Why does a baby sneeze?


All people sneeze. This reaction is quite physiological. However, in some cases, babies start sneezing quite often. About when this condition manifests itself in a child is described in this article.

Alleged reasons

If the baby sneezes once, then this is quite a healthy compensatory reaction. It arises in response to various dust particles entering the nasal passages. They irritate the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages.

When a child sneezes, all pathological particles are completely removed. This reaction helps protect the baby’s body. from penetration of dangerous pathogens into the internal environment.

Frequent sneezing helps remove residual pathological mucus that builds up in the nasal passages in newborn babies. The accumulation of such a pathological secret occurs mainly at night.

After waking up, the child begins to sneeze more often in order to remove all the existing mucus from the nasal passages and nasopharyngeal cavity.

If the baby sneezes in the morning, then this can also be a manifestation of such a compensatory reaction. This is usually a transient condition. However, this condition can also develop in some pathologies. Diseases of ENT organs can contribute to the fact that the child has this adverse symptom.

The environment plays a very important role in the physiological functioning of the respiratory system. Too much temperature may cause the child to sneeze more often. This is manifested most strongly in newborn babies and infants. This is due to the congenital narrowness of the nasal passages, as well as insufficiently effective work of the immune system.

The imperfect structure of the Eustachian tube also contributes to the fact that the child feels a strong “tickling” in the area of ​​the ears. The development of this symptom contributes to the fact that the baby begins to sneeze more often. As a rule, after that he becomes much better.

The appearance of this sign in a baby is transient and completely disappears after a while, when the child is growing up.

Frequent sneezing syndrome may occur in the baby as well as a result. reactions to light. In this case, ultraviolet rays irritate the receptor apparatus. Quite often, this symptom manifests itself in young children.

The baby may also sneeze more often and without any visible signs of a cold. This situation is usually manifested in a child when he has any chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses. A prolonged course of sinusitis or sinusitis leads to the fact that the baby can sneeze more often for no apparent reason.

Viral diseases lead to a violation of nasal breathing, manifesting in a baby the appearance of this adverse symptom. This is manifested by the fact that the baby constantly sneezes, which is a compensatory reaction: the body is trying to cleanse the pathogens that have caused inflammation in it.

Quite often, various symptoms lead to the appearance of this symptom in a child. allergic diseases. Violation of nasal breathing contributes pronounced swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. This is manifested not only by the fact that the baby begins to sneeze more often, but also by pronounced nasal congestion. This symptom increases in a child, mainly after sleep.

Dry indoor air can also lead to the development of a child of this adverse symptom.To dry out the mucous membranes, it is enough to regularly stay in a room where humidity levels are significantly reduced.

If the dry air in the room is also accompanied by a high ambient temperature, this adverse symptom may manifest itself much more often.

The appearance of frequent sneezing in a child is often not the only symptom that occurs in various diseases. Toddlers with various ENT organs pathologies may also feel severe stuffiness in the nose, as well as coughing.

If the child began to cough against the background of complete well-being, in this case Required to seek medical advice from a doctor. Quite often, this symptom indicates the presence of marked inflammation in the airways.

With the intensive development of the disease, other adverse symptoms also appear in the baby. The sick kid becomes more sluggish, his appetite decreases and his sleep worsens.

Many babies feel intense daytime sleepiness. The child has a headache and may even become dizzy. With the development of the disease in a baby, general weakness and fast fatigue increase.

How to make a baby sneeze?

It is possible to provoke sneezing in a child in several ways. For children aged 2-3 years old, you can try to ask them to breathe a little more intensely. Try to hold this psychological reception, turning it into an exciting game. Active breathing can make your baby sneeze.

Tickling of the nasal passages can also cause the baby to sneeze. To do this, you can use a feather or a brush. Such mechanical irritation contributes to the activation of nerve endings, which make the baby sneeze.

But this method does not work for all babies. During an attempt to cause a child to develop such a sneezing reflex, it is necessary to control the intensity of the impact.

You can also try to provoke sneezing in a baby by instillation into the nose of hypertonic solutions of aloe salt and juice. To carry out this procedure should be mandatory only after consulting with your doctor.

This procedure can be used to treat not all children: aloe juice can cause an allergic reaction, so parents should be as careful as possible during this procedure.

Instillation of these substances into the nasal cavity can also be used in some diseases of the paranasal sinuses. Frequent sneezing reflex will help the baby to clear its nasal passages from the secretions present there. Drugs can also be used for this. They are discharged only by a pediatric otolaryngologist or pediatrician.

How to help the child?

To remove abnormal discharge from the nasal cavity in babies, infants should be parents, since children of this age do not have to show off on their own. A clean nose is a prerequisite for maintaining local immunity. The absence of pathological secretion in the nasal passages contributes to healthy nasal breathing.

Remove nasal secretions regularly. It is also necessary to conduct adequate therapy for all colds that develop in infants.

Many drugs in this case can not be used in children of this age. Infants do not yet have to perform gargling at this age. All this greatly complicates the possibility of treatment of catarrhal pathologies.

The main method of treating impaired nasal breathing in babies, leading to the fact that the sick child begins to sneeze more often, is the appointment of nasal drops.

Quite successfully, this local treatment is used in very young children with viral infections. Grippferon or others interferon nasal forms contribute to the normalization of nasal breathing, as well as help to clear the nasal passages from the pathological secretion.

These drugs are actively used in children older than 6 months. They can be used not only for the treatment of viral diseases, but also for prevention.

To eliminate the symptoms of colds, babies are also prescribed various drugs. anaferon. These means are well dissolved in water and help to improve the general condition of the baby.

In order for the baby to begin to sneeze more often, and the pathological secret from the nasal passages got out, special steam baths or inhalations can be performed. To do this, you can use various oils of medicinal plants, which are sold in a pharmacy.

For these purposes, well suited extracts of conifers, eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, coltsfoot, calendula. Cook such broths can be at home.

To do this, take 1-2 tablespoons and fill them with 1.5 cups of boiling water. Brewing herbs is best in a glass container. For infusion, be sure to cover this container with a lid. For better brewing from the top it is better to cover the dishes with a warm towel. Therapeutic infusion will be ready in 30-35 minutes.

You can carry out such inhalations 2-3 times a day. Usually, at least 10-12 daily procedures are required to normalize the condition.

Parents should choose medicinal herbs that will not cause an allergic reaction to the baby. Before carrying out such treatment it is very important to consult with your doctor first.

Do steam inhalation is possible only in children older than three years. At this age, the baby already understands how this procedure will be carried out.

Older children should also take such steam inhalations under mandatory supervision by adults. If the child has not yet reached the age of three years, you can use special devices for home use - nebulizers.

If the baby begins to sneeze more often due to increased body temperature, apply antipyretic drugs. They should be used with febrile. Increasing body temperature above 38 degrees requires mandatory prescription of drug therapy.

To normalize the condition of the body are applied based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. These drugs not only help to normalize the general well-being of the child, but also improve nasal breathing.

Why does a newborn sneeze? The answer is waiting for you in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


