Prevention of dysbiosis in a child
Changes in the composition of the microflora in the children's intestines can cause problems with digestion and health in a child. On symptoms of dysbiosis you must respond promptly and consult a doctor.
It is necessary to treat dysbacteriosis for a long time and patiently, therefore this disease is easier and more expedient to prevent. In addition, dysbiosis can cause unpleasant consequences. What measures can serve to prevent the onset of dysbiosis and when should I start taking them?
To begin the prevention of changes in the intestinal microflora of the infant should be long before the birth of the crumbs. Preventive measures to prevent the development of dysbiosis in infants should begin during pregnancy and include:
- Proper nutrition of the future mother.
- Preventing the development of dysbiosis in the vagina of a woman.
- Treatment of chronic infection foci in a pregnant woman.
- The correct choice of the hospital.
A woman should consume enough dairy products, cereals, vegetables, protein foods, fruits and other wholesome foods. Smoked, sharp, excessively fat, and also allergenic products, the future mother should use at a minimum.
If candidiasis is detected during pregnancy, it should be treated well before the onset of labor, because the correct microorganisms should get into the body as the infant moves through the birth canal.
As for other infections in the body of a pregnant woman, to prevent dysbiosis in babies, a woman needs to pay close attention to diseases of the digestive system, teeth and nasopharynx. Also, the future mom should avoid colds, so that there is no reason to prescribe antibiotics during gestation.
It is also important to ask about the conditions in the hospital, which was chosen by the woman. Whether it is applied to the chest immediately after childbirth, whether there are conditions for joint stay with the baby - these questions are extremely important for preventing the colonization of the baby’s intestines by harmful microflora.

After birth, measures to prevent dysbiosis should be directed to the organization of breastfeeding.
For colonization of the intestines of the baby by useful microflora it is important:
- Attach the baby to the breast as soon as possible.
- Breastfeed for the first month of life and longer.
- Properly introduce foods complementary foods.
- If it is impossible to breastfeed correctly translate into an adapted mixture.
- Avoid unmotivated prescription of antibiotics.
It is especially important to give the baby colostrum, which is produced in her mother's breast in the first days of a baby's life. It contains not only those microorganisms that should normally colonize the children's intestines, but also factors that contribute to the growth of beneficial microflora.
If breastfeeding is impossible for one reason or another, the mixture for the infant should be chosen correctly, and the transfer to artificial feeding should be gradual. As for complementary foods, in the prevention of dysbacteriosis, it is important not to give the baby food that does not suit the baby by age. Haste with the introduction of new products can become a factor provoking dysbacteriosis that will only harm the digestion of the crumbs.
Older children
Older children in first place in importance among preventive measures goes nutrition of the child.Particular attention should be paid to the use of a sufficient amount of fiber and dairy products.
No less important is the lifestyle of the child. The kid must walk daily, get enough exercise, swim regularly so that his body is able to resist harmful microorganisms.
Parents of a child older than one year old should also be aware of such factors provoking the appearance of dysbacteriosis as:
- Antibiotic therapy for a long time and taking other medications;
- Stress and frequent colds;
- Worm invasions.
It is important to examine the child in time for the onset of adverse symptoms and follow the instructions of the doctor in the treatment of colds and other health problems. Prescribing crumbs of antibiotics and any other drugs without consulting a doctor can be unsafe and lead to an imbalance of the intestinal microflora.