult to verify these data, since there are no official statistics anywhere on the number of those who became pregnant due to osteopathy.

The method is contraindicated in women and men with tumors of the reproductive organs, as well as with myoma and polyps in women. Endometriosis is also a contraindication to osteopathy sessions. Experts say that you should not resort to this unconventional method, if you know the exact cause of infertility, since almost all diseases of inflammatory or other nature are a contraindication for osteopathic effects. But with infertility idiopathic form - welcome!


The Chinese imagined that the entire human body was permeated with streams of vital energy. If a problem arises somewhere, the current of energy is blocked. To release it, a puncture is done. Acupuncture does not apply to official medicine just because it has not yet been able to officially register energy currents, but our Chinese Ministry of Health does not want to accept the ancient Chinese teachings.

The rest of the method is well accepted by experts in the field of traditional medicine and is often recommended as an adjuvant therapy. The introduction of needles of different thickness at different angles and at different depths in certain acupuncture points allows you to restore the blood supply to the pelvic organs and improve the secretion of the sex glands in both women and men. The duration of the sessions and the number of them is determined by the reflexologist.

With the choice of such a specialist, one should be extremely careful, because today there are many questionable clinics in which a nurse or nurse will work under the guise of a doctor, at worst a person who has no relation to medicine at all. Almost all such clinics offer acupuncture services. Be sure to ask for a license, do not hesitate to ask the doctor to present a diploma of professional education and a certificate of retraining to a reflexologist.

Acupuncture is difficult to evaluate in terms of effectiveness. Judging by the reviews, it does not exceed 7-10%. Contraindications to acupuncture for infertility - body weight deficiency, fever at the time of treatment, as well as pathology requiring surgical intervention. You can not come to the session after playing sports or taking a hot bath.


There are a great many homeopathic remedies for women and men from infertility. They cost dearly. Homeopathy itself is based on the theory that small doses of a substance are capable of causing large and important changes in the body, the main thing is “to treat like with similar”. Preparations for men - "Vanadium", "Selenium", for women - "Syphilinum" and others. If desired, those interested can find several dozen names of drugs of homeopathic origin.

They are accepted by courses, programs, which for each patient individually can make a specialist homeopath. However, it should be noted that The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies is by no means proven today. Moreover, negligibly small doses of active substances that are part of them are unlikely to affect anything in the human body at all. Therefore, the effect of homeopathic treatment, which, according to reviews, is, though not always, more reminiscent of the Placebo effect.

The power of self-suggestion is great power. But is it worth it to spend a lot of money on such treatment, it's up to you.


Leech therapy is at the junction of the traditional and alternative methods. Hirudotherapy is recognized by official medicine and enjoys love and respect from fans of non-traditional treatment. The essence of the method is quite simple: the leech releases a special substance hirudin into the human body. It reduces the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood, makes the blood more "liquid". As a result, improved local blood circulation. In addition to hirudin, the leech gives the human body about a hundred more useful substances, some of them affect the synthesis of hormones.

Women leeches for the treatment of infertility are attached to a straight line of the abdomen, to the bosom, to the pubis, to the lower back and buttocks in particular points. A man - on the groin area, on the area around the anus, on the sacrum and buttocks. Joint treatment is considered the most effective, in which both husband and wife come to sessions. The leeches will help to restore the menstrual cycle, make the sperm composition more qualitative.

Hirudotherapy is contraindicated for people with hemophilia, with allergic reactions to hirudin (an appropriate test must be carried out beforehand!), Patients with anemia, with oncology, as well as people who recently suffered heart attacks and strokes.

Su Jok therapy

This is an impact on the so-called points of conformity. For example, the uterus and ovaries in a woman correspond to a specific area on the palms, and the pituitary gland, which produces the necessary hormones for successful conception, corresponds to a dot on the thumb. The points of correspondence in men and women are massaged with hands, as well as with special rings of Su Jok, bracelets and even ordinary seeds and stones from plum, peach, grape and apple seeds.

Su-Jok-therapy is devoted a lot of articles and treatises, it will not be difficult to find correspondence schemes and to work on such treatment independently. But one should not count on a special effect either, as regards the treatment of infertility, the effectiveness of such an alternative method has not been calculated.

Hijama points

This is the name of the method, which implies small point capillary bloodletting. Both the method and the name originated from Arabic culture. Special banks that are included in the Hijama set, put in certain areas. With female infertility - on the stomach, between the shoulder blades, between the breasts and in the coccyx area. If it is impossible for men to fertilize their spouse, banks are placed in approximately the same zones. In order not to be mistaken, you can use the special Hijam atlas. In it, each point has its own number.

Vacuum banks are applied to the body at certain points, after which hematomas will begin to form. After a few minutes, the banks are removed and with a treated and disinfected blade, small and shallow incisions are made on the hematomas, so that the excess blood “moves away”. To do this, the banks again return to the place. When the blood stops flowing, the procedure is considered to be over.

Hijama is undesirable if the patient has problems with the skin in places where the cans are applied (erosion, psoriasis, allergic rash or acne). When performing the procedure, be sure to disinfect both banks, and the blade, and hands, so as not to carry the infection.

Efficiency is estimated quite high, but everything is purely individual. Some such treatments help, but others do not. Therefore, if the desire to try, why not use it? Hijama is very much appreciated among Muslims. According to legends, this method of treatment was recommended to people by the Prophet Mohammed.

This is not all methods of alternative treatment of infertility. However whichever you choose, remember that these methods cannot replace traditional treatment, and therefore they should not be replaced by the doctor’s prescriptions. If the doctor allows, try using the methods described above to supplement the treatment prescribed by your gynecologist or urologist andrologist. Without a doubt, many alternative methods enhance the effect of medicines and medical procedures.

For information on how to treat infertility using folk methods, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


