What should I do if my child’s temperature rises after vaccination?
Hyperthermia is one of the most frequent symptoms after vaccination, so parents of children who are to be vaccinated should learn how to act when the baby’s body temperature rises.
The reasons
After the introduction of the vaccine, the child’s immune system begins to neutralize its components in order to form an immunity as a result. In the process of such neutralization, special substances are also released in the body of the child, which are called pyrogenic. They cause a rise in temperature.
What is the temperature and after which vaccinations is considered normal?
The probability of developing hyperthermia is different for each child. It is influenced by the vaccine itself and the individual characteristics of the baby’s body. Some vaccinations cause a rise in temperature very often, others extremely rarely. However, in any case, it is important for parents to know that hyperthemia in the period after vaccine administration is considered normal, which indicates that the immune system is active.
If microorganisms are presented in the form of particles in the injected crumbs of the vaccine, the temperature rise is often observed in the first days after the injection. At the same time, she often does not need treatment and runs independently without a trace.
After the introduction of DTP temperature reaction can last up to 5 days, which is also considered the norm. If in the preparation there were weakened, but at the same time living microorganisms, then the temperature rise can be expected some time after the injection - in seven to ten days.
What vaccinations most often trigger an increase in body temperature?
- Hepatitis vaccination is considered to be poorly reactive, so hyperthermia after it is an extremely rare phenomenon.
- In some babies, the body reacts by increasing the temperature during the development of a reaction to the BCG vaccination, when the injection site is festering.
- A vaccine designed to protect a child from polio is called the least reactive. It almost never causes a rise in temperature.
- But the introduction of DTP, by contrast, is characterized by a very frequent reaction in the form of hyperthermia.
- Hyperthermia after mumps vaccination is rarely observed.
- An increase in temperature in response to rubella vaccine is also relatively rare.
- Measles vaccination often takes place without a fever, but a temperature rise is possible some time after vaccination.
Temperature after DPT vaccination
This vaccine is considered highly reactive, and therefore, after its introduction, the temperature reaction in the form of an increase in the indicator to 39 degrees occurs very often.
Alone children can respond to the introduction DPT vaccinations for the first time, but more frequent reactions to the second or third vaccine. The cause of this reaction is usually the pertussis component. If a drug is administered to a child in which this component is cell-free (for example, Infanrix), the temperature rises less frequently.
If a baby often has a temperature reaction to the vaccine injected, it is better to prefer more purified versions of drugs in which the reactogenicity is reduced.

When to worry?
An increase in temperature, as a normal occurrence of the post-vaccine period, can be both minor and large. Quite often, the temperature reaction is weak - the temperature is not more than 37.5 degrees. For DTP vaccine, the reaction is often average - the temperature rises to 38.5-39 degrees.
If the reaction is strong, that is, the baby's temperature has risen above 38.5, the condition of the crumbs is severely disturbed, and the hyperthermia persists even after taking antipyretic drugs, immediately call a doctor.
The first day after vaccination
Most often, the temperature reaction to the vaccine develops exactly on the first day after the injection. Since the probability of hyperthermia after DTP is quite high, you can not wait for a large rise in temperature, and give the child in the evening after vaccination, paracetamol or ibuprofen. The medicine can be in any form - candles, syrup, tablets.
Child should not be given aspirin, as this drug is dangerous possible complications. It is also not recommended to wipe the child using vinegar or vodka - for wiping it is permissible to use only warm water.
First two days
To prevent allergic reactions in children prone to them, doctors often advise taking an antihistamine in the first two days after vaccination. It is necessary to continue to monitor the temperature of the baby and certainly knock it down to prevent convulsive syndrome (it is possible at temperatures above 38.5 degrees).

First 2 weeks
Vaccination against infections such as rubella, poliomyelitis, mumps or measles can produce a temperature reaction from day five to day four after the injection. At the same time, such hyperthermia is usually mild, therefore candles with paracetamol help the child. If the baby was given another vaccination and during this period his temperature has increased, then it is most likely not related to the vaccine, but indicates the baby’s illness.
- It is necessary to prepare antipyretic agents in advance, while it is good that they are with a different active ingredient and in different forms of release. This will help with a strong temperature reaction.
- A child with a temperature after vaccination should be given more drink.
- Do not wait for a large temperature increase, since it has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the vaccination. So you will only see in your child 37.3, you can give an antipyretic drug. In this case, the best choice would be candles.
- Temperatures above 38 degrees are best met by taking a syrup.
- If paracetamol does not work, give the child an ibuprofen medication.
- Take care of optimal conditions in the room - let the room be cool (+ 18 + 20) and fairly humid (50-80%)