Why can there be a bump behind the ear of a child and what to do?


Lymph nodules prevent the child's body from various infections. Normally, these formations are practically impossible to see. In what cases the baby has cervical lymph nodes and how to help a sick child, is described in this article.


The appearance of "bumps" behind the ear indicates that the child has increased one or more lymph nodules. The sizes of such formations can be very different.

A newborn baby can have a pretty big bump. It is important to note that pathologies of lymph nodes can occur at very different ages. In the normal state, the lymph nodes are of normal size and tightly connected with the surrounding skin. They do not hurt and do not bring the baby any discomfort.

The color of the bony lymph nodes is usually not different from healthy skin. They have a pale pink color.

Various causal factors can lead to the development of this pathological condition:

  • Chronically flowing otitis or sinusitis can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process also on the nearby bony lymph nodes. Especially often this situation develops when the baby has just had some cold or ARVI.
  • Inflammation of the ear lymph nodes also manifests in babies who have bad teeth. Periostitis or caries contribute to the spread of inflammation in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, which are located in close proximity. Quite often, this process happens only on the one hand, where there are bad teeth.
  • Even ordinary runny nose, flowing in a protracted form, can lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes. Especially dangerous in this case, the appearance of nasal discharge due to various bacterial infections.
  • The most dangerous microbes are staphylococci and streptococci. Inflamed lymph nodes in this situation will persist in a sick baby as long as there is a high concentration of pathogens in the body.
  • A cervical lymph node may also become inflamed after severe hypothermia. Usually this condition occurs in a child after walking in the wind. Neglect of a scarf only contributes to rapid hypothermia. Even a short walk in windy weather is enough for the baby to have such education behind the ear.
  • A “bump behind the ear” can form in a child’s head and from bruise. Such formations appear most often in younger children. At this age, kids begin to actively explore the world around them. Especially often this symptom occurs in infants. This pathological condition can develop as a result of the frequent fall of the child when trying to walk, as well as when the crumb begins to try to get up on its feet.
  • If a child has hit his head on an object, he may appear on the frontal bone. various damage. This situation may also appear in the child by the appearance of a “bump” both on the face and behind the ear. The size of education in some cases can even reach 4-5 cm.
  • Immunodeficiency states, congenital or acquired, are also manifested by various lymph node pathologies. Thus, intrauterine infection with HIV infection can lead to the appearance of bilateral inflammation. The lymph nodes in this case reach the size of a walnut.They are usually very hard in density and painless.
  • Tuberculosis infection, proceeding with a decrease in immunity, is also manifested by an increase in various groups of lymph nodes. The appearance of a small "bump" behind the neck on both sides is one of the characteristic symptoms of tuberculosis in children. The course of this disease is also quite severe. Ill child looks very exhausted, lethargic.
  • Quarantine infections may also lead to the fact that the child has enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Such diseases include: scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, measles, hysteriosis and others. Diagnosis of these pathologies is quite complicated. To establish the correct diagnosis requires a range of different laboratory tests and instrumental studies.
Scarlet fever
  • Infection with fungal flora contributes to the fact that the baby has swollen lymph nodes, located on the back and side of the neck. Reduced immunity also contributes to the appearance of such symptoms in a sick child.

Sick fungal infections, as a rule, weakened children or toddlers who have chronic diseases of internal organs.

  • In some babies, swollen lymph nodes in the neck may appear after suffering streptococcal acute tonsillitis. Especially unfavorable in this case, the development of the disease in young children. Accompanied by streptococcal infection is also a strong pain in the throat and high temperature, the values ​​of which often reach 39-39.5 degrees.
  • Use of certain drugs may also contribute to the development of a child's enlarged lymph nodes. So, taking allopurinol, some types of beta blockers, captopril, cephalosporins and other types of antibiotics, gold preparations, antimalarials and sulfonamides leads to the appearance of a sick baby “bumps” behind the ear. In this case, the process is most often two-way.
  • The appearance of the child "bumps" behind the ear can be a manifestation of very dangerous pathologies. So various neoplasms of blood-forming organs and even some malignant pathologies. Lymphosarcoma or Hodgkin's disease is a common disease that causes the lymph nodes in a sick child to grow significantly.

What does it look like?

Notice that the baby has a swollen lymph node, the parents can do it themselves. In this case, it becomes a bright red color and feels hot to the touch. Normal lymph nodes are not soldered to the skin. This symptom can also be detected at home while palpating the damaged nodules.

Inflamed cervical lymph nodes are very tightly connected to the skin. With their palpation, soreness is usually noticeably enhanced.

In a one-year-old baby, it is not difficult to notice a “bump” behind the ear. Usually it stands out markedly above the level of the skin. The color of the formation is different - from pale pink to crimson. It depends on what reason this manifestation caused the baby.

The density of the inflamed lymph nodes can be different. With a moderate course of the disease, they acquire a soft consistency.

Prolonged pathological conditions can contribute to the fact that the lymph nodes become very dense, and in some cases even "stone" in density.

The size of this cervical formation may be different. In some forms of bacterial infections, the lump behind the ear reaches in size a hazelnut or almond nut.

The appearance of several formations at once on the one hand may indicate a severe course of the disease, as well as the possible presence of some dangerous diseases of the blood-forming organs in the child.

The "bump" behind the ear is not always the only symptom manifested in a sick baby. As a rule, the child's well-being deteriorates significantly.His body temperature rises, the values ​​of which can be very different.

Easy current is accompanied by subfebrile condition. In more severe cases, body temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees and even higher.

A sick child becomes capricious, apathetic, nervous. Many babies begin to show symptoms of insomnia. In the daytime, the baby may feel increased drowsiness.

A sick child usually gets tired faster. Schoolchildren with lymph node pathologies may study less well in school and memorize learning material worse.

If the cause of the "bumps" behind the ear of a child has become fungal infection, the baby also has specific skin symptoms. He develops pathological dandruff, and also various rashes are formed. Usually they look like small growths of a pale yellow color, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin.

Pathological dandruff

Bacterial infections are manifested by the appearance of pronounced intoxication syndrome. It is characterized not only by the development of general weakness and loss of appetite, but also by increasing headache. Usually it has a bursting character and increases with increasing body temperature.

Pain in the area of ​​the affected lymph node does not always appear. Most often it occurs when infected with various bacterial or viral infections. Pain syndrome can also spread to the lower jaw and chest. Neoplasms of the neck and tumors of the blood-forming organs often proceed without the development of pain. Strengthening pain syndrome is markedly increased during the feeling of inflamed lymph nodes.

It should be noted that it is undesirable to carry out such a palpation at home, as this can only aggravate the course of this pathological condition.

Feeling of the affected lymph nodes may cause the inflammatory process to spread to other anatomical areas.

The behavior of the sick child also changes markedly. It manifests itself even in infants. Babies can cry more often, refuse to breastfeed. In the daytime, the child almost always sleeps, and at night, on the contrary, quite often wakes up.

Drug therapy

To treat an inflamed lymph node in the neck of a child should be under the obligatory control of the attending physician. Many parents immediately begin to warm the affected skin, which in most cases only contributes to the progression of the disease and can also lead to the development of dangerous complications.

Conducting warming compresses is possible only after the diagnosis. In case of diseases of the blood-forming organs and neoplasms, it is impossible to warm the lymph nodes in any case.

Primary therapy of the disease depends largely on the cause of the development of adverse symptoms in the child. In the presence of bacteria in the children's body, various antibacterial drugs are prescribed. It is better to use means having a wide range of actions. These drugs include clavulanic acid-protected synthetic penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins. Use antibiotics is better course.

Parents should remember that in order to achieve a positive result, mandatory use of drugs is required during the entire course of treatment prescribed. Independently stop the use of such drugs can not, because it can contribute to the deterioration of the disease.

In some cases, a single course of treatment may not be sufficient. In this situation, the selection of another drug or a change in the prescribed drug combination is required.

To eliminate allergic manifestations, various antihistamines. They will not only help eliminate the swelling of the inflamed lymph nodes, but will also contribute to a noticeable improvement in the health of the sick baby. On the background of taking such drugs, the child becomes more mobile, his pathological drowsiness decreases and his appetite normalizes. These drugs include: "Suprastin", "Zyrtec", "Claritin» other.

To eliminate the adverse symptoms, it may be necessary to consume them within 10-14 days. A longer reception must be discussed with your doctor.

In severe cases, drugs are prescribed in the form of various injections. They are usually carried out in stationary conditions.

Sulfa drugs also used to treat certain types of bacterial infections. These funds have a fairly pronounced therapeutic effect, but have many side effects. These adverse effects include abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, and marked loss of appetite. These funds are used only for strict medical reasons.

To eliminate the adverse symptoms that occur during otitis, apply anti-inflammatory drops. They are buried 2-3 times a day according to the instructions on the package. «Otipaks» helps to eliminate the adverse symptoms of the disease already in 3-5 days. These drops are used in the affected ear.

If the sick child’s body temperature rises, then an appointment is required. antipyretic drugs. These tools are used for febrile. In children's practice, the most successfully used drugs containing paracetamol and ibuprofen.

It is undesirable to use acetylsalicylic acid for the normalization of high body temperature, as it has quite a few dangerous complications that can occur when taking this drug.

Anti-inflammatory drugs will help reduce intoxication syndrome. Reception of such means helps to improve the health of the baby, as well as removes inflammation. The same means will also reduce any pain syndrome that occurs in the area of ​​the damaged lymph node. The prescription of these drugs is carried out by the attending physician, since they have quite a lot of various side effects when using them.

Restorative means help restore the health of the sick child. Also, these drugs have a moderate stimulating effect on the immune system. Multivitamin complexes can be prescribed for a long time. To restore the immune system requires taking these drugs for several months.

To reduce the swelling of the inflamed cervical lymph node, you can use various physiotherapeutic procedures. Physiotherapy is prescribed only when the acute period of the disease subsides. Ultrasound, phonophoresis or lidocaine electrophoresis will help reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process and reduce pain. To achieve a positive effect in this case may require 10-12 such procedures.

Some forms of purulent inflammations in the neck may be complicated by the development of abscesses. These formations also look like dense, rather large "bumps" located on the lateral or posterior surface of the neck.

The treatment of such purulent lymphadenitis is carried out only by surgery. In the future, for the rehabilitation requires the appointment of antibacterial agents.

What can you do at home?

The implementation of proper care in the acute period of the disease plays a very important role in the treatment of the disease. All procedures that are carried out to the sick child must be necessarily agreed with the attending physician. Improper hygiene can lead to the fact that the disease will only progress.

In order to prevent additional damage to the cervical lymph nodes, you need to carefully select the child's warm clothing for walking.In the cold season, the baby should wear a scarf. It is better to choose products that not only warm enough, but also light at the same time.

Some advice from alternative medicine not only can not help the child, but can also cause progression of the disease. Use such methods should only be very careful. It is better to consult with your doctor before this.

To reduce the intoxication, you can use a variety of decoctions made from medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory action. Also, these decoctions help to effectively fight against bacteria and viruses that have settled in the children's body. As such treatment, you can use Pharmacy chamomile and sage. You can use them as a tea or a warming drink.

See why the child may have a lump behind the ear, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


