Is it possible to quickly cure conjunctivitis in a child at home?


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye can occur in every child, regardless of age. Even in the first hours after birth, babies can develop conjunctivitis. The symptoms of this disease bring the child a lot of unpleasant emotions. Treatment is urgently needed to prevent unwanted and dangerous complications.

The most common types

The causes that lead to conjunctivitis are vast. Scientists have more than a hundred. For simplicity and ease of diagnosis, doctors use clinical classifications. In them, all variants of conjunctivitis are divided according to the various causes that cause the disease.

All conjunctivitis that is most common in babies can be divided into several groups.

Caused by bacterial flora

Occur when bacteria hit the mucous membrane of the eye. Are the most common among all inflammatory ophthalmic diseases in children. The disease is quite difficult. Usually the incubation period is 10-14 days. The treatment requires the appointment of antibiotics. Treat bacterial conjunctivitis at home yourself is undesirable.


Second in frequency in babies. Caused by various viruses. Most often in childhood, adenoviruses are the sources of the disease. The illness proceeds, as a rule, rather easily. Suppuration and fever up to febrile numbers occur in 10% of cases. Viral conjunctivitis takes place, usually in a week. Mild forms of the disease can be treated at home, under the supervision of a physician.


Arise as a manifestation of allergy. Often develop in children who have a tendency to develop such diseases. Other manifestations of an exacerbation of an allergic reaction join the symptoms of conjunctivitis. In children, well-being suffers, mood worsens, as well as sleep. The treatment is immediate.


Arise if the baby accidentally injured the mucous membrane of the eye. Immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. After additional examinations and tests on special equipment, the doctor will determine the tactics and tell you whether it is possible to treat the child at home.

Conjunctivitis due to other chronic diseases. Often, such variants of the disease are found in babies with exacerbations of otitis or sinusitis. In some cases, sore teeth can also lead to the appearance of conjunctivitis symptoms. With this option, the primary treatment of the causative disease that caused the inflammatory process is required.

The whole topic of children conjunctivitis Dr. Komarovsky will tell us in the next video.

The variety of options and clinical forms of the disease does not allow us to state unequivocally that every conjunctivitis can be treated at home. There are forms of the disease that are not life-threatening for a baby — and therefore can be easily treated at home.

However, first of all, the child should be shown to a pediatrician and an ophthalmologist. They will establish an accurate diagnosis and tell mommy the further treatment tactics.

Main symptoms

Inflammatory disease occurs with a huge number of different clinical manifestations. They can vary significantly in toddlers of different ages.

How to massage the lacrimal canal with conjunctivitis can be viewed in the next video.

The most common symptoms of conjunctivitis are:

  • Tearing. It occurs in all variants of the disease. Usually appears first in the early stages of the disease. Babies are worried about a strong tearing throughout the day. In most cases, the discharge is light, abundant. To eliminate this symptom eye wash is necessary.
  • Redness. It occurs in all forms of conjunctivitis. Often, the entire white surface of the eyeball turns red. In severe cases, hemorrhage may occur.
  • Feeling of "sand" in the eyes. Often, kids complain about the subjective feeling of the presence of a foreign object when opening the peephole. Trying to remove it, kids start blinking more often. This increases pain and impairs vision.
  • Discharge of pus. It occurs in bacterial and chlamydial forms of the disease. Suppuration, as a rule, occurs in both eyes at the same time. Pus sticks together cilia and makes blinking more difficult. To remove the discharge from the eyes requires regular washing with the use of special solutions or decoctions.
  • Painful perception of sunlight. Irritated and damaged eye mucosa is very sensitive to insolation. In the early days of the disease, babies feel better in dark rooms or during sleep.
  • Violation of the general condition of the child. During the acute period of the disease, babies start to act up, eat poorly. Older kids don't play with toys. Kids become weak, drowsy. Sleep brings temporary relief.

We treat at home

Conjunctivitis of any etiology is quite a dangerous disease for kids. At the first appearance of signs of inflammation in the eyes, be sure to show the child to the doctor. It is better to consult a specialist. Sometimes quickly curing conjunctivitis at home becomes very difficult. Often, additional diagnosis and ancillary tests are required to establish a diagnosis. They help to establish the exact diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

Conjunctivitis is treated fairly well. As a rule, for diseases of viral etiology in a fairly mild course, doctors allow treatment at home. Any treatment of inflammatory eye disease requires a whole range of therapeutic procedures. Daily implementation of therapeutic recommendations will quickly eliminate the adverse symptoms of the disease and accelerate recovery.

For the treatment of the inflammatory process in the eyes apply:

  • Hygienic eye wash. For this procedure uses a variety of decoctions and infusions. Chamomile will be a great option for kids of any age. This flower helps to remove the manifestations of the inflammatory process and has an antiseptic effect. Moisten cotton pads in pre-cooked broth and perform washing. It should be done in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. In this case, the possibility of injury or infection is reduced to zero.
  • The appointment of therapeutic eye drops. They are usually prescribed by a doctor. Eye drops are selected based on the cause of the particular disease. For bacterial conjunctivitis requires the appointment of drugs with bactericidal action. Doctors often prescribe albucide, chloramphenicol, or tetracycline ointment. Prescribed antibiotics, usually for 7-10 days. In some cases - up to two weeks.
  • Acceptance of anhistamine drugs. This is necessary when allergic conjunctivitis. All antihistamines reduce inflammation and allergic exacerbations. The most commonly prescribed are "Claritin"," Zyrtec "," Erius "and many others. Antihistamines take 10-14 days (depending on the severity of the initial manifestations).
  • Reception of vitamins and microelements. During the period of acute illness, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes. They help strengthen the immune system and promote rapid recovery. During the month from the onset of the disease should be consumed tablet or effervescent vitamin. Particular attention should be paid to sufficient intake of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and also helps fight any infection.
  • The correct mode of rest. Toddlers must sleep up to ten hours a day. During this rest, the mucous membrane of the eyes is restored, vision is normalized and strength is restored. Newborn babies can sleep up to 12 hours a day.
  • Exception walks in the first days of the disease, especially in the summer. Bright sunlight can enhance conjunctivitis symptoms. Irritating the inflamed mucous membrane of the eye, insolation enhances traumatization and contributes to increased tearing and redness. For kids, walking outside is allowed only after the symptoms of the disease subside. During the festivities should not forget about the hat. It should be light enough and with wide brim. This will protect the eyes from the annoying effects of sunlight.

Treatment of conjunctivitis, which is mild and without complications, can be successfully carried out at home. This must be done under the supervision of a physician. Compliance with all recommendations will be a good guarantee for the complete recovery of the baby.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


