Symptoms and treatment of mouse fever in children


Hemorrhagic diseases, which include mouse fever, in children are quite difficult. To prevent dangerous complications of the disease will allow timely and correct diagnosis.

What causes?

Mouse fever is a viral-related disease. Both adults and children can get it. The disease is quite difficult. Its danger is that after an illness dangerous complications can develop.

The name of the disease was not accidental. They carry viruses rodents. They are the sources of infection. According to statistics, babies living in rural areas are sick more often than their urban peers. It is very easy for a child to become infected when he is on vacation or at the cottage.

Given the peculiarity of clinical manifestations, this disease is referred to as hemorrhagic. According to statistics, the peak incidence among children is between 2 years and 10 years. Boys can become infected as easily as girls. The risk of infection increases many times if personal hygiene rules are violated.

You can become infected in several ways. Contaminated air in rooms with rodents can cause an airborne infection. You can also become infected and nutritional way. In this case, the viruses enter the child's body through dirty hands. Playing in the yard and neglecting washing hands, kids can easily catch the infection.

A less rare variant of infection is contact. In this case, the disease develops after direct contact of rodents or places where they live. The smallest particles of excrement easily fall on the hands of a child. If after this the baby immediately sits down at the table and pulls something in his mouth, then he can get sick very quickly.

How does it manifest itself?

The first signs of the disease appear after the end of the incubation period. For murine or hemorrhagic fever, it is usually 20-25 days. In some cases, this period may be shortened or lengthened. It depends on the physiological characteristics of the child, as well as the presence of concomitant chronic diseases or immunodeficiency.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease include:

  • Rapid and persistent fever. Quite often, it rises to 39-40 degrees. Febrile is maintained for several days and is difficult to relieve with antipyretic drugs. Babies up to 5 years old have a strong fever and severe chills.
  • The occurrence of a headache. Often it is intolerable. The intensity of the pain syndrome is pronounced. The use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs in the first days of the disease does not bring relief.
  • The appearance of nosebleeds. Viruses that cause fever, have a toxic effect on the smallest blood vessels - capillaries. Their increased fragility leads to nasal bleeding.
  • Soreness in muscles and joints. Small hemorrhages in the area of ​​the joints leads to the appearance of pain. The severity of the condition also provokes severe muscle weakness and fatigue.
  • Increased peripheral lymph nodes. They can grow in size several times. When they palpation appears moderate pain. Lymph nodes are usually tightly soldered to the skin.
  • Violation of urine outflow. Portions are small in size. Also decreases the total amount of urine per day.In severe cases, anuria may develop - complete urinary retention.
  • The occurrence of gingival bleeding. Usually a symptom is detected when eating solid foods. The pieces cause trauma to the damaged mucous membranes, which contributes to the appearance of bleeding.
  • Great weakness. The general well-being of the baby is greatly disturbed. The child becomes overly passive, trying to spend more time in bed. Even habitual loads and actions can lead to a worsening of the course of the disease.
  • Visual impairment. This symptom is due to the presence of hemorrhagic damage to the feeding vessels of the eyes. Typically, a sick child appears blurred perception of objects or doubling when looking at closely spaced objects.
  • Severe chills Occurs at a height of elevated body temperature. It is usually very difficult for a sick child to warm up. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs helps to cope with this unfavorable symptom.
  • The appearance of blood in the urine. This symptom is extremely unfavorable. It suggests that the inflammatory process has reached the kidneys. Hematuria or the appearance of blood in the urine suggests that a sick child should be urgently hospitalized in the hospital.


When the first adverse symptoms of the baby appear, it is necessary to show the doctor. Mouse or hemorrhagic fever is an infectious disease. The treatment of this disease is carried out by an infectious diseases doctor. Since the disease occurs in children is quite difficult and it is dangerous the onset of adverse complications, the treatment of the disease is carried out in the infectious disease ward, equipped with equipment for emergency care.

To establish the functional impairments that appear during mouse fever, additional tests are required. All babies undergo clinical blood and urine tests. They help to establish: how difficult the disease is in a child. To exclude dangerous complications of the disease, the baby is monitored and monitored by the heart, conducting electrocardiography.


Therapy of the disease is carried out throughout the acute period of the disease. At this time, the baby must comply with bed rest. Such a necessary measure allows you to prevent dangerous complications from the vital organs.

Adequate drinking regime is needed for good kidney function. Various drinks and compotes made from lingonberries, cranberries and other berries are suitable as drinks. These drinks contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, necessary for the active work of the immune system. Also suitable and ordinary boiled water.

All sick kids are prescribed therapeutic nutrition. It limits the range of products. All incoming food should not be salty or spicy. Limiting table salt is necessary to ensure adequate kidney function and prevents the occurrence of edema.

The course of treatment is usually an infectious diseases doctor. The doctor prescribes antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. In case of a pronounced thrombus formation, anticoagulants and disaggregants are prescribed. All medicines are prescribed in the form of droppers or injections. With the help of such an introduction, the drugs quickly get into the bloodstream and contribute to the effective elimination of symptoms of the disease.

To strengthen the immunity in the subacute stage, multivitamin complexes are prescribed. The composition of these drugs contain all the necessary trace elements necessary for the recovery of the baby and improve his health. Reception of vitamin complexes is permissible at the post-hospital stage. Typically, these drugs are prescribed for a period of one to three months.


To prevent infection with mouse fever, the following guidelines should be kept in mind:

  • Be sure to teach your child to take care of personal hygiene. Before eating, and also after the street, the kid should wash his hands regularly. Especially carefully it is necessary to ensure that the child complies with this postulate after playing on the street or while relaxing in the countryside, as well as at the cottage.
  • Conduct regular processing of garden houses from pests. You should also carefully monitor the cleanliness in the garage or in the cellar. Usually in such rooms often live rodents, which are the cause of the disease. If it is not possible to eliminate mice on its own - ask for help from special organizations that process using professional means.
  • If you are planning an outdoor recreation, then try to carefully pack the food. Store all bulk solids in tightly sealed containers. Meals ready for picnic should be placed in metal containers. While camping, try not to lose sight of the plates on which the food is located.
  • When the first signs of the disease appear, you should not self-medicate! Mouse fever is a dangerous disease that requires treatment in a hospital setting.

How to protect yourself and children from mouse fever is a video tip for everyone who cares about their health.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


