What to do if a child has an ear plug in his ear?


Almost every mother is familiar with the appearance of traffic jams in the ears of babies. When a child’s condition arises, Mom has a lot of various questions about how to cope with such a pathology. This article will tell parents what they should do when a congestion tube appears in a child's ear.

Why do sulfur plugs appear?

They can form in the ear at any age. Adverse symptoms occur in both infants and children. The approach to therapy at each age of children, as a rule, is different.

Sulfur formation in the ear canal is a natural physiological process.. She appears in small quantities constantly. Excessive accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal can cause a variety of factors. In childhood, as a rule, violation of the rules for conducting personal hygiene processes contributes to this.

A small amount of sulfur in the ear canal is necessary. It helps protect the inner ear environment from the entry of various foreign objects, as well as the penetration of pathogens. Also, the sulfuric layer helps to protect the cavity of the middle ear from dust entering there.

The composition of this sulfur mass contains a number of biologically active substances that have a pronounced destructive effect on various microorganisms. These substances are represented by organic acids. The specific smell of this mass gives its constituent sulfur.

Scientists have found that the chemical composition of such a sulfuric layer in babies of different sexes is significantly different. This physiological feature is due in many respects to the different structure of the specific sebaceous glands, producing education in the aural passage of sulfur.

Boys in the chemical composition of such compartments contain much less variety of organic acids than girls.

Normally, excess sulfur masses come out of the ears. This usually happens in those moments when the child eats or talks. Contributes to this specific vibration movements of the lower jaw. This feature is provided by nature to preserve optimal hearing for many years.

Experts identify several provoking reasons contributing to the excessive accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal. These include:

  • Abuse of hygiene procedures. It has long been noted that frequent sulfur plugs appear in babies with whom parents often clean their ears with the help of various cotton swabs or other devices. Carrying out such procedures can be very dangerous. Improper cleaning of the ear canal using a cotton swab can not only lead to the formation of large amounts of sulfur, but also cause damage to the structure of the inner ear.

  • Water ingress. Quite often, this situation occurs in kids after visiting the pool. Water entering the ear canal leads to the development of an imbalance in the formation of sulfuric mass. This will ultimately contribute to the fact that the child will appear traffic jams in the ears.

  • Improper washing. Not only a visit to the pool can lead to the fact that the child will have adverse symptoms of increased serosation in the ears. Often trivial washing of the head, conducted incorrectly, contributes to the appearance of traffic jams in the ear aisles.To this, as a rule, leads a constant hit of a large amount of shampoo and water in the ears.

  • Dry air. A constant decrease in the level of humidity in rooms where babies stay for quite a long time can lead to the frequent formation of sulfur plugs in their ears. To maintain the physiological balance of sulfur formation, it is very important that the air humidity in the nursery does not fall below 55%. This situation often develops in a child aged 2-3 years.

  • Diseases of the ears and various anomalies of the development of the hearing aid. The first adverse symptoms in this case develop already in children under the age of one year. Too narrow ear canal, a large number of sebaceous glands and other anatomical features become provoking reasons for the child's increased tendency to form frequent sulfur plugs.

  • Family predisposition. Children's otolaryngologists have long noticed that babies from families, where someone from close relatives has a tendency to frequent education in the ears of traffic jams, often have the same problem.

  • Increased love of music. In this case, the problem with the formation of sulfuric plugs occurs in the case when the child listens to songs through headphones. This is usually abused by teenagers. The occurrence of sulfuric plugs in this case leads to frequent mechanical effects exerted when listening to music for a long time.


It should be noted that the formation of sulfuric plugs in the ears of a child takes a lot of time. Suspect that the crumbs have such formations in the aisles, parents can and independently. To do this, they should carefully watch with their baby in familiar everyday situations.

The first adverse symptoms manifest themselves, as a rule, already with pronounced mechanical narrowing of the auditory canal. In this case, the child begins to feel a little discomfort in the affected ear, which only progresses over time.

The most difficult diagnosis is in very young children. They still cannot complain to their parents about their concerns.

To determine the ear plugs in a child under 4 years old parents should pay attention to his behavior. The child in this case begins more often. rub or touch the damaged ear. In a pronounced process, the baby may shake his head, tilting it to the side, where a sulfuric plug formed.

In many babies, adverse symptoms increase significantly after various water treatments. The ingress of water into the ear canal leads to a significant swelling of the sulfur mass, which is manifested by increased specific clinical signs. The most characteristic symptom is appearance of sound effects or hearing losswhich appears in the child after visiting the pool, bath or just bathing in the bath.

With the development of the pathological process in the baby appears the feeling of a strong tear in the ear, where is the sulfur plug. If the process is two-sided, then in this case, the child can even greatly reduce hearing. Some babies have a severe headache, which over time only increases, and dizziness also develops.

Quite often sulfuric plugs look like light yellow or white stripes. They can have a very different texture - from pasty to very hard. In advanced stages, sulfur plugs acquire a dark brown color. The intensity of the smell of such ear secretions also varies significantly.

Is it possible to remove the cork at home?

Parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to remove the sulfur plugs on their own. Doctors do not recommend fathers and mothers to eliminate such formations in a small child at home. It is especially dangerous for children with any chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract or congenital anomalies of the hearing aid.

If parents notice that the baby has any symptoms associated with hearing impairmentFirst of all, they should definitely show the child to the doctor. To remove the sulfur plugs from the affected ear can a children's otolaryngologist.

Before the procedure to remove them from the ear canal, the doctor will also inspect all the ENT organs and identify the possible presence of concomitant diseases in the baby.

You can get traffic jams with the help of various medical instruments. Afraid of this is not worth it. If the procedure is performed by an experienced and qualified specialist, then the parents do not need to worry. The risk of causing any traumatic damage in this case almost tends to zero.

After the procedure for removing sulfur plugs from the ears, the doctor will make concrete individual recommendations for the baby. They usually include the discharge of various medications. These funds help the child further prevent excessive formation of sulfur formations in the ears.

Drug treatment

Today, pharmacies sell a huge amount of a variety of drugs to eliminate the ear interlayers. Parents should remember that not all of them can be used in toddlers. Some of these drugs have a complex complex composition. It contains various extracts of medicinal plants. Children should use such drugs as carefully as possible, since they can lead to the development of a strong allergic reaction and significantly aggravate the course of the disease.

You can clean the ear canals with various solutions. They are usually used by children's otolaryngologists. Such use will be effective in the case when the sulfuric mass has a rather loose and soft texture.

In some situations, it will not be possible to remove solid sulfur plugs using only washing. This will also require special otolaryngological instruments.

Washing is a fairly common method for removing sulfur plugs from the ears. To do this, doctors use, as a rule, a solution of furatsilina in low concentration. In some cases, it is also possible to rinse the ear canals with ordinary boiled water. Wash the ears on one or both sides. This is determined by the otolaryngologist during the clinical examination of the baby.

In some cases, the procedure requires several times. Such treatment is carried out mainly in cases when the baby has too hard sulfur plugs. The solution is introduced with a special tool that resembles a syringe in appearance. The volume of fluid injected depends on the age of the child and its initial state.

It is important to note that you can wash your ears in cases when the baby does not have any aggravations of various diseases of ENT organs. The presence of perforation of the eardrum is also a significant contraindication to perform this procedure. It is for this reason that doctors recommend moms do not carry out washing themselves at home.

In some cases, doctors resort to the appointment of special medical ear drops. These agents have a softening effect on dense sulfur plugs. To remove such formations from the ear canals, a rather long-term use of these agents is sometimes required. These drugs include "Remo-Vaks" and "A-Cerumen". These ear drops are prescribed only by a children's otolaryngologist.

The use of special therapeutic candles, which are inserted into the ears, can also become part of the treatment being carried out. Typically, these drugs are assigned to babies who do not have any allergies to honey or bee products.This results from the fact that as a part of many ear candles separate components of propolis can contain. Such use may cause a baby to appear. severe allergic reaction.

Use ear candles in babies with no allergies, preferably at an older age. Such drugs contain in their composition a large number of various natural ingredients, as well as antibacterial substances.

Such use allows not only to get rid of sulfur plugs, but also has a preventive and therapeutic effect on the ear canals. Ear candles can also be used to treat various diseases of the ENT organs.

Some of these drugs have quite pronounced analgesic effect and can be used in cases where the child’s ear has inflamed. The eucalyptus or fir extract included in the candle helps to normalize well-being, as well as to cope with the increased sulfur formation.

Before the insertion of the ear candle, lubricate the skin of the baby's ear with baby cream well. Lay the child on the opposite side. Damaged eyelet should be on top. Then put an ordinary napkin on the ear area, in the middle of which a hole should be made to insert the candle.

Gently massage the ear. Gently and shallowly insert the candle into the ear canal. Do not make sudden movements. It is also not necessary to press hard when inserting a candle in the ear. Remove the napkin and light the upper end of the candle. Then wait a few minutes.

Watch your baby carefully. If the child is strongly disturbed, his face becomes red or his face becomes white, then the procedure should be stopped.

After completing such a cleansing, carefully remove the remaining candle and softened sulfur from the ear canal. Try to carry out this procedure as carefully and carefully as possible so as not to cause traumatic injuries. In some cases, several successive procedures may be required to achieve an effect.

Before carrying out such home treatment, parents should always consult a pediatric otolaryngologist.

On how to properly care for the ears of children, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


