Treatment of diathesis in children folk remedies
Diathesis appears in many babies, manifesting itself with red cheeks, a rash on the body, the restless behavior of the little ones, disorders of the digestive tract and other symptoms. Its cause is caused by genetically and under the influence of various external factors, the tendency of the baby to an allergic reaction to various types of allergens.
Most often, the body crumbs reacts to allergens in the food, but the reaction may occur to allergens that reach the infant by contact and by air. In the treatment of diathesis is often used folk recipes. Let's look at what folk remedies can alleviate the condition of the baby and get rid of the manifestations of diathesis on the skin.

This is a very common tool used in diathesis. Boiled chicken egg is well washed and cleaned. The removed shell is left for two to three days in a warm place under dry conditions, after which it is ground to obtain a powder. For grinding it is convenient to use a coffee grinder or mortar.
The remedy is given to the baby twice during the day. It is enough for a baby younger than a year to give a powder in a small amount (at the tip of a knife), and at 2-3 years of age, the dose is doubled and triple, respectively. Ground shells can be mixed with lemon juice, any food or liquid. The duration of shell treatment is two or three months. Due to the large content of calcium in this tool, the acute symptoms of diathesis are quickly eliminated.
Baths with medicinal plants
Most often it is recommended to use chamomile and a succession. Plants are poured with water and boiled for a quarter of an hour, then left for half an hour and filtered, adding to the bath for bathing the child. These herbs help eliminate inflammation and itching.
Also make a bath with chicory root. 50 grams of crushed root cover with a liter of boiling water and let it stand for two hours, then boil for twenty minutes, cool and strain. Pour the resulting product into the bath for bathing the crumbs.
Homemade Ointment
Add to any baby cream (preferably with vitamin C) fir oil . Stay 3: 1. Lubricate the skin of the baby in the areas of lesions in the morning and in the evening with cooked ointment.
Mix the same amount of such ingredients as medical tar, fresh homemade sour cream, fresh egg white and zinc paste. Use the resulting ointment to treat your baby’s skin several times a day. Do not store such a tool for a long time, but prepare a new batch daily.
Infusions and decoctions
- Infusions that help with diathesis, can be prepared from burdock roots, as well as from dandelion roots. Place a tablespoon of raw materials in a saucepan, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place for two hours. After treating the remedy, give it to your baby three times a day before meals (half an hour) of 50 milliliters. According to the same recipe, it is possible to prepare a remedy from the wheat grass.
- Prepare a decoction of wild rose and bay leaf. Place ten bay leaves in a container with one liter of water, bring to a boil and let simmer for three minutes.Next, pour a teaspoon of wild rose (chop the berries in advance), remove from the heat and close tightly. After 12 hours, the broth should be drained and give the baby a teaspoon three times a day, adding to the liquid that the child readily drinks. To drink such a tool is advised for a long time - up to 6 months.
- From the series you can prepare not only a bath, but also an infusion. Half a liter of boiled water, pour a dry run (2 tablespoons) and leave for 12 hours. Take the remedy is recommended three times a day for half a glass.
- For the preparation of therapeutic broth, take 30 grams of the sequence and madder roots, 15 grams of dandelion roots and burdock, as well as 10 grams of licorice roots. Take 10 grams of such a collection into a separate saucepan, pour 300 ml of boiling water there, heat for 10 minutes, strain and add boiled water to get 300 ml of broth. Drink this tool should be in the morning for 1 glass.
- Make a collection of licorice and buckthorn (take 30 grams), as well as violets (it needs 40 grams). A glass of boiling water to brew 10 grams of the resulting therapeutic mixture, boil for 10 minutes. After straining, add boiled water to the broth to replenish the volume. Means give the child 2 cups a day.
- High efficacy against diathesis in children is an infusion of viburnum bark. The bark in a crushed form in an amount of 15 grams is poured 500 ml of boiled water. Letting it stand for 30 minutes, it is filtered. Drink this infusion is advised after eating a teaspoon.
Other popular recipes
A child with diathesis is recommended to give juice squeezed from black radish. For the first samples, a few drops of this juice are enough, gradually increasing the dose to a tablespoon. Let the child drink this juice before meals for 30 minutes three times a day.
Quite a good tool is considered a bath with the addition of potatoes. For its preparation, four or five potatoes are peeled and ground on a grater. The resulting mass should be put in boiling water (about 5 liters), removed from the heat, mix well, close the lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. The filtered liquid will be similar to jelly. It is added to the bath to bathe the baby. Skin manifestations of diathesis are held for three or four bathing with potatoes.
- Before using any popular recipe, you should consult a doctor.
- If you are bathing a baby in tap water, let the water in front of the bath stand for about 2 hours.
- Do not rub your baby’s body with a sponge.
- Wash the body crumbs only neutral means.
- After bathing, do not rub the skin with a towel, but blot gently.
- At the end of the water procedures, lubricate the skin with a cream for children.